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how long between waves?


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I got up at 7am because I couldn't sleep :rolleyes:


I was waking up every hour on the hour last night and will prolly do so until I get my EGA and then I won't sleep for like 2-3 days and then I will crash and burn for about 12 hours :D


Haha, I just woke up and the first thing I did was check my e-mail like a spaz, even though I knew the odds were pretty low that I was going to get in today.


Sheesh, this is worse than waiting for Santa as a kid. I guess that makes me a huge nerd.

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If they let everyone in @ once it would be 1 giant cluster complaint about Quest respawns not being good enough, terrible lag, griefing, so on and so forth and it would STILL get labeled as worst mmo launch (just like almost every other MMO)


You got that right. They are doing it the way it needs to be early access means if you get in early congrats, that were going to do it slowly to allow people to get into different aspects of the game so people are not waiting on spawns for quests, and so next week when the game really picks up speed starter zones will not be flooded and become even worse. I agree with you all the way this is going to allow things to go smooth by letting people move on and slowly ease people in until release.

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With you on that, I hope that end content in this stays difficult and Items cannot be bought just by getting badges off bosses. Where you may have to run 5-6 times just to have a shot at one Item. I also agree this is the most excited I have been since vanilla WoW. But what I liked more in this Beta it showed me its not a reanimation of every MMO the stories have points to them and continue with you through the whole game. They have grind quests but those are what pop up as bonus objectives while you are say fixing some satillites or trying to locate items for our faction.


Personally I love the idea of the "bonus quests" I mean come on I am going to be in that area for a little bit tearing up countless baddies working on several different quests in the area, why not have a side bonus objective to make killing more of them worth it? I tip my hat to BW on that one.


I have yet to see any content end game, but from what I am hearing it's going to be like what WOW endgame was when vanilla came out you know those baby step ones, every site I go to with interviews from the Devs state from quotes from the Devs that they have a lot of things lined up and in the works so I think that the current state of the endgame is just to get everyone rolling kind of what like heroics were/are in BC, WOTLK, Cata to get people moving and geared up for some harder content.


I do like the current badge system that they have from what I have seen it allows you to supplement what you get for your level bracket in that area to help ease the next area a bit, I did a repub Jedi and only ended up with enough of the commendations to get 2 pieces of gear from that vendor which seemed like a lot but my WoW side kicked in and I ended up taking the commendations over gear that I didn't need so prolly if you take the gear you will get just enough for one maybe two while working an area.


The only thing I am sad about right now is that I wasn't able to get my hands on a CE :( but that is because I am a poor college student but you better believe I will be all over one on ebay or amazon or elsewhere as soon as I get my money for spring, HA they say its like $500-800 a semester for entertainment, forget that! 6 month prepaid on 2 MMO's and a CE and I'm still ahead money wise, plus I have made some really awesome friends over the years on these games

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Yes i got something in my mail box!! :D



oh.. nvm.. just tumbleweed




LOL I got excited a second ago because my mailbox did it's thing at me letting me know I had a new message.....


Stupid MLB trying to get me to buy Xmas presents for Yankee$ fans :mad:

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These waves are starting to smell more like small ripples!


If they arent finished with the first 2 days of pre orders yet theres going to be a tsunami and total meltdown on the 20th at this rate


Since they promised Early Access for everyone who pre-ordered, I'd say the tsunami is planned for the 19th :p

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Haha, I just woke up and the first thing I did was check my e-mail like a spaz, even though I knew the odds were pretty low that I was going to get in today.


Sheesh, this is worse than waiting for Santa as a kid. I guess that makes me a huge nerd.



LOL! Yea it was pretty bad for me, I knew I didn't have a chance to get in on first wave either, but as soon as I woke up and saw my time was like 7:04 it was over and I was out of bed. I am just glad the forums are up!


This wait has been worse for me than waiting for my final grades to post all week

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Been a part of numerous MMO launches, dozens even, and I have never seen one do this before. Its saying "oh hey, you paid the same price as everyone else, but uh.....yea, you cant play when they can, sucks to be you!"


I had literal brain surgery and couldnt afford to pre-order due to bills / not able to work till last month, so I take it as bioware flipping me off. Wanting to see if servers are stable? Yea, thats what the STRESS test was for. So because I had a tumor I dont get to play when everyone else does, thanks Bioware.

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