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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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this really makes me laugh tbh, everyone i crying and moaning about spamming for hours trying to find a group, i understand the thought process behind it but you do need to think about the other side of it.


On wow every moan about dungeon finder cause u get fail-a-lot players who dont know anything and die every 2 mins in dungeons, so the way i see it you have two choices:


1) No dungeon finder and fail-a-lot players cant be bovered to look for groups as its not "easy" and they just wanna play. but you have to wait a long time.


2)Dungeon finder, and u find the group super fast but 9/10 times you will encounter someone who dont know anything and will just run into a large group of elites, without backup.


Your choice.

So that's why the last 15 dungeons I did in wow at this point haven't had a single person die in them.... Oh.. wait. That's the exact oposite of what you're saying. My bad.




1. Can search for a group while questing - Agreed.




1. Will get you really really bad pugs with loot stealers and rude people.

2. Will actually promote ninjas (loot stealers).

3. Will ruin the community.

4. Will absolutely ruin BW cred with it's customers.

5. Will make people lazy and stupid.

6. Will make your guild less worth (who needs a guild when you can just sign up for a random group).

7. Will give people more reason to troll, act like jerks or insult people without penalty.


It's a TERRIBLE idea that will make a lot of people leave the game and ruin a lot for most of the community.


Stop asking for this horrible, game-destroying crap! It's not wanted. It sucks!

What community? Outside of guilds most planets are dead quiet because everything can be done with companions. We're not looking for cross server right off (not all of us) we want options. If you can come up with something that pulls the community together more for the casuals AND gets them groups so it doesn't feel like a glorified SP game, please, share your thoughts.


At this point we're asking for something that will do a few things, and constructive ideas on how to get them is welcome. "Get a guild" is not by the way, a constructive idea and forces people into your play style.


1. Give people that need it faster groups.

2. Give people groups that are 'responsible' (less ninjalooters) - Also, I've asked for a change in loot rolls so that need is greyed out unless it's usable by class - with an added button for 'needing' on companion gear that is under player-need, but above greed.

3. Make the game fun for everyone that's playing - not just the social butterflies in their little guilds that never venture outside of them.


As for this...


4. Will absolutely ruin BW cred with it's customers.

5. Will make people lazy and stupid.

6. Will make your guild less worth (who needs a guild when you can just sign up for a random group).

Won't ruin BW's cred if it makes the game easier for the majority to play. It'll improve it actually. Again, we're open for options - bioware stated they're doing something server-side for dungeons, but nothing cross server yet.


It won't make people lazy and stupid - the ones that are lazy and stupid were like that before starting to play any MMO. Sorry, but that's invalid - those people are there in any system. You just notice them more because you get more groups with the other systems.


A guild is always worth it - those are the people you run upper end content with - IE the Ops/Raids. We're asking for a leveling dungeon/HM dungeon system - not something that auto groups people for the Operations. Let raid content stay with the guilds and organized groups, this won't do anything to change that play. Also, guilds are suppose to be a tighter knit-organized group. Also, those are the people that if you run with them often, you KNOW they're not going to suck and know everyone's strengths and weaknesses. Something you don't get from the finder.


Having a dungeon finder of any type does not force you to change how you play - it doesn't force you to do anything different than you do now. What it does is open up more of the content to those that feel they don't have the time to sit LFG for hours on end.


That said, we've already offered solutions for those that feel community is wrecked by cross server- one of those is a system that utilizes both cross and same server qs by allowing players to pick server only - but still be pulled into dungeons with others from their server that chose to do cross server q.


Changing loot system and giving us more options will decrease the amount of trolls - potentially strengthen community because you WILL find groups while leveling rather than soloing to 50 because you're not wanting to sit on fleet LFD.


The reason I say a server-only dungeon finder will strengthen community ties is that it will allow those that prefer questing to sitting in fleet to meet more people in dungeons rather than just soloing. Cross server is unlikely to really have much of an impact - positive or negative, which is why I really don't mind it (even though again, I prefer Server only LFD).

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Let's see.


No, we don't need a Dungeon Finder. Get a guild.

It has not been a huge success in any game? Which other game? Perhaps in your mind, but not for anyone else. It's a disaster.




1. Can search for a group while questing - Agreed.




1. Will get you really really bad pugs with loot stealers and rude people.

2. Will actually promote ninjas (loot stealers).

3. Will ruin the community.

4. Will absolutely ruin BW cred with it's customers.

5. Will make people lazy and stupid.

6. Will make your guild less worth (who needs a guild when you can just sign up for a random group).

7. Will give people more reason to troll, act like jerks or insult people without penalty.


It's a TERRIBLE idea that will make a lot of people leave the game and ruin a lot for most of the community.


Stop asking for this horrible, game-destroying crap! It's not wanted. It sucks!



Lets see here




1. Can search for a group while questing - Agreed.




1. Will get you really really bad pugs with loot stealers and rude people.

No you wont the majority of runs are good you just remember the bad ones and use those to reenforce your point ( loot stealers covering one of your other points).

2. Will actually promote ninjas (loot stealers).

Ninja looters are far and few between and the majority of those can be fixed with game enforced loot rolls greying out loot you can not use

3. Will ruin the community.

What community? I am on a high pop server and spend from 8 to 12 hours aday in game. The chat window is basically empty with the exception of guild chat the planet chats are dead and never had a life to begin with.

4. Will absolutely ruin BW cred with it's customers.

No it would not it would help there creditability to add a system that EVERY major mmo on the market has in todays age. Even older games have gone and added lfd systems and most of them went cross server.

5. Will make people lazy and stupid.

This one does not deserve a good response and is just insulting!

6. Will make your guild less worth (who needs a guild when you can just sign up for a random group).

It will have no effect on guilds other than take a load off them for demands of RUN ME THRU so and so on your 50!

7. Will give people more reason to troll, act like jerks or insult people without penalty.

These response is deap! You see i find that people who complain about such things to be the root cause of them most times. If you encounters such traits often you may want to look at the common factor.. That would be YOU! I have thousands of cross server lfd runs under my belt across multi games and can remember very few BAD ones and a LOT of good ones! But then i also treat people with respect so very few have any cause to do those things to me!


By the very nature of your response here i can safely assume that the majority of your problems with lfd systems are your own fault!

Edited by Nitewolfe
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You can't have both an mmoRPG - which implies depth, time spent, and diversity - and a constant increase in user friendliness and ease of use mechanics to keep players subscribed.


I think dungeon systems and such that for example WoW has done have ruined the game. Its called an MMORPG for a reason - its an RPG, which implies time spent. It has just become a social game for most people. Jump on, do stuff, talk to friends, go off.


Where is the lore or any kind of sense in having characters randomly warp into a pvp wargame with other random people? It completely bypasses many layers of general cohesiveness of the game world, lore, and roleplaying functions for ease of use and to appease a larger customer base.


What is the sense in allowing faction changes? It makes no sense and bypasses the game entirely - and the objectivity is lost and it is catering to the players now - not the game as an objective system.


Where is the sense in endless respecs, dual specs, giving alliance shamans and horde paladins? How on earth can a Paladin even imagine partying with members of the Scourge and the undead?


To increase playability, product life cycle and subscriptions they butchered the game left right and center - there is no rpg element left. It should just be called massively multiplayer online game. There was a depth when a group of 10 people took the time to come together to do an instance such as strathlome. It required people to interact properly and commit some time - otherwise get flagged as a bad player to play with - weeding out those who suck at the game and at grouping. The rewards were worth it, and after and instance you could enjoy the equipment you got and relax from playing for awhile. Now its bop this boe that, jump in and get a piece of gear with each instance, no forming groups, never meeting the same people again and forming online friendships or companions, tons of aweful, disrespectful players. It was enough for me to leave the game - particularly with PvP.


This is consumerism at its finest. There is the law - 'The customer is always right'. This is a business law, to forward business. Here is another law - a law of what is actually going on - the customer has no idea what is good for him, only what he likes RIGHT NOW. Keep feeding his desire to perpetuate more of what he has, and you develop a lopsided relationship. His belly for the same food gets deeper, you have to keep providing to keep him as a customer, the objectivity of the project and the influx of creativity vanishes.


People saying 'this is what we expect from an MMO' 'this is how this game was', 'i don't have time but you might' etc, are just perpetuating what has worked for them - what they like. It is a good and intelligent creative company - and I believe some are truly creative and enjoy what they do rather than looking only at profit - to ignore this playerbase, allow subscriptions to fall within profit margins, and keep a great and creative product going.


The LFD system is crap. It should be grouping by meeting/knowing/contacting people. I am playing a rather light server but have grouped more and am having MUCH more fun grouping in this game than I have had in WoW since Vanilla. It is because real interactions are taking place - some real RPG is going on - some real time investment is made in forming groups and completing an objective (World boss raids for example), rather than having a bloated consumerbase of a few billion people who have a few friends in real life and giving the rest of the game and players a cold shoulder. - jumping in groups through the LFD tool, kicking me for saying that the hunters' pet is aggroing the whole room because the hunter is the tanks' close personal friend. The system is ridiculous. Its come to a point that giving a response to a previously unknown player - in the group or in a tell or whatever - is some kind of a special reward people are giving to worthy people. Would you just not talk to a person asking you something if they were standing in front of you? Would you not respond to people if you spent 30 minutes finding the group and knew they did too? Grouping is a 'given' in these mmorpgs now and that hurts social decency immensely. Nobody wants to group or do anything. Send them a tell asking if they would like to do an instance in an area, you get a response 'do I know you?'. This is an mmorpg for gods sake - and the internet - of course you don't know me, and of course I have the right to send you a tell asking if you want to join me in something - you have the right to say no but it is ugly when you get a 'do I know you' and then a /ignore. Where is the RPG aspect and the depth in these games any more?


I hope Bioware doesn't become Blizzard. Ever. That company is god aweful and completely consumer oriented with not a shred of creativity or objectivity in creating a quality, cohesive virtual world to play in any longer. It should never be 100% consumer oriented and all the whining, demanding folk should just be ignored in their development process.


Yes, creative input from a healthy consumerbase should be considered - why not? But when the consumerbase wants to just get 'more of the same', gripe on a product that is just a month old to try and replace another mmorpg they are just bored of now, and create environments that allow for this increasingly ridiculously faced paced environment, what remains? Is it already not such a convenience and such a fast pace to be on the internet from home and play internet games with other folk? Already people behave badly with other people and then just /ignore them and interact with the rest of the world because of how abundant it is and how nasty they can be without incurring much of a consequence of not having people to play with - and you want to make it faster and more random, reduce the lore and depth in an already virtual world- to make it as fast and feed the increasingly 'right now' mentality of consumers these days to ridiculous extents? Can you not go near a dungeon and take 20 minutes to form a good group, have a good play experience and have a good time, rather than 'focusing endgame', 'getting such and such loot', or 'getting more valor/honor per hour'. It is ridiculous. Slow down and enjoy the depth of the game if it has any left after you demanded and threatened to unsubscribe if such and such thing was not implemented. Was business ever conducted like this before people could sit behind a computer and say whatever they wanted? Appreciate a winning teams' proficiency while they wipe the floor with you rather than saying 'just let them win this is poor honor/valor per hour I want another BG'. People would try harder, incidentally, to win, if BGs didn't happen randomly and every minute. In the bodybuilding world there is a term 'broscientists'.


This game already has a random LFD system for the warzones. Don't ruin it by bringing it into PvE also. Incidentally, I would prefer a queing at point system like it used to be. Can't move your character a few spaces in a virtual world to find the place to que? People don't even want to be spoon fed any more, then want the food pumped into their stomachs while they watch tv and listen to music at the same time.

Edited by nitaant
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A guild is always worth it - those are the people you run upper end content with - IE the Ops/Raids. We're asking for a leveling dungeon/HM dungeon system - not something that auto groups people for the Operations. Let raid content stay with the guilds and organized groups, this won't do anything to change that play. Also, guilds are suppose to be a tighter knit-organized group. Also, those are the people that if you run with them often, you KNOW they're not going to suck and know everyone's strengths and weaknesses. Something you don't get from the finder.


I think people are confusing dungeons (flashpoints) with operations (raids). You said it best there. People just want a better way to group for flashpoints. It's funny that some of the people on here keep saying the current system of spamming chat works fine for them. Good for you guys. Guess that means it's the best way and needs no improvement.

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That's what I said after reading through that too...


EDIT: "It completely bypasses many layers of general cohesiveness of the game world, lore, and roleplaying functions for ease of use and to appease a larger customer base."


I never felt like running to an instance every time I wanted to do it (hoping other people would be there too) was roleplaying in the slightest. Just more of a time sink that didn't actually encourage roleplaying behavior. Being in a good guild is better than random LFG anyway, but I certainly don't see the need to bash people or discourage improvement of LFG.

Edited by lucasomega
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I guess i'll chime in. I boasted about this in beta, so I'll throw this suggestion out on the live forums as well.


I sure don't want another LFD feature akin to World of Warcraft. It kills the community by randomly throwing players together with little to no sacrifice if they ninja loot or just act like a jack ***.


A few players; myself included, agreed upon the DDO LFG feature being among one of the best. If Bioware updated it's features a little bit it would be perfect. To sum it up:


-No cross server queues

-A large UI interface where the dungeon leader creates a group, and then he decides what type of DPS he wants(whether its divided up by class, role, or whatever)heals, tank, etc.

-Random player browses the LFG feature, sees group leader(lets call him bill)wants any tank, ranged dps, and an operative healer. Random player is a ranged DPS. He clicks on Bill's group. Bill sees hes ranged and gets the option to send him a tell or to just invite him. Bill says since hes ranged DPS he doesnt really care and invites him.


-Random player 2 is a Sorc healer. It's late at night and he notices Bill's group is in need of an OP healer but there arent any other groups looking for heals at the moment. He clicks the group anyways and it sends bill a message that a different healer wants to join, and it gives him an option to ignore the Sorc, send him a tell, or invite him.


-The UI would obviously allow players and group leaders to put up messages and the like to avoid confusion.

Edited by Capthxc
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Let's see.


No, we don't need a Dungeon Finder. Get a guild.

It has not been a huge success in any game? Which other game? Perhaps in your mind, but not for anyone else. It's a disaster.




1. Can search for a group while questing - Agreed.




1. Will get you really really bad pugs with loot stealers and rude people.

2. Will actually promote ninjas (loot stealers).

3. Will ruin the community.

4. Will absolutely ruin BW cred with it's customers.

5. Will make people lazy and stupid.

6. Will make your guild less worth (who needs a guild when you can just sign up for a random group).

7. Will give people more reason to troll, act like jerks or insult people without penalty.


It's a TERRIBLE idea that will make a lot of people leave the game and ruin a lot for most of the community.


Stop asking for this horrible, game-destroying crap! It's not wanted. It sucks!


At this point I think it's really ******** that Bioware won't change the freaking starter post on this issue. Everyone is using that as the synopsis and it's causing a lot of issues. When is happening is somenoe quotes it, bashes it, makes us refute it again and they never respond. I've tried personally messaging the OP but nothing, if this thread caps, for the love of god get a quick save spot in there and throw in a large post explaining the issue more. There are over 10 qualified people here who could easily elaborate on the issue.




1. Can search for a group while questing - Agreed.

2. Allow people to group who previously couldn't due server issues

3. Make lower level quests accessible

4. Decrease wait times for dungeons

5. Prevent elitest jerks from having obscene requierments to run content

6. Spend time doing enjoyable things instead of assembling teams for hours on end




1. It's been proposed that it damages the community, no evidence has been shown

2. No longer are you forced to socialize to enjoy the game, this is a debatable point

3. Players who work extra hard won't become famous on their server (yawn)

4. Content becomes cycled too quickly and creates boredom


That's about all I could come up with and that's just X-LFD versus none at all.

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I guess i'll chime in. I boasted about this in beta, so I'll throw this suggestion out on the live forums as well.


I sure don't want another LFD feature akin to World of Warcraft. It kills the community by randomly throwing players together with little to no sacrifice if they ninja loot or just act like a jack ***.


A few players; myself included, agreed upon the DDO LFG feature being among one of the best. If Bioware updated it's features a little bit it would be perfect. To sum it up:


-No cross server queues

-A large UI interface where the dungeon leader creates a group, and then he decides what type of DPS he wants(whether its divided up by class, role, or whatever)heals, tank, etc.

-Random player browses the LFG feature, sees group leader(lets call him bill)wants any tank, ranged dps, and an operative healer. Random player is a ranged DPS. He clicks on Bill's group. Bill sees hes ranged and gets the option to send him a tell or to just invite him. Bill says since hes ranged DPS he doesnt really care and invites him.


-Random player 2 is a Sorc healer. It's late at night and he notices Bill's group is in need of an OP healer but there arent any other groups looking for heals at the moment. He clicks the group anyways and it sends bill a message that a different healer wants to join, and it gives him an option to ignore the Sorc, send him a tell, or invite him.


-The UI would obviously allow players and group leaders to put up messages and the like to avoid confusion.



I'm not going to go over the community + jerks sections, that's already been previously refuted. P.S. Could you guys have done a better job making an improved LFD tool a much important issue? You've basically annihilated a huge chunk of the playerbase which is going to cause long term ramifications.

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Too late, it's coming. At this point it's just a added bonus that it irritates the rest of you crappy reality show.


Yeah I find it interesting that people think Bioware released the game like this to cater to their personal playing styles when that in truth is so far from reality. Bioware didn't relase the game with a better LFD feature cause they didn't have time to implement it, they've already admitted to working on it now so it's just a matter of time. It's not set in stone that a X-LFD is coming but every sign points towards it.


To the X-LFD ruined WOW crowd:


1) The company that produched the most successful MMORPG in the world came up with it

2) Other big companies have started to copy it

3) It was such a failure that they decided expanding it's potential to raids

4) It was such a failure that they spend development time to group with friends X-server

5) It was such a failure that they are expanding it again with battletags

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Yeah I find it interesting that people think Bioware released the game like this to cater to their personal playing styles when that in truth is so far from reality. Bioware didn't relase the game with a better LFD feature cause they didn't have time to implement it, they've already admitted to working on it now so it's just a matter of time. It's not set in stone that a X-LFD is coming but every sign points towards it.


To the X-LFD ruined WOW crowd:


1) The company that produched the most successful MMORPG in the world came up with it

2) Other big companies have started to copy it

3) It was such a failure that they decided expanding it's potential to raids

4) It was such a failure that they spend development time to group with friends X-server

5) It was such a failure that they are expanding it again with battletags


1) The company that produched the most successful MMORPG in the world came up with it

And have been bleeding players since cause it's a really bad idea.


2) Other big companies have started to copy it

And they are also loosing players since then.


3) It was such a failure that they decided expanding it's potential to raids

And started loosing even more players! An alienated the hardcore guilds.


4) It was such a failure that they spend development time to group with friends X-server

To try to save their bleeding game.


5) It was such a failure that they are expanding it again with battletags

Again to try to save their bleeding, dying game.



No, dungeon finder is a huge failure and should never be implemented in any game, the games that have it should remove it.




Edit addendum: Can't a world wide chat channel solve it?

I still want people to be in a guild to solve their grouping needs, but for people who absolutely refuse, can't you talk on a world chat channel and get your group?

Why do you HAVE to take the easy, lazy and community-ruining way to solve this?


Some one wrote that there has been no proof of community-ruining connected to LFG tool. Just look at WoW!?! It's completely ruined. No one talks, no one says anything, if you get a "hello" in a group it's considered chatty and on top of that people are extremely rude.

And no, that's NOT a minority of the runs. It's a clear majority.

Edited by Darth_Rahlik
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And have been bleeding players since cause it's a really bad idea.
nice try

and any proof that "rLFG" cause this?


Just look at WoW!?! It's completely ruined. No one talks, no one says anything, if you get a "hello" in a group it's considered chatty and on top of that people are extremely rude.
it's a lieeeeeee


no one talks in dungeon becourse they actually busy and guess from what?

playing tha game, SURPRISE_HERE!!11!11oneone


and ufail so hard in one sentence… you say that no-one talk, don't even say hello and then you say "people are extremely rude" HOW? how they do it while "don't even talk"

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I sure don't want another LFD feature akin to World of Warcraft. It kills the community by randomly throwing players together with little to no sacrifice if they ninja loot or just act like a jack


in that_game you get vote-kicked and replaced by another player in 30s if you act like a jack-a** or ninja loot or you just plain-bad

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1) NO

2) ONE

3) IS


5) IT


No, dungeon finder is a huge failure and should never be implemented in any game, the games that have it should remove it.




Edit addendum: Can't a world wide chat channel solve it?

I still want people to be in a guild to solve their grouping needs, but for people who absolutely refuse, can't you talk on a world chat channel and get your group?

Why do you HAVE to take the easy, lazy and community-ruining way to solve this?


Some one wrote that there has been no proof of community-ruining connected to LFG tool. Just look at WoW!?! It's completely ruined. No one talks, no one says anything, if you get a "hello" in a group it's considered chatty and on top of that people are extremely rude.

And no, that's NOT a minority of the runs. It's a clear majority.


This is one of those situations in an argument where we have to look at it what is more realistic. Darh_Rhalic is trying to use correlation in the stead of causation and produces a classic argumentative fallacy. Here is the part of the equation he's missing:


1) Did Subs go down after X-LFD?

Fact: No, they went straight up and hit a plateau


2) Did Subs go up in Rift after X-LFD?

Fact: Yes, especially on low servers


3) But, subs eventually went down after X-LFD was introduced

Fact: It's a 7 year old game, there is no factual causation between a negative relationship between X-LFD and subs. There is a more stronger argument that subs would be substantially lower if X-LFD wasn't released


On his edit:


4) You're lazy

Fact: People have spammed for hours looking for a group. If you call that lazy that we can't have an intellectual conversation


5) It damages community, look at wow it's ruined!

Fact: Again no parameters of what ruined is considered except for anecdotal evidence


6) Every step that Blizzard made to reinforce and expand the X-LFD was a waste of time

Fact: With this kind of inncorrect speculation he's probably on the Board of Lehman Brothers

Edited by Touchbass
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1) The company that produched the most successful MMORPG in the world came up with it

And have been bleeding players since cause it's a really bad idea.


2) Other big companies have started to copy it

And they are also loosing players since then.


3) It was such a failure that they decided expanding it's potential to raids

And started loosing even more players! An alienated the hardcore guilds.


4) It was such a failure that they spend development time to group with friends X-server

To try to save their bleeding game.


5) It was such a failure that they are expanding it again with battletags

Again to try to save their bleeding, dying game.



No, dungeon finder is a huge failure and should never be implemented in any game, the games that have it should remove it.




Edit addendum: Can't a world wide chat channel solve it?

I still want people to be in a guild to solve their grouping needs, but for people who absolutely refuse, can't you talk on a world chat channel and get your group?

Why do you HAVE to take the easy, lazy and community-ruining way to solve this?


Some one wrote that there has been no proof of community-ruining connected to LFG tool. Just look at WoW!?! It's completely ruined. No one talks, no one says anything, if you get a "hello" in a group it's considered chatty and on top of that people are extremely rude.

And no, that's NOT a minority of the runs. It's a clear majority.


Blizzard is in bleeding mode because they decided to up the difficulty with Cataclysm I know Hardcore Elitists don't consider anything that is not close to Saddism like FFXI or Everquest hard but LFR was introduced to try to stop the bleeding.


They made a bad move by pushing the casuals away but then Ghostcrawler decides to make a Joke Race an actual race in the next game...I think its funny because I think he is doing this so spite the casuals since so many have left and they are being forced to make things easier next time around




Heh, look at him one year ago trying to respond to the complaints and after this entry a mass of people left.

Edited by HisShadowX
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Blizzard is in bleeding mode because they decided to up the difficulty with Cataclysm I know Hardcore Elitists don't consider anything that is not close to Saddism like FFXI or Everquest hard but LFR was introduced to try to stop the bleeding.




Heh, look at him one year ago trying to respond to the complaints and after this entry a mass of people left.


I think Cata didn't do as well for several reasons


1) Raids that where to difficult for casual guilds


2) 25 and 10 joined lock out


3) Less end game available content as resources were diverted for 1-60


4) MMORPG burn out

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I sadly have to change my opnion , first I didn´t want to have a dungeon finder.


But after boosting numerous of people cause they are shy to spam LFG .

Or people who simply give up , I say for the benefit of bioware community .


A LFG should be put into place , imagine PVPers having to stand there spamming LF people to PVP in one spot .. without able to quest .


They would go MAD and quit .


Sadly this also applies to PVE , so don´t forget your own backbone community .

They want to quest and when they want to do there flashpoints , they shouldn´t be waiting 2-3 hours . or be as hardcore as me just go 3 man or 2 man stuff .


In the end the benefit outweighs the problems , and sadly the LFG tool is badly needed resource currently .


Yeah, I've changed my opinion... Its needed badly and I am in a guild full of slow casual adult players. Been playing with the same core group for 10+ years. No drama and we level at our own pace so grouping with guildmates can be trying. All this to say spamming fleet general for a group for 1-2 hrs isn't fun when I could be grinding dailies... So a lfg tool is needed

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and ufail so hard in one sentence… you say that no-one talk, don't even say hello and then you say "people are extremely rude" HOW? how they do it while "don't even talk"


I apologize, let me rephrase:


No one says anything, a "hello" is considered chatty apart from when people are hysterically rude towards others due to the slightest mistake or misunderstanding.


Wont it be fun to actually team up with people who are polite and care about their reputation on the server?

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I apologize, let me rephrase:


No one says anything, a "hello" is considered chatty apart from when people are hysterically rude towards others due to the slightest mistake or misunderstanding.


Wont it be fun to actually team up with people who are polite and care about their reputation on the server?


I don't understand why people complain about an optional tool for people who don't have the means to group up with people on their own. Group up with the same group of people you were before, or spend a few minutes doing /who. I'm sorry that you aren't as reveered as you think you were.


think 1 out of 10 people care about server reputation and i'm being extremely kind. In fact I'm willing to bet it's as low as 1 out of 100. I honestly don't care that I'm one of the best pug healers on my server, big deal.

Edited by Touchbass
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*sigh* You are missing the point...


1 - Introduce LFG.


2 - People find it pointless to join guild or to behave polite since they soo easily can get a group anyway.


3 - The people I team with today will grow rude and lazy because of the ease of getting another group.


4 - People might even start leaving guilds or stop teaming with the guild cause it's easier in LFG where you can be as rude as you want, loot steal as much as you want and so on.


= The people that I team with today will degenerate and perhaps even stop wanting to team with me since I expect people to treat me like a human being.


= Introducing a LFG tool will destroy the game for a huge number of people and is directly game destroying.


So it's not just "don't use it then, it's optional" it's a whole community that will change and will be twisted towards the lazy, uncooperative and rude mode. It's unavoidable.

People are egotists, face it. This will promote their egotism.

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2 - People find it pointless to join guild or to behave polite since they soo easily can get a group anyway.

4 - People might even start leaving guilds

how about thees ppl don't whant to join you guild at the first place

and was forced to do things that they don't want


and when they have a freedom of choice thet leave you "guild" that can't offer anything besides group to dungeon

it's a whole community that will change and will be twisted towards the lazy, uncooperative and rude mode.
it's a whole community that get exact what it whanted


deal with it

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who is very vocal get's a tool that 90% of the community don't want and that will ruin the game for the big mass of people.
sooo you saying that 90% don't want it, and i assume wan't use it

and that's in some weird way will "ruin the game for the big mass of people."…

only i see сollision here?


and if they "don't want it" and will use it…

i just don't get this

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... or an extreme minority who is very vocal get's a tool that 90% of the community don't want and that will ruin the game for the big mass of people.


Every time polls were done in beta (atleast the 3 months I participated) a same-server LFG tool ala WoW's Dungeon Finder was consistently supported >60% of the vote. Also, the fact that there are dozens of threads demanding an LFG tool in every part of this forum seems to tell me there's a lot more interest then you believe there is.


The fact of the matter is that an LFG tool would benefit everyone with safe, secure, convenient gameplay.

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... or an extreme minority who is very vocal get's a tool that 90% of the community don't want and that will ruin the game for the big mass of people.


Seriously, explain to everyone how the hell a tool that 90% of the players don't want can be so widely used in WoW and Rift? How could it have significantly decreased the time needed to form a group.


How the hell does it manage to work?

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