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One thing BW needs to really fix badly...


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The god dang damage delay. Not sure how many threads there are on this but seriously, when an attack or ability says instant, it should not take a 1-2 second animation display to apply damage to the target on nearly every single on of our moves. On top of that, the glitching and bugged animations with animations resetting themselves and not activating or just not activating at all even though I'm hitting the button multiple times is just unacceptable.


EDIT: And another thing, after looking at the patch notes, *** is going on. We as a class which have multiple known bugs, more so than any class, get so minor bs change. And instead of addressing some of the simple problems, its more important to go and fix the empire class.

Edited by AnthonyLeo
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The hardest thing is 1. Our ability stuttering which there's already a large thread on 2. Our animations. And by this I mean with every one of our abilities having some light saber animation, which is nice and all, that when I use some of my abilities another one is still finishing so the one I just used doesn't work. Happens a lot with force kick. No point in having this off the GCD when I'm in my rotation and can't use it anyway cause I just used a diff ability, better chance of it going off if its on the GCD imo. Just hope they work something around to fix this.
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It's a pretty huge problem in warzones. So long as an enemy is moving at full speed, regardless of whether or not you follow them perfectly, they can be out of Force Sweep's range before the animation finishes, rendering it non-damaging. The damage aoe point is from the point of casting, not from the point where your character is when the animation finishes. Other abilities have similar problems.
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It's a pretty huge problem in warzones. So long as an enemy is moving at full speed, regardless of whether or not you follow them perfectly, they can be out of Force Sweep's range before the animation finishes, rendering it non-damaging. The damage aoe point is from the point of casting, not from the point where your character is when the animation finishes. Other abilities have similar problems.


Slow them.

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