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Supercommando set not worth it?


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Wrong spec maybe, but not the wrong class.


Assault spec can potentially take down people very fast depending on how you play it.


yeah, the best part about this class is that we can do different things for different fights. if its a regular mob i just need to ion pulse and HIB, or ion pulse and stock strike, if its a silver i throw assault plastique in there. . . and so on


basically besides maybe a shadow or smuggler vanguards have amazing burst in raids, and boss sustain dps.

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I agree that shield specialist has a much higher survival rate. I have tried all three trees and have discovered that a few additive stats do equal to higher survival rate. Also, ion cell itself only really benefits shield specialist. It runs alright in tactics but is not that great. I recommend getting the super commando set if you wish to survive longer. If you wish to DPS I would consider respeccing or change your role to just DPS.
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