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Marauders and Huttball


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The simple answer is your not doing enough damage on your uptime. They have to stop to cast no matter the class. If someone gains distance on me they are usually bleeding to death and healing me at the same time. Your fear is also a 10m range if you haven't noticed and can keep you from getting kited very easily. If they are dead zoning you run away from them till your not in a dead zone which should take about half a second if they are trying to kite.


Maybe 1 in 20 fights EVERYTHING is down and i get kited. In these cases I was usually just on a murderous rampage where 10+ people got ruined so I don't really feel bad about dieing to that person. Even then you can pillar cheese or drop off a scaffold and charge back up there when all your **** is back up 10 seconds later. Have some spacial awareness, use your environment and be smarter about your uptime. Do you have any idea what a hard time ranged can have doing damage in huttball because of los? Other then that I don't really know what your doing wrong as I haven't seen you play.


One, to adress deadzoning, I stated in my previous post that when the other person is good at it, they chase me when I try to extend the range past 10m, keeping me deadzoned.


Also, please note, I'm not getting owned all the time, I tear it up, but these are some issues I notice that make this class very difficult to keep any uptime on.


To address my skill at play, I do have a few videos on youtube, I have posted a solo huttball cap while playing virtually one handed (dont ask, I wont tell), and have assisted in thousands of other caps, while destroying my targets.


All I want to address is that a GOOD player that understands our weaknesses, can exploit them with great success, we dont have any immunities, and I would like to see one that can make us immune to any slowing or movement impairing effects for just a couple seconds.

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I'm a marauder and about to reach valor rank 50 and I go in to huttball games with 2 other marauder buddies and we always get the ball and wait go down into the enemy pit and I just force charge into the endzone and score on people all day but I understand where you guys are coming from it is bs BHs have too many knock and we get stunned and kicked back all day with one trinket to save us just fight it out guys hopefully bio ware will give us something to survive with
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Such is the woes of melee in every MMO ever. You can burst in range on your uptime and get worked on downtime. It's fairly gear dependent but catching them once or twice should = dead. It's not a problem with the class, it's an inherent problem with being a melee. If we had an easy way to catch someone who is kiting us properly there would be no reason to play a ranged dps class. Yes it's hard, no its not impossible. As far as melee classes go though we have many more tools at our disposal then most Dual wield "berserker" classes in other games. Marauders are by no means easy to play.
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The direction you're knocked back in depends on your position and the position of the person knocking you back. You can control your own position.


If there was a line drawn between the person knocking you back and you, you are knocked back along that line.


So they just need to move to and you still get knocked back, people think they know some special Jedi mind tricks to not get knocked off rofl. If the other person isnt stupid or bad, you ARE getting knocked off plain and simple.

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So they just need to move to and you still get knocked back, people think they know some special Jedi mind tricks to not get knocked off rofl. If the other person isnt stupid or bad, you ARE getting knocked off plain and simple.


Didn't you know? The class is fair and balanced as long as your equipped with your pro jedi mind tricks. /endsarcasm

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90% of the time in Huttball I focus on scoring instead of damage. With an Op healing me and a Sorc to pull me around we've easily carried games.


Granted, Juggernauts could easily do it as well with a lot more tankiness, but Undying Rage + Predation have insured many, many points.




And the additional speed on predation from the annihilation tree is totally hax.

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And the additional speed on predation from the annihilation tree is totally hax.


I don't enjoy playing as annihilation as much as I do the other two trees, so I'd rather see the game balanced for all three specs and not have the game end up like WoW where if I want to do RBG's I'm forced to play annihilation for predation in some kind of cookie cutter spec.

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Since marauders have no stuns or knockbacks, three simple fixes:


1. Savage kick 3 second knockdown, lower the damage (or remove it, I don't care). Smash and scream stuns don't work in pvp (rofl who designed this joke of a class?).

2. Smash does a knockback and snares (if other classes can have this, ranged as well, we can too).

3. Delete pommel strike, fire all devs that were in the design process of creating marauders/sentinels.


Class fixed.

Edited by Tyestor
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Since marauders have no stuns or knockbacks, three simple fixes:


1. Savage kick 3 second knockdown, lower the damage (or remove it, I don't care). Smash and scream stuns don't work in pvp (rofl who designed this joke of a class?).

2. Smash does a knockback and snares (if other classes can have this, ranged as well, we can too).

3. Delete pommel strike, fire all devs that were in the design process of creating marauders/sentinels.


Class fixed.


You never understood the function of pommel strike and savage kick and yet want people to be fired?


Do you know every class has skills that stun weak or standar denemies which does not work in pvp, because players are not considered weak or standard but gold mobs? Same reason why pommel strike and savage kick don't work in pvp...

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