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balancing the faction imbalance


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it is unreasonable to shut down people's ability to roll sith, as some seem to be suggesting. However, we cannot deny there is a massive imbalance among the factions and that it will surely doom pvp as more people decide its easier to join em than beat em.


The best idea I can come up with is to evenly distribute factions among teams. Make each WZ shuffle 4 imp and 4 rep members onto each team. Final answer. there is no other way. The exclude new players from rolling sith is not only unfair its never going to happen so forget it. If you incentivize people to play republic, then imperials will cry foul and rightfully so -there should not be favor shown one side and not te other.


So, make each wz team be comprised of 4 and 4. You might even also evenly divide members additionally by their gear scores so that one team does not heavily outweigh the other. To prevent exploiting by merely keeping your gear in your inventory instead of wearing it when you queue and then popping it on once inside, dissallow gear equipping once the queue pops up for entry and all the while inside a WZ.


Its that simple. No major alterations to the faction system. No blockading who can create what characters. No lopsided incentives. 4 and 4. Win.

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Id switch to the republic if they allowed resources, items, and credit transfer to my characters. But i have invested to much time into the dark side to throw it all away to make a republic character.


If we could use account bank type feature so i can pass me earnings and items on, then id would love to go to the light side. I didnt think the balance would be so bad, but i wont lose all my stuff because they insist on keeping everything seperated.


And why cant the light side and dark side share areas in cities, space ports, etc. I think the limitations and seperations is a failure for any epic mmo.

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Id switch to the republic if they allowed resources, items, and credit transfer to my characters. But i have invested to much time into the dark side to throw it all away to make a republic character.


If we could use account bank type feature so i can pass me earnings and items on, then id would love to go to the light side. I didnt think the balance would be so bad, but i wont lose all my stuff because they insist on keeping everything seperated.


And why cant the light side and dark side share areas in cities, space ports, etc. I think the limitations and seperations is a failure for any epic mmo.


there's the neutral auction house, silly.

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Damn right ! so why the game favours empire in almost every part of the game starting from story, ending with animations in first place?


I think the devs themselves prefer sith faction. Sad but true.


At any rate, my suggestion is the only thing I can think of that would fix the imbalance issue.

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Or they could just allow people to change faction, keep level, and pick a class once you join. Quest thing may be difficult to work out, but can always give you an equal or class mission on same planet as you were on the other side.


Maybe i want to be a defector, in my IA story there are dozens that turn sides, even my character lol.


Perhaps to hard for BW to do since they have you locked in pretty good.

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Or they could just allow people to change faction, keep level, and pick a class once you join. Quest thing may be difficult to work out, but can always give you an equal or class mission on same planet as you were on the other side.


Maybe i want to be a defector, in my IA story there are dozens that turn sides, even my character lol.


Perhaps to hard for BW to do since they have you locked in pretty good.


problem is, as it stands, with republic losing so much -dont you think more ppl would just defect to imperial? I think that would only further the imbalance.

Edited by ademnus
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Just look how it was done elsewhere.


Blizzard added blood elf to the horde, other games gave bonus xp or whatever etc


Add yoda or wookies to the republic, add massive expertise bonus for fighting near your main base in illum, i dont know, but wake the **** up and do something.


This imbalance is the first and biggest fail of bioware and i dont see anything done or even being recognized from them.

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Something needs to be done. Logged on my rep char last night at 9pm there was 8 of us in ilum , with maybe 40-50 imps sat outside our base taunting us - did they even know we had only 8 in zone, and prolly 5 of us doing PvE dailies?


I gave up trying to get my pvp daily done, as soon as me and my friend left the base, at least 3 or 4 groups of imps jumped us, taunted us as if they had doing something impressive.


Recalled back to fleet to see a whopping 39 people in the fleet.


We have both now rerolled as imps, we now have zones full of 100's of people, as opposed to 5-15 ish on rep side, we now have a bustling AH to buy and sell from, we now have actually chat in the zones, so we feel like we are playing a proper MMO, and actually get to group with real people without spamming an empty fleet chat for a few hours.


BW screwed up rep side big time. I cant see Ilum working on most servers as it will just be a zerg of imps sat outside the rep base hoping a stupid rep tries to make a run for it.


My server was a Full / Very heavy server, i dread to think how bad it must be on a medium / light server.


Imp side simply feels like a proper MMO - plenty of people, busy Auction house, groups easily got, lots of chat, crammed zones and fleet.

Edited by NirvyCN
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They just need to implement simply measures to counter this kind of thing..


-Free faction changes for imbalanced factions, or free server transfer from an overpopulated faction to an underpopulated faction on an alternative realm.


-Valour/Commendation incentives to underdogs.

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Just give republic cookies, like playable Wookies,Togruta,those various tentecle heads, fish people, and such. I would love to play Ugnaught ! No need for voice over, that oink oink would be perfect. Edited by Dalnar
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Id switch to the republic if they allowed resources, items, and credit transfer to my characters. But i have invested to much time into the dark side to throw it all away to make a republic character.


The game has been out for less than a month dude..


I play what I consider a casual amount and have a 45 Powertech that I just left without thinking twice to play republic side after hearing all this imbalance talk.


I completely agree with all the arguments about aesthetics favoring the Imperial side. Almost everything, from Sith Warrior/Inquisitor skill animations and helm graphics to the storyline, favors the Imperials. People (especially the older PC gaming type) just love to roleplay bad..


Personally, not only am I excited to fantasize the good side for a change, I am sometimes happy to play at a disadvantage. Thats just how I "role" TM yall!


Rewatch, or watch, this for motivation:


PS Bioware please do not start incentivizing republic side. Nothing will keep good players away more than an already kidsy looking side being technically easier. You need to start making more videos featuring awesome republic characters (that live) and stuff like that.

Edited by Fel_G
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