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Why all the moaning..


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Seriously, can people not just take a step back and stop complaining. There is at least one thread for each profession asking for it to be nerfed. Will you guys never be happy?


Maybe the problem isn't because the opposition is op, but just because you are bad. And no I'm not on the Empire side, I play Republic on the server Niman (which is highly populated with Empire). But when my guild and I get a group of 4 players online that can actually play the game we win the around 75-80% of our games.


Like i say the problem isn't with the opposition it's with you so pull your finger out and L2P.


I now welcome all you trolls that insist that all professions need to be nerfed because at one point they killed you.


Have fun :D

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When you're playing against competent players, class balance actually matters.


Rolling terrible puggers with no coordination with a 4 man premade. Good job. Everyone with half an inch of pvp skill does the same thing.


Class balance still matters when dealing with people who aren't bad.

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I can sum up the attitude of the vocal minority of the PvP board in one sentence:


"L2P if you lose to me but if you beat me you're OP!"


The rest of us are having too much fun with PvP to post.


So there are some people actually enjoying the PvP... Phew i thought it was just my guild and I :p

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So there are some people actually enjoying the PvP... Phew i thought it was just my guild and I :p


I'm a Sorc healer and befriended a good Powertech Tank early on. PvP is a lot of fun with simply that duo. I also know a good DPS Sorc and Marauder so we have a VERY powerful premade right there if we are all on.


Most peoples problems with PvP are because they go solo which is pointless.


I will ask one question:


"Would you raid solo?"


If you answered "No" then I have one more:


"Then why would you do group PvP solo? You wouldn't charge a raid boss alone so why fight premades alone?"

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I'm a Sorc healer and befriended a good Powertech Tank early on. PvP is a lot of fun with simply that duo. I also know a good DPS Sorc and Marauder so we have a VERY powerful premade right there if we are all on.


Most peoples problems with PvP are because they go solo which is pointless.


I will ask one question:


"Would you raid solo?"


If you answered "No" then I have one more:


"Then why would you do group PvP solo? You wouldn't charge a raid boss alone so why fight premades alone?"


At last someone on the same level as me, our group can consist of 2 Sage's a Guardian and either a Gunslinger or Comando sometimes both if we drop a healer. We have alot of good fights especially when we run into another premade.. Makes it worthwhile

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At last someone on the same level as me, our group can consist of 2 Sage's a Guardian and either a Gunslinger or Comando sometimes both if we drop a healer. We have alot of good fights especially when we run into another premade.. Makes it worthwhile


Sounds fun. I do like to PvP on my Republic alts but my online friends wanted to go Empire so I followed them. Empire on my side is fun as they are definitely more organised than Republic. But now more Republic players are hitting 50, PvP is really evenly matched on my server. During prime time, Empire on The Progenitor EU has roughly a 60-40 win ration but that is slowly being pushed more to 55-45.


Hopefully the whiners will put their money where their mouth is and leave when their 30 days are up. It might make reading the forums a bit more tolerable.

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Might as well add this:


Know what I do if I'm getting hammered in PvP and I'm starting to get frustrated?


I stop PvPing and do something else. Dailies, Flashpoints, Space Missions, Roleplaying, helping friends out.


It lets me calm down, cool my head and remember why I play a video game: For fun.

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at last someone on the same level as me, our group can consist of 2 sage's a guardian and either a gunslinger or comando sometimes both if we drop a healer. We have alot of good fights especially when we run into another premade.. Makes it worthwhile



someone with common sense.

Queing with healers.

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Well there's another way to look at this.


A lot of the people that tell others to L2P usually claim they can win 80%+ of their games and other players are just bad, especially those that complain. This sounds like a MAJORITY of players are bad, having problems, and/or not enjoying their constant losses...


Then that means game design is flawed? Shouldn't a good game cater to players of all types and skill, perhaps adding matchmaking rating and cross-server warzones?

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The majority of the players who complain about losing all the time are exactly the type that runs solo and expects to win everything when it's a group game. It's not the fault of the premades that some people can't be bothered to make a group in a group game.


Yes I believe it's more of a game design flaw, rather than the premade's fault.


I think a lot of players cannot consistently get into a good PvP premade for various reasons.


Maybe they are casual players and they don't have that much time to actually play already. Maybe they are below average players and any premade they can get into would just consist of below average players anyway. A lot probably don't have real life friends that are also into MMOs or this game specifically. Some are probably in a guild or have friends that don't play warzones at same time as them EVERY time (or aren't always online at same time). Some just can't be bothered looking for premades and believe there shouldn't be a need to. Who knows...


But from a business perspective, it's probably more beneficial to cater to these players too.

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The majority of the players who complain about losing all the time are exactly the type that runs solo and expects to win everything when it's a group game. It's not the fault of the premades that some people can't be bothered to make a group in a group game.


See that's the type of attitude I hate about this forum. Basement facts, which are really opinions where the person making them convinced himself they are facts and trying to convince everyone else.


OP, take a look at PVP, if there's no reason to complain about class imbalance, bugs, a faulty reward system, the bad CC immunity design and so on, then Mythic would start thinking they did a great job with PVP when they really made it worse than it could have been.


And for your information I run premades, two full groups in fact, and we've faced each other in Huttball so yeah, know the extent of skill each of these players have and knowing their gear, I complain.


PVP is not balanced, you got classes that pulverize others in a few seconds, you got other classes that are so stupidly designed for PVP and lacking in utility and survivability. But hey don't complain people, it offends some random reader's eyes and he'll just have to make another thread complaining about complainers, so let's all roll sages and operatives to enjoy PVP, and pretend we are just so pro. Or just hope they gimp the op classes, cause when everyone's gimped, no one is.

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See that's the type of attitude I hate about this forum. Basement facts, which are really opinions where the person making them convinced himself they are facts and trying to convince everyone else.


OP, take a look at PVP, if there's no reason to complain about class imbalance, bugs, a faulty reward system, the bad CC immunity design and so on, then Mythic would start thinking they did a great job with PVP when they really made it worse than it could have been.


And for your information I run premades, two full groups in fact, and we've faced each other in Huttball so yeah, know the extent of skill each of these players have and knowing their gear, I complain.


PVP is not balanced, you got classes that pulverize others in a few seconds, you got other classes that are so stupidly designed for PVP and lacking in utility and survivability. But hey don't complain people, it offends some random reader's eyes and he'll just have to make another thread complaining about complainers, so let's all roll sages and operatives to enjoy PVP, and pretend we are just so pro. Or just hope they gimp the op classes, cause when everyone's gimped, no one is.


Wee someone who can actually think things through :)



I would like to add a completely useless matchmaking system which is one of the large reasons people complain aswell.

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See that's the type of attitude I hate about this forum. Basement facts, which are really opinions where the person making them convinced himself they are facts and trying to convince everyone else.


OP, take a look at PVP, if there's no reason to complain about class imbalance, bugs, a faulty reward system, the bad CC immunity design and so on, then Mythic would start thinking they did a great job with PVP when they really made it worse than it could have been.


And for your information I run premades, two full groups in fact, and we've faced each other in Huttball so yeah, know the extent of skill each of these players have and knowing their gear, I complain.


PVP is not balanced, you got classes that pulverize others in a few seconds, you got other classes that are so stupidly designed for PVP and lacking in utility and survivability. But hey don't complain people, it offends some random reader's eyes and he'll just have to make another thread complaining about complainers, so let's all roll sages and operatives to enjoy PVP, and pretend we are just so pro. Or just hope they gimp the op classes, cause when everyone's gimped, no one is.





Are you really this pathetic? Do you honestly expect a game to come out and be PERFECT?

Stop your pathetic crying and get a clue. 1.1 will add 50 brackets, that will eliminate about 10 new posts a day about ppl being op and ****. Next big patch might fix the ability delay and lag in warzones, then alot of melee will have a huge advantage over ranged (guessing here). That will eliminate about 30 posts each day. So take a chill pill. And sit the **** down, son. Cy@

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Are you really this pathetic? Do you honestly expect a game to come out and be PERFECT?

Stop your pathetic crying and get a clue. 1.1 will add 50 brackets, that will eliminate about 10 new posts a day about ppl being op and ****. Next big patch might fix the ability delay and lag in warzones, then alot of melee will have a huge advantage over ranged (guessing here). That will eliminate about 30 posts each day. So take a chill pill. And sit the **** down, son. Cy@


So are you just out to troll or are you simply mad at the world. Cause this obscene rant makes no sense. 1.1 does not fix even 10% of the problems PVP has. If you think that's gonna miraculously fix pvp then you are deluding yourself in the dumbest manner possible. Now that's pathetic.


They need a major fix for PVP because come 20th, there will be less posts about imbalance, but not because they did a great job, because people will move on to other games, and that's the biggest problem right now. But yeah, ignorance is bliss, what's funny is that you get so mad about it, so why don't you just calm down and follow your own advice, son.

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Yes I believe it's more of a game design flaw, rather than the premade's fault.


I think a lot of players cannot consistently get into a good PvP premade for various reasons.


Maybe they are casual players and they don't have that much time to actually play already. Maybe they are below average players and any premade they can get into would just consist of below average players anyway. A lot probably don't have real life friends that are also into MMOs or this game specifically. Some are probably in a guild or have friends that don't play warzones at same time as them EVERY time (or aren't always online at same time). Some just can't be bothered looking for premades and believe there shouldn't be a need to. Who knows...


But from a business perspective, it's probably more beneficial to cater to these players too.


The point I was trying to make is if I run in PvP Solo, I'm fully prepared for the fact that I will get myself curb stomped by premades. I'm fairly sure that the solo players who don't complain do admit that they'd expect to lose most PUG vs Premade games.


And you will be shocked at how effective a premade is at any skill level. It gives you a level of organisation and coordination that gives a massive advantage over a bunch of people playing solo and only caring about their scoreboard stats. Even two people working together vs a bunch of PUGs makes a huge difference. There IS a reason why you see people winning 2v5 fights and it's not gear or class imbalance.


I do apologise if I sounds hostile or elitist but I'm getting tired of people with the following attitudes and have little but contempt for them:


"If I play solo everyone else has to play solo too so I don't have to face any premades"


and as I said earlier:


"L2P if you lose to me but if you beat me you're OP"

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Seriously, can people not just take a step back and stop complaining. There is at least one thread for each profession asking for it to be nerfed. Will you guys never be happy?


Maybe the problem isn't because the opposition is op, but just because you are bad. And no I'm not on the Empire side, I play Republic on the server Niman (which is highly populated with Empire). But when my guild and I get a group of 4 players online that can actually play the game we win the around 75-80% of our games.


Like i say the problem isn't with the opposition it's with you so pull your finger out and L2P.


I now welcome all you trolls that insist that all professions need to be nerfed because at one point they killed you.


Have fun :D

my guess is you are playing a trooper or BH which takes no skill to play... and you have no idea what its like for the SW/JK which right now have a mechanics issue that cause a 3-5 delay when hitting any ability in PvP (its so bad the devs have even said its messed up)
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people are BAD and will always complain about this or that.

to be honest you are complaining as well but for a good reason because it is getting rediculous. it would be great if the forum moderators would start deleting new threads people start when there is another one ABOUT THE EXACT SAME THING 3 posts down.


you are not special people.

we get your bad and want to cry and make it seem like your not bad and they are imba but im sorry it is not true.

if ops were imba EVERYONE would have a problem killing them/ survivng them but sadly anyone with half a brain can.

the bgs are plenty of fun.

people are meant to form pre-mades and que together. stop trying to turn this game into a regular RPG, its an MMORPG.

buff stacking isnt rediculously op like so many cry about.

50s with expertise killing low levels isnt the problem low levels joining my 50s pvp, dieing a ton and QQing the whole time is the problem.

HUTTBALL IS OK WITH CHEATING! just listen to the announcer.

who cares if the game is imbalanced and more people are imps. theres more targets, get good.


there you emo's go write your pains and misery in your diary's and pretend the world actually cares.

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