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Yuuzhan Vong


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Its true their scout probes are still in the outer edge of the galaxy, however their main armada, and capitol ships are still drifting in dark space, and will do so for another 3000 years. And their coral probes aint designed for combat, and would not pose any threat, they even said in Kotor that the vong ship escaped once it was detected
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Of the NJO I've only read the very first book. I attempted to read the second one but it bored me to the point where I was falling asleep reading it in the middle of school. I never continued past there. The Yuuzhan Vong, however, were a fascinating species. I would have loved to continue reading about them, despite my knowledge of them. I think it would be cool to see them in this game, on a large or small scale. There is every excuse to include them in this game; not EVERY occurrence in the galaxy has to be recorded, and even if it is, this game is set three thousand years before they invaded the galaxy.


The simple truth is it's impossible for records from such an extended period of time to be 100% complete. Everything and anything could have happened, including Palpy dumping the old Republic records just for good measure- which is solidly possible. The point is that in this time period, it's very easy to get away with things like this, and if BioWare had any intention of bringing the Vong into the picture, they can very well get away with it. I certainly hope they bring them in, for an expansion, for an operation, for a flashpoint, ANYTHING would do. They're too good of an opportunity to pass up.

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I know the Yuuzhan Vong havent been to this galaxy yet in EU, but maybe they did and there is no record of it or something. Either way that would be a sweet expansion dont you guys think?


No, I hope they never do that. Stick to canon, and keep them for later in the series like they're supposed to be.

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  • 1 month later...

I would love to see Yuuzhan-Vong in TOR, but as others have pointed out, intercepting a Scout ship (Yorik-et) and defeating it would have been allright, we already know Canderous Ordo encountered one during his days of fighting closer to the galaxy's edge, so it's perfectly possible for encounters like that.


I really loved the concept for Yuuzhan-Vong. I don't care that they're perfect Jedi enemy or something, their biotechnology, religion, rituals and the way they think are really interesting to me. It's a completely new and unknown threat to the New Republic and the Jedi, and this makes it really interesting to me.

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I really loved the concept for Yuuzhan-Vong. I don't care that they're perfect Jedi enemy or something, their biotechnology, religion, rituals and the way they think are really interesting to me. It's a completely new and unknown threat to the New Republic and the Jedi, and this makes it really interesting to me.


What I hate about the YV is that Star Wars already had several species that were nearly identical to the YV, yet they still felt the need to make up something new.


Just how many religious, biotechnology-wielding invaders from beyond the galaxy can one setting really support?

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I know the Yuuzhan Vong havent been to this galaxy yet in EU, but maybe they did and there is no record of it or something. Either way that would be a sweet expansion dont you guys think?


Those things are the main reason why i disregard anything past return of the jedi, no species should be outside the force.

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What I hate about the YV is that Star Wars already had several species that were nearly identical to the YV, yet they still felt the need to make up something new.


Just how many religious, biotechnology-wielding invaders from beyond the galaxy can one setting really support?

The Ssi-ruuk weren't all that great, though. And their 'biotech' was significantly different from the Vong's.


They were kinda like the seed idea that led to the Yuuzhan Vong, similar to the parasitic bugs from the first season or two of Star Trek:TNG that were supposed to be advance scouts for an insectoid species that was ultimately nixed and became the Borg.


What other species were similar? You said 'several', but Ssi-ruuk is all that springs to mind from before NJO began. The Yevetha maybe? I never read the stuff with them in it, but they seem to be big on religious fanaticism...

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I actually really liked the Ssi-ruuk, but describing them as having "biotechnology?" They were the complete OPPOSITE of biotech. They used the life energies and consciousness of a living being to power droids and equipment, they had nothing to do with genetic engineering or "breeding" creatures to fulfill needs. Also, they weren't really from "beyond the galaxy." Their home is in a star cluster that exists just on the fringe of the Star Wars galaxy, so not "technically" extragalactic.
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I liked the Vong but agree that they shouldn't appear this far back in any real capacity, it would be too hard to explain how the rest of the galaxy completely forgets all about them later.


As for the Ssi-Ruuk or Yevetha...yes to the Yevetha as they were extremely interesting and would make a great addition as long as they were kept in a small role and weren't made main antagonists...this point in history should still mainly be about jedi vs. sith. No to the Ssi-Ruuk, the book was ok but as far as the species go...big dinosaurs toting guns just doesn't do it for me and doesn't really seem truly part of the SW universe IMHO.

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I actually really liked the Ssi-ruuk, but describing them as having "biotechnology?" They were the complete OPPOSITE of biotech. They used the life energies and consciousness of a living being to power droids and equipment, they had nothing to do with genetic engineering or "breeding" creatures to fulfill needs. Also, they weren't really from "beyond the galaxy." Their home is in a star cluster that exists just on the fringe of the Star Wars galaxy, so not "technically" extragalactic.

Then I'm stumped. I agree with what you say about their tech and location, of course, but aside from them and perhaps the Yevetha (avoided BFC because I knew the "Luke's search for his mom" thing would be a wild goose chase) I can't think of any species that even comes close to the Yuuzhan Vong with their religion-based society and biotech, let alone being extragalactic.

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  • 2 months later...
The continuity of the EU would be shattered if the Republic and Sith Empire fought and defeated the Vong. No one in the books has ever seen of heard of the Vong, but we do know that they came to the galaxy before; as mentioned in KOTOR. I don't like the Vong anyway so I don't want to see them in this game.
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The continuity of the EU would be shattered if the Republic and Sith Empire fought and defeated the Vong. No one in the books has ever seen of heard of the Vong, but we do know that they came to the galaxy before; as mentioned in KOTOR. I don't like the Vong anyway so I don't want to see them in this game.


People had "seen" them, but either they didnt survive or they didnt know what they were seeing, like a flying rock. And jedi had visions of them, but not what they were



So yeah, no one knew what they were with one exception:



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If they appear in the game, and your characters become entangled with them...then knowledge of their existance would pre-date when they were discovered in the books.


Not really. If you think about it , its noted that during the war alot of records on both sides were destroyed or lost. It could be possible for us to encounter them and records of the encounter to get lost at a later date and those that had contact forgot , were killed or thought of the encounter as a mere side effect of the other sides research into other forms of combat during the war.

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I'd like to see a flash point where a scouting ship is intercepted and you defeat them, sure... But that's about it.


Id be more curious to see a whole new species introduced that never made it out of this time period for whatever reason... Or perhaps something like Caverns of Time from WoW where we can visit different time periods in star wars lore for a flash point, operation or warzone!


No clue how to implement time travel without it being ridiculous though


Now there is an idea. Flowwalking like Jacen did.

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