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Which classes could they add?


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I think droids would be a great addition to the game as playable characters. The question of "self-determination" is easily fixed by giving your Droid a "Master". The "master" sets missions for the droid to do and its up to you as a playing character to decide how to get it done. My trooper doesn't have much more flexablity than that with General Garza. What would be very interesting would be that your companions are the masters and its your job as a player droid to direct them to the proper course of action. I see MANY funny dialogues with that.

As to having a "race" of sentient droids for both Republic and Empire you can be a prototype droid (I'm the ONLY leader of Havoc squad). Maybe something with a bit more CC and stealth.

Anyways just dreaming of the infinite.

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agreed, however i wouldnt complain to having a BA battle droid as a companion, i would always be saying autobots roll out lmao


I thought that maybe came from Lobot. I think that was his name. The cyborg right hand man of Lando.


Anywho trying to think of classes as I type, but I think I would like to see more race options. Yoda's race I think could be awesome. Nautolan (Kit Fisto's race) would be another. Though I think what may have happened is that there were a lot of choices in race for the Republic side and not so many for the imperial side, so they were limited by that.


Classes, that's harder. I think they have it pretty much covered as far as making them able to do things. The only suggestion I saw that would be maybe Rep and Imp. pilots, but not sure how well that would work do anything other than space combat. Maybe if they somehow integrated a real space campaign and single user controlled single man fighters.

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All interesting possibilities, I personally would love a droid class that was "built" entirely around customization.


For instance all droid players would start out as a T7 or protocol droid, and from there mod themselves into how they would like to play.


Want to be a tank?


Add bulky armor and quad legs to your frame.


Want to be a long range dps?


Add shoulder mounted "artillery" guns (much like the droids on Balmora).


I essentially, see this class play out similar to how Chromehounds or the Armored Core series, treated customization. With the talent trees allowing you to utilize the different mods you can equip.


Like a tree that limits/removes the penalties suffered from equipping certain items(i.e. being able to use heavy cannon arms without having to equip the slow moving quad legs ect.)


Or a tree that focuses on increasing accuracy and "energy" usage allowing for players to have longer burst rotations, ect.


Granted I don't know how balanced or unbalanced this class would be vs the existing ones, but I feel that this would best incorporate "being a droid" into the game.

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Got this idea after talking to Gearbox in the Trooper Storyline.



Wether they are back at the hangar or in field gathering supplies, you want wrench to back you up.

Stalled ships are patched, broken guns are rigged,Light sabers are rennonvated. Some may say it just takes the right tools, but the Wrench has the know-how even with the wrong tools.


Advanced classes


Forger - Focusing on more delicate methods, the Forger (Jedi or Sith Forger) can affect the weapons and armor of Jedi and Sith to a for incredible results. Their skills can affect non force users but give a huge benefit to those trained in its mysterious ways.


Power examples:

Force alignment - For X minutes all damage is increased by 33% of the Forgers level. This factor is increased to 50% for force users.

In theory - Inspiration strikes and a slight adjustment can make the next 5 attacks be critical strikes. 10 attacks if the target is a force users.

Force mimicry - By being so close to Force users, the Forger can mimic to a much lesser degree the abilities of a teammate they target.

Power mimiced depends on the target.




Gunsmith - Believing the best offense is shooting somebody full of holes before they can mount a defense the Gunsmith has little faith in the force. Blaster pistols, riffles and cannons are the Gunsmiths toys they they get a lot of time to play. The technological

components that forces users employ can be affected by smiths, but not as well as a kindred spirit wielding a gun.


Power Examples:

Calibration cartridge - A slight modification can do wonders, and the Gunsmith modifies a gun weapon to do

33% increased damage for x minutes. 50% is user is not a force wielder.


Coolant - for the next 15 seconds, attacks that increase heat, or use ammo or energy are free to use.20 Seconds for non-force users


I know a trick - Same as In Theory for Forgers but for Non-force users.


They have to be able to defend themselves. They can use Light armor(Forgers) or Medium(Gunsmiths).


Their big benefit or draw is the ability to gain one extra crafting skill.

They still have the same number of gathering or missions skills and their damage is much less than other classes.



Their companions would be a set of droids or even other apprentices/orphaned space station kids who needed a place to say and ended up working with the Wrench to help out.

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We won't get in to whether or not they will add in new classes at some point, so refrain from saying "the game doesn't need new classes" or anything to that effect.


What I want to know is, which classes are left to be added? With my somewhat limited knowledge of the star wars universe, i can't really think of anything, but with an IP as massive as star wars i'm sure there are plenty they can add.


So, which class would you like to see?

Combat Engineer.
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Imperial/Republic Engineer


Imperial/Republic Engineers represent the pentacle of Navy Support Officers. Trained in both combat and the undisputed masters of technology. Lightly armored relying on guile and skill over brute force.


Base armor: Light

Base Weapons: Blaster Rifle or Scatter-gun

Wield type: Single wield with power generator off hand

Resource Type: Energy cells that refuel over time 12 cells each takes 2 seconds to regenerate a single cell.

Primary Attribute: Cunning

Class buff: Techno mastery: increases armor by 10%

Shared Tree: Fleet Training (focuses on reducing cds and costs of shared abilities)

AC options



Drone Master


Specialized training allows the Engineer to launch advanced protoype drone droids capable of significantly increasing firepower, providing suppressive fire, or even suicide bombing. This advance class specializes in fire and forget moves that do not require cast times or channeling.



Focus Firing Drones: Focuses on long cd high damage drones with high costs

Area Denial Drones; Focuses on low damage, Area of effect drones, with low cds.


Key abilities

Artillery Drone: Marks a location and deploys an artillery droid dealing periodic kinetic damage to the selected area. Fire and forget ability does not require channeling


Lazing Drone: a drone that marks targets and sends targeting data to all allies. For 12 seconds all attacks made on victim are 10% more accurate.


Heavy missile drone: requires target to be lazed calls on a drone to launch an aspect locked missile deals massive kinetic damage to target. This attack cannot miss.


Kamikaze Drone: launches a drone that runs into enemy dealing x kinetic damage to all enemy's in the area and knocking down the primary target.


Turrent Drone: Sets down a drone that will unpack and deal weapon damage in a cone in a 30m range on up to 5 victims until either the drone is destroyed or 9 secs.


Second AC


Advanced Support Officer


Deploys drones and uses experimental equipment to provide field support for allies. Gains additional proficiency in shield generators. Despite having shield proficiency this is not a tank class but a survivable utility class



Logistics Support: Focuses on supporting allies abilities

Disruptive Tactics: Focuses on hindering enemies


Key abilities


Shielding Drone: Deploys a stationary shielding drone that provides cover for those behind it. Reduces ranged damage by 20% for 20 seconds or until shield drone is destroyed.


Overcharge Shields: Expends energy cells to increase the efficiency of shield drones and your personal shielding generator. Your shield generator for 20 seconds will always proc even on force and tech attacks and those behind your shielding drone are also protected from melee damage for 20 seconds. 3 min cd.


Recon Drone; Deploys a recon drone over selected area for 12 seconds all stealthed enemies will be reveled and will suffer a 10% armor reduction.


EMP kamikaze drone: Launches a kamikaze drone that rams into enemy deals light kinetic damage to all enemies in range interrupting all abilities and locking victims out of those abilities for 6 seconds.


Disruption drone: Launches a drone that uses psychological warfare tactics to distract all enemies in range increasing any push back they suffer by 25% for 20 seconds.


EWAR drone: electronic warfare drone that increases all cast times for enemies in it radius of operation by 35% for 10 seconds.

Edited by kainsec
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We won't get in to whether or not they will add in new classes at some point, so refrain from saying "the game doesn't need new classes" or anything to that effect.


What I want to know is, which classes are left to be added? With my somewhat limited knowledge of the star wars universe, i can't really think of anything, but with an IP as massive as star wars i'm sure there are plenty they can add.


So, which class would you like to see?

Assassin (3rd Faction PC) please note that is if they add a 3rd faction.
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I think they should add these classes Bounty Hunter to the Republic, Trooper to the Sith, Agent to the Republic, and Smuggler to the Sith. They should also add a third faction that is criminal underworld or Hutts. Then they could have Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary, and Force Sensitive.
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I think they should add these classes Bounty Hunter to the Republic, Trooper to the Sith, Agent to the Republic, and Smuggler to the Sith. They should also add a third faction that is criminal underworld or Hutts. Then they could have Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary, and Force Sensitive.
I'd change Force Sensitive to Force Adept or Force Disciple.
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Adding new classes is going to be difficult, since a lot of things have been covered in the classes already brought out on release. Can Bioware add another class without taking away from an already existing class? Yes, you could have Imperial Troopers, but what would happen to Bounty Hunters? The Republic could have "Agents" of their own, but would that not diminish what the Smuggler does? Adding new classes, just for the sake of newness, is shortsighted, and if not properly thought out or executed, will hurt the game more than help. To add a new class, there needs to be a role that is not currently being filled by the existing classes. And on top of that, it needs to be seamlessly integrated into the overarching meta-plot that is TOR's story line. So before people just start recklessly tossing out class names, stop and think how that class will affect them game; is the class REALLY necessary, and what will it add that is not already provided by an existing class?
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I think they should add the a dancer class. I mean could, not should. U could play as a dancer in a bar who secretly hides a gun or two and a knife under her clothes. As for the story, u keep getting transferred to new bars and clubs and stuff. Kinda like a sexy slave. If your boss angers u, u can kill him. There could also be flashpoints where u have to break out of prison for killing someone. U could also work for somebody on the side, doing seduction missions and seduction assassinations and stuff for the republic or empire. Ur character definitely wouldn't have much armor, except maybe on the side missions, so bioware would have to figure that out as the fighting got harder. Maybe your characters clothes should get smaller and tighter as you get to higher levels LOL! Just kidding on that one. Please don't hate on my idea even though it's obvious I just want to see a bunch of hot girl dancers.:D
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Adding new classes is going to be difficult, since a lot of things have been covered in the classes already brought out on release. Can Bioware add another class without taking away from an already existing class? Yes, you could have Imperial Troopers, but what would happen to Bounty Hunters? The Republic could have "Agents" of their own, but would that not diminish what the Smuggler does? Adding new classes, just for the sake of newness, is shortsighted, and if not properly thought out or executed, will hurt the game more than help. To add a new class, there needs to be a role that is not currently being filled by the existing classes. And on top of that, it needs to be seamlessly integrated into the overarching meta-plot that is TOR's story line. So before people just start recklessly tossing out class names, stop and think how that class will affect them game; is the class REALLY necessary, and what will it add that is not already provided by an existing class?


good point, i still would like to see more races thoug, not like the pandas on WoW though lol

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Adding new classes is going to be difficult, since a lot of things have been covered in the classes already brought out on release. Can Bioware add another class without taking away from an already existing class? Yes, you could have Imperial Troopers, but what would happen to Bounty Hunters? The Republic could have "Agents" of their own, but would that not diminish what the Smuggler does? Adding new classes, just for the sake of newness, is shortsighted, and if not properly thought out or executed, will hurt the game more than help. To add a new class, there needs to be a role that is not currently being filled by the existing classes. And on top of that, it needs to be seamlessly integrated into the overarching meta-plot that is TOR's story line. So before people just start recklessly tossing out class names, stop and think how that class will affect them game; is the class REALLY necessary, and what will it add that is not already provided by an existing class?


Good point but I would like to think my droid idea would fit very nicely into the existing classes without overshadowing their stories/roles.


Posted again for critique:


All interesting possibilities, I personally would love a droid class that was "built" entirely around customization.


For instance all droid players would start out as a T7 or protocol droid, and from there mod themselves into how they would like to play.


Want to be a tank?


Add bulky armor and quad legs to your frame.


Want to be a long range dps?


Add shoulder mounted "artillery" guns (much like the droids on Balmora).


I essentially, see this class play out similar to how Chromehounds or the Armored Core series, treated customization. With the talent trees allowing you to utilize the different mods you can equip.


Like a tree that limits/removes the penalties suffered from equipping certain items(i.e. being able to use heavy cannon arms without having to equip the slow moving quad legs ect.)


Or a tree that focuses on increasing accuracy and "energy" usage allowing for players to have longer burst rotations, ect.


Granted I don't know how balanced or unbalanced this class would be vs the existing ones, but I feel that this would best incorporate "being a droid" into the game.

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I agree with the idea that adding more classes could take away from the originals. Maybe they could just add more content and storyline. For example, I'm a jedi knight, and i just recently got kira as a companion. I would like to have some more story beyond level 50, like being able to marry a companion or even a fellow player (i mean that in the cleanest way, no lie). I would like to marry one of my companions. They could add a story for guy and girl characters. For the guy characters:


You married one of your female companion characters. You got her pregnant. She gets kidnapped by the other side of the war, and you have to go and save her before she and your unborn child are killed. This could also be a flashpoint. I'm sure if star wars actually existed and it was like the old republic, i'm sure somebody would help u get ur wife back instead of leaving u all to die. (they could also make missions where ur kids are ur companion and they fight along side you).


For the girl characters: you got married to a male companion character. He got u pregnant. At the start of the mission, you get knocked unconscious. U wake up in enemy territory, and u have to find ur way out. You'll be weaker than normal since u were just knocked out and ur pregnant. That's why you'll still be able to use one companion character, just not the one ur married to. At the end of the mission, u find out that ur husband was looking for you and ur reunited.


After you do all the story missions, ur baby is born, and you get to pick the gender and name. Eventually ur child/children will get old enought to fight, and u can use tham as companions. Sorry i got a liite off topic, i just like that idea and want to get it out there.:o

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SWG had an Entertainer class, and really made it work (until the NGE.)


I'd really like to see an Imperial Trooper. The Imperial trooper armor is just so cool. Not having played a BH, I can't really say how they can make it distinct, but I do have one suggestion that fits in with the Imperial theme: chemical and biological warfare. Instead of just better and different blaster shots (though they get those, too) they get access to some DoTs and debuffs. A tank/DPS advanced class could have taunt-type abilities that rely on using chemicals that cause the targets impaired judgement, essentially making them forget that anyone but the Trooper exists. A DPS/Debuff advanced class could have more DoTs, CCs, and some slow/snare/root abilities that rely on inflicting their target with various toxins and diseases.

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I really like this idea. Nice work. This plus a droid class would be great.


Got this idea after talking to Gearbox in the Trooper Storyline.



Wether they are back at the hangar or in field gathering supplies, you want wrench to back you up.

Stalled ships are patched, broken guns are rigged,Light sabers are rennonvated. Some may say it just takes the right tools, but the Wrench has the know-how even with the wrong tools.


Advanced classes


Forger - Focusing on more delicate methods, the Forger (Jedi or Sith Forger) can affect the weapons and armor of Jedi and Sith to a for incredible results. Their skills can affect non force users but give a huge benefit to those trained in its mysterious ways.


Power examples:

Force alignment - For X minutes all damage is increased by 33% of the Forgers level. This factor is increased to 50% for force users.

In theory - Inspiration strikes and a slight adjustment can make the next 5 attacks be critical strikes. 10 attacks if the target is a force users.

Force mimicry - By being so close to Force users, the Forger can mimic to a much lesser degree the abilities of a teammate they target.

Power mimiced depends on the target.




Gunsmith - Believing the best offense is shooting somebody full of holes before they can mount a defense the Gunsmith has little faith in the force. Blaster pistols, riffles and cannons are the Gunsmiths toys they they get a lot of time to play. The technological

components that forces users employ can be affected by smiths, but not as well as a kindred spirit wielding a gun.


Power Examples:

Calibration cartridge - A slight modification can do wonders, and the Gunsmith modifies a gun weapon to do

33% increased damage for x minutes. 50% is user is not a force wielder.


Coolant - for the next 15 seconds, attacks that increase heat, or use ammo or energy are free to use.20 Seconds for non-force users


I know a trick - Same as In Theory for Forgers but for Non-force users.


They have to be able to defend themselves. They can use Light armor(Forgers) or Medium(Gunsmiths).


Their big benefit or draw is the ability to gain one extra crafting skill.

They still have the same number of gathering or missions skills and their damage is much less than other classes.



Their companions would be a set of droids or even other apprentices/orphaned space station kids who needed a place to say and ended up working with the Wrench to help out.

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I would eventually like to see a third faction added as well...something neutral or perhaps related to the Hutts or the Exchange. Then Bounty Hunters and Smugglers could be moved to the area they really belong (neutral) as opposed to being forced into the Imperial or Republic side. IMP Troopers and SIS Agents could then replace them on the Imperial and Repulbic sides.


I'm not sure what classes could mirror the consular/SI or warrior/jedi knight for a neutral faction, however...Maybe a Mandalorian (too much like Bounty Hunter s/l?) for the warrior class.


As for the above suggestions of force sensitives, I kind of feel like to certain degrees all your force classes start out that way (especially the SI) and are still learning to use the powers they have. I'm not sure how fun it would be to play a class that is force sensitive and never progresses to full blown mastery of the force. If you had ideas of how it could be different from the other classes and still fun, I'd love to hear them.


Note: I like the OP, am in no way saying these should be added now or even in the near future, but it's fun to speculate for future expansions


^This. I can't believe BioWare didn't do this from the beginning.


The Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight mirror could be an Cartel/Exchange Enforcer.


The game desperately needs a 3rd faction, and the Cartel/Exchange is a perfect fit.

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We need to think outside the box of what is already in game. Any new class will have to be unique and break down into 2 advanced classes and then be mirrored on the other side.


So, all I can come up with right now is a Teras Kasi artist that could split into one that uses the force and one that doesn't? Might go in line with the force witch/adept idea from a post earlier on.


Also, this is an area they shouldn't be afraid to look at JTL from SWG with the pilot classes and ranks, IF they plan to expand the space game, which they darn well better.


I don't know, what about classes that use all those melee weapons that only companions seem to use like the vibroblades, techblades, etc.


Good discussion here though, will keep my eye on this thread.

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I'm also in favor of adding a Force Adept/Force Witch class. I'm envisioning a storyline where some new planet has been discovered, and the native species have their own Force tradition. The Republic and Empire both want to control the planet, and so they each support one of the local factions in the hopes of gaining complete control. You'd have to add some lore to justify why you could play other races with that class, but I don't think that would be too hard.


I also like the idea of more of a tech-focused, engineer-type class. And also, why I don't personally like the idea of playing a droid, half the people in my guild are really into that idea.

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