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Who do you have a hard time pvping agains?t


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honestly, i dont have any problems against any class. i sometimes feel like i'm playing against underleveled and undergeared opponents with no skill at all.


i even win most 1 v 2's.


Ummm what tree are you in? medic? Gunner?


I'm a gunner and get my butt handed to me pretty much most of the time. I'm great in groups but one on one my cast times are waaaaay to slow, have no instant interupt I just get slaughtered before I can even get something off. Sure you can use a stun grenade but even FA takes a few seconds to start and it's worn off by then lol Your melee strike does a knockback of about a foot. Kind of useless. I prefer it did a stun or something.


If you're a Gunner I would like to know how you can take 2 guys on.

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Operatives & Sorcs are the two biggest pains in the *** for me. I'm a well seasoned PvP player across many MMO's dating back to Meridian 59 so I can understand the frustrations when dealing with those two classes. Commandos can actually drop a Sorcerer fairly easily but the fact that Sorcerers can dish out high damage AND high healing, stun multiple times, pop a shield to absorb some damage ( usually twice in a battle due to the short cooldown), & run from a battle to heal, it makes them highly annoying to fight 1 on 1. You'll out damage them but they'll beat you overtime due to better survivability. Almost all Sorcerers go down the lightning tree as well since they can dump points into skills in the other trees that really pushes them over the limit. Skills such as...


Will of Sith

Sith Defiance


Sleeping Darkness

Haunting Presence


After 31 points are spent down the lightning tree, 4 of those 5 skills listed above can be picked up going into the other trees. Just look them up & you'll be like what the ****. Operatives, well, they are self explanatory :D.



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This is from mid-level (30's) on both sage and commando's regarding the last couple of comments. The two classes are remarkably similar, they actually even have the same knockback (Commando is actually better) and CC.


What the sage gets is a shield that is the best defensive ability in the game, sprint and a better resource pool for non dedicated healers. The resource pool is big because it means you can spec dps and off-heal. The first time I went into a wz I did 130K damage and 100K healing at level 16. No way could you do that with a gunnery commando, or scoundrel, at that level. They just run out of resources too fast.


On the other hand, commando's especially if you hide and position right, can put out a ton of damage. Commando's are much better for churning medals than a sage before you get gear because you can just pop a stim, hit grav round, and you are golden for a 2.5K hit and because of the aoe you can top damage in a wz. On the other hand, you will grav round until your ears bleed. You almost won't be doing anything else.


As far as what I had trouble with it was "burst". My commando pretty much just ate it while my sage often got away or at least made them work for it. I also didn't have to stand there and just shoot I could move and kite which gave me a chance against OP's.


This is pretty much spot on.


I'm getting really tired of everyone saying Commando's are fine. We are fine against enemies with the awareness of a 5 year old. Against anyone decent, we are inferior sorcerers. The arguement is usually: "Well I can beat anyone! Except for Op's ofcourse. And Sorcerers... and Juggs/Powertechs who know how to interrupt... and Snipers - but they have cover shield - of-course they win... and all healers/tanks, that's to be expected...but everyone else is practically a free kill! :rolleyes:


Our biggest issue is the ammo system. You can get off 3 Grav Rounds before you hit your lower regen zone and then you might as well just call it quits. Force is such a vastly superior resource system I amazed such a disparity got passed alpha.


We have "burst" going for us. I should point out that our burst requires the target isn't healed or popped a defence cooldown. If any of those happen and the target lives with anything more than 5% health we might as-well roll over due to the painfully slow ammo regen.


Meanwhile Sorcerers, who's attacks bypass our heavy armour can just keep casting at full output much longer than any typical PvP fight requires.


I really hope some changes to the ammo system are incoming, because quite frankly it isn't fun right now.

Edited by Aurlon
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Only class that really gives me trouble is operatives. dead before stun wears off



This, though a stun and knock back or some combo to get away in time to heal totally throws them off their game. (assuming they don't kill you in the stun duration :p)

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One on one, the toughest fights I've had were against a Sith version of the guardian. Can't gain any distance because they just leap to me whenever I punt. Can't do any damage when they're on me because they interrupt my casts. It's a long, drawn out fight, but they just slowly whittle me down faster than I whittle them down. Edited by mujrim
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Ignoring Operative who have an impeding nerf:


I'm worst against: Sorcs. Holy crap. They're like super commandos. Less burst but waaay more survivability. From what I an tell, they also don't have the resource conservation issue that Commandos have. Their interrupt just puts the nail into the coffin.


Marauders and Assassins and can solo me down fairly easily if they use all their defensive cooldowns and interrupts. If not, then I will get the upper hand.


Snipers can be tough too if you don't get them in melee range immediately. Again their interrupt puts the nail in the coffin in a ranged fight.


Juggs and Powertechs I just ignore, because I will run out of ammo long before I can kill them.

Edited by DeltaGun
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One on one, the toughest fights I've had were against a Sith version of the guardian. Can't gain any distance because they just leap to me whenever I punt. Can't do any damage when they're on me because they interrupt my casts. It's a long, drawn out fight, but they just slowly whittle me down faster than I whittle them down.


I have the same problem with Juggs. They interrupt my grav round so I can't do good damage to them, eventually I just run out of ammo, LOL.


If both my ammo cooldowns are up, though, I have an even chance.

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If you want an edge on marauders and sorcerers I've been trying hammer shot recently for the slow down effect. Then using my relics for the extra boost followed by stun grenade and a gav spam i still get destroyed but last longer.
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If you want an edge on marauders and sorcerers I've been trying hammer shot recently for the slow down effect. Then using my relics for the extra boost followed by stun grenade and a gav spam i still get destroyed but last longer.


In what universe does Hammer Shot cause a slowdown effect? You mean talented Full Auto? Or talented Plasma Cell?

Edited by DeltaGun
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i'm an assault spec commando with champ gear and the only ones that give me issues are sorcerors. Reason being is they have that bubble they can put up. the stun is not the problem it's their snare and lightning. there's no getting away from it. I can widdle their bubble down and get their health down to nothing but not in time for them to put another bubble up. effectively i have to burn through two bubbles and their entire health with maybe 1-2 heals or so which is around i would guess 30k hitpoints. I can almost kill them but, that bubble is just too much for me. me all they gotta do is get 15k hitpoints on me maybe 1 heal so 18k. I crank out the dps but just not quick enough to burn them out before they fry me. Now when i have Elara out tossing me heals they're no problem but, solo 1v1 a geared out sorc beats me just about every time. juggs/powertechs are tough but it's about 50/50 fight with them. Any tips? I was tolld they can put that bubble up every 20-30seconds. Thats like having a 4-5k heal in the form of a 5k hitpoint sheild every 30 seconds is that right?
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In what universe does Hammer Shot cause a slowdown effect? You mean talented Full Auto? Or talented Plasma Cell?



Assault : Talented 2nd tier of tree

7 points get's you something that occurs very frequently and can be chained :

" Plasma Cell has 100 % chance when it applies its affect to reduce movement speed of target by 50 % for 2 seconds "


Gunnery : Talented 5th tier

" Full Auto has 100 % chance to slow the target's movement speed by 50 % for 2 seconds "


Full auto is 3 second casting and on 15 second cooldown. I would it is way more challenging kiting competent opponent's with this. Management of Talented stockstrike & reduced cd on Concussive Charge ( - 5 secs talent and - 5 secs from Champ bonus ) would be key. However it is more common to see players just continue to Grav shot and either kill enemy / die themselves or die shortly after.


10 points in the Assault tree grants Hammer shot 30 percent more damage and the chance for effect to be triggered goes up by 6 %. Basically its viable to use hammer shot to snare enemies. You essentially have the ability to snare even if low on ammo.


Best place to see this is in a group environment scenario in Alderaan nodes where fight has been going on for very long and both sides ammo / resource depleted. The longer fights rages on the higher likelyhood Assault will start having upper hand due to these :

( i ) White hits - hammer still do high damage ( 30 % talent )

( ii ) Commando's in average gear tend to have 28 - 31 % critical. ( important for hammer )

( iii ) The white hits seem to annoy the ranges & the snare will mess up melee.

( iv ) Incendiary Round is low cost and allows u to DOT target for a long period which gives you additional 9 % damage

( v ) If enemy are below 30 % Health your DOT's start doing 30 % more damage.


It is hard to escape the slowdown. Even when I see class using force run to escape they don't get far. The Incendiary DOT + Hammer + Assault Plastique ( bring's out of stealth ) usually finishes them off. Best if off course when Plastique crits while they are in stealth :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
The horrible truth is that when I get a huttball against republic I get all giddy because I know I'm going to melt faces all game. It's just SO MUCH easier playing against republic than Imperial, I cant give you a definitive reason why or a combination of skills and classes without really thinking about it - it might also be a psychological thing of not "fearing" them, but its real.
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I hate pvping against dumb Sith. When they force jump at you on a walkway over a power conduit thinking they are so big and bad and you just side step and stockstrike them in the face and make them fall into it and die. Its terrible, and I hate doing it because it demoralizes me to think they died without even a fight.


Its not even funny as they fall off the walkway and die instantly in a power beam after one hit.. okay well yes it is funny but I still feel disappointed in the lack of a fight afterwards..

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i'm an assault spec commando with champ gear and the only ones that give me issues are sorcerors. Reason being is they have that bubble they can put up. the stun is not the problem it's their snare and lightning. there's no getting away from it. I can widdle their bubble down and get their health down to nothing but not in time for them to put another bubble up. effectively i have to burn through two bubbles and their entire health with maybe 1-2 heals or so which is around i would guess 30k hitpoints. I can almost kill them but, that bubble is just too much for me. me all they gotta do is get 15k hitpoints on me maybe 1 heal so 18k. I crank out the dps but just not quick enough to burn them out before they fry me. Now when i have Elara out tossing me heals they're no problem but, solo 1v1 a geared out sorc beats me just about every time. juggs/powertechs are tough but it's about 50/50 fight with them. Any tips? I was tolld they can put that bubble up every 20-30seconds. Thats like having a 4-5k heal in the form of a 5k hitpoint sheild every 30 seconds is that right?


CD on bubble is 20 sec. Funny how reactive shield is 120 sec.

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Everyone with bad gear, not really anyone specific if I have good gear. Juggernauts are a pain because of thier cc immunity and double charges, but still doable. Assassin's damage should be nerfed a bit too... Mostly you just gotta know your place and it's right there out of sight, putting every cd up and nuking the hell out of imps before they notice you.
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Please explain this further.


I'll take a stab at this. When you spec assault your priorities change. When spec'ed assault I focus on the Reactive Shield + Adren rush to mitigate damage and Incend + Hammershot with plastique for burst. What this does is give you mobility that when combined with LoS tactics = more survivability with no loss in killing potential. The only downside I've found to assault spec is that you need a bit more time to kill something and it is more difficult to setup a dps bomb.


As to what classes I have trouble with: (Assault spec)


Good Sith Assasin: You can do all the damage you want. If their cooldowns are up (especially the one that can negate pretty much all tech damage) it's a tough one. Couple that with the fact that if you do get them down low they can stealth away, reset and come at you again with all trooper cooldowns blown.


Medicore Pyrotech: Matches with a good pyrotech are 50/50, however their burst if they catch you in melee coupled with rail shot is freaking intense. The time loss using field aid to cleanse off DoTs costs ammo and valuable dps time.


Beasty Marauders w/ Cooldowns up: A marauder with defensive cooldowns up can usually kill me and survive with 10% or below health left. A good marauder will kill you...plain and simple.


Pretty much any Sith Sorcs: The damn bubble. The G..Damn bubble. It's all about the timing of the DPS bomb tied with cryo grenade + DoT finisher. Constantly being ready to stealth detect and trying to anticipate the force run crap is a pain.

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I don't PvP much but since I started my commando I have encountered a lot more world PvP than when I leveled my Marauder. A tip I have found useful for me in World PvP is always obviously, confirming my target is actually the player and not the companion and having my companion attack it as well. They will always target the companion. I roll with the cathar dude and I have made sure his gear is good, we have almost identical sets and can put out a significant amount of DPS.


Vigilance is key, being aware of your surroundings is the most important aspect of a ranged toon. Turn off nameplates on all characters except enemies, this will help you spot enemy PvPers from a greater distance. Obviously your screwed when it comes to enemies in stealth, but generally they are in the area for questing as well and if your paying attention you will see them fighting a mob somewhere which will give you the upper hand (most times).


I've found Mercs and rage Jugs to be the hardest to put down so far, I'm speculating on the Jug's spec, he had to have been dps because he did a lot of damage. I'm only 34 so I haven't ran into the interrupt issue yet. Marauders are a low population class, a lot of ppl for some reason find them difficult to play/lvl so they avoid them. Trying to snare one that is rage specced is difficult because they will have predation up the entire time and will be all over you. But only true PvPers usually role rage so if you run into one your probably screwed anyways.

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hands down operatives.

backstab from stealth 4.5k-5.5k crit

knockdown (4sec stun) and more damage

flash grenade 8 sec stun and more damage

by the time i can push them away with concussion charge or stockstrike i'm at 1/2 health or less.

sooooo frustrating

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assasin and shadow hands down, force shroud, skill make him immune to any tech damage, and a combination of low slash and electrocute will stun lock me to death, combining with back stab and shock.


i guess operative might be tough as well but i have better chance against operative compare to assasin,

my usual counter is

he open

i tenacity, then tech overide, instant cast concussive round

he break free

i stun, then burn him down with all the dps burst you have in your pocket :)

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