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Everything posted by Fel_G

  1. Some of us did.. You should never under-estimate ignorance. Many mmo vets/players, who don't just play the popular ones to garner respect from a lame social circle of nerd elitists, have tried games doomed to fail from the start just to see what parts of them are good and what parts are bad. Most of the posters here are oblivious to lessons they could have learned if they werent actually total noobs. I will provide the example of APB. This was a FPS MMO released not too long ago that almost instantly failed in no small part because the designers anticipated exactly what has happened here: more people would be attracted to the criminal side than the enforcer side because of the bad boy image factor that hopeless scrubs need to satisfy an otherwise completely boring life. To compensate for this the enforcers were given an advantage and everyone ended up rushing to that side because if there is anything more pitiful than people needing to roleplay bad to fulfill their lives, its needing to play easy to fulfill them instead. Bioware.. please don't compensate the Republic side because of the whiners. Open world and possibly other types of PvP may need to be relooked at but just.. chill.. out.. Dont make yourselves look so angry and desperate, its pitiful.
  2. The game has been out for less than a month dude.. I play what I consider a casual amount and have a 45 Powertech that I just left without thinking twice to play republic side after hearing all this imbalance talk. I completely agree with all the arguments about aesthetics favoring the Imperial side. Almost everything, from Sith Warrior/Inquisitor skill animations and helm graphics to the storyline, favors the Imperials. People (especially the older PC gaming type) just love to roleplay bad.. Personally, not only am I excited to fantasize the good side for a change, I am sometimes happy to play at a disadvantage. Thats just how I "role" TM yall! Rewatch, or watch, this for motivation: PS Bioware please do not start incentivizing republic side. Nothing will keep good players away more than an already kidsy looking side being technically easier. You need to start making more videos featuring awesome republic characters (that live) and stuff like that.
  3. TBH I am an MMO vet as well and this game has blown me away. I beta'd a sith warrior 10 levels early this year and had no faith that this game would be nearly as good as it is. The story and elements like voicing are cool, pvp is a blast (huttball is genius) and the space missions I find a unique and refreshing break for a game like this. Aside from all that, I have never roleplayed a class with gameplay as fun as the Powertech. I am LOVING IT. All in all, I had my doubts and Bioware has put them to rest. I think that everyone complaining about the bugs are just people that would nitpick out all the bad stuff from any game and ignore the good. Haters gonna hate yall!
  4. I subscribe to both WoW and TOR and I prefer that they remain different games, not just in story.. No cross server matchmaking pl0x.
  5. I think this is the real trick to being successful in this mission. You have to unload on the Capital ship that appears briefly in the upper left of the screen as you exit the trench. If you do not take care of its turrets quickly (I would recommend saving 4 missiles to unleash) they will pound your escort off screen for a while. I also try to target the fighters that approach the escort from the front first. I theorize they do more dmg than those that approach from behind. If you watch fighters that approach from the rear their blasts will not start hitting the escort for at least a few seconds after they appear, so you have a little time to let them fly by. I have the same complaint as everyone else: half health escort out of the trench regardless of performance to that point but my success rate has been about 70% of attempts. I have about half level 2 blue and half level 3 green upgrades.. all other missions are cake including the level 36 ones. Edit: I've been wanting to buy fraps so I made a movie Hope it helps. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdjX7Ol4XMc
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