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Who cares about EGA lets discuss this galactic imbalance


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I don't see this much as a problem it will easily even out as days go on, and trust me nothing can beat the large Faction imbalances WoW use to have.


Sadly it actually makes you a better pvper if you are on the underdog side, My server was a Alliances > Horde server and any fair even match up the Alliances got trampled do to the fact most horde member are used to fighting 2 on 1.

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Fem Trooper is voiced by Fem Shepard.. enough said..


That gets my vote.


But more on topic. I've played enough of these kinds of games to tell you. Some servers are going to lean more towards one and some are going to lead more towards the other. But overall it's all going to balance out for the most part and be pretty close to even. Just like the Beta Test Numbers showed.


And Quite frankly there are going to be several of us that in the style they've given us that are going to play both sides.

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You are kidding yourself if you think they are going republic. The 13/14 year old crowd is drawn to evil like flies to ****.


LOL my thoughts exactly. I was reading that thinking...hmm am I that out of the loop with the younger generation? Last time I checked most of them truly enjoy all things evil lol.

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quote/ if I had it my way people would drop gear, exp would be lost and people could be PK'd /quote





This is where every mmo has failed me since UO. It was exciting to go out of town and hope no one jacked you. You had risk of losing your crap. If you were low skill/level you had no business carrying around full GM armor and weps, and a booty ton of regs with you. People were pretty much obligated to kill you and take your stuff. If you didn't like that you could go around protecting the noobs, that made for constant entertainment.



Ya, I played Darkfall. good idea, but bad implementation I guess. I got in late which meant low pops and endless grind.



edit - quote fail

Edited by kingpRaider
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Don't panic OP. Once Christmass hits and all the 13/14 year olds get there game The Republic will fill up fast.


There, I said it


What 13/14 year old is going to pick republic?

No kid wants to be luke skywalker, they all want to be Vader.

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There's been a shift in player base since the days of SWG. Back then it was like 4 to 1 Rebels.


What kid wouldn't want force lighting over force lift?


I was planning on going Republic but the group I play with have the "kid" mindset... so Sith it is. :(

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Correct me if i'm wrong guy but ive been reading articles on 3P fan sites and watching videos suggesting that it's as high as 4 to 1 in favor of the sith...Now I was going to play the sith simply because the operative will be the leased played class and in every MMO that is my calling. Now im totally reconsidering this idea, what if this imbalance gets as high as 6 to 1 or 8 to 1. *** is making people go sith? Whats so much more appealing about them then the rebels? Can anyone figure this out? Will this effect gameplay? Warzones? Talent? Or maybe I should just shut up and complain about EGA since thats what everyone seems to complaining about...and not complaining about game play...mechanics....lag....emmersion....PVP FOR CHRIST!! I grew up with MMOs! Ultima Online anyone? if I had it my way people would drop gear, exp would be lost and people could be PK'd lol but no im getting off subject. I just would like your guys opinions about this "possible" issue and if it will effect us short term or long term.


Considering the game hasn't fully launched, I think it's premature to start judging server imbalance. A lot of various player polls were done before the forum wipe about "What side are you going to play" and it was pretty even.


Also, I'm not sure where you got the assumption the Operative will be the least played class. The Agent storyline is generally considered one of the better ones and so there will be a LOT of people playing Agents. There will be no shortage of Operatives.

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Bounty Hunters = Win

People like to win.

Therefore, people are going to want to be on the Bounty Hunter side. It's simple


Exactly clone trooper vs intergalactic bounty hunter. If your not into lorelol just compare animations. All the Sith animations are better. Its a choice between lightning and pebbles.

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The story lines for the republic classes to me seem.. well g.a.y. the sith just seem more real.. the jedi and tropper classes dont interest most adults.. the smugglers story could be good.. but the real heart is in that dark evil storyline of every sith character..


The republic get to threaten to kill a kid, that's not evil? I played the sith side, it was pretty standard cut and dry you could tell which was going to be the evil answer kind of thing, fairly obvious stuff. Nowhere did I get to threaten to kill a child on the imperial side, bunch of wusses is why.

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Exactly clone trooper vs intergalactic bounty hunter. If your not into lorelol just compare animations. All the Sith animations are better. Its a choice between lightning and pebbles.


1. There not CLONE troopers there just Trooper the Clone Wars is VERY far away.

2. It comes down to taste, for me I'd rather have one REALLY BIG GUN that blow up everything then thousands of gadgets going to the point I feel like Inspector gadget.

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christian wanna bee's?


Yes, its a rather sad condition that has begun afflicting the worlds Bee population. Ever since 'Batman Begins' came out, millions of Bees worldwide have wanted to be Christian Bale. Since cosmetic surgery is obviously unaffordable in a honey-based economy, they have opted to play videogames that feature character customisation in order to live out their dreams.


Insectologists are very concerned about this issue, as they are spending more time online and less time pollenating flowers. There is also the cruel irony that Christian Bale is actually allergic to bees, and now has wear a complete bubble wrap bodysuit to avoid inadvertent stings from Bee-Fans.

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The story lines for the republic classes to me seem.. well g.a.y. the sith just seem more real.. the jedi and tropper classes dont interest most adults.. the smugglers story could be good.. but the real heart is in that dark evil storyline of every sith character..


Agreed and I'm a 40 year old teenager

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1. There not CLONE troopers there just Trooper the Clone Wars is VERY far away.

2. It comes down to taste, for me I'd rather have one REALLY BIG GUN that blow up everything then thousands of gadgets going to the point I feel like Inspector gadget.


Nope all troopers are clones they even start on Kamino ffs.

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Another reason why PVP in mmos fails.


Reason #43: PVP centric players predominantly choose the "bad side" when committing to a PVP environment, causing faction imbalance, long queues, and one sided open world PVP.


This is not actually why a lot of people went Horde in PVP for a long time. It was because the racial bonuses heavily favored the Horde side when pitted against other Players.

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