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Suggestion: Electric Induction and Reserves


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These talents are currently absolutely mandatory for every spec, and kind bring back memory of early mage talent trees in Vanilla WoW, where EVERYONE had to go deep enough into arcane to get the "mandatory" talents.


I'd suggest just rolling these into default class bonuses, or making them secondary effects on the first tier talents of every tree, and adding something a bit more interesting to the lightning spec versions.


Having mandatory talents outside of your spec is always kinda lame, especially when they are THIS mandatory.

Edited by Putok
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These talents are currently absolutely mandatory for every spec, and kind bring back memory of early mage talent trees in Vanilla WoW, where EVERYONE had to go deep enough into arcane to get the "mandatory" talents.


I'd suggest just rolling these into default class bonuses, or making them secondary effects on the first tier talents of every tree, and adding something a bit more interesting to the lightning spec versions.


Having mandatory talents outside of your spec is always kinda lame, especially when they are THIS mandatory.


I think it's fine the way it is, at least they are extremely accessible with them being in first tier of the lightning tree.


At least they aren't in 2nd tier and you are forced to take some talents that don't benefit you, such as Convection or Subversion for a Full on Corruption healing sorc.


For hybrid dps specs, these work great where they are, free points with USEFUL stuff while getting up to chain lightning, and not being forced to grab worthless junk.

Edited by Wheelerific
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Considering Electric Induction rounds the cost up to the nearest integer after the modifier is applied, you actually only get a 6-8% benefit from all 3 talent points. Also, most spec builds are either completely force-sustainable, or completely not so. Very few are borderline, and those that are either already pick it up (because there are no better talents, or they need the points to get to T2) or see little benefit from ~8% more longevity before going OOF.


Reserves is a 2-pointer at T1. Low-point T1 talents that are "required" aren't a bad thing, it's only bad if they are T2+. Will of the Sith is in the same category, and Seeping Darkness would be too if the mid-tree talents in Madness and Lightning weren't so bloody powerful.

Edited by Daellia
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