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Feeling very ripped off


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Cry much?


Anyone who spells cool with a "K" makes me want to stop reading right at that point.


If you wanted a security key you should have bought the CE box, or bought the key seperate.


Cant afford it? Welcome to what your life will be like when you get out of school and have to start supporting yourself.

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Another example of a behind the scenes contract, which is nice for those who have those phones but dude im a poor guy I work 10-10 every day and I have bills and kids to feed. Im not some teenager who spends all my money on stupid accessories that really mean nothing..


Uh....ok, dude, now you've reached the 'what the <expletive> ever' stage with me, have fun and goodluck.

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Why dont they just offer that free to EVERY one, if my account gets hack they will be liable for not offering that trust me on this!


The point is, is they already have the proper system to protect ur account, but u gotto spend extra? ***! thats a rip they should protect us all equally!


your password should work just fine but they cant protect your account from the evil **** virus/keylogger so they offer you some extra protection. If you know how to go on the internetz and not get those things you will prolly be ok if not pay for the extra protection.

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First of all, your rant was miserable to read. Seriously, learn how to break thoughts up into coherent groupings. It felt like a childish ramble.


Ok, on to your issues...


If you read what was included in the version you purchased, it was listed out in writing what would be included. It is your own fault for thinking you were getting some huge advantage over others by making the choice you did.


Regarding the European servers, I don't play on them. Can't really say much other than you must be upset about your other issue and it's carrying over to other things that aren't that big of a deal. Most times, the people who flame others for grammar or use of a different language can just be ignored. Stick to the reasonable players and let the rest fade away.


Take a breather from the game. Neither of your issues is anything that can be fixed by anyone other than yourself (ie. get over it, learn from it, ignore the jerks).


Good luck to you!

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Some of us are honest people?


What does that have to do with anything?


I'm honest but I've done that, because I'm not sure if I'll keep subscribing to a game or not, or I want to use pre-paid game cards, or a whole host of other reasons.


It's standard practice for a MMO to require you to prove you can pay the subscription, to do that you enter a CC or something and they charge it 10 cents or something then cancel the charge.


There's no stipulation at all that I have to keep that card in place, because if I don't my sub is canceled and 30 days latter my account is locked.


This has nothing to with honesty. I proved I can pay for a subscription, that doesn't mean I'm required to keep paying past the free 30 days.

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The point is I mean no insult to any one or their views but theirs some wrongs being done here towards the players, and some bonuses being handed out for having a bigger pocket book...


As for the language thing, how is it right for others to bash and threaten none english speaking clients with reports and account bans. I understand if there spamming yes that can be annoying. But until those say "Russains or w/e" have there own servers I think some tolerance needs to be enforced. Rather then some redneck intolerant noob acting like a god or a moderator reporting some poor dutch guy for asking a question in his language in general.


Again excuse MY grammar but this whole debate is sort of sad... English is in allot of places, but they sell the game in countries that dont primarily speak it also. So again some tolerance and none offensive behavior towards these folks would be better then reporting and banning them. This isnt WoW lets be better then they are towards there people.


And for those of you who have no problems with how things are being done, I would lay odds your the ones with the bigger pocket books. So of course you wouldn't care.

Edited by AbbadunkJr
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First of all, your rant was miserable to read. Seriously, learn how to break thoughts up into coherent groupings. It felt like a childish ramble.


Ok, on to your issues...


If you read what was included in the version you purchased, it was listed out in writing what would be included. It is your own fault for thinking you were getting some huge advantage over others by making the choice you did.


Regarding the European servers, I don't play on them. Can't really say much other than you must be upset about your other issue and it's carrying over to other things that aren't that big of a deal. Most times, the people who flame others for grammar or use of a different language can just be ignored. Stick to the reasonable players and let the rest fade away.


Take a breather from the game. Neither of your issues is anything that can be fixed by anyone other than yourself (ie. get over it, learn from it, ignore the jerks).


Good luck to you!


Spelling cool with a "K" isnt a grammar issue, it's a generational issue.

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Why dont they just offer that free to EVERY one, if my account gets hack they will be liable for not offering that trust me on this!


The point is, is they already have the proper system to protect ur account, but u gotto spend extra? ***! thats a rip they should protect us all equally!


Well, they DO offer it for free for iOS (iphone/ipod touch/ipad) and Android users -- and depending on your cellular carrier, you can get one of these devices for free with a contract. Perhaps you should re-evaluate your complaints.


As for the differences in editions: Yes, for the most part, they're sort of scam-ish. Ever hear of the term "buyer beware"? Well, you've got had. It wasn't -required- to purchase those editions to get the equipment (I'm citing the STAP), and as for the gem, you were able to get one if you pre-ordered. Yes, there are better (stat-wise) gems in the game, but none of them (from what I can tell) have the color combinations that the Edition/Preorder ones do.


In regards to the reason why Bioware did this? It's simple: to recoup development costs. This game is one of the most expensive MMO's in history to have been made -- rumored development costs rival that of most Hollywood productions (US$110 Million) due to the indepth voice acting. Add the fact that this game was teased to the community at 2009 E3, and it got released in 2011. That's two years from teaser cinematic to release. As for the plot writing, they probably started hatching it during KOTOR2 development when they saw the success of another game that involves aliens with tentacles on their faces (cough).

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They do offer it for free. iPhone or Android app. Go get you some security key lovin'.


Serious Mode :

Exactly what I did.


Downloaded the free app for Android (or iphone) and now have access to the security key vendor. Nothing extra spent, and improved account security.


The security key app for iOS and Android is free. As in $0.00.


What a ripoff.


Sarcastic Mode :

Total ripoff I completely agree.

Edited by Hudsonkm
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I just dont get the arguement.


You spent LESS money, you got LESS stuff.


Its like trying to argue that I should get that BMW instead even though I KNEW when I had $1000 EXACTLY what kind of car I was going to be getting.


Do you go to McDonalds and order a Double Cheeseburger off the dollar menu then complain about the guy who got the Big Mac because his food was better?


I swear, its kids and their entitlement issues these days.

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I have to say first that I have followed this game from day one and I do love it completely. However I would like to address some issue with the whole system of "If you have more real life money you get more".

Known widely as "reality".


However I felt extremely ripped off by the Edition I bought. Then by there slight of hand I was forced to throw away more money just to get my 30 free days of play.

If you bought a legal copy of the game, it came with 30 days.


Then Im forced to spend even more to get a key in order to buy the kool stuff in the game, which at this time I refuse to do plus I'm not made of money and really cant afford to.

What cool stuff do you think the Security Key vendor sells? Also, our definitions of "forced" differ greatly.


Honestly I feel as if all the grinding I do in game means nothing as without having a lot of money in the real world I can only by 2nd rate stuff.

Except that is completely wrong. The Security Key/VIP vendors don't sell anything better than what one person with a player normal version of the game without a Security Key can get.

Oh and you know what I got for spending an extra 15 dollars for the game? a crappy bracelet that lets be buy some crappy ship or speeder w/e it is that I don't nor does any one else really want or need...THATS IT 1 THING \.

They spelled out what you got, don't blame them for you not reading.

Yes I get the cool crystal, but theirs better ones in game,

Pre-Order Bonus, doesn't cost you anything.

I get the free speeder, which I don't know why, I can just buy one. and the other little crap like the take a screenshot cmn that should be built into the game. The point is is that I feel the greed choking me already and I honestly don't appreciate it.

Because no game gives something to Special Editions that are flat-out better than non-Special Editions. They give things which are "cool" or "different" but not "better"; it is bad for business.


The second thing I would like to address is the amount of flaming going on between English speaking players and NONE in general. I'm sorry but that section of the EULA talking about that is borderline illegal in so many ways its not even respectable. I am an American but I CHOOSE to play on the European servers in order to stay in touch with many of my friends Ive known in the gaming communities for years Since JKA and SWG. And for others to be so rude as to tell them to shut up and report them getting them banned for occasionally saying some thing in general chat in there own language, thats ****** there rights as humans in a since. I understand overdoing it is different however I often see them trying to be very respectful, then others will turn around and start flaming there grammar. Why dont we start reporting and banning the idiots really causing the issue among the community with there lack of tolerance and focus on whats important? This is not a issue that can be fixed with different servers or chat channels, but more ore less a mutual respect must be established.


So on behalf of myself and others END THE GREED SYSTEM, AND END THE INTOLERANCE. I worked hard to buy this game why shouldn't every detail of it be available to me?

English speaking servers are designed for English speakers. I understand the point you are making, but without proof to back it up it sounds like it is just you making a mountain out of a molehill.

Edited by Syas
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But until those say "Russains or w/e" have there own servers I think some tolerance needs to be enforced.


Is there or isn't there a rule regarding English on English speaking servers?


If so then these people are breaking the rules, period. I don't think I'd bother reporting them, but I also don't play on those servers.


If there isn't a rule, then them reporting people or making threats means nothing because Bioware won't do anything about it.

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Why dont they just offer that free to EVERY one, if my account gets hack they will be liable for not offering that trust me on this!


The point is, is they already have the proper system to protect ur account, but u gotto spend extra? ***! thats a rip they should protect us all equally!


Giving a free authenticator would be a waste of resources seeing as how anyone with a smart phone can get it for free, and it costs them money to purchase and ship the devices(they're the same authenticators as WoW, and use the same process)


If you don't have a smart phone, just pay the few bucks and buy an authenticator.

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THis explains the WHOLE problem right here.


All i need to say.




No this wouldn't be the issue, firstly I worked for apple for 3 years and honest I would never buy a product made or designed by them they are a worse rip off then buying beer at the bar for those prices. LOL Just a personal touch, 2 I'm a family man *** would I want or need an android for?


The Twisted point I'm bringing up is its messed that you gotta have one of those to get it free, other whys shell out more cash. O-O? This is my account why are they not taking every precaution to keep it safe? That's great for those of you who can afford that but not for the rest of us! You can argue all day and night with me but my point still remains, not even Sony was this greedy and sly...


The reason I got pissed about the languages. I am bi Lingual I tried 1 time to assist this Russian who was simply asking where he could find the vendors on taris. His channel was empty atm considering it was late where he lives. I GOT flamed for speaking it and trying to answer his question... I nearly got reported... how is this right when I was trying to do some thing nice, I said one damn sentence worth of Russian and a bunch of idiots start going nuts. Granted yes I could've have whispered it. But atm I was already in a private convo and didn't feel like tabbing it.

Edited by AbbadunkJr
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Giving a free authenticator would be a waste of resources seeing as how anyone with a smart phone can get it for free, and it costs them money to purchase and ship the devices(they're the same authenticators as WoW, and use the same process)


If you don't have a smart phone, just pay the few bucks and buy an authenticator.


Probably a kid and doesnt have the money, or his own money. I see that a lot these days.

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No this wouldn't be the issue, firstly I worked for apple for 3 years and honest I would never buy a product made or designed by them they are a worse rip off then buying beer at the bar for those prices. LOL Just a personal touch, 2 I'm a family man *** would I want or need an android for?


I'm talking about people being ungrateful for what they get.


The entitlement generation.

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