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swtor-epic experience or epic fail?


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In reality is not. Its mainly human, sorry to bust your bubble.


Key word being mainly? There are other races too, you know. Too bad we can't play them and instead we have the same boring race reskinned with the same old animations.


It has a multitude of races.


They're just not playable :D


My point exactly.

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Key word being mainly? There are other races too, you know. Too bad we can't play them and instead we have the same boring race reskinned with the same old animations.




My point exactly.


It makes sense though in the context of the game that exotic races (say Wookiees) or races with less "human" expression (say Rodians) are not playable.


However, there are a number of races who look "human" enough and could have easily been included: Togruta, Chagrian, Cathar, Pau'an, Devaronian... Even Nautolan and Duros to a slightly lesser extent.


I'm hoping for some of these races to be made playable eventually, though I really don't know if my wish will be granted...

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This game is what you make it out to be. Whether the content suits you or not, people will continue to unsubscribe, and people will continue to play. I haven't found the content quite as enjoyable as I had anticipated, but for those that continue playing, good for you.
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I am really enjoying this game.


I, for one, was never into the whole RP scene, or really cared about the Story while playing other MMOs. During my 6 year MMO experience, Ive played many games. While I knew what the basic story was, some more than others, I never cared about my "role" in the "world". Taking my time to level up in SWTOR has really been enjoyable.


With that said, the immense story isnt for everyone. Some people like to rush to 50 and do end game stuff. It is their dime. I just ask that people at 50 be patient with the game. WoW had its major issues during launch, now look at it. SWTOR had a more succesful launch than WoW. I can see this game garnering a large player base, with many end game functions.


Be patient. The game has been out less than a month. Enjoy the game for what it is right now, a story driven MMO. Do not expect it to be raid/endgame/pvp heavy just yet. Let them work out the kinks, figure out what works and doesnt, what the community really wants and doesnt, and give them time to impliment it. You will regret it if you quit a game that has been out for only a month, that has years of development in it.


This is truely an amazing game.


I do agree with this statement and don t get me wrong the leveling experience is wonderful just started doing my jedi sage and really enjoying it with more understanding of the game then doing my first char. All i m saying is this is kinda annoying when the flashpoints are there but broken so bioware let you go in for 2 hrs get 100k repair bill just to find its bugged. why can t they close the instance cos for them 2 hrs i could have been leveling and not wasting my time in there. I also don t see the game as just leveling you have to take some pride in your char when you reach 50 and doing dailys, flashpoint and codex are all part of that so being bugged is well just frustrating.

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I think you are confusing things here, one thins is "not having features" another is "being buggy". The first part, the one you seem to refer, is largely SUBJECTIVE, as in: you think LFD and addons are a FUNDAMENTAL part of a MMO, many other people disapprove. As a matter of fact, I left Rift after they introduced the LFG tool.


Also, it's your opinion (and thank god you are a minority here too) that this game is TERRIBLE while most people will tell you this is the best launch of an MMO in years. I was in Rift, while the launch was pretty smooth, that game didn't have the same amount of people TOR had at launch and that counts toward glitches and technical problems.


I think you are overexaggerating. This is probably not the game you WANTED, that doesn't make it TERRIBLE (actually, seen your TASTES, I am happy it turned out like this!)


No the guys right swtor release was like a 2007 mmo release not a 2012. Fyi yea in 2012 MMO's need to be polished and have modern standard features like a LFD, High Res settings(that were advertised), customizable/scalable UI, macro(if you want them if not don't use them)and no game breaking bugs especially for endgame content. This is not much to ask and is standard in any modern MMO releasing in 2012. To accept anything less is just sad and these aren't unreasonable expectations at all. People need to stop being fanboys for a second and ban together to demand much needed improvements to a game we all want to see succeed. If you think just closing a blind eye to the problems and defending the flaws will only hurt the game in the long run and ultimately cause the game to fail like dcuo did. Sad thing there still fanboys defending that failed mess. I just don't want swtor to be in the same boat 4-5 months down the line.

Edited by Poisonsenvy
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No the guys right swtor release was like a 2007 mmo release not a 2012. Fyi yea in 2012 MMO's need to be polished and have modern standard features like a LFD, High Res settings(that were advertised), customizable/scalable UI, macro(if you want them if not don't use them)and no game breaking bugs especially for endgame content. This is not much to ask and is standard in any modern MMO releasing in 2012.


Make your own MMO, and we'll see how polished it is for a 20XX MMO

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It's hilarious what people consider game breaking bugs these days.


I don't understand how you can say the game doesn't make you feel heroic. From the first level they throw you into conflicts that no one else can handle.


Were you expecting to solo 1000 people in an MMO? Seriously? Take a look at every MMO leveling experience then come back to SWTOR. It's pretty obvious which is more heroic and awesome.


You're just a bunch of kids who are never satisfied with anything. I can't wait until GW2 comes out so you can complain on the forums about that too.

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I think you are confusing things here, one thins is "not having features" another is "being buggy". The first part, the one you seem to refer, is largely SUBJECTIVE, as in: you think LFD and addons are a FUNDAMENTAL part of a MMO, many other people disapprove. As a matter of fact, I left Rift after they introduced the LFG tool.


Also, it's your opinion (and thank god you are a minority here too) that this game is TERRIBLE while most people will tell you this is the best launch of an MMO in years. I was in Rift, while the launch was pretty smooth, that game didn't have the same amount of people TOR had at launch and that counts toward glitches and technical problems.


I think you are overexaggerating. This is probably not the game you WANTED, that doesn't make it TERRIBLE (actually, seen your TASTES, I am happy it turned out like this!)


I never said anything about a LFG tool or addons. Where did you get that? I am commenting more on the bugs, always the bugs. Ability delay, poorly optimized engine, graphical tears (not my video card, refer to the 1000 other threads about it), dropping high res textures because the engine cant do it, an empty and lifeless world, important class quests not working, endgame dungeons not giving loot, etc etc etc....


And honestly, I understand that these can be acceptable things at launch (even though they shouldnt be), but the fact that they have been things talked about for several betas (i was there for a few of them), and they STILL havent fixed them.


Looking at the patch notes for this game, they are adding vehicle emotes and baby names, but not fixing some glaring issues that another game (rift) has proven it can fix in a short amount of time (http://forums.riftgame.com/official-rift-news/patch-notes/index3.html).


Like I said in my previous post, im not a Rift fanboy, i dont even play, but rift shows that SWTOR is not meeting the development standards of a 2012 MMO. That is why this game is currently failing, even if casual players are still having fun.

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It's hilarious what people consider game breaking bugs these days.


I don't understand how you can say the game doesn't make you feel heroic. From the first level they throw you into conflicts that no one else can handle.


Were you expecting to solo 1000 people in an MMO? Seriously? Take a look at every MMO leveling experience then come back to SWTOR. It's pretty obvious which is more heroic and awesome.


You're just a bunch of kids who are never satisfied with anything. I can't wait until GW2 comes out so you can complain on the forums about that too.


It might have a similar green line problem, therefore the game has a bug, and must be game-breaking ?!?!?!?!??!?! *flails around*

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It's hilarious what people consider game breaking bugs these days.


I don't understand how you can say the game doesn't make you feel heroic. From the first level they throw you into conflicts that no one else can handle.


Were you expecting to solo 1000 people in an MMO? Seriously? Take a look at every MMO leveling experience then come back to SWTOR. It's pretty obvious which is more heroic and awesome.


You're just a bunch of kids who are never satisfied with anything. I can't wait until GW2 comes out so you can complain on the forums about that too.


I think everyone knew what to expect so maybe you should grow up yourself and look at this from out side the box as tbh you sound like a kid yourself

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I never said anything about a LFG tool or addons. Where did you get that? I am commenting more on the bugs, always the bugs. Ability delay, poorly optimized engine, graphical tears (not my video card, refer to the 1000 other threads about it), dropping high res textures because the engine cant do it, an empty and lifeless world, important class quests not working, endgame dungeons not giving loot, etc etc etc....


And honestly, I understand that these can be acceptable things at launch (even though they shouldnt be), but the fact that they have been things talked about for several betas (i was there for a few of them), and they STILL havent fixed them.


Looking at the patch notes for this game, they are adding vehicle emotes and baby names, but not fixing some glaring issues that another game (rift) has proven it can fix in a short amount of time (http://forums.riftgame.com/official-rift-news/patch-notes/index3.html).


Like I said in my previous post, im not a Rift fanboy, i dont even play, but rift shows that SWTOR is not meeting the development standards of a 2012 MMO. That is why this game is currently failing, even if casual players are still having fun.


They are fixing more and more stuff as the game progresses... I guess that since they were trying to hit the holiday release date they pushed back a lot of those issues.


As for the minor things (baby names, vehicle emotes etc)... Different teams for different issues, plus these could very well have been so minor that a developer fixed it during his lunch break, so to speak, to get it out of the way (don't take this literally, it was more a figure of speech, heh).


People are far too impatient nowadays.

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Not realy sure. It's a fail at beeing kotor 3 due to beeing an mmo.


And as a mmo it's lacking content, half the hm's are bug'ed, either giving you no loot or just one shoting the tank.

Luckily they're adding a new imp/imp wz so atleast I can play something else then huttball, but pvp still is unresponsive.


Imo is a decent game, but I feel it's just a watered down kotor3 mixed with some mmo features.

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it's a pretty generic mmo set in the sw-universe. If you're into this thing, you'll love it, otherwise, you'll lose intrest pretty fast as there is nothing new or exciting about this mmorpg. Edited by Malchiro
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No it's not, technical advances have nothing to do with launching something as complex as MMO. When you grow up and go to university (well maybe... maybe not) you might understand, don't worry if now this boggles your mind. It's ok


It's a poor and pathetic excuse, stop trying to make excuses for a game that has been many years underway and is a clear dissapointment in many areas.


They failed on graphics, personally I can't get myself to login after 35 lvls of high res (the game was actually acceptable with high res textures) and now I have to look at an old nintendo game, they failed on the static feel in general which is unignorable and they failed basically all the mmo parts.

I love the single player dialogue/animations/video+combat system, but as an mmo, give it up you have too much work to do and too little time. Unless you can change the entire graphics engine and feel of the game in a patch, your pretty screwed swtor.


Say "succes" all you want, I did that for a while, living in denial as you, but in the end your gonna have to accept the cold heart facts.


To the other reply with you trying to be funny by saying something about fish and me leaving... small advice to that, don't try to be funny if you can't come up with anything that actually IS funny, it just gets annoying to read it.

Edited by LexiCazam
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No the guys right swtor release was like a 2007 mmo release not a 2012. Fyi yea in 2012 MMO's need to be polished and have modern standard features like a LFD, High Res settings(that were advertised), customizable/scalable UI, macro(if you want them if not don't use them)and no game breaking bugs especially for endgame content. This is not much to ask and is standard in any modern MMO releasing in 2012. To accept anything less is just sad and these aren't unreasonable expectations at all. People need to stop being fanboys for a second and ban together to demand much needed improvements to a game we all want to see succeed. If you think just closing a blind eye to the problems and defending the flaws will only hurt the game in the long run and ultimately cause the game to fail like dcuo did. Sad thing there still fanboys defending that failed mess. I just don't want swtor to be in the same boat 4-5 months down the line.


LOLWHAT?!?! And what we supposed to do? Ask BW to copy those features you like and most people don't? How old are you? need to know before I try answering the mass of incoherent nerdrage. Some arguments aren't kid safe

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Hey look someone rushed through the game and then complains that there's not enough to do when they don't want to do some of it. Also, complains about bugs that are only being experienced by a minority of players less than a month after the game first launched.


Yep, I'm on MMO forums.

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Like I said in my previous post, im not a Rift fanboy, i dont even play, but rift shows that SWTOR is not meeting the development standards of a 2012 MMO. That is why this game is currently failing, even if casual players are still having fun.


Actually it's Rift that is "failing", they just lowered the monthly rate, you know what comes after that? Again, I'd rather have a good game with bugs that can be fixed than a bugless game no one wants to play

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Bugs has nothing to do with this game failing, it's basic parts of how the game is made which is killing it. But ye if your still in the "I don't care how sucky this game really is as an mmo because I want to love it so much Ill always pay even if I hate playing it" stage, there's really no telling you otherwise anyway, you will just call ppl with any form of critique a troll and go on with your day wearing blinders. Edited by Blackweb
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Given the issues in this game, although minor, the proverbial pennies in a jar have added up to be quite major.


Lets all be honest, if this were simply a Sci-Fi MMO and didn't have the Starwars IP (no lightsaber skins), the whole thing would be DOA.

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So after reaching level 50 I have come to the conclusion that swtor is starting to become an epic fail. Why? well its like this as a pve player who really has no interest in pvp or the "good loot" that pve has to offer I would much rather run hardmode flashpoints to obtain gear and to do ilum dailies for mods etc. Now this is were the problem arises so far out of the 6 hardmode flashpoints only 3 of them are worth doing, why I hear you ask, well boarding party is unfortunatley bugged so that the stealth troopers loot chest is not lootable so kinda defeats the object of going there unless you really want to just finish it (I mean you could farm the relics from the first boss by reseting the instance but this feels like exploiting so its not really something I agree with). second fail instance is foundary because of yet another bug that causes revan to simply 1 shot the tank (this can be overcome by the use of some well timed CDs, combat resses and alot of luck) this makes this instance to me not really worth doing along with boarding party. The final fail instance is the battle of ilum this goes all out and decides to give you two bugs in the same instance. 1st is the 2nd boss who sometimes decides to spawn maybe 3 waves of adds before you even get the first stun or maybe he ll just throw double the amount at you and 2nd bug is yet again the last boss has a chest that is not lootable. All these fails kinda defeat the object of going in there is if all your gonna get is a massive repair bill.

That leaves the 3 instances black talon, false emporer and directive 7. Black talon I basically do because being overgeared for it now means you can complete it in about 30 minutes and get your daily hardmode done (although this is starting to get a little boring now). False emporer is also ok so long as you get 2 people with push back abilities (I hear grenades will be sold outside after next patch). Directive 7 I have still yet to experience in hardmode as after going in normal and seeing the amount of damage bulwark does it is kind of scary :p (may do that 1 this afternoon)

So with all this said the flashpoint to me seem to be fail but the funniest thing is bioware are adding a new one in the next patch. So not only can we not experience the current flashpoint we will get another they expect will be bugged. Nice work Bioware.


I feel that I should also mention that not only are the above bugs in game but also things like "defend the shipment" daily at ilum is only doable about once every 3 days because that bugs on a regular basis.


The thing that could be most annoying though after spending about 5 days collecting 66/67 datacrons I get to Ilum just to find that the aim datacron is, yes you guessed it, bugged so it cannot be collect which means I cannot complete for the title.


So yes with all this said apart from the extremely good leveling process and very exciting interactive story modes swtor is starting to feel a little like a fail imo and if 1.1 does not fix these problems I for one and probably many others will just cancel subscriptions (Thank god I have not quite cancelled my wow subscription)


So there we have it I leave you with the question- epic experience or epic fail?

the game prity much just launched lawl u can rage quit go back to wow
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