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Reaching Level 50 Is Too Easy


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3 hours a day and all day on the weekends is not a casual player. Let's say your "all day" means 6 hours. It's probably more than that, but whatever...


15 + 12 = 27 hours a week.


You're playing almost as much SWTOR as someone with a fulltime job. That's NOT casual.




There is no problem with the exp , lvling should not be the point of a MMO , the problem is the lack of end game once you get 50.

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I agree with the situation, I play exactly the same as you, and I hit 49 last night. Good feedback on suggestions, but it's too late now. None of your suggestions will get implemented. Why? As SWTOR tries to attract new players, they will need to start at level 1 and "catch up" to the rest of the player base, because that is likely where their friends are. If anything, BW will increase the leveling speed as they add content and expansions. Edited by Turando
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Yes - and you are still in the vast minority. Last week (cant remember exactly when) BW released a dev post that said the average character was in the late 20's early 30s level wise.


Therefore the VAST MAJORITY of people havent reached the level cap for even 1 character yet.


Oh, that's one possible explanation, yeah. Then again since we had fifties less than ten days after game went live, another perhaps just as likely explanation is that a lot of those characters responsible for pulling down the average level are alts of people who already capped and rerolled.

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I think leveling is paced pretty much perfectly for Bioware's target demographic. I can't remember which interview I read this in, but Bioware did come out and say that they made many design decisions with a slightly older (read: people with jobs/families/mortgages) gaming demographic in mind. They want the game to be completely accessible for casual players who might only get one or two hours of play a day, if that. They also didn't want to pigeonhole people into HAVING to do bonus/pvp/heroics to level.


My husband and I have been playing since Christmas and he hit 32 last week, and I'm closing in on 30 this week. We play an hour or two per day during the week (if we play that day) and somewhat more on the weekend. I think I would be disheartened if it took much longer to level, since I know it's going to get longer/harder as we get higher level.

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The cutscenes really mask how fast you are leveling. I have limited playtime (about 2 hours a night, if that) and since head start I am level 26. If I continue after this month I'll probably hit 50 sometime during my 3rd cycle. However, I did a /played last night and I was at 2 days played. That's fast. I hate comparing to other games but during classic wow it took me 20 days to hit 60 which is still somewhat fast but felt like a much better pace to me.


I don't know why devs continue to think that giving us things faster and enabling us to fly past 49 levels of content in a few days played is a good thing. It isn't. It just burns us out and makes us less likely to resub. You see it now with WoW. When the content had depth and reason we were engaged. Take both of those things away and boredom sets in fast.

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Oh, that's one possible explanation, yeah. Then again since we had fifties less than ten days after game went live, another perhaps just as likely explanation is that a lot of those characters responsible for pulling down the average level are alts of people who already capped and rerolled.


Well that depends on if they went with the mean or modal average... and that I dont know the answer to.


But if you look at games like WOW (sorry!) you can easily find stats there that say that in fact, most characters havent reached the level cap, something silly like less than 20% of accounts have actually accessed high level content or raided.


With that in mind you have to then consider that my reading of the situation is acutally more likely. Most people only have a couple of hours a day, 10 or so hours a week to spend playing this game and they are the people who pay the bills and would be more likely to leave if the game made leveling very hard.

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Oh, that's one possible explanation, yeah. Then again since we had fifties less than ten days after game went live, another perhaps just as likely explanation is that a lot of those characters responsible for pulling down the average level are alts of people who already capped and rerolled.


Since i have 1 lvl 50 i play and 7 lvl 1 that hold names ...

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unfortunately, most gamers just want to get to level cap and play what is there to be played. devs dropped the ball here because, even though you feel like getting to 50 is too easy, most of the development efforts in this game went into leveling and not what happens when you reach 50.


the truth is, leveling is pretty much all this game is. if you're disappointed in that, your life is going to be AWFUL at 50.


Um, SWTOR is known to be a Story based MMO. Where did you think the story element was if not the questing? And don't just say "but there arn't enough class quests". Think outside the box. Play your story through, while also doing bits and bobs around the given planets. Imerse the story by taking in the wonderful landscapes that the artists have created for us. Slap on some great SW tracks if the in game music isn't alsways the epic feel you want (i do this, using epic orchestrial fantasy scores while leveling is *********** fantastic).


They spent most of their time on the leveling aspect to make it brilliant for a story line per class. Oh and, think of it this way. They spent alot of time developing the story leveling bit, and the original team is still creating new stuff that will be out soon. They spent a year developing the Rakghoul content for christ sake all the effor that went into that. Just think what's waiting around the corner. They're not going to release new content just because a fraction of the player base powered to the cap and is now bored after a month.

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I can go with 1,5 days played to be level 85 in World of Warcraft. Im 4 days played now in SWTOR and only level 44 (ok ok i idle alot while chatting with friends...)

I know stupid comparison but it does not feel to fast. Its even more funny leveling in WoW feels actualy slower even if its like 5 times faster because im less bored in SWTOR.

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I can go with 1,5 days played to be level 85 in World of Warcraft. Im 4 days played now in SWTOR and only level 44 (ok ok i idle alot while chatting with friends...)

I know stupid comparison but it does not feel to fast. Its even more funny leveling in WoW feels actualy slower even if its like 5 times faster because im less bored in SWTOR.


Love to see a screenshot of that.

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OP is right imo. Leveling speed is way too fast. There is zero reason to form traditional grind parties, which I believe Bioware said was sorta one of their goals so mission accomplished if so. But the downside of that is that people hit cap fast, get bored, QQ here, and roll sometimes. Just halving the exp gain rate, or not giving rested EXP, or something would have helped people focus on playing the game to level as opposed to focusing so early on what's wrong with the game because they've already played out the content.


"Traditional grind parties?" The only time i had to grind in an mmo for xp was on my main during tbc about a month after the expansion was released, i did the stupid thing and powered my way to to 70 instead of taking in and enjoying the leveling experience like i did from 1 to 60. So i grinded my way from 69 to 70 using the elite riders in SMV among the other mobs nearby the entrance to the BT. That was THE only time i ever grinded for leveling.


I've already outlined what the real reason for the downside you posted, it's not because there is a lack of grinding, but because people are just powering themselves to the cap and in the process skipping most of what the devs made the game for. It's their own fault and now we have to suffer their endless QQs.

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Highly disagree with the OP. The original WoW took 1 month to lv60 and was even easier than this one. Final Fantasy's took 1 month to get to 75 if you had a steady group that knew how to grind mobs.


I like Star Wars leveling system as it is. It's not that easy (unless you are playing pure dps class) and it is more entertaining than the leveling of both games I've listed. The former of which, I spent some time grinding in between series of quests b/c at the time, there were none.

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Highly disagree with the OP. The original WoW took 1 month to lv60 and was even easier than this one. Final Fantasy's took 1 month to get to 75 if you had a steady group that knew how to grind mobs.


I like Star Wars leveling system as it is. It's not that easy (unless you are playing pure dps class) and it is more entertaining than the leveling of both games I've listed. The former of which, I spent some time grinding in between series of quests b/c at the time, there were none.


This is blatantly false. Leveling in the original WOW was not easier or faster than TOR.

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Leveling is far too easy, I have 2 almost 3 50s (42 atm on one) and I havnt even been trying. THe patch before release they increased mission xp and it was NOT needed.


You can now level with skipping 50% of the quests on a planet, its ridiculous. You can skip them all if you knock out the heroics and class / main story quest. Im not actually sure why bioware put so much time and money into writing and voice acting all these quests when they're not even going to let people do them.


Thats right LET people do them, I WANT to, but I also want to enjoy the game and no run around doing green / grey quests cause I outleveled them all. Horrible xp rate, absolutely horrible.


You're going to get the opposite feelings for the most part on the forums, the people who lurk around here are typically the "lulz i want it and I want it now" bunch.


edit* WTB abilty to turn my xp -off-, although its a little late now.

Edited by Chiltonium
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Leveling is far too easy, I have 2 almost 3 50s (42 atm on one) and I havnt even been trying. THe patch before release they increased mission xp and it was NOT needed.


You can now level with skipping 50% of the quests on a planet, its ridiculous. You can skip them all if you knock out the heroics and class / main story quest. Im not actually sure why bioware put so much time and money into writing and voice acting all these quests when they're not even going to let people do them.


Thats right LET people do them, I WANT to, but I also want to enjoy the game and no run around doing green / grey quests cause I outleveled them all. Horrible xp rate, absolutely horrible.


You're going to get the opposite feelings for the most part on the forums, the people who lurk around here are typically the "lulz i want it and I want it now" bunch.


But a lot of people dont want to or cannot regularly group up.


For example, I need to go AFK at a moments notice (3 year old running around or waking up!) I therefore cannot dedicate 1hour + (or even garantee 30 min) to get a group together to do a 2+ or 4 heroic quest. I have to say Im really gutted because I would love to do some of them (or at least have a symbol over the blokes head that tells me not to bother talking to him!). If they introduced a scalable level difficulty (about the only thing that STO actually did!) then it would make so much more sense - go in on your own, everything scales, go in with a party of 4 and the same happens.

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This is blatantly false. Leveling in the original WOW was not easier or faster than TOR.

How was it not? There are leveling guides which are infamous now that revolved around doing a certain chain of quests, then grinding, and then moving to the next area and repeating.


People did speed runs just because they could. What's so hard about going to one area, grinding to a certain level and then moving on to the next? You didn't have to worry about any strong's or elite's or even champions like you do on TOR.

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How was it not? There are leveling guides which are infamous now that revolved around doing a certain chain of quests, then grinding, and then moving to the next area and repeating.


People did speed runs just because they could. What's so hard about going to one area, grinding to a certain level and then moving on to the next? You didn't have to worry about any strong's or elite's or even champions like you do on TOR.


'/played' was much higher to max than TOR. At launch the average player was taking 12-15 days played if not more to get to max. Leveling has gotten a lot faster now due to XP changes, RAF, etc., but at launch it took a long time comparatively to get to max level. Keep in mind though. That was a different time in MMOs. Now everything is handed to players on a platter. The bar has been lowered.

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I think it is a tad too fast. I tend to do most of the quests but they turn green and grey so quickly. Add in space missions which I have fun with, you can quickly outlevel a zone. I still do the green quests but each planet I've gone to, the zone has been green to me by the time I get there for the first time.


My highest is only 33 so I have a long way to go.

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'/played' was much higher to max than TOR. At launch the average player was taking 12-15 days played if not more to get to max. Leveling has gotten a lot faster now due to XP changes, RAF, etc., but at launch it took a long time comparatively to get to max level. Keep in mind though. That was a different time in MMOs. Now everything is handed to players on a platter. The bar has been lowered.

It only *seemed* like it was longer because you had to grind and maybe your memory is a bit muddled. Maybe YOUR /played was longer. Not mine though.


I am lv41 and the 28th will be 1 month for me on TOR. Comparatively on WoW, I was already 60 by this time on Vanilla WoW.

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How was it not? There are leveling guides which are infamous now that revolved around doing a certain chain of quests, then grinding, and then moving to the next area and repeating.


People did speed runs just because they could. What's so hard about going to one area, grinding to a certain level and then moving on to the next? You didn't have to worry about any strong's or elite's or even champions like you do on TOR.


Not many people want to use levelling guides, i count myself as one of them. Whats the point in that? I want to experience stuff myself i dont want to know what's going to happen or what's the fastest way to level.


Anyways, i remember it took me 2-3 months to get to lvl 60 in vanilla while playing casually for the most part but also had some weekends when i didnt do anything else than play.


You could just grind it out 24/7, but i hate grinding. Just that mob grinding from 52 to 60 was a pain in the ***, couldnt play more than few hours a day, but when i finally got to 60, thats probably the best feeling i've had in a MMO game. Thats a feeling you get for hard work and something you didnt like to do and took time, but had to do it. In SW TOR you just follow the story, do quests and eventually get to 50. Not saying thats a bad thing, but vanilla WoW was by far more time consuming than TOR, and thats before any of the exp buffs they added later in the vanilla.

Edited by Akingza
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