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Worst thing about SWTOR?


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If you say so wise guy.

Guess the rest of us are imagining things.


I should not be getting jutteryness and dips to 15. Yes, 15fps with a quad core @4ghz, a 69502gb, and 8gb of ram.


Stop it with the fan boy crap.


I'm a fanboy because I have a good computer and don't have your performance issues?


What? Hey I'm sorry you are having problems but it's not my fault. Calm down.

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I'm a fanboy because I have a good computer and don't have your performance issues?


What? Hey I'm sorry you are having problems but it's not my fault. Calm down.


Did you read the part where I said mine is fine too?

and LOL at calm down. Again don't read so deep. You talk down to me I'll do the same. " calm down" is just trolling. and it's not working.


The fleet and its fps issues are not limited to crappy pc's. Which mine is not.

Edited by Your_dominus
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1. Eu maintenance times.

2. Ability lag (Big one)

3. Rediculous amount of bugs, its essentially still a beta.

4. GTN is bad, needs lots of features added.

5. UI... terrible all around, not even enough buttons to place all ur abilities!?

6. Lack of a lot of basic features, Macros, UI scale, Combat log, T.o.target, no LFG/D.

7. Graphics/textures, looks like a game from 5+ years ago and still runs like crap.

8. Customer service is TERRIBLE, no response, NO GMS, Mods on the forums are far to sensitive, yes they have the right to delete what they want etc but its clearly being taken personally, they are still human afterall.

9. NO addons, communities make the game according to Bioware, this is a massive part of that imo.

10. pvp is terrible in a lot of ways, to many to number.

11. Theres more really but im not gonna spend that much time on it, they know by in large it needs massive improvements, it will take time.


In before go back to WoW etc, matters not what you think, for such a company to expect a sub with a game in this state is a joke, ill come back in a few months and see how its progressed, mite as well play St:O, it knows its crap hence why its now free2play.

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No, they're not. People who can remain objective and impartial are more beneficial to the SWTOR future. Either end of an extreme contains major bias that influences your observations and sways your opinions. Don't be a fanboy and don't be a hater. Just be a gamer and objectively observe both the good and the bad parts of the game.


Over fanboys, yes they are. People who are fine with the game don't tend to expect much improvement, so they're the worst kind of consumer from a consumer's perspective: the non-demanding kind.


I am not discussing this from an attitude's/manners' perspective. From that PoV both are bad.


You can be very negative about the game and still remain 'objective' though (in the sense that you adhere to your own standards to qualify the game), and also not be a troll.

Edited by BrainSplatter
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Over fanboys, yes they are. People who are fine with the game don't tend to expect much improvement, so they're the worst kind of consumer from a consumer's perspective: the non-demanding kind.


I am not discussing this from an attitude's/manners' perspective. From that PoV both are bad.


You can be very negative about the game and still remain 'objective' (in the sense that you adhere to your own standards to qualify the game), and not be a troll.



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What do you think is the single worst thing about swtor?


I have a HUGE list, personally.. but if I had to name one:


Combat mechanics.. far too clunky.


Your turn :)


um i have not seen this clunyness people are talking bout. must be on your end cause there seems to be a faction that have the problem and those that do not.


warhammer had clunkyness and everyone said so.

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um i have not seen this clunyness people are talking bout. must be on your end cause there seems to be a faction that have the problem and those that do not.


warhammer had clunkyness and everyone said so.



It might not bother you, but the clunkiness exists.

No, it's not on" his end"


I'm out, arguing with a fan boy is redundant.

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1. Eu maintenance times.

2. Ability lag (Big one)

3. Rediculous amount of bugs, its essentially still a beta.

4. GTN is bad, needs lots of features added.

5. UI... terrible all around, not even enough buttons to place all ur abilities!?

6. Lack of a lot of basic features, Macros, UI scale, Combat log, T.o.target, no LFG/D.

7. Graphics/textures, looks like a game from 5+ years ago and still runs like crap.

8. Customer service is TERRIBLE, no response, NO GMS, Mods on the forums are far to sensitive, yes they have the right to delete what they want etc but its clearly being taken personally, they are still human afterall.

9. NO addons, communities make the game according to Bioware, this is a massive part of that imo.

10. pvp is terrible in a lot of ways, to many to number.

11. Theres more really but im not gonna spend that much time on it, they know by in large it needs massive improvements, it will take time.


In before go back to WoW etc, matters not what you think, for such a company to expect a sub with a game in this state is a joke, ill come back in a few months and see how its progressed, mite as well play St:O, it knows its crap hence why its now free2play.




Nailed it.

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Honestly, if you have such a long list of complaints, why do you play?



Because we bought the game and are riding out the free month?


What kind of question is that. Whats wrong with voicing your opinions about a game that obviously still needs a lot of work?


I really want to enjoy this game. I'll forgive the bugs, every MMO at launch has tons of them; but this game is missing way too many features that every "themepark" MMO should have.


I don't mean "cross realm" Dungeon finder. A freaking Global LFG channel would fix my gripes about grouping in this game. I hate when I have to stop questing to sit in fleet for 30 mins yelling LFG X.


The quests, amazing as they are with those VOs, do little to hide the fact that this entire game is a step back for questing "mechanics". I LOVE MY BOUNTY HUNTER STORY! But in order to get to that DELICIOUS STORY I need to KILL 10 of these and LOOT 20 of those. Grindy as f***! This wouldn't be an issue if there were different types of quests. I enjoy a good kill quest from time to time. But from level 3 you've seen every single type of quest that lies ahead of you, there is absolutely no diversity.


I hate to be that guy to compare this game to WoW. But where WoW was lacking in story and voiceovers, it came through with FUN quests. Indiana Jones questline in Uldum anybody?


I also can't understand why they'd make huttball the only same faction warzone. I understand the story issues if they'd allow something like that with alderaan/voidstar, but come on. I enjoyed huttball at first. It gets old when it becomes the only WZ you play.




I don't want to hear "WELL WHEN WOW CAME OUT IT...", because WoW came out in 2004. Its 2012 people. If you're going to release an MMO in this day and age, and be successful, you really have to innovate some things other than a great story followed by 200 hours of KILL QUESTS.


I want to give bioware my money. I love the starwars IP. I'll check back with this MMO in a couple of months. But as of right now, the state of this game makes me worry for their future.

Edited by Vagrants
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For me it's the bugged fights. Whether it's a boss chest being bugged or something like Revan simply one-shotting everybody. Nothing has been quite as annoying to me as getting through these long flashpoints only to hit a wall at the end.
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World Design, hands down. not the look, lighting, shading, quest content. just the design layout and the means of travelling in between hubs and quests.


Its archaic, bland, lifeless and provides almost zero scope for exploration.


i so agree

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It's not rocket science, my CPU is bottleneck as the game engine is garbage.

No matter what graphic settings i set there is no fps improvement, which proves my theory.


OR, simply stated, overclocking older equipment WILL NOT give you the same real world performance as newer equipment will.


I'm running a 920 with crossfired 4890's, on a pc build over 3 years ago, all at stock speeds.


I'm not dropping below 40 FPS. Ever.


Admittedly, my FPS does range wildly up to 110, but 40 seems to be the hard floor.

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