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This is just outrageous!


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Marauders only start to become pvp competitive when they get expertise gear. But I've seen marauders ruin people's lives in full PvP gear, so it's definitely possible. The two things marauders have going for them in PvP is great burst damage and great self-healing. Rage juggernauts are definitely better overall, though, because they're more tanky and have more mobility. But I'm pretty sure an unabated marauder will significantly outdamage an unabated juggernaut of any spec, so it becomes the typical question of glass cannon versus tanky dps. Marauders just need a little more utility. Edited by Lord_Itharius
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The class is broken period. Only fools defend a broken misguided design flaw.


I think your ability to play this class is broken. There is no way marauders are underpowered. Yes it would be great to have more CC breaks or more gap closers. As it stands now my kill to death ratio is at least 10 to 1, that's if I die at all in a WZ. If we got the tools a lot of yall are whining about, we would really be unstoppable and way OP. Learn to play a class before you go saying things are broken. A lot of people already have and are doing great with it.

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I also think a lot of the problems we have is ui responsiveness.


Hard to even talk about balance as long as I can't even get a force charge deadly saber into battering assault off because battering just stucks for 3 seconds then i get knockbacked...

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Sorry bro you picked the wrong game to be competitive in.




As long as they don't fix the engine I don't see SWTOR having a future in eSports. Any competitive player like me knows the important of being 0.2 seconds faster than the guy next to me, its the difference between landing an interrupt- the difference between winning and losing. When I PvP I feel as if I have to fight against my own UI my character isn't moving the way I want it to move the skills aren't even working. I can't even reduce my animation time because Biowear wants me to show off my flashy skills.


^^This is like writen by myself^^


i hope that GW2 give us what we need m8

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The class is broken period. Only fools defend a broken misguided design flaw.


and only fails complain and gripe that its broken..... the class by far is not bottom of the totem poll granted we could use a force pull and/or knockdown to make it even on the stun situation but other than that maras/sints are always topping dmg in pvp so u can fix brocken ... but whats not broken can only be added on to.

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I remember the last time I was completely useless in PvP. I remember the last time the Devs flat out ignored my classes problem's and went as far as to say "they are fine even good". This was when I played WoW as a Hunter which was my main. It looks like I rolled the wrong class. Again.


Note to self for future MMOs: Never roll melee, always roll casters.

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