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Worst thing about SWTOR?


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OR, simply stated, overclocking older equipment WILL NOT give you the same real world performance as newer equipment will.


I'm running a 920 with crossfired 4890's, on a pc build over 3 years ago, all at stock speeds.


I'm not dropping below 40 FPS. Ever.


Admittedly, my FPS does range wildly up to 110, but 40 seems to be the hard floor.


Then explain why it gives me performance boost in any other game out there, and i have no performance issues with them, just SW:ToR.

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Someone already explained to you how you were wrong, go back and read again xD


You are confused and wrong, again.


You're on a roll!


Wait, you get good FPS but then go on to say you don't all in the same sentence?


Contradicting himself is his specialty. He's a very mediocre troll.

Edited by Gohlar
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Because we bought the game and are riding out the free month?


What kind of question is that. Whats wrong with voicing your opinions about a game that obviously still needs a lot of work?


Voicing your opinion is one thing.


Continuing to play it and frustrate yourself is something else entirely.


As for "riding out the free month"...why bother? I've bought games, played them for an hour, and deleted them. Why? Because I see no point in playing games I don't enjoy.

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1. Eu maintenance times.

2. Ability lag (Big one)

3. Rediculous amount of bugs, its essentially still a beta.

4. GTN is bad, needs lots of features added.

5. UI... terrible all around, not even enough buttons to place all ur abilities!?

6. Lack of a lot of basic features, Macros, UI scale, Combat log, T.o.target, no LFG/D.

7. Graphics/textures, looks like a game from 5+ years ago and still runs like crap.

8. Customer service is TERRIBLE, no response, NO GMS, Mods on the forums are far to sensitive, yes they have the right to delete what they want etc but its clearly being taken personally, they are still human afterall.

9. NO addons, communities make the game according to Bioware, this is a massive part of that imo.

10. pvp is terrible in a lot of ways, to many to number.

11. Theres more really but im not gonna spend that much time on it, they know by in large it needs massive improvements, it will take time.


In before go back to WoW etc, matters not what you think, for such a company to expect a sub with a game in this state is a joke, ill come back in a few months and see how its progressed, mite as well play St:O, it knows its crap hence why its now free2play.



Seriously, you deserve a cookie for this because this is how I feel.


Which means you have a very good future ahead of you.

Edited by Malchiro
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Then explain why it gives me performance boost in any other game out there, and i have no performance issues with them, just SW:ToR.


Once you play "every other game" out there, you'll be able to make the assertion.


Until then, you can't.


Let me ask you a question....


Are the games that your rig is still able to crush primarily console ports (like Skyrim)? Because if they are, THAT explains why you're still getting good performance on those. They're specifically designed to run on hardware less powerful than yours.


My PC destroys console ports. It's starting to struggle with PC exclusives. There's a reason for that.

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Voicing your opinion is one thing.


Continuing to play it and frustrate yourself is something else entirely.


As for "riding out the free month"...why bother? I've bought games, played them for an hour, and deleted them. Why? Because I see no point in playing games I don't enjoy.


Guess I just like to get my moneys worth. Feels really bad when you blow 60$ on something you don't use.

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Once you play "every other game" out there, you'll be able to make the assertion.


Until then, you can't.


Let me ask you a question....


Are the games that your rig is still able to crush primarily console ports (like Skyrim)? Because if they are, THAT explains why you're still getting good performance on those. They're specifically designed to run on hardware less powerful than yours.


My PC destroys console ports. It's starting to struggle with PC exclusives. There's a reason for that.


Sure, i'll give you good example.

X-Plane 10, i rarely drop below 30fps in this game and im pretty sure it's one of the most hardware demanding games out for now and yes its PC exclusive.

If you'll say swtor should be on pair performance wise with it i think ill just puke on Your face.

Edited by Kelcior
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Once you play "every other game" out there, you'll be able to make the assertion.


Until then, you can't.


Let me ask you a question....


Are the games that your rig is still able to crush primarily console ports (like Skyrim)? Because if they are, THAT explains why you're still getting good performance on those. They're specifically designed to run on hardware less powerful than yours.


My PC destroys console ports. It's starting to struggle with PC exclusives. There's a reason for that.


This post made me realize...


Swtor looks worse than most current-gen console ports... YET has worse performance.

Edited by Malchiro
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Guess I just like to get my moneys worth. Feels really bad when you blow 60$ on something you don't use.


And you get your money's worth by forcing yourself to play games you don't enjoy?


How does that make sense?


If I buy a meal and I don't like it, I don't force myself to finish it just because I paid for it. I simply don't go back to that restaurant.


Games should be no different.

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1. Eu maintenance times.


Given me a time where everyone on the planet sleeps who is not Assie North and south American and EU. Someone is going to be screwed it just happens to be you.


2. Ability lag (Big one)


Yeah it sucks, can't argue


3. Ridiculous amount of bugs, its essentially still a beta.


So is WoW, tell me when they fix the Mage blink bug that's been in game since day 1 and we will talk about bugs.


4. GTN is bad, needs lots of features added.


Again can't argue but half your points are lacking thus far for the record.


5. UI... terrible all around, not even enough buttons to place all ur abilities!?


While I can't blame you for this point I feel the need to point out do you think they intend to keep it that way or see what they can add to it as we go?


I still agree with you but is waiting that bad?


6. Lack of a lot of basic features, Macros, UI scale, Combat log, T.o.target, no LFG/D.

These things are nice but do not an mmo make. Some MMO's have only half these things and do fine. I Cite EvE. Toys are fun but if a bare bones system works and works well it works.


Doesn't mean I'm not advocating change but this is a taste thing not a failure on the creators part.


7. Graphics/textures, looks like a game from 5+ years ago and still runs like crap.


Do you watch cartoons at all? Spongebob is really rocking out hi-def CG these days I hear....


Not like his audience has shrunk considering 'omg graphics'.

On that topic his show is also linair and the plot resets ever week like Operations/Raids....




8. Customer service is TERRIBLE, no response, NO GMS, Mods on the forums are far to sensitive, yes they have the right to delete what they want etc but its clearly being taken personally, they are still human afterall.


Or maybe there are too many negative threads? WoW's method of dealing with them was to have CM's cleverly disarm stupid people or send Ghostcrawler to troll back.


Frankly I'm completely fine with those in authority here going 'Yeah your stupid' To themselves as they delete the thread.


Comes out the same if you ask me.


9. NO addons, communities make the game according to Bioware, this is a massive part of that imo.


Again there are mmo's without them.


10. pvp is terrible in a lot of ways, to many to number.


No you have to list them to be valid buddy. You do not get off that easy.


11. There's more really but I'm not gonna spend that much time on it, they know by in large it needs massive improvements, it will take time.

If they know you don't need to tell us or them. At this point your being impatient and ranting. I'll grant you every customer needs to do now and again as long as they understand they are ranting to let off steam and not expected to be taken at that face value.


In before go back to WoW etc, matters not what you think, for such a company to expect a sub with a game in this state is a joke, ill come back in a few months and see how its progressed, mite as well play St:O, it knows its crap hence why its now free2play.


Just because a game is free to play doesn't make it bad. D&D Online would like a word.


So in short you know a bit but have no grasp on the reality of it.


Call me a white knight if you like but I just don't care. Its called being Pragmatic.... look it up.

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What do you think is the single worst thing about swtor?


Combat mechanics.. far too clunky.


I agree. 100%. This is actually a big deal and has in discussion among the devs and hopefully will be improved soon.

Edited by Vylentqt
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Over fanboys, yes they are. People who are fine with the game don't tend to expect much improvement, so they're the worst kind of consumer from a consumer's perspective: the non-demanding kind.


I am not discussing this from an attitude's/manners' perspective. From that PoV both are bad.


You can be very negative about the game and still remain 'objective' though (in the sense that you adhere to your own standards to qualify the game), and also not be a troll.


Completely disagree. To your point that you can be negative and remain objective I would say that if that is so then you can also be positive and remain objective. I don't agree that a fanboy is any less demanding than a hater. In fact, I would go so far as to say that both personalities are sub-types of fanboy. If you are an extreme hater of the game but stick around to point out everything wrong with it, claiming to have unsubscribed, and yet you still think about it so much that you're here pitching a fit, you are a fanboy. You are a vile and sinister fanboy but a fanboy nonetheless.


Bottom line, neither extreme benefits over the other. Stay neutral and simply be a gamer. Form opinions based on objective observations with no emotional bias and then everybody wins.

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Over fanboys, yes they are. People who are fine with the game don't tend to expect much improvement, so they're the worst kind of consumer from a consumer's perspective: the non-demanding kind.


I am not discussing this from an attitude's/manners' perspective. From that PoV both are bad.


You can be very negative about the game and still remain 'objective' though (in the sense that you adhere to your own standards to qualify the game), and also not be a troll.


either extreme is bad.


a person that hates something sees it as hate


a person that likes something sees it as a like'\


if you can not agree on that then your a well i wont go there.



now if the game was ok with you sure you can see both ways.

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This post made me realize...


Swtor looks worse than most current-gen console ports... YET has worse performance.


And as I said before, I'm getting acceptable-to-great performance on a PC that's pushing 4 years old now.


I personally don't know anybody having any major performance issues.


According to my CPU, memory, and GPU meters, I'm not getting pegged particuarly hard.


Admittedly, I had to tweak a few settings. But that's just the nature of PC gaming.

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Sure, i'll give you good example.

X-Plane 10, i rarely drop below 30fps in this game and im pretty sure it's one of the most hardware demanding games out for now and yes its PC exclusive.

If you'll say swtor should be on pair performance wise with it i think ill just puke on Your face.


I personally am getting more than 30 fps in SWTOR in an almost 4 year old PC.


The issue sounds like it's on your end.


Is SWTOR the best optimized piece of software out there on the planet? Not even close. I freely admit that. But for people complaining about 5 and 10 FPS...you need to look to your own house first, because you're the rare exception, not the norm.

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-Lack of freedom(a little example mandatory storyquest which increases single player experience and reduces mmorpg feeling) and instanced quests looks all the same and if your done you need to walk out of the instance again(not even with mount) by the same route you came in, these quests caves all look the same buildings are sometimes the same. Also to many is instanced.


-Planets feel more like roads/cities. In SWG for example you clearly saw on the map it was a planet with cities on the planet. For example in SWG Corellia feels like a planet with nice colours and environment and in swtor it feels like a huge city with grey colours. You can say swtor is a themepark but feels like a narrow themepark.


-Ability delays, sometimes i press an ability and even NOTHING happens and cant do anything anymore.


-ammount of bugs game doesnt look finshed at all.


Cant judge operations or pvp because i didn't did those yet and im 47.(to low fps to pvp)

Edited by Rigota
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This post made me realize...


Swtor looks worse than most current-gen console ports... YET has worse performance.


Firstly, console games are closed systems. The developer has much finer-tuned control over the environment. This is why they can step up the graphical intensity and reliably test performance before they release it. Also, they developers target only a few hardware configurations when targeting a console. It's easy to optimize your software for a specific hardware architecture. It's another thing to optimize for a multitude of hardware configurations. This is why PC games are often harder to develop and contain more bugs.


Secondly, the game is brand new. Trying to build an MMO that rivals other popular MMOs such as World of Warcraft is an audacious and daunting task. Quite frankly I'm impressed the game contains as much content and runs as well as it does for it's initial release. There is no MMO that contains this much content AND has great graphical detail. EVE is a beautiful game with very well-done graphics, but this is at the expense of content density. Many things in EVE are repeated and most of it's beauty comes from background textures rather than textured models. More content on screen = less graphical detail. As they continue to develop and improve the game I am confident all of this will improve over time. People need to be patient.

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