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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Does this make you cringe when you see it?


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It's funny, this complaint from the OP... yet there are others that want longer time sinks between travel because it's more immersive. So we either got people quitting because there is too much running around, or there are people quitting because there is not enough running around. BW can't win for loosing. I guess they should just settle for the general populace and let the people that are a bit nitpicky on both sides of the fence fall to the wayside.



If the game is not fun, don't play. Simple. You don't have to come to the forums and whine about it.


Yes but some of us come here to laugh at them:)

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I have no problem with getting from one place to another. I plan my quick travel cooldown well enough that I wouldn't think to create a thread about it. The loading screens don't bother me because I'll go a few hours before seeing one.


Elevator loading screens last seconds...


Adapting your gamepley and doing logistics to minimize the travel time is rather a symptom of something wrong in the game.

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planet - walk - elevator - loading screen - walk - shuttle ship - loading screen - walk - elevator - loading screen - walk - ship - loading screen - fly to new planet - get off ship - loading screen - walk - elevator - loading screen - walk - shuttle ship - loading screen - planet!


For the first time in my life i am leaving a game because of something so small. Thanks Bioware


Star Wars Galaxies did not have this problem. But of course why would they use something that actually worked great and people liked? Makes no sense to me at all. Its like they took all the things we hated about SWG and put them in this game and all the things we loved about it they refused to use in any way shape or form here.


Guess Lucas Arts is a glutton for punishment.

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Travel and travel time between quests is my largest gripe as well. After a chapter it's go back to Dromund Kaas, talk for two minutes, go to another planet for one quest, complete said quest, return to Dromund Kaas, finally continue. That's nearly an hour of just traveling to hear five minutes of dialogue and less than a minute of killing.


I won't drop this game for anything, but this still needs to change. I understand why you're leaving. Though you yourself say it's small, it really is a pain that keeps on hurting.

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It's funny, this complaint from the OP... yet there are others that want longer time sinks between travel because it's more immersive. So we either got people quitting because there is too much running around, or there are people quitting because there is not enough running around. BW can't win for loosing. I guess they should just settle for the general populace and let the people that are a bit nitpicky on both sides of the fence fall to the wayside.



If the game is not fun, don't play. Simple. You don't have to come to the forums and whine about it.


Bioware could offer choice.

Something that Bioware and many people do not seem to know.

Either it's this way or another but never a choice.

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All I really want is more content and diversity on each of the orbital stations to keep my interest (make them look different from planet to planet please), removal of the useless airlocks between ship / orbital station and in various other places, and a fast travel to ship option on a 1 hour to 30 minute cooldown. That's it. I wouldn't think that would be too hard...


Then again, unlike many naysayers, I actually have faith that Bioware will actually listen to some of us, provided we start discussing the issue intelligently instead try to whine and complain as loud as we possibly can.

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First of all let me say sure this shouldn't be instant and should take some time. It is an MMO after all right?


Here is the biggest problem with this.


If a guild mate asks for help and I want to go help him. 1st I have to go to the space port.


Take a shuttle up to the real space port. Then run from the shuttle to my docking station. (it's probably the farther of the two)


Cut scene to leave planet. Wait for ship to load (loading screen) Run to my nav computer.


Pick the planet.


Then completely reverse everything I just did once i get there, only with the added bonus that planets loading takes a while.


Now that I went completely out of my way to help a friend I have to go through all of that stuff one more time to get back to what i was doing.


I'm sure it will be addressed, but it is getting annoying.

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When playing a videogame, I should not be required to have patience.

This game offers a daunting playtime; no reason to prolong it artificially with boring stuff.


Most people with a job and family must already offer more patience, time and tolerance than they are willing.

At least, Bioware should acknowledge that many casual gamers and Single Player gamers in US and EU do not want old fashioned MMORPG grind with artificial time sinks.


Everybody should be able play the game as he prefers.

This includes faster travelling (by choice) and faster/slower leveling.

And I agree with you, that faster travel (sprint, mount) should come at earlier levels.


I only care about SWTOR because there is much good about it.


But this is part of the MMO experience, if anyone could power lvl a 50 in a week, then stat them out within a month, all you'll have nothing but a server full of maxed out players that only get on for about a week after each patch to see the new content.


I understand not having much time, I work 50-60 hours a week then go to school for 16 credit hours, so I only get about 2 hours if I'm lucky a night maybe a few times a week. But I'm not going to sit, complain, and demand that a game caters to me when it would bring imbalance and take away from the exp of the other players that enjoy, if that was my goal I'd go play Mass Effect or the other Old Republic games.


And then bringing up the "give the ppl options" to go faster/slower, let's be honest with ourselves, no one is going to take the "slower" path, as much as we are the customers of this game, it is still their game and their story to tell.

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Not really. The loading screen from the ship to the planet is long but the one from the elevator is no different then going to another level of a building via an elevator.


^^^ this. i was annoyed at first, but then I realized after playing for a while that the only real loading screen is the one from ship to planet. Even when you are in the hanger or (on the planets that have them) in the orbital station, you are effectively already in the main planet zones and all the other screens you see along the way load almost instantly and don't really count as a full load screens.

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All I really want is more content and diversity on each of the orbital stations to keep my interest (make them look different from planet to planet please), removal of the useless airlocks between ship / orbital station and in various other places, and a fast travel to ship option on a 1 hour to 30 minute cooldown. That's it. I wouldn't think that would be too hard...


Then again, unlike many naysayers, I actually have faith that Bioware will actually listen to some of us, provided we start discussing the issue intelligently instead try to whine and complain as loud as we possibly can.


Probably there are no idiots working at Bioware.

Everything must be on purpose after years of development and MMORPG history.

This game is NOT 1 month old.


Hence the agressive and disappointed tone of many threads.

We want Bioware to wake up and do the polishment of the basics; as promised and advertised.


Furthermore, the same critics are repeated every day since the Beta.

Bioware could at least give more feedback about the critics.

I guess Bioware likes to have active forums.

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But this is part of the MMO experience, if anyone could power lvl a 50 in a week, then stat them out within a month, all you'll have nothing but a server full of maxed out players that only get on for about a week after each patch to see the new content.


I understand not having much time, I work 50-60 hours a week then go to school for 16 credit hours, so I only get about 2 hours if I'm lucky a night maybe a few times a week. But I'm not going to sit, complain, and demand that a game caters to me when it would bring imbalance and take away from the exp of the other players that enjoy, if that was my goal I'd go play Mass Effect or the other Old Republic games.


And then bringing up the "give the ppl options" to go faster/slower, let's be honest with ourselves, no one is going to take the "slower" path, as much as we are the customers of this game, it is still their game and their story to tell.


It seems that reaching level 50 happens quickly to many; not for me.

So why introducing inefficient but boring time sinks in the first place ?


And if many people prefer the fast way, why should they not have that option ?

I guess only the masochists want to be forced to do what they would not do by choice.

I have read that somebody disables Sprint because it goes too fast; so there are people that actually like the slow way.


Yes it is their game; created for us, the players and customers.

Edited by genpion
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they should have done what they did in mass effect with elevators.... show you taking the thing and having your NPC's shatter on about something. thats something i liked about ME, when running around for the first several hours going up and down elevators on the citadel.... no damn loading screens.


thats a damn fine idea!;)

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Well, yeah, it makes me cringe mostly because it's grossly exaggerated. Most of the places you claim there are loading screens, there aren't.


Yeah, it could probably be streamlined a bit, but frankly, anyone who'd quit over the almost obscenely easy travel in this game was going to find a real issue to quit over eventually anyway.

Quote for truth all over this one. Spot on.


People are way over exaggerating the load screens.


How about we look at actual travel time from one quest area to the next on a different planet. It's going to look much nicer, something in the range of 5 minutes if you're not doing it lazily, maybe 10 if you take a few extra stopping at the GTN on your way there...


Ultimately, between planets only happens once in a while, every few levels. Between quest zones on any given planet is pretty quick in general.

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All I really want is more content and diversity on each of the orbital stations to keep my interest (make them look different from planet to planet please), removal of the useless airlocks between ship / orbital station and in various other places, and a fast travel to ship option on a 1 hour to 30 minute cooldown. That's it. I wouldn't think that would be too hard...


Then again, unlike many naysayers, I actually have faith that Bioware will actually listen to some of us, provided we start discussing the issue intelligently instead try to whine and complain as loud as we possibly can.


Completely agree with a quick travel to our ship.


However, orbital stations.... you spend like 20 seconds running through them. Even if they looked different (which I don't know why they would) - who would notice?


Personally, I don't see why we can't just have a personal shuttle directly from our ship but if we must go the route with an orbital station, so be it. Beyond some thematic doodads, why would their station layout be any different?

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The bulk of the playerbase is about level 20-25 right now. I didn't believe it myself until I rolled my trooper. I just finished Tatooine yesterday - while Voss and Balmorra were low population on my Sage - Coruscant, Taris and Nar Shaddaa were packed tight, even having a 2nd instance spawned at times.


I can guarantee they are mostly alts, it's either that or standing around fleet trying to look cool

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Anyone notice we still have escape pods in our ships that don't do anything so far? I was just thinking and maybe this would help a little with some of the complaints.


Possibilities #1:

When you hit certain lvl you can buy something like a "HALO Jump Launcher" that could be at a decent price but not extremely cheap, that when in orbit you could open the map and choose a spot on the map you would like to Jump down to. But to balance this make where there is like a 1hr cd and you can't halo jump down into open pvp world areas.


Possibilities #2:

Use these escape pods as your shuttle down to the planet, removing the need of the orbital stations. Because to be honest the orbital stations are slightly annouying.


Possibilities #3:

Similar to the the Fleet Pass that has the 17hr cd, you could have the use the escape pod as an excuse to have a skill where the you have it come down and pick you up to take you back to the ship.


With these possibilities you have to think the Excape Pods as small short range space vehicles that don't do FTL. So you can only use it when you are orbiting the planet/station desired.

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Completely agree with a quick travel to our ship.


However, orbital stations.... you spend like 20 seconds running through them. Even if they looked different (which I don't know why they would) - who would notice?


Personally, I don't see why we can't just have a personal shuttle directly from our ship but if we must go the route with an orbital station, so be it. Beyond some thematic doodads, why would their station layout be any different?


I'm probably going to get a bunch of "NO WAY, NO HOW" responses for suggesting this but...how about putting all those commendation vendors and such on the stations? How how about something similar to the space combat missions, but instead of an on-rails Starfox mini-game, how about a turret defense mini-game that is unique for each station? I dunno...I like the stations, I just don't like the airlocks everywhere.


Or, if they had to take out the orbital stations, just let us land on the planet with green force-field instances in the spaceport. They can do it on Coruscant, why not everywhere else?

Edited by photometrik
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Anyone notice we still have escape pods in our ships that don't do anything so far? I was just thinking and maybe this would help a little with some of the complaints.


Possibilities #1:

When you hit certain lvl you can buy something like a "HALO Jump Launcher" that could be at a decent price but not extremely cheap, that when in orbit you could open the map and choose a spot on the map you would like to Jump down to. But to balance this make where there is like a 1hr cd and you can't halo jump down into open pvp world areas.


Possibilities #2:

Use these escape pods as your shuttle down to the planet, removing the need of the orbital stations. Because to be honest the orbital stations are slightly annouying.


Possibilities #3:

Similar to the the Fleet Pass that has the 17hr cd, you could have the use the escape pod as an excuse to have a skill where the you have it come down and pick you up to take you back to the ship.


With these possibilities you have to think the Excape Pods as small short range space vehicles that don't do FTL. So you can only use it when you are orbiting the planet/station desired.


I imagine they will be used in the future but right now, I think they were put there to enable the joke that C2N2 tells every 5 minutes.

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I'm probably going to get a bunch of "NO WAY, NO HOW" responses for suggesting this but...how about putting all those commendation vendors and such on the stations? How how about something similar to the space combat missions, but instead of an on-rails Starfox mini-game, how about a turret defense mini-game that is unique for each station? I dunno...I like the stations, I just don't like the airlocks everywhere.


I think this actually a good idea, it similar to when you were a kid and you come across a ditch, it was just a hassle to cross, but if you add water guns to each side of it, maybe a lemonade stand next to it, even when your walking past it made it more fun and entertaining.

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I'm probably going to get a bunch of "NO WAY, NO HOW" responses for suggesting this but...how about putting all those commendation vendors and such on the stations? How how about something similar to the space combat missions, but instead of an on-rails Starfox mini-game, how about a turret defense mini-game that is unique for each station? I dunno...I like the stations, I just don't like the airlocks everywhere.


All the commendation vendors are already on the fleet. I only use the planet vendors when I'm on the planet to start with. Otherwise, I stop by the fleet. They are conveniently close together there.


Space combat is fine, except for being blinded by bright blaster fire in heavy forward ship to ship attacks. Personally, I think our shields should be tougher pre-epic gear.


I don't want to see space combat removed but rather made co-op where other players in the group/raid follow slightly different rails. I also would like space combat to have some missions in 1st person mode.


I'm fine with more mini-games like Pazaak and swoop/pod racing.


Or, if they had to take out the orbital stations, just let us land on the planet with green force-field instances in the spaceport. They can do it on Coruscant, why not everywhere else?


I thought our ships would be larger than they are - the size they currently are, I see no real reason why they cannot land on the planet themselves. I would rather the orbital stations be taken out entirely and just let us take the invisible shuttle from our ship to the surface. Our ship should be big enough to have a 2-man shuttle anyway, like ME2's Normandy was.

Edited by Raeln
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One other thing - why is it necessary that I see the loading screen when simply ALT+TABing out and back in? Bioware must LOVE that loading screen art. I agree with the OP that this is irritating to the extreme and very immersion breaking. It just feels really lazy. Let's not optimize the game, lets just put loading screens everywhere.



If you run in Windowed Full Screen, you don't get the load screen when Alt-Tabbing

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In all honesty, it can be annoying. However, all they need to do to fix this is add one of the quick travel points to your ship. The first time you visit a planet you will need to unlock the planet side QT points. After that, once in orbit you use QT to shuttle to any QT on planet. Having one on your ship means a quick trip back whenever needed.


Problem solved.:D

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