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Make charge horizontal only....


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You know that if you defend against charge with your awesome plan of having nobody in your own end zone so he has no LoS, the other side can simply have another person walk to your end zone to catch a pass from the guy in the pit?


The Huttball charge is basically undefendable unless the side executing it is too stupid to realize that they can also send another guy to receive the pass in the rare case that you absolutely have no one to LoS, because that implies nobody can be there to stop the pass either.

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You know that if you defend against charge with your awesome plan of having nobody in your own end zone so he has no LoS, the other side can simply have another person walk to your end zone to catch a pass from the guy in the pit?


The Huttball charge is basically undefendable unless the side executing it is too stupid to realize that they can also send another guy to receive the pass in the rare case that you absolutely have no one to LoS, because that implies nobody can be there to stop the pass either.


I'm assuming that the other 7 players aren't doing anything except sitting with their thumbs up their *****, or maybe discussing geopolitics somewhere off in the corner?


edit: a novel idea, maybe someone with a knockback can bait the charge, then knock them back into the pit. Man, someone should pay me to come up with huttball strats or something.

Edited by AGoldCrayon
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That plan is far to dependent on the enemy being stupid, I'll take the chance if I see it but I can't count on it since my opponents are usually smart enough to do what I posted earlier and drop down where they are out of charge range.


The entire area where you can drop down is only like 100 yards, you can cover like 2/3 of it, I seriously doubt everyone on their team is that organized, our juggernaut has never had a problem with getting someone to charge to.

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warriors / knights are A. incredible survivable, and B. can completely bypass this. This makes them broken as ball carriers. Our general strategy now is just to have a juggernaut hanging out in the other teams pit, and we just pass to him and pretty much every time he scores within 15 seconds... it's game-breaking.


"I'm mad that a person knows how to properly play his class and I can't think of a way to stop him so you need to nerf them thanks Bioware" - You

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Charge is game breaking in PVP. You get knocked off by a team and you can just get right back up, past any obstacles. It's OP in huttball, basically the team with the most charges will win.


Just make it horizontal only.....or give it to all classes/specs.


Yes and lets make all ranged attacks to fire only horizontal (+-5% elevation)...

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The entire area where you can drop down is only like 100 yards, you can cover like 2/3 of it, I seriously doubt everyone on their team is that organized, our juggernaut has never had a problem with getting someone to charge to.


are you on a pve server? i don't mean to be elitist here, but people on my server tend to learn by their 2nd or 3rd huttball game not to do that.

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Wait, you're bad for leaving the spawning zone?


If you hadn't noticed when you carry the ball there is this 100 foot high beam of light that shoots outa you. Look for this massive beam of light and run to the opposite side so you won't help your team lose.

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are you on a pve server? i don't mean to be elitist here, but people on my server tend to learn by their 2nd or 3rd huttball game not to do that.


No, I play on a pvp server, but i seriously doubt that every person on your team is going to be able to see the ball carrier in time so they can run to the 1/3 of the ledge that the juggernaut isn't covering, before the juggernaut can get there because you know, he can still move. In fact, i've never seen anyone do this outside of very well coordinated premades, and even in the cases where one person did outrange we just had our jugg charge someone else because we've NEVER met an entire team that well coordinated.



What you're suggesting is pretty far fetched.

Edited by Aidank
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I'm assuming that the other 7 players aren't doing anything except sitting with their thumbs up their *****, or maybe discussing geopolitics somewhere off in the corner?


edit: a novel idea, maybe someone with a knockback can bait the charge, then knock them back into the pit. Man, someone should pay me to come up with huttball strats or something.


I guess you've never seen a team that actually knows how to do this well. You can knock them down but if they're doing this they'll pick a class that has like 3 different charges, not 1. You knock them down once they'll just get up again.


Most likely they'll try to have another character who can pull an ally too near. If you send a guy to deal with the guy pulling/receiving the pass, that almost always gives LoS to the guy in the pit to charge up. If you don't deal with the guy at top, he just pulls the tank or receive the ball and scores anyway. Now, you can deal with it if you ensure the other side never gets the ball, but if you can do that your team is way stronger than the other guy. It is basically impossible to stop a tank going straight down to the pit, because if you start out defending there, then the other team will simply take the upper route instead.


The only somewhat feasible way to deal with it is you try to harpoon the guy who is receiving the pass from max range so the pass fails and the ball reset, but your timing has to be very precise and you've to hope the guy receiving the pass isn't someone who can pull ally (because otherwise he'll just pull his ally up first).

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No, I play on a pvp server, but i seriously doubt that every person on your team is going to be able to see the ball carrier in time so they can run to the 1/3 of the ledge that the juggernaut isn't covering, before the juggernaut can get there because you know, he can still move. In fact, i've never seen anyone do this outside of very well coordinated premades, and even in the cases where one person did outrange we just had our jugg charge someone else because we've NEVER met an entire team that well coordinated.



What you're suggesting is pretty far fetched.


It is possible at some level to try to be clever with LoS as you come out of your spawn. However this assumes the other team is too stupid to send another guy running in and is relying only on the charge. As soon as a guy gets in above, you basically can't deal with it because if you attack the guy up there, that gives you LoS to the charger below. If you don't attack that guy, they just pass the ball to him.

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So in addition to nerfing charge, are we also going to nerf working as a team? I'm not quite sure how bioware is going to implement that one.


edit: I regularly go up against 4 man premades of champions/battlemasters. I just hit 50 earlier this week, but I've been playing huttball my entire way up. You may not always win, but strategy and teamwork trump gear most of the time. Don't move the goal posts from 'charge is OP' to 'but they work as a team!'. You just look silly.

Edited by AGoldCrayon
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Knockback is game breaking in PVP. You get knocked off by a team then burn alive or dissolve in acid. It's OP in huttball, basically the team with the most knockbacks will win.


Just make it not work on ledges......or give it to all classes/specs.


(c wut i did thur)

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No, I play on a pvp server, but i seriously doubt that every person on your team is going to be able to see the ball carrier in time so they can run to the 1/3 of the ledge that the juggernaut isn't covering, before the juggernaut can get there because you know, he can still move. In fact, i've never seen anyone do this outside of very well coordinated premades, and even in the cases where one person did outrange we just had our jugg charge someone else because we've NEVER met an entire team that well coordinated.



What you're suggesting is pretty far fetched.


you think "don't stand on the ledge, jump in the pit with them when you see the giant glowing ball in the pit" is far fetched?

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You either jump down after him, or make him walk all the way back around and attack him at the beginning of the bridges. This buys you time for your team to rez/get prepared. If you're so tunnel visioned as to HAVE to be attacking the ball carrier at all times, even when he's in a position where it would be advantageous for you to wait, and doing so gives the advantage right back to the ball carrier, then the fault is your own.


they can charge up even when youre falling down into the pit. this has happened to me more than once


OMG! My knock backs on hutt ball are ridiculously OP but they aren't an instant I win button! WHAT MADNESS IS THIS?!!! Are you seriously complaining about melee classes on a map that is DOMINATED by range classes? Wow... LOL!


which ranged classes are dominating huttball? bh? ia? i think you mean that force users are dominating the map. its ok, we all make mistakes

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No, I play on a pvp server, but i seriously doubt that every person on your team is going to be able to see the ball carrier in time so they can run to the 1/3 of the ledge that the juggernaut isn't covering, before the juggernaut can get there because you know, he can still move. In fact, i've never seen anyone do this outside of very well coordinated premades, and even in the cases where one person did outrange we just had our jugg charge someone else because we've NEVER met an entire team that well coordinated.



What you're suggesting is pretty far fetched.


Again, the ball carrier has a gigantic freakin beam of light coming out of him, you can see it across the entire damn map. When running out of the spawn, if you see a yellow or purple light blasting into the sky... dont.run.to.it.

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Even if everyone miraculously realized a guy with charge ability is in the pit and avoided giving him LoS, all this means is that your end zone is effectively undefended so anybody can simply walk in there and receive the ball. All you can do is hope you can kill the guy in the pit before any opposing members arrived at your completely unguarded endzone, and since it's always a tank doing this, killing that guy quickly is difficult, especially if the newly respawning guys can't necessarily come out very far without giving him a target to charge to.
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Again, the ball carrier has a gigantic freakin beam of light coming out of him, you can see it across the entire damn map. When running out of the spawn, if you see a yellow or purple light blasting into the sky... dont.run.to.it.


But he can charge you from most of the way across the pit, and while you're running to the corner if he moves towards the corner with you he'll be covering the entire way out... He's able to charge you from any place where you can drop down unless you run all the way back across the pit.


Not to mention if someone else on their team roots, stuns, or CCs you that's a free jump for the ball carrier.


Expecting every single member of their team to jump down in the narrow window where it's possible without being charged to is absolutely ridiculous, and I have never seen it happen in practice, our juggernaut has never had a problem jumping into their scoring zone.

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which ranged classes are dominating huttball? bh? ia? i think you mean that force users are dominating the map. its ok, we all make mistakes


I have more problems with grappling hooks pulling me into acid and fire than I have issues with sorcs knocking me back. Some people may not realize this, but those sand bags up on the bridges will stop you from being knocked off. Learn to position yourself.

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But he can charge you from most of the way across the pit, and while you're running to the corner if he moves towards the corner with you he'll be covering the entire way out... He's able to charge you from any place where you can drop down unless you run all the way back across the pit.


Not to mention if someone else on their team roots, stuns, or CCs you that's a free jump for the ball carrier.


Expecting every single member of their team to jump down in the narrow window where it's possible without being charged to is absolutely ridiculous, and I have never seen it happen in practice, our juggernaut has never had a problem jumping into their scoring zone.


No, the entire pit is much wider than 30m. I'd like to know what your team is doing where this player can freely run around the pit without anyone bothering him. Surely someone down there has a mountain of cc/snare/root they can chuck at him.

Charge in it's current state is fine, adds some dimension to the game and makes melee useful. Sorry you can't just run on the ramp and knock back every melee, then continue to free cast on them without worry.

Edited by Kricys
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So you want an ability to knock people off of a Z-axis map and them to have absolutely no way to counter it. I guess it does sound like a good idea if you like free kills.


I think all melee should get that charge...you ranged ******* have no clue how it feels to be knocked off and targeted by 3 ranged classes and knowing there is absolutely nothing you can do. Hell even if one ranged knocks a melee off he will die.


How bout this, remove knockbacks and give all melee charge so you can see what it feels like to be screwed over every time you go into a pvp match.



I have a friend that is a sith marauder. I refused to even buy this game because he invited me over to check it out. He went into a pvp match and it watched him get knocked around off ledges for 15 min. It was the most ridiculous form of pvp since warhammer on the lava map (cant remember name).


He had 2 choices;


1) Try to run up to a ranged and start attacking hoping he doesn't get slowed before he gets there. It never worked as they all have ranged stuns / massive damage / snares / roots. So he had to charge. When he charged he got knocked off and died while he slowly waddled towards a ramp / LoS.


2) Open with charge and hope to kill a player before their faceroll accidentally hits the knockback button.


Either way if it was z-axis he had no chance.


I only got this crappy game because my friend (the marauder) was my 2s / 3s partner and paid half of the price for it.









TLDR: For you ranged classes wanting no z-axis charge I just want you to know you are complete ******* and just want free wins. Get off your high horse and walk a mile in melee's shoes.

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