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SI story was disappointing (minor spoilers)


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Broke my forum silence to agree with the OP.

I disliked the story so much (played my assassin to 50) it made me cancel my auto-renew on my sub. Trying out the Soldier now because I've heard that story is decent, if it is maybe I'll stick around another month.


This may be a bit naive, but I was kind of hoping the sorc/sin story would be about your character coming into their powers and becoming a powerful son of a --- but nope, it's written like the character is an ?egotistical moron? or something (hard for me to say, it was tough to make things make sense with the "light" side of the story anyway). You continually make mistakes and then run around chasing macguffins to make up for them. In the end - the power you use isn't even your own. At least your nemesis was powerful in his own right. You? You had to borrow power from elsewhere. I will admit that this is a valid tactic, especially for someone evil/dark (where you can keep the ghosts), BUT I would have liked it better if it were paired with some actual power growth on my character's part.


And you can't even kill your own master right!! She STILL hangs out giving you orders... W T F? Seriously. The least they could have done there was have her try and kill you as Khem and you drive her out at some point. /facepalm


And yes, the Ashara thing was lame and... I'm her master but she needs permission from the Jedi council?? Yet she bows & calls me lord at the end? (Which made me feel kind of dirty... maybe it's just me, but I'd prefer a romance of equals).


Ashara is the only story I have complete all the way - I'm most of the way through Talos' and it's... well, it at least makes sense with his personality.


I kind of enjoyed the first act and the fight with Zash was telegraphed a mile away - I was *really* hoping it wouldn't be a betrayal, just so I'd be surprised, but it is what it is, and the fight was kinda tough (for me). But when she didn't die...and stuck around telling me what to do? UGH. One more reason to never use Khem (his unchanging appearance was a big one too).


I'm not picking on the game itself at this point - just the Inquisitor storyline. My expectations were obviously too high.


Oh, one more thing: very bummed that we don't get an awesome cinematic when we "finish" the game/plot. I guess that's too much to ask... I know that I was pretty tired of sitting through in game cut scenes of talking heads by that point...

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Who said anything about being college educated?


Just not mindlessly spamming the spacebar as fast as you can, slow down, read, and think about what and why people are doing what they are doing.


And that's the problem with the SI storyline, it's not as transparent as the SW. You have to think about deeper motivations, understand human behavoir, and extrapolate in order for it to "not be stupid".


Reading the text to understand what's going on is NOT equivalent to being able to break down a character's inner emotions and expand upon them to better understand their actions. What you suggest as a reasonable approach to understanding motivations of characters like Thanaton is what professional sociologists spend their lives writing books on and studying.


So no, "thinking about deeper motivations, understanding human behavior, and extrapolating" does not fill the plot holes. Sorry.

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I was excited to play an SI what with their story's whole theme being climbing the rungs of the ladder of the sith hierarchy through deception, guile, and power. I played through Act I patiently; I understood that a truly great "rise to power" story required substantial background building, so I was content to collect trinkets for my master before inevitably overthrowing her. The problem was that I never really felt that my character advanced beyond this "collect things for Zash" phase. Even with Zash technically under my command, she was the one calling all the shots and determining where I should be heading towards next in my quest.


The Thanaton story never really gripped me, because I never fully understood his motives. The reason given for why he wanted to destroy me was weak, and it could have been flushed out significantly more than it was. They did made Thanaton a sufficiently intimidating bad guy (and I was right pissed when he has my apprentices killed, probably the part of the story where I felt most in tune with my character), but in doing this they also made another error. In order to overcome a foe as powerful as Thanaton you're forced to subdue 4 separate ghosts in order to augment your own power, which makes your own character seem horribly weak in comparison. The whole forcewalking aspect of the story made me feel as though none of my power was my own and I was using a cheap trick to beat my betters.


Upon finishing the story I felt as if I hadn't truly deserved my seat on the dark council. Sure, I had beaten a council member in fair combat, but my list of sith-y things I've done for the benefit of the Empire was almost nonexistent considering that any class can do the baseline planet quests. My entire quest thus far was for personal gain and not really worthy of becoming one of the 12 most powerful sith in the empire, in my mind.


None of this really bothered me too much until I started playing my agent and found myself immediately drawn into the story. As an agent I find myself performing tasks which are pertinent to the entire galaxy rather than feuding with other sith for trivial personal gains. This discrepancy in the importance of the tasks I was completing has left a bad taste in my mouth for my SI.


I suppose the silver lining to this is that this is only the first part of a developing story and I imagine as an SI you will be partaking in much more significant duties as a member of the dark council once the next story patch arrives. I'm sure the story will gain strength now that the foundation has been laid, but it's just sad that you accomplish so little as an SI compared to other classes in this first chunk of the story.


Couldn't agree more!! Well put post

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And you can't even kill your own master right!! She STILL hangs out giving you orders... W T F? Seriously. The least they could have done there was have her try and kill you as Khem and you drive her out at some point. /facepalm

As this is part of Khem Val's arc not your own you should get more affection with Khem because you seem to not have finished the whole arc.

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I leveled a Juggernaut to 50 and found the story quite compelling. The highlight was the very end when you kill your master Baras and attain the "Darth" title. Of course it was inevitable, but I found myself hating the bastard more and more through each story chapter and I couldn't wait to get out from under him. Further, the dialogue lent itslef to making me feel increasingly powerful through the levels. Well done Bioware! I know some people hate comparisons to WoW (and I don't know why), but feeling anxious to continue my character's storyline in this game really shows where Blizzard can improve their game.


I'm a level 31 SI sorc now and I absolutley love the character, especially in PvP. I myself came from wow where I played a mage gladiator. I found that playing a sorc caster is more fun than playing a tanky spec in PvP. Anyway, I digress; as for SI storyline, I wish I wouldn't have read this thread, haha. However, compared to the Jugg story, this one is disappointing. If an SI eventually becomes a member of the dark council, then they eclipse the final "Darth" position attained by a Juggernaut. Intersting because I felt much more empowered when I played him.


On a side note, man am I going to be pissed if I lose Kehm. I put a lot of resources into him to include gear and an affection rating of OVER 9000, looolo. I'm not sure which companion SI's use or how well they gear them up, but Khem + Sorc heals pretty much means coasting through all of the content, at least up to my level of 31. Nothing is hard unless you run out of force power which is rare. I feel compelled, now, to continue reading this thread to figure out if I need to start sinking affection gifts into another companion if I eventually lose Khem.


Damn my eyes for reading this entire thread!

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On a side note, man am I going to be pissed if I lose Kehm. I put a lot of resources into him to include gear and an affection rating of OVER 9000, looolo. I'm not sure which companion SI's use or how well they gear them up, but Khem + Sorc heals pretty much means coasting through all of the content, at least up to my level of 31. Nothing is hard unless you run out of force power which is rare. I feel compelled, now, to continue reading this thread to figure out if I need to start sinking affection gifts into another companion if I eventually lose Khem.

At the end you get to make 2 proper choices which I assume means 2 different quests/paths when the level cap is raised, keeping Khem is one of those.

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As this is part of Khem Val's arc not your own you should get more affection with Khem because you seem to not have finished the whole arc.


I think I mentioned that I hadn't done all the companion arcs yet - OK then, well there's at least that. I'm getting to them :). I'm just much less motivated now - Khem's at least had a mission to do early on, but the others haven't yet, so I wasn't expecting much. It seems like the resolution to the Zash plot should play out in the main arc, but what do I know...

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I think I mentioned that I hadn't done all the companion arcs yet - OK then, well there's at least that. I'm getting to them :). I'm just much less motivated now - Khem's at least had a mission to do early on, but the others haven't yet, so I wasn't expecting much. It seems like the resolution to the Zash plot should play out in the main arc, but what do I know...

I have only bothered with Khem and Talos so far but from what I read Khem is the only one with an actual mission arc.

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Some people don't read between the lines. That said, there's still plenty of flaws in the SI storyline when it comes to exposition about some of these things.


Again, agreed.


Though I dislike most of the sidequest "plots" to a much greater degree. Whomever wrote those needs to relearn the craft.

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Also, Why couldn't I absorb Kallig's spirit? Since Tulak Hord was such a focus of the SI storyline I think you should have been able to find and absorb his spirit instead of 4 or 5 no names.


And even absorbing them doesn't do much. Sometimes you're stronger than


, sometimes you're not. It's all at the whim of whatever keyboard mashing monkey they've got doing the story at the time. I mean, you actually fight or confront


about five or six times and you manage to kill him only at the end because... because? Because magic!

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And even absorbing them doesn't do much. Sometimes you're stronger than


, sometimes you're not. It's all at the whim of whatever keyboard mashing monkey they've got doing the story at the time. I mean, you actually fight or confront


about five or six times and you manage to kill him only at the end because... because? Because magic!

Or more like


only escapes because... because? Because cut-scene!


Honestly defeat-by-cutscene is the only thing I dislike about the SI story.

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After having played a SI to 50, and am now playing other classes, it's clear to me that the SI storyline was an afterthought.


Either the writers used up their creative energy on the Bounty Hunter and Agent stories, or they farmed out the SI story to a bunch of interns.


Love the class, but the story does not do BW and SWTOR justice for high quality writing.

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about five or six times and you manage to kill him only at the end because... because? Because magic!


The above spoiler is actually false:



You do not even get to kill Thanaton. Someone else kills him. So really, you never even get to kill your nemesis. You loosen the jar lid, but you don't open it. Not very Sith-like.


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As someone else has laready said, you get to be a member of the

Dark Council

. But why? Because you killed an old man who for some reason so ridiculously rationalised it might as well be motiveless has it out for you?

Because you


Kill a Dark Council member


Who was




And somebody needed to


Replace him, like he did before





Thanaton wasn't a member at the start of the story


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Just before going to voss a moff tells u that thanaton has become a darth

So he became a Darth after Zash who was his subordinate? That makes no sense.


I didn't pay attention to his title when I first met him but I thought he was a Darth all the time.

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So he became a Darth after Zash who was his subordinate? That makes no sense.


I didn't pay attention to his title when I first met him but I thought he was a Darth all the time.


I'm sure ur not the only one confused xD but ull notice that zash refers to him as lord thanaton. Now zash isn't his subordinate, take it as thanaton simply been an agent of the dark council investigating a murder.


As for why he wants to kill u its simply that he saw zash as a threat to the empire and ur obvious murder of a darth gives him the oportunity to erase zash's legacy.

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