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Okay, help with some Marauder 102 questions.


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Leveling up my Marauder, if you know the answer to some of these, please help out!



- For our bleed Rupture, if you reset Rupture's cooldown and then reapply Rupture, what happens to Rupture's bleed effect? Does it refresh, stack, or does the 2nd one have no effect? If it refreshes, does that cause the bleed to miss a DoT tick?


- Does Smash and Force Scream stun enemy players in RvR or no?


- Can Smash apply the Bleed Effect from Deadly Saber? If it does, does it eat up one charge from Deadly Saber, or many?


- Disruption has me confused on how good it may be. Does Disruption work on any ability in RvR, or does it only work on abilities that have cast times? It would be A+ nice if it stops an enemy melee player out of their current lightsaber swing.


- Disruption #2: Is there any worth to this ability while leveling up? Use all the time? Or, use when you see an enemy charging up a cast bar? Or nah, just save your rage for more Deeps.


- Are there any classes that really use a Droid as their main companion? Would Disable Droid work on that companion? I'm rocking out on a PvP server, with lots of 1v1. It would be nice to have in the back of my mind that if I run into class X, that I should look and Disable Droid their companion really quick while fighting.




Thanks for reading. And if you don't know FOR SURE, please state that you are not 100%, but you think it works in X manner. Thanks!

Edited by Asphen
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Leveling up my Marauder, if you know the answer to some of these, please help out!



- For our bleed Rupture, if you reset Rupture's cooldown and then reapply Rupture, what happens to Rupture's bleed effect? Does it refresh, stack, or does the 2nd one have no effect? If it refreshes, does that cause the bleed to miss a DoT tick?


- Does Smash and Force Scream stun enemy players in RvR or no?


- Disruption has me confused on how good it may be. Does Disruption work on any ability in RvR, or does it only work on abilities that have cast times? It would be A+ nice if it stops an enemy melee player out of their current lightsaber swing.


- Disruption #2: Is there any worth to this ability while leveling up? Use all the time? Or, use when you see an enemy charging up a cast bar? Or nah, just save your rage for more Deeps.


- Are there any classes that really use a Droid as their main companion? Would Disable Droid work on that companion? I'm rocking out on a PvP server, with lots of 1v1. It would be nice to have in the back of my mind that if I run into class X, that I should look and Disable Droid their companion really quick while fighting.




Thanks for reading. And if you don't know FOR SURE, please state that you are not 100%, but you think it works in X manner. Thanks!


-Refreshes, you miss DoT ticks.




-Never paid attention, I don't know.


-Cast times. I've found it less than reliable though, oftentimes refusing to fire off in time to interrupt. ymmv


-Yes, worth it. Some mob skills hurt(full auto, unload, etc). Also, the last fight in the class story requires interrupting a certain skill.


-I dunno, haven't played republic.

Edited by Sayc
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- For our bleed Rupture, if you reset Rupture's cooldown and then reapply Rupture, what happens to Rupture's bleed effect? Does it refresh, stack, or does the 2nd one have no effect? If it refreshes, does that cause the bleed to miss a DoT tick?


It will refresh the DoT


- Does Smash and Force Scream stun enemy players in RvR or no?

No, you don't have access to stun in pvp as a marauder


- Can Smash apply the Bleed Effect from Deadly Saber? If it does, does it eat up one charge from Deadly Saber, or many?


No, smash is not considered a melee attack


- Disruption has me confused on how good it may be. Does Disruption work on any ability in RvR, or does it only work on abilities that have cast times? It would be A+ nice if it stops an enemy melee player out of their current lightsaber swing.


Only work on abilitys with a cast time


- Disruption #2: Is there any worth to this ability while leveling up? Use all the time? Or, use when you see an enemy charging up a cast bar? Or nah, just save your rage for more Deeps


It's useful in pve, both lvling and dungeons


- Are there any classes that really use a Droid as their main companion? Would Disable Droid work on that companion? I'm rocking out on a PvP server, with lots of 1v1. It would be nice to have in the back of my mind that if I run into class X, that I should look and Disable Droid their companion really quick while fighting.


I don't know if 2V-RB is considered a droid, regardless nobody is insane enough to use this suckup

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Leveling up my Marauder, if you know the answer to some of these, please help out!



- For our bleed Rupture, if you reset Rupture's cooldown and then reapply Rupture, what happens to Rupture's bleed effect? Does it refresh, stack, or does the 2nd one have no effect? If it refreshes, does that cause the bleed to miss a DoT tick?


- Does Smash and Force Scream stun enemy players in RvR or no?


- Can Smash apply the Bleed Effect from Deadly Saber? If it does, does it eat up one charge from Deadly Saber, or many?


- Disruption has me confused on how good it may be. Does Disruption work on any ability in RvR, or does it only work on abilities that have cast times? It would be A+ nice if it stops an enemy melee player out of their current lightsaber swing.


- Disruption #2: Is there any worth to this ability while leveling up? Use all the time? Or, use when you see an enemy charging up a cast bar? Or nah, just save your rage for more Deeps.


- Are there any classes that really use a Droid as their main companion? Would Disable Droid work on that companion? I'm rocking out on a PvP server, with lots of 1v1. It would be nice to have in the back of my mind that if I run into class X, that I should look and Disable Droid their companion really quick while fighting.




Thanks for reading. And if you don't know FOR SURE, please state that you are not 100%, but you think it works in X manner. Thanks!


- You don't want to refresh Rupture. You miss DoT ticks/Rage.


- No, it does not.


- No, it's only weapon strikes; hence the Deadly Saber. It doesn't use a charge.


- It's your standard interrupt however doesn't lock them out of the school of ability you're interrupting. It only locks them out from casting that ability for 4 seconds.


- Use Disruption to interrupt enemy casts. It's kind of self-explanatory.


- Agents and Troopers iirc are the only ones that have a droid companion worth using. You may see the ship droid out at lower levels if they haven't gotten their healer yet, however it works on companions.



Also, it's PvP not RvR.

Edited by Kibaken
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This, 2V-RB was cool for the first 5minutes then after that I wanted to destroy it every time I stepped on my Fury.


I don't even care about the thread.


THIS. FFS, can we PLEASE get an option to rip his god awful vocoder out?

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Disruption has worked very consistently for me for PvE. It will disrupt any ability that has a cast time or a channel time. I have found it invaluable in PvE levelling and it's kept me alive and well with proper usage. I have it bound to a key that is super easy to hit; more important than force charge/choke/ravage/cloak of pain/etc.
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