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Is ANYTHING being done about this game's low framerate?


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My PC can play Skyrim and Witcher 2 on maximum graphics without any problems, but when I play SWTOR my framerate is reduced to a crawl. No other MMO I’ve played has ever given me this problem (WoW, Warhammer, Conan, SWG etc) so why should SWTOR after I’ve PAYED for it?


The lag is weird and random - one moment I’ll have high framerate but the very next, when I’ve run into an identical room with the exact number of NPCs, it becomes unplayable. It’s most pervasive indoors, and makes questing near impossible. I’ve tried everything to fix it - from formatting my PC to disabling/setting graphics to low to updating drivers and reinstalling. NOTHING works, and then Ohlen comes out with comments on Eurogamer that it isn’t a major issue. Well, it is a major issue for me and everyone else having to put up with it. There’s no way it’s only affecting 5% of the playerbase like Ohlen says - a bunch of my mates are having the same framerate trouble, and the sheer volume of complaints on these forums hints at a problem way more widespread than Bioware is letting on.


This is an awesome game, but if this isn’t addressed ASAP there’s no way I’ll still be playing a month from now.


- An unhappy, PAYING, customer

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I believe people who experience bad framerates are getting better computers, and that seems to solve it.



LOL. Just kidding. Seriously though, nothing BW can do until Nvidia and AMD/ATI get out better drivers; including chipset drivers for AMD motherboards.

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heh, feel for those with decent computers.. i have an i5 laptop with 10 gig ram and one of those pain in the a** intel hd intergrted chip thingys.. but i get 40-50 fps in the pve world and around 20 -25 fps in pvp.. i can play on full settings with out much difference in frame rate, obvioosly turning bloom and shadows off though ..


yeah, so hope the big guns pump out new drivers soon, shouldnt be much longer surely.

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They did game demos on Alienware laptops and they ran like a charm. Mine has the same problem! What the hell, man!

Changing the graphics or disabling lots of processes does nothing. There is something wrong with the game itself. The Can You Run It? tester gave me an almost perfect score with this game.

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So ive got core i7 720qm, 6gigs ram and 2x radeon HD 4870.


When I played beta I had no fps issues at all, but when retail came out I suddenly had fps issues. After trying the high-low-high "fix" everything is running fine again 40-60 fps everywhere.


For the record I have Cross-fire disabled as this does seem to cause me issues, this isnt game breaking for me as like I said before 40-60 fps everywhere.


Also Im on the very latest AMD drivers and CCC.


Im pretty sure a lot of these issues people are experiencing are down to issues on their end.

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LOL. Just kidding. Seriously though, nothing BW can do until Nvidia and AMD/ATI get out better drivers; including chipset drivers for AMD motherboards.
Behold, the correct answer. Collect your stuffed doll at the end of the booth.


You'd think the people on these forums never got in ground-floor on another big PC game. This is standard stuff, guys. Even if you think your computer's the hottest thing since sliced bread and was forged in the fires of the sun by Haephestus, you, or a handful of people with rigs similar or perhaps even better are going to have issues with new PC games due to some obscure combination of hardware/software that developers couldn't anticipate or test for.


Hell, OP mentions Skyrim and Witcher 2. There are people with better PCs who experienced crippling slowdown on both of those programs when they launched. Magically, however, they vanished once the games were updated, optimized, and new drivers and chipsets came out with improved support for the games. Go ahead, do some Googling for release-week performance complaints regarding both of those games, or others like Arkham City or BF3. You will find people with rigs that completely blow yours out of the water having terrible problems.


I'd wager my PC is probably in the mid-to-lower end of the ones running SWTOR, and I've got zero issues as long as I don't leave it open for six hours at a time. This is not a generic "PC power" issue, it's purely obscure performance problems that strike a very small number of people with wildly different components. Hell, you can find a guy who has an identical rig who runs it fine while you chug around at 10 FPS on the fleet--there's probably a driver difference or some different version if Windows to blame for the difference.



Update your drivers. Run in Administrator mode. Run in Windows XP Compatibility mode. Fiddle with forced options on your GPU's control program. Alternatively, wait patiently, because this stuff does get fixed--it's just not always on the head of the programmer to do it. Sometimes GPU manufacturers have to step up.

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Did you try the tips and tricks in the thread that is my Signature?


Many have experienced much better frame rates make these changes on their systems.


searching and looking for yourself? Lol, some people only want to be spoon-fed their fixes.

Edited by aVmuse
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