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Running [FRAPS] Fixes the Warzone FPS Issue


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Running FRAPS in the background can potentially fix the horrible FPS bug.


I can confirm this and it boosted my fps by 15 in places it was much worse prior. For whatever reason, running FRAPS in the background (a program that records your game session in real time) has somehow fixed the problem people have been having with huge FPS drops in random places like Warzones, Fleet, or even on your ship in some cases.


Its worth a shot and has worked for a lot of people so far. Hopefully this temporary workaround can give BioWare some head-start into why the problem is happening in the first place so they can fix it permanently.

Edited by Proto
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...this makes absolutely no sense unless FRAPS is somehow disabling whatever feature your system is having trouble with.


Shadows, perhaps? I've noticed they have a HUGELY disproportionate effect on performance, and have heard rumors they're entirely CPU based and don't use the vidcard at all...


Which'd make sense. I got a crappy Quad-core (a glorified athlon II that says it's a Phenom II) with a Radeon HD 6870: the ONLY setting which has any substantial effect on my FPS is shadows: they just slay it at times if they're on. Everything else barely touches it.

Edited by Tiron_Raptor
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It's the game.


I don't know how many times I have to say this.


The box of TOR shows minimum specs. With GTX 560, Q6600 and 4 GB RAM I exceed them by far. That means I should be able to play this game with 60 FPS on the lowest settings easily, yet I don't. In fact the game runs more smooth with everything at max.


Smooth game everywhere, except the fleet (probably cause it's immense and very graphical) and the Warzones.


I remember when Duke Nukem Forever came out the Multiplayer caused people to have bad FPS as well. The difference with Gearbox and Bioware however is that Gearbox fixed the bug, whereas Bioware claims it's not them but the player. :rolleyes:


Again, if a game runs more smooth at the maximum settings compared to the lowest, something is wrong. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure that out. :rolleyes:

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i was getting desperate, so i tried this too... and i cant f'in believe it, it works... its not "perfect" and far from beeing so, but it bumped my huttball-fps from 5-10 to a way more playable 25-35... thanks for the tip :> Edited by BombaLuigi
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i can confirm this works for me

running a new HP ENVY 15 laptop

i7 quad 2nd gen

8gb ram

ati 7690m same as 6770m 1gb vram

300gb ssd

win7 64-pro


i do not believe that heat is throttling my performance as many have claimed on laptops, my gpu is never above 75c


and FRAPS makes everything smoother, where it should add more load and more heat correct?

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I might be able to explain this, but only for Nvidia laptop users. A feature called Powermizer will throttle your clocks depending load, even while gaming. Each time it changes clocks on your card there will be lag, DPC latency.


There are weird work-arounds like opening your control panel, and pausing the spinning icon... this might be one of those that forces the card to be 100% clock. You can also just disable it (or disable w/ AC power).


I use EVGA Precision to monitor my temps, card %, clocks, fps in-game.

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It's the game.


I don't know how many times I have to say this.


The box of TOR shows minimum specs. With GTX 560, Q6600 and 4 GB RAM I exceed them by far. That means I should be able to play this game with 60 FPS on the lowest settings easily, yet I don't. In fact the game runs more smooth with everything at max.


Smooth game everywhere, except the fleet (probably cause it's immense and very graphical) and the Warzones.


I remember when Duke Nukem Forever came out the Multiplayer caused people to have bad FPS as well. The difference with Gearbox and Bioware however is that Gearbox fixed the bug, whereas Bioware claims it's not them but the player. :rolleyes:


Again, if a game runs more smooth at the maximum settings compared to the lowest, something is wrong. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure that out. :rolleyes:




no, but it might help you look less foolish.


The problem isn't the game. I'm part of a company that provides gaming hardware for conventions, parties, etc. (deadstatedesign.com) We have 16 PCs (soon to be 32), all with *identical* hardware. Same motherboards, same RAM, same video hardware, etc.


2 of them, for whatever reason, have bad performance in SWTOR. We were puzzled as to why...


then it occured to me:


the owner uses them as his personal gaming/home use machines - one of the perqs - and thereby they have a TON of third party software installed that aren't on the bare rental machines.


If you knew ANYTHING about how an application requests resources/uses the hardware on the computer, you would know that it could be something simple, some 3rd party process that is interfering with a GPU, CPU, networking, et al, call that SWTOR uses and causing a performance degredation on a machine that is otherwise far above spec.


So i yanked the drive from one of the machines, and put in the drive from one of the machines that didn't have the problems. Guess what?


No problems. Game runs flawlessly. Identical hardware, identical install of the game (as they were just propagated across all machines with cybercafe software)... but a performance difference. Because the user installed something that was causing a conflict with SWTOR and degrading performance. (I love my boss, who is great at selling his product and providing one hell of a game room but is nearly computer illiterate).


If it was the game itself, it would run poorly universally, not mysteriously work fine for lots of people (some of whom dont even have high end machines) and then poorly for others.


As to why FRAPS might stabilize or clear up the problem entirely? FRAPS might be intercepting the DirectX calls before they go to the video card, and therefore before they can conflict with whatever is actually causing the problem, and when it retransmits them to the GPU, it might avoid the conflict. That's just ONE possibility.


I mean, if it was truly the game, i wouldnt get 120fps everywhere except fleet. And honestly, in fleet, even when they fix the bug causing the known framerate drop there - you're never going to get amazing performance. At that point, with 200+ people onboard, you're CPU bottlenecked no matter how powerful your machine is.


or, the TL:DR version.


You mention Sherlock Holmes and how you dont have to be him to "know' that the problem couldnt possibly be you or your hardware or software, but is, in fact the game. Well, since you mention him.. Mr. Holmes was very fond of Occam's Razor.


I suggest you investigate.

Edited by Noctournys
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FYI you get the same performance increase by running windows media player in the background (doing nothing) while playing swtor.


I remember wow had the same thing a while back, until they 'integrated' whatever OS settings these apps were doing in the background into the wow client and then you didn't have to run them to get the higher fps.

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wait...whats happening...this cant actually be working can it? i havent tried anything yet, but im getting 100+ fps on cahr selection screen when i usually only get 50+...im scared something *** utterly stupid as this might work, yet id be thrilled if it did...
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FYI you get the same performance increase by running windows media player in the background (doing nothing) while playing swtor.


I remember wow had the same thing a while back, until they 'integrated' whatever OS settings these apps were doing in the background into the wow client and then you didn't have to run them to get the higher fps.


Hmmm, I will have to try this next time I get online. :)

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