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Best Guardian Leveling Tree?


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I wasn't satisfied with how well my sentinel was doing when I solo missions, so I decided to make a guardian. What tree is best for leveling? Pretty much looking for the easiest way to solo story missions w/o having too much trouble and getting irritated. Thx
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They are all pretty good. I know that is probably the one answer you didn't want :p


But seriously, I would choose Vigilance if I had to be picky. Focus is nice too, and Defense has its advantages, but Vigilance will speed along your play and give you enough abilities to semi-tank. Not endgame by any means, but off-tanking is possible at the least. I bring up tanking because as a Guardian people might ask you over and over again to tank. Vigilance is a DPS tree though.

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I was tank specced most of the time but respecced to focus dps around level 48 (tank specc worked fine all the way, I just wanted to try something new). from my limited experience with focus, i'd say tank specc is better overall. as focus dps, you kill trash faster, but on the other hand you have a harder time against elite mobs and story boss mobs.


the difference in trash killing speed isn't that significant, either. you pretty much have to use doc if you play as dps if you want to have any advantage at all- the tank companions are by far too squishy so you need to rest very often and dps companions aren't that viable either- you kill fast but spend a lot of time resting between fights. as a tank, on the other hand, you can use a dps companion most of the time and only switch to doc for really tough encounters to make them easy mode. I never even broke a sweat as a tank; as dps, I died quite a few times when fighting elite mobs or 2 or 3 silver mobs at once - every time a patrol adds to the fight you are basically screwed - this never happened when I was a tank.

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Perfect, defense it is. And I have no problem with resting between every fight, I'm pretty much used to it from playing my sentinel. Btw, what planet in the story line does the knight get Doc? So far I still only have T7 and Kira.


p.s. It would be a cool bonus if someone could add a good defense tree to help guide me.


Thanks for everything guys.

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Perfect, defense it is. And I have no problem with resting between every fight, I'm pretty much used to it from playing my sentinel. Btw, what planet in the story line does the knight get Doc? So far I still only have T7 and Kira.


p.s. It would be a cool bonus if someone could add a good defense tree to help guide me.


Thanks for everything guys.


you get Doc in the Balmorrra chain...lv 35ish

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Don't pick one tree to level in early game and if you do that the worst tree to pick early game for leveling is defense tree.


Why is that? in early game you don't need tankines you wont AOE. There is lot of trash group you need to grind and they are weak early in the game. The best companion to deal this task is Kira make sure you have put her aoe abilites on.


This is the spec you need to grind you thru early game:




Your 3 first point should be in Vigilance tree then you move on to Defense tree and put 3pt in momentum.




Moving back to Vigilance tree and put 2pt in single saber mastery continue up the tier to 2pt in perseverance.




From here on you need to pick one tree to continue leveling if you wont to go defense you do that first at level 30.



Have to go to work going to continue when I get back home to give you more tips.

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I've gone defense tree from 10 - 44 and have had no issues. I kill a little slower and I am getting a little bored of it, but I rarely, rarely die and with Doc I can solo heroic 2's most of the time. I started playing a Vanguard recently however and the speed in which it kills is really depressing me and pushing me to try the DPS specs on my Guardian. However whenever I swap to Shii-Cho just to see what it feels like I get hammered pretty hard and decide against it.


Defense for me.

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Defense works just fine, 10-50. I generally used Kira as my companion, to speed the killing up a bit. Planning on playing with the other specs shortly, but I'm certain they are all viable, provided you use a complementary companion and keep your gear and theirs up to date.
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I bring up tanking because as a Guardian people might ask you over and over again to tank. Vigilance is a DPS tree though.


My guardian is level 33 and so far every group I've been in just assumes I am a tank. I carry a shield and use Soresu form and it works well enough. I do wish people would ask first though.


I ended up finally changing over to a tank spec on my shadow and I may just do the same on my guardian. I will test it out when I get the healing companion.

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