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Worst thing about SWTOR?


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Then an MMO is not for you.


Paying for the game and winning are two concepts that should NEVER join hands.


You think I'm crazy but in 50 years when you rocking in your rocker you will have no stories to tell of the difficult days.


I kid but if you can see the truth behind such satire you get a cookie.


I don't want your filthy cookie! Begone! :p


Seriously, MMOs are for me, I've been playing them for many years. Guilds, however, are not for me. The only type of guild I'd consider joining is a pvp guild, and that's only if it existed to fight premades instead of rolling pugs all day. Guild == MMO.

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Ok i'll say it again since some people have issues with reading.

I have no issues in any other game, even with X-Plane 10 where my CPU and GPU is utilized in 80% range nearly all the time.

In swtor my gpu usage peaks on around 20-40% at most, cpu on around 70% (while i have about 10fps)


This game engine is just a garbage, im out of here since most people here have 0 hardware knowledge and assumming the game is fine because they are getting considerably good fps on their rigs.




As about my GPU Memory i said it earlier, swtor is using about 500Mb VRAM on my resolution, and it wont give you any performance unless you playing in HIGHER resolutions.

Edited by Kelcior
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Considering how new the game is, it's hard to definitely say what's "wrong" with it.

If I were to name a few pointers myself:


1. - The User Interface. Yeah, that needs work, but a fair few games have had horrible UI's in the past, which got fixed later. Why Bioware hasn't thought to implement a better interface already is beyond me, but it isn't game breaking enough to ruin my experience.


2. - PvP. I hate the resolve mechanic with a passion, and in my opinion, any kind of chainstunning in PvP is ridiculous, boring and frustrating.


3. - Linearity. I know this is a themepark game, but I was really disappointed when I first got to anchorhead, ran outside the city and got Out-of-zone damage. I've never seen anything so stupid in my years of MMO experience.


All in all, SWTOR is a good game, but it's not spectacular in any way. Skim off the chocolate topping and there's really not much fantastic about it

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There are people with far worse systems than his who claim to be having no issues at all. There are people with systems that would eat almost any other system alive who are having issues. Stop blaming the player for Bioware's failings.


But what you JUST DESCRIBED indicates issues on the players' side.

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My only big issue right now is ability bloat. The classes have too many choices and choices that are too similar to others. There is definite room for collapsing some abilities into others. I am not asking to noob-ify the game. This is a simple request to reduce the number of redundant or useless choices.


Other than that, I am ok.

Edited by Arkerus
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Ok i'll say it again since some people have issues with reading.

I have no issues in any other game, even with X-Plane 10 where my CPU and GPU is utilized in 80% range nearly all the time.

In swtor my gpu usage peaks on around 20-40% at most, cpu on around 70% (while i have about 10fps)


Yeah, and my PC crushed Crysis and Crysis 2...then could barely run Witcher 2...UNTIL I started working system tweaks.


That's just the nature of PC gaming. Sometimes there's more to it than install and play.


This game engine is just a garbage, im out of here since most people here have 0 hardware knowledge and assumming the game is fine because they are getting considerably good fps on their rigs.


Actually, I'd question your hardware knowledge since you're IGNORING the fact that most people DO get good performance on lesser systems, which would indicate that the problem is on YOUR side and that you might need to do some tweaking.

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I don't want your filthy cookie! Begone! :p


Seriously, MMOs are for me, I've been playing them for many years. Guilds, however, are not for me. The only type of guild I'd consider joining is a pvp guild, and that's only if it existed to fight premades instead of rolling pugs all day. Guild == MMO.


Well lest you can take a joke so You get credit where its due.


Since the game is played in a community environment I think your gimping you self and you can't expect the entire game which is based around the concept of 'a brave group of adventures strike out to (insert cliche here)" to pander to you.


The story can be done single player and thankful most of the main quest so you can level but running solo in a multiplayer is like complaining you have no one to help you in Skyrim.

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Actually, I'd question your hardware knowledge since you're IGNORING the fact that most people DO get good performance on lesser systems, which would indicate that the problem is on YOUR side and that you might need to do some tweaking.


My 2 friends has nearly same rigs, i5 2500k 8gb ram and gtx 560 ti (different manufacturers) and different motherboards

Guess what, they both get fps below 20 on fleet.


Yeah it must be problem on my side, or even better: we have mass hallucinations infact the game is running on 100fps+


Ok got it bro.

Edited by Kelcior
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You think they aren't?


No it's the simple fact that Mythic knew the same issue with Warhammer.


The issue was deep in the engine meaning that just because they are aware of the issue and looking into it doesn't mean anything until fixed.


Which is why I'm humble on their success rather than being oblivious or gullible.


Also goes the same with "most polished launch" notice how they don't say most polish launched since such and such because what's really funny is upcomming mmos just like the past will have the "most polished launched in mmo history."



It's almost as if the delay was intended.


It's a lot of issues in one that even if they fix pvp you'll then face ability delays which are the most apparent in PVP.

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Well lest you can take a joke so You get credit where its due.


Since the game is played in a community environment I think your gimping you self and you can't expect the entire game which is based around the concept of 'a brave group of adventures strike out to (insert cliche here)" to pander to you.


The story can be done single player and thankful most of the main quest so you can level but running solo in a multiplayer is like complaining you have no one to help you in Skyrim.


I'm aware that the story can be done single player. What bugs me is that when I want to do group content it is because I am feeling social, not because I want to see yet another instance in yet another MMO. Believe me, the thrill of that for its own sake is long gone. I just want to team up and I want an easy, fast, and convenient way to do it. Being denied that for no good reason irritates me, as does the refusal of MMO devs to separate the two distinct playstyles of solo join and group join pvp. Guilds should not be the gate keepers of satisfying pvp and group content.

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My 2 friends has nearly same rigs, i5 2500k 8gb ram and gtx 560 ti (different manufacturers)

Guess what, they both get fps below 20 on fleet.


And I've got crossfired 4890's, 4 year old tech which is slower than a single 560 ti. I'm never dropping below 40.


Yeah it must be problem on my side, or even better: we have mass hallucinations.

Ok got it bro.


No, you don't. When I first fired up the app, I was getting 9-10 FPS. It took a modicrum of effort to improve my performance.


You're not complaining because the game runs poorly. You're complaining because you'll need to tweak your system to get it to perform well.


I hate to tell you, but that's ALWAYS been the nature of PC gaming.

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And I've got crossfired 4890's, 4 year old tech which is slower than a single 560 ti. I'm never dropping below 40.




No, you don't. When I first fired up the app, I was getting 9-10 FPS. It took a modicrum of effort to improve my performance.


You're not complaining because the game runs poorly. You're complaining because you'll need to tweak your system to get it to perform well.


I hate to tell you, but that's ALWAYS been the nature of PC gaming.


The devs acknowledged the problem, and they are working on unexisting issue?


Originally Posted by N2-H0

Hello everyone,


Thank you for your patience.

Our team is still working on this issue.

Thank you for having provided the information requested, it helps us diagnose the situation.


Source: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=177776 second post.


Holy crap you just won +1 internetz, stupidity on this forums is ... i have no words to describe it.

Edited by Kelcior
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The ability delay which is tied to how the UI is designed.


The game has client-server sync errors which makes the combat in pvp unresponsive and buggy.


WAR, Rift and even WoW have had the same issue:




The difference in WoW an actual GM works with the players/modders to help find the bug. In TOR theres dozens of capped threads about the issue and all the Gms say is 'Its caused by a combination of issues, we are investigating it."


From the hi-res texture thread some ppl that know code speculate that theres character model copy protection files that make the client take an extra step when talking to the server which is probably whats causing it to get out of sync.


Its got a laundry list of other terrible features and bugs that should have never made it to launch but the basic controls and responsiveness of the game are just overall not good.


Abilities misfire, reset the gcd and do nothing. Targetting is terrible and its possible to actually target something behind you by accident. The OPs frames are terrible the debuffs are microscopic, the enemy cast bar is way too small.


I can understand the bugs (but if I were a hardcore raider I would probably be pissed) at launch, but the overall controls are just bad.

Edited by oflow
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What do you think is the single worst thing about swtor?


I have a HUGE list, personally.. but if I had to name one:


Combat mechanics.. far too clunky.


Your turn :)


horrible designed UI, from its lack of flexibility, to its bugs, to the fact that it is a massive resource hog.


child-like effort into thinking thru a PvP system. I could take a room of 5 yearold's and come up with something better.


Buggy and unpolished PvE end game, from broken Heroics to broken Operations.


Latency, button interaction lag, etc etc etc.....yeah, I think this has all been well discussed in pieces in there respective sections and on here.

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The devs acknowledged the problem, and they are working (on unexisting issue?)


I never claimed the game was the best optimized thing out there. I actually specifically said the exact opposite a few posts back.


What I'm saying is that if you're getting 5 FPS, the issue's probably on your side. Because it is.




But then again, since you'll be gone soon anyway, you won't have to deal with the "stupidity" on these forums. Why you're putting yourself through it now I have no idea. Maybe you just like to punish yourself. That would explain why you'd rather piss and moan about the issues instead of actually fixing them.

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The devs acknowledged the problem, and they are working on unexisting issue?




Source: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=177776 second post.


Stupidity on this forums is ... i have no words to describe it.


That just means there are doing research to see if it is on their end doesn't mean they are going to have a fix for you if they find out its not.


I said the same thing to Apple customers to shut them up while I looked into it. When the issues wasn't with Apple guess what I told them?


To Go away granted in much politer terms but go away and fix it yourself none the less.

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The forums and the community
I feel the community in general is great. It just gets tarnished by a handful of self proclaimed legends who truly believe that their wants are gospel, that their opinion is law, that opposition is beneath them, and that fantasyland is theirs to pwn. A source of endless entertainment! :eek:


In game, probably the UI not being at least scalable. Eventually would love the ability to move and resize individual elements.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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That just means there are doing research to see if it is on their end doesn't mean they are going to have a fix for you if they find out its not.


I said the same thing to Apple customers to shut them up while I looked into it. When the issues wasn't with Apple guess what I told them?


To Go away granted in much politer terms but go away and fix it yourself none the less.


Basically it seems that Mr. "I'M TEH HARDWARE GURU" doesn't know how to tweak his system to optimize peformance.

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Basically it seems that Mr. "I'M TEH HARDWARE GURU" doesn't know how to tweak his system to optimize performance.


No clearly he doesn't but let me share a little story.


My computer currently as it stands is a four year old refurbish. It has the hardware stats to run the game but my video card and my processor core is not supported.


This means I CAN play the game but I have to expect small glitches in frame rate during heated fights.


Long story short I shouldn't complain. I need a new computer period. However someone more stupid or not as knowledgeable as me would look at their stats and cry when it says this computer is over the minimum requirements and has glitches.


This computer I'm communicating with you now on is going to die soon, thats why I'm pushing it. I plan to buy a new one soon but in the mean time I'm not going to have a hissy fit if I can't pvp or run ops until I do.


This kids is called being realist accepting what you can't change and changing what you can.

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horrible designed UI, from its lack of flexibility, to its bugs, to the fact that it is a massive resource hog.


child-like effort into thinking thru a PvP system. I could take a room of 5 yearold's and come up with something better.


Buggy and unpolished PvE end game, from broken Heroics to broken Operations.


Latency, button interaction lag, etc etc etc.....yeah, I think this has all been well discussed in pieces in there respective sections and on here.


Totally agree, cheers

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