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Where are the stuns


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Sounds like irrefutable proof that we need one too.


Also, we are a Jedi. All Jedi need Force Push.




Sarcasm and cynicism aside, a stun is not something this class needs. Would it be cool, useful, fun or any number of other adjectives? Absolutely. But... truly needed? In my opinion, it is not.


Sentinel has plenty of tools that are either exclusive to use or just flat out done better, not the least of which are mobility, group buffing and interrupts.

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every class has a 4+ sec stun that they can attack a person during sentinels only stun is for 3 sec and is channeled


doesn't our 4 second stun damage them with each tick? yea it's not equal to what we can 'burst' out. but it's still damage.



we're not going to be doing 10k crits on single targets like ops/scoundrels are. we are sustained damage, not anywhere near as bursty as they are.


and if you wanna stun/cc someone, why'd you pick the typical melee class. melee classes never have a good stun

Edited by FourTwent
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and if you wanna stun/cc someone, why'd you pick the typical melee class. melee classes never have a good stun


The scoundrel/operative is a melee class and has one of the best stuns (and some roots and snares too) in the game plus a number of nice skills which do bad things to stunned opponents.

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A friend and I were talking last night, and we mulled over the stuns in this game, and had a thought: The Sent/Mara stun may be the most balanced stun in the game, because you yourself can't capitalize while your target helpless, you have to hope one of your teammates is ready to make use of the opportunity. You can still use it to interrupt a cast, but you can't stun them and then charge up your biggest attack and make them eat it.
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doesn't our 4 second stun damage them with each tick? yea it's not equal to what we can 'burst' out. but it's still damage.


I think there's a big difference between "not being equal to what we can burst out" and... 800 damage over 4 seconds. Let's not try to oversell Force Stasis. It's a conditionally useful 4 second stun that stuns ourselves as well.

Edited by McVade
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only time i find it force stasis useful is with 4 burns on the enemy


Do you PvP?


In PvE I understand it has limited use, mainly being to give yourself the heal while you wait on your CD's.


In PvP it is part of what makes you the bane of healers. If your mission is to shut down enemy healers (which it should be) it is what you use when your Force Kick is on CD and you can't interrupt via Force Leap. You Force Stasis them and they can either break the CC or hang there for 4 seconds not healing anyone. At the end of Force Stasis you can activate Awe for 6 more seconds of sitting there, or you could lead right back into your damage rotation with Kick at the ready for when they try to cast again with Awe ready to use when Kick is on CD.


My favorite use in PvP has to be right after applying DoT's when someone is ~30% health, stasis them, then have Dispatch ready as they drop below 20% for a stylish finishing move that denies them the chance to use their last-gasp defensive move or heal.


Also, with regards to medals, as a Watchman I typically heal over 75k, more than half the time going over 100k. Zen baby zen. DoT heals are given to everyone in the warzone, not just nearby allies. It's silly, but awesome, to heal people at West on Alderaan while you're fighting at East :)

Edited by Toppins
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