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They REALLY do need to look into Marauders


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I played a sorcerer to 50. Great class, blah blah, but now I'm working on a marauder (so far level 24). My GOD are marauders FRAGILE compared to sorcerers. I don't know if it is just that sorcerers are over powered or that marauders are weak, but DAMN....it's not even CLOSE.
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The sorcerer is considered OP by some people, but the juggernaut is like the marauder but has more defence, mobility, damage and utility and the jug is balanced since nobody cry about them


since jug > marauder and jug is balanced, the marauder is weak


saying this in every post will still never make it true

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saying this in every post will still never make it true


So is saying it's a L2P issues when button smashing =/= skill


Numbers don't lies. bigger numbers : more damage

Less damage taken : more defence

3 charge > 1

AoE small range snare > single target melee range one

9.5k smash > 6.5k smash

shield > offhand lightsaber

I could go on forever


Stop acting like "skilled" player can dodge projectile, are immune to knockback, root and stun. you have 1 gap closer to counter 3 gap opener(not counting ranged snare) i kite marauder with my lvl 34 sorc. anyone with half a brain can kite marauder


Sorc : sprint, knockback, root, stun

BH : 2 knockback, stun

IA : cover to not get charged, knockback(which can also root), stun


marauder has : force charge. (and camouflage which is countered by turning 180 degree and hold W

Edited by mastersloup
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LOL get 50 kiddo enjoy never dieing and destroying anyone.


You mean destroying everyone that is inferior to your stats?


...because I think you're trying to imply that marauders have that survivability inless you have of pocket healer, which in that case everyone's indestructible?

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You mean destroying everyone that is inferior to your stats?


...because I think you're trying to imply that marauders have that survivability inless you have of pocket healer, which in that case everyone's indestructible?


Aparantly our posts arguing with each other got deleted but the person you were responding to is clearly a troll.


We lack everything from survivability to burst. And all im see'ing is bioware ignoring the class and deleting rage posts.

Edited by Hoseman
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Aparantly our posts arguing with each other got deleted but the person you were responding to is clearly a troll.


We lack everything from survivability to burst. And all im see'ing is bioware ignoring the class and deleting rage posts.


BW have responded to all the complaints about underpowered classes, and stated all classes play the way they were intended, so maybe it really is a L2P issue. i'm not saying that is the case, but that seems like the message being sent out by BW


i don't PVP, but in PVE my life seems to be getting easier the higher i level, can't remember last time i died. but that could be due to gear. and i do know PvP is the true test of a class balance, which is why i'm not saying the class is fine

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BW have responded to all the complaints about underpowered classes, and stated all classes play the way they were intended, so maybe it really is a L2P issue. i'm not saying that is the case, but that seems like the message being sent out by BW


i don't PVP, but in PVE my life seems to be getting easier the higher i level, can't remember last time i died. but that could be due to gear. and i do know PvP is the true test of a class balance, which is why i'm not saying the class is fine


Well PvE-wise the class is fine really. PvP is where it's at. According to BW's comment, none of them PvP with a marauder or they don't PvP at all.

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