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People aren't bothering to gear up


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People are joining heroics wearing greens although lvl 49-50 epic items are cheap and plentiful on AH.


They get away with it because there are no DPS meters. It's hard to find good people for PUGs.


Please add damage meters to the game to improve the quality of players.


explain to me how having a DPS meter will tell if someone is good or not BEFORE you play with them?

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I really wish people would stop blaming tools and software as something that magically turns an otherwise normal person into a spectacular jerkwad.


To many of us that's what it looks like happens. I am sure they would be jerkwads anyway but now they can rub it in my face.


I am pretty new to this mmo thing and the thought that I need to parse my every attack so that I can improve... is this content that hard? If the content is not that hard then is this not just mostly novelty?

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This is so true on my server too. Everyone keeps saying stuff like "That boss is bugged and way overtuned." Then I check their gear and they are wearing level 40 mods with quest greens on the side. People seem to be expecting to hit 50 and jump right into hard modes. Then when they fail they think it's the game being bad.


I had someone yesterday that joined us for a hard mode foundry run...Oh lovely right? Well the person was not only wearing quest greens, she also never did boarding party before, therefore never did ezmode of Foundry either. I was like really? If we would have ran it with her we'd have wiped over and over and she'd be all like "this instance is bugged, way too hard".


Honestly though I dont think DPS meters are the answer. You can just inspect your group members to ensure they are not baddies.

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I'm PVE, but I do PVP warzones. Champions bags are so easy to get and the stats blow lvl 50 blues away. No excuse not to be geared. I'm almost full champ gear in less then 7 days.




Chap gear is even good for PvE. Not great, but you can run hardmodes with them in a pinch.

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I've been LFG to do Directive 7 (normal) for the last 3-4 days... Belsavis/Ilum dailies you say? But I have to be in the fleet to LFG effectively! yeah I know about the LFG flag and I use it as intended, however most people do not... and this is being a healer, I can't imagine finding a group as a DPS with a system like this.


So, I'm about to say "screw this, I'll join a HM and see how things go", maybe exacerbating OPs issue.


But I'm also about to say "screw this game" altogether, but that's another story.


Uhm, join a guild?

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recently not been to fussed with gear, i'll be honest. I'm 31 operative at the moment and just kept picking up the gears from quests and loot drops, although i plan to raid at the end.


Once I hit 30 though, that was it, i went nuts on AH. Spent an insane amount of cash on there picking up mods, and new gear.


I still had all me commendations to spend as well, so picked up a few extras from these.


Now..I'm constantly wondering if my gear is good enough...

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I'm PVE, but I do PVP warzones. Champions bags are so easy to get and the stats blow lvl 50 blues away. No excuse not to be geared. I'm almost full champ gear in less then 7 days.


Im trying , but they said they will nerf that on tuesday , dont know if by them i will have full champ , just so damm unlucky with those bags... valor 48 ... and still far from full set ...

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DPS meters help us learn what level of gear is acceptable to take on the content.


NO we already have a tool for that it's called inspect player. If you can't figure out what class needs what stats and what are good stats then you shouldn't be playing



A damage meter won't help you here.

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DPS meters help us learn what level of gear is acceptable to take on the content.

I understand that. I spent months trying to find any advantage I could when taking on real people in another game. However is the content so hard that you need such a tool?

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Really all this, oh people are lazy for not gearing **** is starting. Its a game. Who gives a ****, when you play with me I'll be probably **** geared, so deal with it.


It's totally true though. If you can't take the time out of busy day to do dailies to get entry level gear, then you're probably a lazy ***. I like how since there is no way to really monitor their contribution to the group, so many dps players simply don't give two ***** about proper gearing or rotations and will just waltz into a group and mash buttons until everything is dead or the group wipes (since Bioware's concept of "difficult content" is to toss add waves and enrage timers everywhere).

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NO we already have a tool for that it's called inspect player. If you can't figure out what class needs what stats and what are good stats then you shouldn't be playing



A damage meter won't help you here.


Inspecting people is not a tool that's capable of telling you what level of gear is capable of allowing a group to defeat an encounter. Meters do.

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Given that a trip through the Jedi Knight forums has long revealed that there is a HUGE skill gap -- likely between those who have experience with MMOs and those who don't -- to the point where the community is already becoming stratified this sort of complaint is about to become VERY common.


In the end, this will lead to a situation similar to early Cataclysm where those capable of running instances in guilds will do so and forgo pugging and those who aren't will likely be bottlenecked and kept from any sort of meaningful advancement. The lack of a decent LFG tool will help complicate the problem further.


The sad thing is that the people complaining about meters and metrics are hampering the balancing of instancing around community concerns. Along with a lack of character copy to the PTR this makes that balancing act solely dependent on Bioware without any meaningful input from the community itself.


Good luck guys, you're gonna need it.

Edited by Seuria
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It's too bad that people waste other players time by volunteering for things they're not prepared for. However, I'd also like to point out that part of preparing for group content is getting a team together. The harder the content, the more preparation you have to do.


If content proves too challenging for a random group of people from your server do easier content to meet people and build a guild/friends list that allows you to form a group of people you *know* are capable of heroics when you run them.

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How do you expect me to educate myself if I don't know the amount of DPS or healing being done? Or if that healing and DPS is being done efficiently?


....tool that's capable of telling you what level of gear is capable of allowing a group to defeat an encounter.


Sounds to me you are looking for a tool to decide before you start a FP to tell you if the gear of the players is adequate?

Why do you need an addon to do this?

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To many of us that's what it looks like happens. I am sure they would be jerkwads anyway but now they can rub it in my face.


I am pretty new to this mmo thing and the thought that I need to parse my every attack so that I can improve... is this content that hard? If the content is not that hard then is this not just mostly novelty?


No, you misunderstand. For the most part you, as a member of an ops group, would notice nothing different. If you cannot personally see a reason to use such a tool, you don't need to. However, the leader of your 8 or 16-man ops group would likely make use of this kind of tool in order to diagnose problems and take corrective action.


If you've found yourself a good group of people to play with and a level-headed raid leader to facilitate your foray into raiding, then this tool will only serve as a benefit to the group as a whole. If your dps or healing is lacking, a good raid leader/guild will help you improve on that. However, end-game operations can be difficult and generally those whom after given the opportunity to improve (based on suggestions and help) fail to do so, will likely be replaced.


Unfortunately the flip side here is that there are also jerks and idiots who have absolutely no empathy or common decency. They will generally make harsh decisions based on snap judgements given any opportunity to do so. Some will blame having the tool for their jerkish behaviour, but I would rather they blame the jerk himself and simply work to avoid such people.


In the end, if you find yourself a group of decent people with whom you enjoy playing, the use of these kinds of tools will not hamper your ability to play with them, only enhance it.

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How do you expect me to educate myself if I don't know the amount of DPS or healing being done? Or if that healing and DPS is being done efficiently?


The same way I do. By getting better at the game with practice. Also this extra work you have to put in and theory crafting sounds like fun and community building.

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Well, I'm not even level 50 yet, so I may be hitting it wrong here. But let me ask this:


Exactly how many Tanks and Healers are not doing Hard Modes at level 50?

And if these are nearly non-existant, how are you expecting the DPS to gear up?

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