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Gameworld is like a corridor


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And what will he see? Oh wait, the same corridor leading to mission objectives and a vast empty space full of static standing mobs between. Yes, what an improvement.


So just like open world games. direct paths to quest areas and vast empty space every where but the mission areas. I see no issue with this. the fact you say that it is a corridor then say there is vast empty space pretty much says that the planet is not all corridors.

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I just hate being forced into the SAME planet progression for every character I make on that faction. In my opinion, every level range after 16ish (whenever you leave Kaas/Corusant) should have two possible planet progressions. And no, I don't mean the whole "you need to head to Balmorra or Nar Shadaa next!" because we all know one is clearly done before the other. What I mean is a completely different planet, with different story options (but obviously the same main objective. For example an IA would still be trying to stop the terrorist, they just have different means depending on which planet was chosen). Not only would that have the made the story way more choice than your darkside/lightside options, it would also get rid of the boring task of leveling an alt. Which brings me to another point:


After getting my Sorc up to 50, I decided to make an Operative because I just love rogue type classes, but I knew going Assassin would net me the same exact story. However, once I got off Hutta, I was very disappointed to see that my class quest were in the SAME EXACT areas as the Inquisitor quests. The only difference was after going through that same long, crowded tunnel, I took a left instead of a right to go into the Imperial Agent Phase. I just feel like Bioware really got lazy in areas where they could have EASILY blown current MMOs out of the water.

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After getting my Sorc up to 50, I decided to make an Operative because I just love rogue type classes, but I knew going Assassin would net me the same exact story. However, once I got off Hutta, I was very disappointed to see that my class quest were in the SAME EXACT areas as the Inquisitor quests. The only difference was after going through that same long, crowded tunnel, I took a left instead of a right to go into the Imperial Agent Phase. I just feel like Bioware really got lazy in areas where they could have EASILY blown current MMOs out of the water.


This is done so that grouping during leveling can be done without going very far out of the way. It is a very smart way of doing it.

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This is done so that grouping during leveling can be done without going very far out of the way. It is a very smart way of doing it.


Maybe this argument would make sense if the planets weren't sharded so you'd be seeing 1-2 other players at most. If I had to pick the most boneheaded move this game made, it'd be splitting the world and the players like that.

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This is done so that grouping during leveling can be done without going very far out of the way. It is a very smart way of doing it.


But see, that makes no sense, because story quest are the one thing in the game that's actually meant to be solo'd.

Edited by Baromega
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But see, that makes no sense, because story quest are the one thing in the game that's actually mean't to be solo'd.


Doesn't matter, people still want to group while leveling. It was a major concern in the early days of the forums. People feared that stories would actually do away with grouping. By having them take place in near the same areas, it keeps the flow both solo and group friendly and also allows a good flow with the side quests.


People already complain about travel times now. Imagine the complaints if the class stories were spread out from each other for those that want to group.

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This is done so that grouping during leveling can be done without going very far out of the way. It is a very smart way of doing it.


Yes, it is somewhat strange to see a red wall near my green wall telling me this is for Jedi. But what is most strange why do we hav to have 4 (8) different hangars when the ship appears after you enter? But no, we need HUGE empty spaceports, than a lift a and then another hangar before we get to our ship. SWG had a terminal right after the entrance, you chose your ship and flew.

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I'd say there are three reasons why TOR feels a bit smallish, closed and linear. One of those can be fixed, others probably not...


1. Splitting population into instances. About the worst thing you can do in an MMO. If this had only been used in starter areas in the first week or so, fine, but being on Alderaan(2) with 39 players makes me sick.


2. Planets. Picture for a moment if there was Balmorra right over the mountain on Alderaan, and Hoth over the next mountain. And you could just zomg all around. The zones are not small compared to other MMOs but they seem smallish because they're all separated. That really can't be fixed of course.


3. Very obvious matte paintings in the background. Loses some of that "what you see is what you get" feel that makes MMOs seem big.


My 2 cents

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I love this game, but i agree that it feels too linear and small (even though most planets are massive)


Its like, don't tell me i fixed an entire planet by killing things within a two mile radius of where i touched down. Plus the entire zone is filled to the brim with mobs...not just natural wildlife with the occasional humanoid outpost...but everywhere you look is some angry guy waiting to kill you!


I only played SWG for about 6 weeks during a summer break many years ago (2005?)...and while the gameplay wasnt nearly as fun as swtor, the designers really got the openness right imo.

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Yes, it is somewhat strange to see a red wall near my green wall telling me this is for Jedi. But what is most strange why do we hav to have 4 (8) different hangars when the ship appears after you enter? But no, we need HUGE empty spaceports, than a lift a and then another hangar before we get to our ship. SWG had a terminal right after the entrance, you chose your ship and flew.


They actually are there when you enter. I constantly see them vanish as I move from the elevator and then reappear. That said the entire hanger system is quite dumb and the orbital stations at later planets are the most pointless things in the game.

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I'm actually enjoying the linearity. I've played many non-linear games over the years, both online and offline, but I think TOR does theme-park well. I can understand that many of you might not enjoy that design, but let's not forget that we all knew TOR wasn't going to be a sandbox game. If this was a surprise to anyone, they surely weren't following the game's development.
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As a reminder, the topic of this thread is in regards to opinions and feedback of the planets in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ and whether they are too small and linear or not.


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WoW is anything but "open world", even if it seems like one.


Also, it gets better after Nar Shadaa I think, at least Tatooine feels far more open than previous worlds.


nope there all linear, Even tatooine. all the way to corellia. they all follow linear quest paths. Just the higher up you got the more aggravateing the map design becomes.

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When reading the several viewpoints paying subs have I come to think of one thing.

We are all human, the developers too.


As stated about the feeling of a corridory and perhaps a bit too ``empty`` kind of enviorment the developers can only do so much at the time.


Starwars:ToR is a very broad game, broad in many diffrent areas and thus priorities have to be made accoringly.



Besides my view I agree, the feel of some or several areas could use a bit more color and fantasy and creativity since this is a part of the Starwars universe and should be as flipped out as one:)


Stu out //

Edited by Stunorth
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Oh , then the problem is that you misunderstood the game.


SWTOR is by no means like WoW on this point and the devs tried to let that quite clear in my opinion , in WoW dont matter your lvl you are just another Paladin , they dont try to make you feel like you made the difference , you and nothing are quite the same.


On this game by adding the story they try to pass that you are SOMEONE that actually change thing in the galaxy (even if we know that is not true) they want you to think , hey im a special sith among the sith , not just another mindless drone.


That is the point of the class story , to make my sith pass the feeling that it is not the same my generic paladin 1 was.


And everyone that special, and everyone saved all the planets, and everyone has same companions (which is a bit dissapointed to see 20 othe Corso Riggs around me, when he is actually my friend I thought). All this things is point to Bioware made a linear single-rpg, and put players together in that. I just wondering, when will they wke up, realize that, and start making an MMO from ToR, instead of continue to build this linear world

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