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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

how long between waves?


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Just remember, the original early access was for the 15th.

We were all pleasantly surprised when we heard the news that they extended early access to the 13th.


It looks like this is why they pushed it back for today (13th).

They did it to take their time, to really ensure a quality launch.


So all of you complaining about not getting in the first wave, you sound kinda lame... the first wave of early access wasn't supposed to happen for another few days.


For the majority of the time, they advertised that early access was the 15th.

Let them do an even earlier stagger (beginning today) however they want.

It ensure a perfect launch.


Why do people have problems with that.... you now have the potential to get in even sooner than the originally advertised early access!

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i think they going donw a mailing list they out together, althought it might not be in time roder we shoudl all get in at some point todat if we at lest in the first 2+ day preorder range i think. i know i order 7/22/11 and yet to get invited but i can wait abit longer.. i got a quick work thing to do so can spare the time lol.
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Just remember, the original early access was for the 15th.

We were all pleasantly surprised when we heard the news that they extended early access to the 13th.


It looks like this is why they pushed it back for today (13th).

They did it to take their time, to really ensure a quality launch.


So all of you complaining about not getting in the first wave, you sound kinda lame... the first wave of early access wasn't supposed to happen for another few days.


For the majority of the time, they advertised that early access was the 15th.

Let them do an even earlier stagger (beginning today) however they want.

It ensure a perfect launch.


Why do people have problems with that.... you now have the potential to get in even sooner than the originally advertised early access!


I think the problem is that a certain few people can now claim all the cool Star Warsy names instead of us all having a fair shot at them.

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I don't expect them to say you will be in at 4pm today etc, what I would like to see is them state how many people per wave are allowed in, so people can make thier own calculations.


I didn't enter my code until 12th September, so they could say that I will not get in until atleast tomorrow, instead of me sitting here in hope of entry today.


How ever if they are allowing 200,000 users per wave to log in, then the fact that 11/2 hours they did wave 2 I could assume I would gain entry tonight.


Keeping people completely in the dark is bad.

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So, at rougly 2 hours per wave and if the pattern of days keeps up -


11 AM EST - 22nd and 23rd


1 PM EST - 23rd and 24th


3 PM EST - 25th and 26th


5 PM - 26th and 27th



and so on.



Though I'm thinking the later days will go much faster then the 21st. Atleast until the November pre-orders when I feel like the waves will take a bit longer.

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I redeemed my code on the day I pre-ordered. The SWTOR webiste says I haven't redeemed my code. Whats up with that? I try it again and it says the code has been claimed by someone, yeah me! It makes me think of that Michael Showalter bit about using public restrooms, someone knocks on the door and asks "is someone in there?" and you have a panic attack thinking "yes!!! I'M IN HERE!"


I have no idea what to do, since I don't think I'll get in until this is resolved. I've emailed support, so I guess all I can do is wait.

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I am one of those people that pre-ordered on the 21st but didn't get the code in until the 23rd. So distressing. Although these reports of 22nd people getting in now have me cheering up.


I bought the CE as soon as the announcement although since I bought from Gamestop Canada I didnt get my code until the 26th ughh....

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