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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'm afraid to continue my Republic character


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First off I didn't roll Empire because I'm a "baddie" or a "coward." I rolled it because I wanted to be a bad *** Sith Juggernaut screaming peoples faces in, and I did, and it is glorious.


For those that think Empire is full of bads I will say yeah we have more bad players, BECAUSE WE HAVE MORE PLAYERS PERIOD. Population increases so does the % of bad players. I have a sage on the same server as my Jugg and there are just as many bad Republics as there are Empire.


What can BW do? Free faction transfer(one time only) and MAYBE increased exp/valor gain on the underdog side.


You cannot expect BW to fix a problem that is basically people just playing what they want because they PAID MONEY TO DO IT. Unless you want to fund everyone's monthly fee they are going to play what appeals to them. Sorry if the Empire side looks a lot cooler and has the better stories etc. Blame BW Dev team for making Republic side so lackluster.


Please, you only like the empire because of how Bioware designed the experience. It's their fault for making it so attractive, and they can do the same for the Republic faction.

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Well the beautiful thing is that we're playing mirrors.


BioWare can simply opt to make the Republic classes more powerful.


Currently they've chosen to make the empire mirrors more powerful and responsive. So I don't know if they're willing to make a 180 on their decision.


Seriously, we've had enough. Bioware has to say something regarding pvp server faction balance, at least acknowledging it.



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Are you kidding man?


Being in the Republic side is ALL advantages!



1) You don't get to play Huttball all the time.


2) There's always quick capping points in Ilum and Imps to gank. Republics have "preference" in Ilum, so to say.


3) Less lag in the major areas like the fleet.


4) Less kids that think they're "elite" and what not.


5) No people stealing your quest mobs, or annoying you in quest areas.



And the list goes on...

Edited by Spaznik
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Why couldn't they? It's not exactly hard.


Because they've chosen to give Empire the benefits, and have chosen to be mute on the vital subject of pvp server faction balance.


These two signs point to Bioware being uninterested in fixing the problem they've knowingly created. I wish this weren't the case, but I'm just being deductive. I've got nothing else to go on, everything points in this direction.

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There will Always be people who Want to be the underdog! Actually, most of the hardcore PvP:ers prefer it this way!


Nothing feels better than to beat a bunch of nubs from the "masses of awesomeness" and not having to wait forever in between WZ's to do it! :p


Just had this moment earlier today on Ilum reset, about 50 empire at the southern objective mech spot, 4-5 Republic and a bunch of them thinking the rest of the empire would help jumped us, out numbering us.


We wiped them easy (no, not all 50, about 6-7 of them), hilarious how they act so tough with 40 other imps behind them, I bet even the other imps were laughing hard at the complete failure.


Best of all, I got it all on fraps ;D


No doubt this was just a lack of skilled opponents and this won't always happen but 'chea, feels good.


Of course, come tuesday this isn't going to happen at all, I'm just gonna see red, then dead.

Edited by ChrisJSY
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The fact is that BioWare has screwed themselves and the only way to fix it is that when you go to the character creation screen and it tells you to pick a side, any side with more than a 2 to 1 advantage should be locked out.


Then people can't play with their friends or can't indulge in their sith fantasy and they run out and whine about it all over the net. Other people hear the whine and so they decide not to try TOR and then BW loses money.

Edited by Tirithius
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Then people can't play with their friends or can't indulge in their sith fantasy and they run out and whine about it all over the net. Other people hear it and decide not to try tor and then BW loses money.


They'll lose much more money once this becomes the 1-faction mmo Bioware has chosen to turn it into on pvp servers.

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They'll lose much more money once this becomes the 1-faction mmo Bioware has chosen to turn it into on pvp servers.


Yeah BW is caught between a rock and a hard place.


They need to add an XP buff to the republic that is in proportion to population imbalance, server by server. Get people to 50 quicker and more people wil make alts.

Edited by Tirithius
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This thread was moved to the PVP forum.


Just a note: This thread is NOT solely about PVP. It's about how drastic faction imbalance (more than 1.5:1) on pvp servers kills the underdog faction, leading to diminished ability to engage in pve, the economy, and pvp.


Moderators moved this thread to the PVP forum, but the OP is definitely intended to engage us in a general pve+pvp discussion on the general forum.

Edited by Auxili
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Join The Deadweight. We have a guild called Hazmat here that is going to fill this forum with the QQs of our servers empire population.


I soloed a 50 Sorc and a 50 bounty hunter who were obviously using vent for 2 minutes at the weak side door on Voidstar, until healers showed up and we killed both of them.


They proceeded to cry in /say chat about how the Warzone was 8 versus 7 and not fair to Imperials.


This is how pvp works when one side is given hand outs.


Edited to say Im a Vanguard. I was jumping behind the Bounty hunter and Interrupting the sorc.


When you interrupt force lightning in this game Sorcerors just seem to stand still in disbelief.


Ill echo this. Ive got a 40 Combat Medic that chews up 50s. For some reason, the squishy Empire classes dont know what to do when they get stunned...even if its just a short cryo nade. Its like you break their channeled skill and you get a 5 sec Herp-derp stun that affects the player directly.


That said, there are one or two quality empire guilds, but the crap far outweighs the good. We also have about 4-5 good republic guilds:

- Centurion (shameless self plug)

- Hazmat

- Balance

- Robot Secks Hotline

- Knights of the Old Republic


Its good times.


Heck, I even get Republic v Republic Huttball!

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On my server there was anywhere from 150-200 on the Imperial Station, was 30-50 on the Republic one. If that is indicative of the population imbalance then it is a significant one.


The market on republic side is barren, can hardly find any superior crafted level 49 items while on imperial you have massive choice and the competition keeps prices reasonable.


I've noticed similar results w/ my main commando & my new alt BH. I was quite literally stunned w/ how many people were chillin' at the Imp fleet & quite a number were 50s. On Repub, occationally get someone QQ for lfg for a lvl 50 flashpoint.Hilariously sad.

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No, I wrongly assumed all the kiddies would roll a Jedi. Need to get my BH to 50 then I will roll a Trooper. I don't mind being the underdog, means more targets for those rare world PvP opportunities. I'm level 38 and have had only 5 fights on a PvP server.


5 Minutes in Voss 13 PvP encounters. I play republic and yes it's like paradies, if you like shoot em ups and enjoy fighting 1 vs. 3, which mkes a victory rare but all the sweeter.

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Considering the last time there was hard, real stats from BW- it showed only a 53% win ratio for imperials in Void/Alderaan, and that 39% of all pvp matches were Huttball (which can proc against the other faciton too), it's pretty clear that all these cries about Republic being weaker or outnumbered are either a myth or completely based on a certain server's population.


My server, for example, is nothing but level 50 Republic guild premades, all day every day- they dominate pvp because there's more 50s.


You'll see a huge difference in pre-50 pvp come Jan 17 as 1.1 is supposed to be the patch with 50 brackets.


It's completely fabricated that BW hates the Republic- people who truly believe that the people who did all the Republic quests were like 'ok, this is the most important work I'll do in my life, so I'm going to purposefully make it suck!' are utterly delusional.

Edited by fungihoujo
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On my server in WZ's we always have level 10 to 25's,for some reason the kids think it's kool to level in WZ's now and ive noticed it steadily increaseing in the last week or so,so i asked one about it and he stated he didnt like it over on the Imperial side because they were told not to go to WZ's until level 40.


So here we are on the Republic side with maybe three 50's and a bunch of teens to thirtys playing against four man premades of 50's in champ and Battle Gear and most likely the rest 50's as well.


My weekly literally did take a week and i hit WZ's for four to five hours a day that week,so in essence the Empire will become even stronger with the 50 bracket or without imo because they have been shredding low lvls for a few weeks now,now they get to destroy me and my Republic 50's due to the kids that "Wanna PvP too" even though they help us get murdered.

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Considering the last time there was hard, real stats from BW- it showed only a 53% win ratio for imperials in Void/Alderaan, and that 39% of all pvp matches were Huttball (which can proc against the other faciton too), it's pretty clear that all these cries about Republic being weaker or outnumbered are either a myth or completely based on a certain server's population.


My server, for example, is nothing but level 50 Republic guild premades, all day every day- they dominate pvp because there's more 50s.


You'll see a huge difference in pre-50 pvp come Jan 17 as 1.1 is supposed to be the patch with 50 brackets.


It's completely fabricated that BW hates the Republic- people who truly believe that the people who did all the Republic quests were like 'ok, this is the most important work I'll do in my life, so I'm going to purposefully make it suck!' are utterly delusional.


Again, read the OP.

The republic faction is MUCH smaller, this is fact. Also, everything that I can say to prove your points wrong are in the OP and the following discussion.


Also, Ilum is the focus now. Where there is no limit to how big the empire zerg can be.

And by far, getting zerged by the overpopulated faction is probably the biggest reason people reroll to the zerg side in MMOs.

Edited by Auxili
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Again, read the OP.

The republic faction is MUCH smaller, this is fact. Also, everything that I can say to prove your points wrong are in the OP and the following discussion.


Also, Ilum is the focus now. Where there is no limit to how big the empire zerg can be.


You don't get it do you? I know this is like, beyond your elitist "I'm a hardcore PvP'er because I didn't pick the faction that everyone was gonna roll on" mindset, but really seriously listen to these words:


People picked Empire because they wanted to shoot lightning and have red/purple sabers. They didn't roll it to be "faceroll" or "easy zerg mode." They played what they wanted to play because they paid to do it. I'm sorry you can't have a decent Ilum warzone, but you know what? It's not my fault and it's not really Biowares fault either.


Star Wars franchise is popular BECAUSE of the Dark Side. Way more people want to be a Sith vs a Jedi. If you want to blame anyone go blame George Lucas for making Jedi's a bunch of hippies.

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You don't get it do you? I know this is like, beyond your elitist "I'm a hardcore PvP'er because I didn't pick the faction that everyone was gonna roll on" mindset, but really seriously listen to these words:


People picked Empire because they wanted to shoot lightning and have red/purple sabers. They didn't roll it to be "faceroll" or "easy zerg mode." They played what they wanted to play because they paid to do it. I'm sorry you can't have a decent Ilum warzone, but you know what? It's not my fault and it's not really Biowares fault either.


Star Wars franchise is popular BECAUSE of the Dark Side. Way more people want to be a Sith vs a Jedi. If you want to blame anyone go blame George Lucas for making Jedi's a bunch of hippies.


But you knew it would be "faceroll/EZ mode" too so all wrapped into one nice basket for you,your not a hardcore gamer or PvPer if you ever claimed to be one.

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You don't get it do you? I know this is like, beyond your elitist "I'm a hardcore PvP'er because I didn't pick the faction that everyone was gonna roll on" mindset, but really seriously listen to these words:


People picked Empire because they wanted to shoot lightning and have red/purple sabers. They didn't roll it to be "faceroll" or "easy zerg mode." They played what they wanted to play because they paid to do it. I'm sorry you can't have a decent Ilum warzone, but you know what? It's not my fault and it's not really Biowares fault either.


Star Wars franchise is popular BECAUSE of the Dark Side. Way more people want to be a Sith vs a Jedi. If you want to blame anyone go blame George Lucas for making Jedi's a bunch of hippies.

Sorry, but you didn't understand what the players are saying here.

Many Republic players will reroll to empire in the future, as they'll have many same-faction warzones (confirmed by bioware), and they'll have the huge benefit of winning ilum the majority of the time (they're a zerg). It happens in every 2-faction MMO and you'd be a fool to ignore this obvious trend.


That's what the "ghosttown" means. That's what we are talking about. Being forced to warzone against heavily geared zerg-faction players, and being forced to go up against zerg-faction teams in world pvp turns people away from their underdog faction. This leads to rerolls on the zerg side. It has always happened and SWTOR will be no exception if Bioware wants it to, which it seems is the case.


If you're on the republic faction, bioware doesn't seem to have their eyes on you. The new same-faction warzones aren't being designed because republic players are getting lots of huttball, its because of the zerg faction. And Bioware wants the zerg faction to feel as comfortable and happy as they can possibly be, at the republic's expense.

Edited by Auxili
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My guild is starting to reroll imperial because of the zerg, so it looks like if I want to stay with my friends I will be rolling an empire character as well. They are also enjoying the story line more on the empire side and the games seems more polished with less bugs. As for the queing of warzones they need to do away with the imp vs imp warzones. That should be the punishment for rolling onto an imbalanced side (you have to wait forever to get into a warzone, and the underdogs have a better chance of getting a warzone with pug groups). I'm enjoying the game and I'm not going to quit (even with my bad luck of champ bags compared to other guildies), but I have to agree that BW is only making the unbalanced issues worse. What would happen if there we seperate que times for each faction, so if imperial gets sick of waiting because their side is full they will be forced to go to a different server or reroll to the underdog. Also why do people come into the forums to complain about people complaining?
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Sorry, but you didn't understand what the players are saying here.

Many Republic players will reroll to empire in the future, as they'll have many same-faction warzones (confirmed by bioware), and they'll have the huge benefit of winning ilum the majority of the time (they're a zerg). It happens in every 2-faction MMO and you'd be a fool to ignore this obvious trend.


That's what the "ghosttown" means. That's what we are talking about. Being forced to warzone against heavily geared zerg-faction players, and being forced to go up against zerg-faction teams in world pvp turns people away from their underdog faction. This leads to rerolls on the zerg side. It has always happened and SWTOR will be no exception if Bioware wants it to, which it seems is the case.


If you're on the republic faction, bioware doesn't seem to have their eyes on you. The new same-faction warzones aren't being designed because republic players are getting lots of huttball, its because of the zerg faction. And Bioware wants the zerg faction to feel as comfortable and happy as they can possibly be, at the republic's expense.



Here's where you don't understand:




What is so hard to grasp about this. And for the record, I started a sage on the same server as my Jugg and I'm doing just fine at level 14. Will be doing even better once 50 bracket hits. Stop QQ'ing and go *********** play already, you might actually level up and get some gear if you spent half the time in game as you do here.

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IMO.. If they wouldn't have made huttball interfaction the balancing issue would have sorted itself out 'somewhat'.


If the queues to get INTO a warzone was 45 mins for Empire and instant for Pubes alot of guilds might have rerolled. I know a lot of solo people would have at any rate.


Just like it was in wow pre xserver.

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