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Three factions...


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I'm still unsure why developers never learned from DAOC, one of if not the best MMO PVP game. Three factions makes for the best PvP, true player based dynamic as opposed to the static A vs B we find in every MMO these days.


SWTOR could have easily provided Republic vs Empire vs Separatists. Why not?

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I'm still unsure why developers never learned from DAOC, one of if not the best MMO PVP game. Three factions makes for the best PvP, true player based dynamic as opposed to the static A vs B we find in every MMO these days.


SWTOR could have easily provided Republic vs Empire vs Separatists. Why not?


I for one, would have truly reveled in the ability to play a Grey Jedi. The Jedi Code is far too strict and the Sith Way is far too evil. Only by following the Light Side as a Sith could I feel even the least bit like a decent human being who wasn't a giant doucebag.

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And I agree with you completely. 3 Factions are a must for a pvp game. Its self correcting population imbalance.


Sadly very few IP's have 3 factions built in.


At heart SWTOR is a single player RPG. With some fairly adequate PvE multiplayer content. With the singular exception of the MAP Hutball, PvP is a disgrace IMO.

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TBH I liked Eve-Online's system. Massive player sandbox where war influences an abundance or lack of resources which in turn affects the economy. Great player sandbox pvp game right there. There were not any factions. There were as many factions as you would want due to coprorations(guilds) forming alliances and taking over territory. Edited by Torothin
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Two words:






GW2 will be the deathknell of anything pvp related in this game. While it like many other games wont be as good as the hype im pretty sure the pvp will rock.


tbh almost any half decent pvp game will empty swtor pvp servers, simply put the pvp in this game is beyond belief in awfulness.


Truly i could do better with toy soldiers and a dice

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TBH I liked Eve-Online's system. Massive player sandbox where war influences an abundance or lack of resources which in turn affects the economy. Great player sandbox pvp game right there. There were not any factions. There were as many factions as you would want due to coprorations(guilds) forming alliances and taking over territory.


It is the best game in this territory. Nothing comes even close to how much this game operates in terms of real world behavior. Cheats, lies, wars, corporations, money, territorry and resources control, deception and corruption.


People might not believe me but that's how eve is. And I love it :D

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SWTOR could have easily provided Republic vs Empire vs Separatists. Why not?


Because that's the cons of having to stick to a licence, devs aren't free to do what they want with the game cause of the licence. I'm almost sure when they push something, Lucasarts always gives their yes/no before anything.

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MMORPG.com used the holiday break to conduct an interview with Stuart Zissu, Producer for Dark Age of Camelot, reviewing the past ten years of successful RvR.


"Why does the three realm break down in Dark Age of Camelot work so well? How come we have not seen it replicated as much in MMOs as it probably should have been?"


There are many reasons why the three realm system works, but I think the biggest is the self-balancing. When one realm gets too far ahead, it's only a matter of time before the other two realms knock them down a notch. This allows for an ever changing and engaging RvR gamespace and reduces the feeling of hopelessness that can occur with a 2 sided conflict. With only 2 sides, if one gets too far ahead, it is tough for the underdogs to make a comeback.


As to why we haven't seen three realm RvR more, I think that is because of the difficulty that is inherent with it. It is a lot of hard work to balance a game for two sides, let alone three. Even after 10 years, we are still tweaking things here and there.

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