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Pulling a player with the huttball should not be allowed.


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So then a vanguard/Mirror class or shadow/assassin should not be able to pull me back into the fire or acid. Or even back to them if I am running the ball against them.


100% agree. The only ability in game that I personally feel needs to be looked at.

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The issue I have is that sorcerer pull does nothing to the resolve bar so they can use it without fear of it being wasted. For us others who have a pull on a very long cooldown (tanksin here) we have to wait for an empty resolve bar.


I don't mind the sorc/sage pull. I just wouldn't mind if it did something to their resolve bar (reverse their resolve).

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I will accept your claim that pulling the huttball shouldn't be allowed as long as they remove any CC affects slows damage and any hazords from hitting the huttball carrier.


But in all honesty it makes the game interesting when you have diversified moves. I mean its no different then having a chain of juggs leaping to each other faster then anyone can catch up. Learn some team work because I know on my sorc I've caused wins by pulling people through the fire to safty so they can score

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Again, you don't understand. Not surprising judging the past posts i've read of yours. You seem to gravitate towards "easy" than "requires skillful play".


I can deal with force speed, leap, and all that jazz. Because there is risk involved in using these abilities. There's a chance for error. And you still have tno pass the ball.


Pulling a huttball carrier completely eliminates any inherent risk. It makes the huttball carrier too immobile when it's clear that the huttball carrier is supposed to NOT be mobile due to being slowed while having the ball.


No mater what you say, I think you understand I'm right on this point. Or else you'd be lying to yourself.


I feel like I'm being trolled, but whatever....


1st off, I don't think you've ever actually read any of my posts, including the ones you've quoted.


2nd, a sage/sorc pulling their teammate across the goal line, or across a hazard is no different than a SW/JK force leaping, or using intercede while carrying the ball in order to cross the same distance as "pull" without passing... Oh and Vangaurds can talent an abillity called storm which can be used just like force leap. (I think the PT version is called rocket leap, I dunno I play republic because I LIKE EASY STUFF and its so much easier to PvP as republic right.....)


It makes no sense for you to say you can deal with all this other "jazz" but not force pull even though they negate the need to pass in the exact same way as force pull. In fact, force leap/storm should be even worse than force pull in your estimation because force pull at least requires two teammates working together. Force leap/storm can cover the same distance without the need to pass, and without any teamwork.


3rd, the only real complaint you could possibly have would involve some sage/sorc standing in the "end zone" and pulling a teammate across for the score, which as I said in my last post is easily preventable by killing said sage/sorc. If you're really this bent out of shape over a sage/sorc pulling one of their teammates out of a fire/acid, or just away from you, then no one can help you.


I bet I can guess what happened right before you started this thread... Either you're a PT/Van and you pulled the enemy ball carrier into a hazzard only to have them saved by their teammate or you fancy yourself some kind of passing/intercepting master and when you saw the enemy sage/sorc standing in your teams "end zone" instead of trying to kill them you thought "It'll be so leet when they try to pass to this guy and I save the day by intercepting the ball right in front of the goal line. I'm tight yo! me FTW!!!1!" only instead of passing to the unmolested sage/sorc the enemy ball carrier was safely pulled across the goal line thus eliminating your chance to make the big play and you felt so foolish that you broke your mouse in a fit of rage and since you have no more mouse you left the game to make a post on the forums about how force pull requires no skill because it keeps leet winners from being able to make ultra cool interceptions which require much more skill, positioning, and teamwork than stupid force pull WHICH IS @#!$! EZ MODE!1!!


Am I close?

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I feel like I'm being trolled, but whatever....


1st off, I don't think you've ever actually read any of my posts, including the ones you've quoted.


2nd, a sage/sorc pulling their teammate across the goal line, or across a hazard is no different than a SW/JK force leaping, or using intercede while carrying the ball in order to cross the same distance as "pull" without passing... Oh and Vangaurds can talent an abillity called storm which can be used just like force leap. (I think the PT version is called rocket leap, I dunno I play republic because I LIKE EASY STUFF and its so much easier to PvP as republic right.....)


It makes no sense for you to say you can deal with all this other "jazz" but not force pull even though they negate the need to pass in the exact same way as force pull. In fact, force leap/storm should be even worse than force pull in your estimation because force pull at least requires two teammates working together. Force leap/storm can cover the same distance without the need to pass, and without any teamwork.


3rd, the only real complaint you could possibly have would involve some sage/sorc standing in the "end zone" and pulling a teammate across for the score, which as I said in my last post is easily preventable by killing said sage/sorc. If you're really this bent out of shape over a sage/sorc pulling one of their teammates out of a fire/acid, or just away from you, then no one can help you.


I bet I can guess what happened right before you started this thread... Either you're a PT/Van and you pulled the enemy ball carrier into a hazzard only to have them saved by their teammate or you fancy yourself some kind of passing/intercepting master and when you saw the enemy sage/sorc standing in your teams "end zone" instead of trying to kill them you thought "It'll be so leet when they try to pass to this guy and I save the day by intercepting the ball right in front of the goal line. I'm tight yo! me FTW!!!1!" only instead of passing to the unmolested sage/sorc the enemy ball carrier was safely pulled across the goal line thus eliminating your chance to make the big play and you felt so foolish that you broke your mouse in a fit of rage and since you have no more mouse you left the game to make a post on the forums about how force pull requires no skill because it keeps leet winners from being able to make ultra cool interceptions which require much more skill, positioning, and teamwork than stupid force pull WHICH IS @#!$! EZ MODE!1!!


Am I close?


I'm reading this. But It looks like more of the same stuff you've been saying.



So naturally, I'm uninterested. You also come across like a know it all tyrant. But I think it's funny how you don't see the fine lines between pulling a friendly, and leaping at an enemy.


Which is pretty much why I'm not bothering to take you seriously.

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i agree with sprint, charge and grapple are different matters imo since they require an ENEMY player within LOS.


if an enemy is stupid enough to stand near the goalline and give you a target for a charge, thats an L2P matter, force pull on the other hand just requires 2 people with coordination to completely bypass the firepits and the whole passing mechanic.


You do realize that you respawn on the otherside of your goal line, and if you want to get back into the fight, at some point you're going to be in your endzone which means that anyone with force leap off CD will be able to leap to you. Right?

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If passing the ball didnt exist, I doubt I would have any problem with the pull ability. But because it does, they can completely circumvent it. Taking all the risk that could ever be involved away.


I can almost solo the ball as a shadow, as long as I can get to the first fire point up top without using a cool down. Stun break on first fire after then stun me. Pop resilience so they can pull me back or stun me again. Force speed which will allow me to completely jump over the last fire on lower. Score win.


I think be able to pull you teammate as well as to pull someone into a trap is made. Lets be honest without pull noone would ever be put into the acid because half the time knockbacks send people wherever the hell it feels like sending them. Not the way your aiming all the time.

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I'm reading this. But It looks like more of the same stuff you've been saying.



So naturally, I'm uninterested. You also come across like a know it all tyrant. But I think it's funny how you don't see the fine lines between pulling a friendly, and leaping at an enemy.


Which is pretty much why I'm not bothering to take you seriously.


I was right! I am being trolled.

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I don't necessarily see a problem with being able to pull enemies friendlies with the ball. It's all part of the tactics of the game. As long as both sides have equal ability to perform their moves, it is "fair".


What I will say though, is that if someone's resolve bar is full, they shouldn't be pullable by a friendly either.

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I just want some huttball alternatives, I'll be happy when they add them. It's a fine game but when I'm on my gunslinger I feel like the only thing I'm bringing to the table is pulse detonator and I'm taking up a spot that could go to someone with harpoon or force speed.
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I don't necessarily see a problem with being able to pull enemies friendlies with the ball. It's all part of the tactics of the game. As long as both sides have equal ability to perform their moves, it is "fair".


What I will say though, is that if someone's resolve bar is full, they shouldn't be pullable by a friendly either.


Oh they almost ALWAYS have a full resolve bar by the time they're friendly pulled. That would actually make much more sense in the long run.

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Havaing a Sage/Sorc pull a teammate that has the huttball should NOT be allowed. This is what passing is for. With a pull you bypass:


1). The chance that you have a bad pass

2). That your Pass gets intercepted.

3). Quicker movement between 2 points than passing a ball


Pulling the huttball is way too easy to accomplish. Remove the ability to pull the player with the huttball


This is why you can pass the ball.


Yes in a map that encourages teamwork and strategic play you want to prevent one team from using teamwork bc your team hasn't figured out to not to get tunnel vision and ignore the rest of the ball carriers team.


Sarcasm aside just pay attention and don't get tunnel vision problem solved.

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I'm reading this. But It looks like more of the same stuff you've been saying.



So naturally, I'm uninterested. You also come across like a know it all tyrant. But I think it's funny how you don't see the fine lines between pulling a friendly, and leaping at an enemy.


Which is pretty much why I'm not bothering to take you seriously.


You might enjoy pve more. It is a lot easier without the opponents thinking and all.

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You might enjoy pve more. It is a lot easier without the opponents thinking and all.


You're coming off as a know it all tyrant.


Skajjj is uninterested in what you write so he/she'll quote it, but not read it, and then PWN you with leet forum QQ skills which are equally as overpowered as force pull in huttball so WATCH OUT BUDDY.

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If passing the ball didnt exist, I doubt I would have any problem with the pull ability. But because it does, they can completely circumvent it. Taking all the risk that could ever be involved away.


True, but as I mentioned, there are other abilities that allow this as well. I have no problem with you not liking this mechanic of the game, but what I'm saying is, don't call for a nerf to the pull ability if you have no issue with other abilities that negate passing. If there's an issue with one there must be an issue with all.

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