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What is your fix-it wish list for Juggernauts?


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Currently at level 30.


- Make Ravage work on the move.

- Fix Ravage firing and not channeling when used immediately after Force Charge.

- Fix force choke firing and not channeling when used immediately after Force Charge.

- Ability delays. (this is huge for melee classes)

- Make pommel strike work in PvP

- Lower cooldown on unleash.


Thought about these all day at work now I seem to be missing some. What's yours?

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- Turn Ravage into a self-buff that increases the damage of the next X attacks by Y%.

- Remove all the bleeds from Vengeance, turn it into the "Big Hit" spec.

- Delete Pommel Strike and Savage Kick, add in the lost overall damage elsewhere.

- Remove the minimum range from Saber Throw.

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- Make immobilizes from talents count against resolve, I had a full resolve bar today, and did not move ONCE...my resolve bar was empty before they wore off (because being immobilized doesn't count against it, and isn't affected by it. (Not sure which talent, could have been the Powertech one, or the Sniper one, they were both there).


- Make it so if while you have a full resolve bar you take more than 30% total health in damage it auto breaks the current CC. Going 100-0 while looking at full resolve is dumb.


- Allow Unleash to break slows/snares (this goes full all class abilites to break CC)


- Make Shii Cho 5% damage increase and 5% less damage taken - 3% is PALTRY considering how vulnerable dps Juggs are out of Soresu, most PvP specs rely on staying in Soresu anyway.


- Give Shien a defensive effect... after all Shien (lore wise) was specifically developed to deal with blaster fire advancement in mind...perhaps make it reflect a small amount of damage back? That way coupled with the small bleeds Vigilance would actually feel like an attrition spec


- Fix Ravage and Force Choke bugs where the animation plays while nothing happens, make Ravage channelable on the move.


- Make shield affect force powers and tech, not just melee and ranged.


- Fix ability delay.

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Either remove the bleeds from Vengeance and make it completely the "heavy smashes" type spec, or buff them to the point where they actually mean something. Currently Impale's DoT and Force Scream's DoT are pitiful in terms of the damage they do, and they don't scale for **** either. If those DoTs worked by adding an extra % of your weapon damage instead of just a fixed value it might make them abit better, and would certainly improve the scaling.


I think the main issue with Vengeance Juggernauts at the moment is the almost total lack of good synergistic talents in the first two tiers of either Rage or Immortal. While Sith Sorcs have some extremely potent hybrid specs, and t1 / t2 talents which both of their DPS want, we are stuck with borderline useless PvP utility talents or stuff which simply doesn't affect our DPS like buffs to a different lightsaber form or reduced CD on Ravage - which is not in our main priority rotation anyway.

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One of my biggest gripes is pommel strike and savage kick. I have them bound while pveing because they rock... however they're unusable in pvp. Can't see a reason for this, they're far from OP.


Also, I personally feel Jugg is a little skill heavy. I have 1-10, alt1-alt5, Q, E, F, T, R, G, V, C, B, and 5 mouse buttons bound to skills that I use fairly often. Either short cooldown or buttons I need to be able to twitch hit (unleash, force charge, etc). Is there a reason we have SO many skills rather than just shorter cooldowns on a smaller number?


Area threat could be improved but is managable I suppose.


But in all honesty I love tanking on my Jugg. Would I like some changes, absolutely. However I'm far from the doomsday bandwagon.

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Strictly speaking for PvP here, other than the obvious bug fixes I have only two requests:


- Make mitigation stats other than expertise work correctly in PvP as currently they do almost nothing.

- Make the Immortal talent "Unleashed" reduce the cooldown of Unleash to 30 seconds, not by 30 seconds.


Damage mitigation and unmitigated mobility are the whole reason we call any class a "Tank". Both are reduced drastically by stun abilities. A tank spec does not do much else other than tank, so if we can't manage these two things, we can't do much of anything. The purpose of our existence to take hits like a champ and move forward relentlessly, drawing the enemy's wrath to ourselves. I don't get this feeling while playing immortal spec, even when popping cooldowns I'm susceptible to being shut down for their duration, and once the buffs are gone I'm squishy like everyone else again for over 2 and a half minutes, except I can't kill anything.


Oh, and we are a little skill heavy. It would be nice if Sundering Assault completely replaced Assault. Savage Kick and Pommel Strike could be fused into one ability with a lower cooldown, offering less burst but more bar space. Sweeping Slash could be made to replace Vicious Slash, which would help with PvE tanking somewhat.

Edited by archontrieste
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Ability delay is a no brainer, so here's some of my wishes.


--Remove Ravage from Sith Warriors as a whole and divide its damage between other offensive abilities.


--Remove either Pommel Strike or Savage Kick and redesign the other to work as a single-target knockdown.


--Remove Viscious Throw as an ability and redesign it as a talent that increases the damage of Saber Throw on targets below X% health.


--Remove Retaliation as an ability and redesign it as a talent in Immortal tree that increases the damage of your next melee ability by X% after a successful parry/shield. (Note: This idea was not originally stated by me, I simply believe that this was an excellent idea. The credit goes to whoever it was that posted it first.)


--Redesign Sundering Assault to increase your armor penetration by 4% per stack. Redesign Improved Sundering Assault to increase your armor penetration by an additional 2% per stack with 2 points.


--Make bleed DOTs from Force Scream, Impale and Shatter deal damage equal to X% of the damage they do.


--Redesign Pooled Hatred to be more PvE friendly. Idea: Make melee critical strikes increase the damage of your next melee ability by X%. This affect can only occur once every 10 sec.


--In accordance with removal of Ravage, redesign Rampage talent to increase the damage your melee abilities deal to targets afflicted with your bleed DOTs by X%.


--Remove Ravager talent and put Froce Grip talent in its place, and redesign it so that 2 points reduces its cooldown by 10 sec, and removes its channel.


--Redesign Brutality to increase melee critical strike chance by X%.


--Redesign Strangulate talent to increase Force Choke's damage by X%.


--Redesign Dominate talent to guarentee a critical strike for both Smash and Force Scream.


--Redesign Shockwave talent to grant its stacking damage buff to both Smash and Force Scream.


--Redesign Unbreakable Rage talent to reduce our time spent in CC effects by X%.


--Redesign Heavy Handed to include Viscious Slash in abilities that benefit from it.


--Redesign Saber Strength to include Sweeping Slash in abilities that benefit from it.


--Rearrange the placement of talents to be more flexible with our 10 extra points after going full tree spec, and more synergetic towards hybrid specs.


--Create utility talent that increases our movement speed globally by X% while in any stance.


--Give us Force Pull! :mad:


Sorry if my wish list is long, and if some of my wishes seem unreasonable. But after playing my alts, I really do feel that the Jugg is hurting in the DPS department.

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Give us an unique buff like others have.


-Warriors call(sith jugg only marauder dont get it) 3min cd gives everyone in the ops/group increased energy regen/rage/fury/will regen for 10 sec.


-change crushing blow has no cooldown, and provides moderate amount of threat.

-sweeping fury removed added Emperors wrath: everytime u shield against a target that attacks u, he gets burned by your shield and suffer "weakened power" and deals 5% less damage towards anyone for 5 seconds.


Backhand changed removed cooldown: everytime u block/dodge/parry an attack u can use backhand u retaliate with an attack almost like backhand did just it does not stun and doesnt dealt that much damage but it has no cooldown and just requier a defensive procc also it gives u high amount of threat.


Crash is removed and instead added improved Sonic barrier, increases range for force scream to be use to 15/20 meter, and makes it deal 20/40% more damage.


atm with full columi and 4set bonus force scream obsorbs around 800 damage.... wow really usless.


Since sweeping fury was changed and only 1 talent point add another talent up there named.


-Born to Guard while guard is active at any target u take also 5% less damge.


swap place with revenge and shield specialziation change name of Revenge to Retaliation


-Retaliation: increases duration of blade barricade by 2/4 seconds and everytime u retaliate u have a chance to reset cooldown of force scream.


Add crushing blow procc to battle cry aswell.



So that would make the talent tree valid, its all about number tweaking, and we dont need as much % endurance in our talent tree we can have % damage taken reduced instead.

every talent tree dont need to look the same.


Oh forgot almost change ravage.



First "charge" ability in the game u gain a charge every 15 seconds when not used u got 3 charges the more charges u got the more damage the strike does, changed also to an instant hit that deals alot of damage but deals low damage if u only got 1 charge.


Example is with fullblue gear at 50 it deals 800 with 1 charge with 2 1400 with 3 charges it deals 2200. so it deals most damage if u use it with 3 charges, all charges gets removed when u use it so its most wise for mose damage to use it with 3 charges.


Numbers could be tweaked here. and yea its an instant attack but it should deal really low damage if u only got 1 charge if u got 2 it deals moderate and 3 it deals alot of damage.

Edited by FuzioNdapro
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Make endure pain give 30% health and when it ends you lose 15% health. Also when it ends it removes all removable hostile effects. Prevents the issue of it basically killing you and adds a cleanse to a class that actually needs it. Also fits better with it supposedly being a go to defensive cooldown in 1.1
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Aside from obvious bugs, the only issue I have is that Smash is too easy to avoid in PvP. Even snared 50%, you can move 4.5m in 1.5 seconds, which makes the 5m range on Smash feel extremely small. Making the damage fire much earlier, making the range calculate at the time the damage is dealt, or simply making the radius on Smash a few meters larger would be a huge improvement.
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