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Annihilation Champion warzones video


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I'm gonna come across as a *****, but whatever. The majority of your opponents in the video are 25-45. Those should be no challenge anyway. The majority of the 50's you do fight have no pvp gear, or they aren't even fighting you. They're concentrating on someone else.


Also, I'm highly unimpressed with annihilation as a spec. You have a severe lack of control over your opponents compared to Carnage, and you have crap for burst compared to Rage, or even Carnage. I hardly ever saw numbers above 1500, and never saw above 3k.


I'd like to see a video posted on these forums of people fighting other geared 50's, who are actually decent. No backpeddling ranged classes, or keyboard turning melee classes.


That said, I think you are a very good player, I just think your video could showcase that better if you cut out the garbage with lowbies and undergeared 50s, and make video footage of fights with geared teams. You pulled of some cool stuff, my favorite was stealthing through the fire to **** that Jedi. Clever move, and it really is a great advantage of the anni build. I'm sure you **** face plenty, and I hope to see some good footage from you in the future!

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Great video man. Inspiration for people who think Marauders suck.


You forced the trolls. It would have been better if you'd kept quiet and enjoyed the video:


TC - Looks like fully decked out champion PvP gear


00:01 - Green Sabered 50 which isn't fully geared ((Also got jumped by 2 others and stun locked))


00:12 - lvl 40 then a lvl 42, then that same green sabered 50 who wasn't even fighting him and then a 46


00:56 - that same green 50 who despite not having full gear still did some reasonable damage.


01:08 - lvl 42, then a lvl 22, then a lvl 42, then another 42, then a lvl 50 with a pvp saber but was gunned down by the team and wasn't fighting TC


01:52 - ***!?!?!?! xD Was hilarious,


02:01 - lvl 50 with a red saber, then a 38, then a huge swarm of mixed colored sabers, not one of them being a pvp set, then a 37, then another 37


03:07 - lvl 50 with blue saber who also gets bodied by a sniper, then a lvl 38, then a lvl 37, then a lvl 50 with a blue saber


Then I got lazy and just watched the rest of the clip. Now TC, I mean you no disrespect, you're having fun with the game and that's the most important thing. Rock on and keep playing, hell keep posting end editing pvp videos :D. I just have issues with people like the person I quoted using videos like this as false proof and further goading such topics into your harmless topic.


Sad thing is I probably watched more of this video ((All of it)) before posting then TC who probably didn't even so much as give you a view count due to the lack of research and attention to detail.

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Beeing random at premade vs premade or beeign a part of some random premade doesn't change things really much and it's even easier comparing to random queues without any support.


Obviously I'm doing wrong or still not doing a lot of things, much more time needed to perfect this class and I need to finish my biochem. Still, I get most dmg in top 3 medals in 9/10 games at our team.

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I'm gonna come across as a *****, but whatever. The majority of your opponents in the video are 25-45. Those should be no challenge anyway. The majority of the 50's you do fight have no pvp gear, or they aren't even fighting you. They're concentrating on someone else.


Also, I'm highly unimpressed with annihilation as a spec. You have a severe lack of control over your opponents compared to Carnage, and you have crap for burst compared to Rage, or even Carnage. I hardly ever saw numbers above 1500, and never saw above 3k.


I'd like to see a video posted on these forums of people fighting other geared 50's, who are actually decent. No backpeddling ranged classes, or keyboard turning melee classes.


That said, I think you are a very good player, I just think your video could showcase that better if you cut out the garbage with lowbies and undergeared 50s, and make video footage of fights with geared teams. You pulled of some cool stuff, my favorite was stealthing through the fire to **** that Jedi. Clever move, and it really is a great advantage of the anni build. I'm sure you **** face plenty, and I hope to see some good footage from you in the future!


well im just gona have to say either A. you are blind and dont know the anni spec... or B. your blind and dont know any spec.... ill go with both because i saw him white damage over 3k plenty of times. next anni is not big burst like carnage or big hard hits like rage... anni is about surving to keep continous dps ont he target while healing yourself... b4 you make idiodic posts make sure to pay attention to the video he even broke 4k hits a couple times

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Lost sigh to of counting force attacks into force shroud and or/ normal attacks into 100% dodge.


I am jealous on the responsiveness your stuff shows ;)


Learning all classes important buffs/icons look/cooldowns/duration is a next big task waiting for me.


Responsiveness is quite bad, you may notice that I'm spamming skills multiple times before they work. Missing Aion avatar-responsiveness so much.

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