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Any Actual females not female characters play this game?


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So i had this problem when i ployed lotro that i could never find any girls that played the game, i mean my entire guild on lotro are boys, the entire guild on here are boys... is there no other girl on the face of the planet that plays swtor on my server (Telos Restoration Project) I feel so alone... not to mention that boys who have girl characters are kinda weird... on lotro i had a male character and i had to delete him because it was to weird lol...a not that i care but its kinda dissapointed when you think your talking to a girl and it turns out tht the person behind the character is a dude,,nywayz just wondering, no need to get in a hater mood i was just asking Edited by Jesterhexes
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I'm sorry to hear that. I enjoy playing male characters sometimes. It doesn't make me question my own femininity or feel weird in any way. I'm not cybersexing with people or hitting on other players, so it's not that big of a deal. Also...It doesn't bother me if a male plays a female character. I'm not sexist, but that's me.


Whatever floats your boat.

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really? i think girls who play guy toons are weirder than guys who play girl toons 0_o.


Nothing weird about that.



But I did feel infuriated when I caught my sister watching yaoi. I was like omg... they are two males how can you even watch it. Then I figured out that im watching lesbians from time to time :)



Girls play as men for the same reason why guys play as women.

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Loads of us around.


I'll probably get flamed for saying it like this.. but the 'REAL' girl-gamers don't tend to make themselves known... I mean the one's that actually play games because they like games and not male attention.


My game play and how good I can play has always been judged on what I have between my legs. But I've played in alot of top guilds in the past in many games and mainly that's because I let them see me play and shizzle before I made my gender known.

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Loads of us around.


I'll probably get flamed for saying it like this.. but the 'REAL' girl-gamers don't tend to make themselves known... I mean the one's that actually play games because they like games and not male attention.


My game play and how good I can play has always been judged on what I have between my legs. But I've played in alot of top guilds in the past in many games and mainly that's because I let them see me play and shizzle before I made my gender known.



agree wholeheartedly with you, almost never make my gender known for the same reason.

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Plenty. Don't know why people still seem to think there are no girls in the games, I find that there's usually a good deal of us.


Edit: Am I the only one who is bothered by the fact that as a girl gamer, it sometimes seem like you have to almost hide your gender to avoid getting accused of using it for attention? I don't usually go around advertising my gender, but I've had people tell me that I was "just trying to get their attention for being a girl" when I asked if my husband could join our group. Yeah, cause I was so trying to use that as a pick-up line <.<


Or if a girl dare to correct someone calling her "him", both guy and girl gamers often react like if the girl is trying to flaunt just being a girl, however, who would ever look at a guy like that if he corrected someone calling him "she"?



Once again, I usually don't go around advertising my gender, I just get tired of the hypocrisy and having to actively lie, just to hide the fact that I'm a girl, or people will blame me for just trying to get attention.


Gamergirls are not that special anymore, but it only changes once people start treating it as being normal <.<

Edited by Kashemia
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As a male, I ONLY play female characters in the game. Why? Well why would I want to spend god knows how many hours staring male toon when I could be doing the exact same thing with a female toon?


Hell, half of my guild, who are males, play female toons for the same reason.


So why would it be weird at all if a female played a male toon?


However, the better question would be, why should anyone care what gender the player is? And if you do care, I can pretty much guarantee that you are a sexist piece of ****.

Edited by Tom_Joad
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My mom plays game :I Yes I know lol. She plays female toons. everyone has their own preference. But thats the only female I know who plays. I like female toons because they usually have better attack animations, but I quickly figured out all animations are the same except for the run animations and voices. disappointed but meh...
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Or if a girl dare to correct someone calling her "him", both guy and girl gamers often react like if the girl is trying to flaunt just being a girl, however, who would ever look at a guy like that if he corrected someone calling him "she"?



I just call everyone a she if a guy corrects me I assume he is a man-****.

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I'm female.


I play both male and female toons, why? Because I want to and I don't think the gender of my pixels should matter to anyone else. I also almost never inform anyone in game that I'm female, there is no reason to I don't want free credits, or creeper "male" attention so there is no reason to let them know. When I'm on my male toons I respond to him comments, when I'm on my female toons I respond to her comments. My guild in WOW knows I'm a girl, I don't have a guild in SWTOR yet and when I do get in one there will come a time when I will tell them but I won't use it to try to get into the guild.


I think that people pay for this game with their money and should play this and any other game the way THEY want to if that means they are male and play females, females that play males then fine it's their game why should it matter?


As for the OP's problem most of the real girl players won't run around start zones yelling I'm a girl who else is and most of the real girl players also won't respond to those that are doing that either.

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i don't tell anybody because i rarely talk to anybody but my guild and i gt loads of crap from them sometimes for being a girl... we have teamspeak so thats how they know) but i don't automatically tell everyone i'm a girl cause i don't want to deal with more crap.... i was just wondering and I don't give a Sh**t if guys play a girl i was just saying it is weird for ME... geez apparently you can't ask a harmless question without being called a sexist.... which is really funny because i'm the farthest thing from it... whatever Edited by Jesterhexes
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As a male, I ONLY play female characters in the game. Why? Well why would I want to spend god knows how many hours staring male toon when I could be doing the exact same thing with a female toon?


Hell, half of my guild, who are males, play female toons for the same reason.


So why would it be weird at all if a female played a male toon?


However, the better question would be, why should anyone care what gender the player is? And if you do care, I can pretty much guarantee that you are a sexist piece of ****.


Typical response. The truth will free you.

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<--female too. I also agree with alot of the posts here on why we dont make ourselves known all the time. For instance anytime I join a guild, I brace for that first "vent" use and all the "omgz your a girl/omgz your voice is sexys/etc", like who cares, Im here to play a game, not cyberz :p
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So i had this problem when i ployed lotro that i could never find any girls that played the game, i mean my entire guild on lotro are boys, the entire guild on here are boys... is there no other girl on the face of the planet that plays swtor on my server (Telos Restoration Project) I feel so alone... not to mention that boys who have girl characters are kinda weird... on lotro i had a male character and i had to delete him because it was to weird lol...a not that i care but its kinda dissapointed when you think your talking to a girl and it turns out tht the person behind the character is a dude,,nywayz just wondering, no need to get in a hater mood i was just asking



From this post, I have to wonder why either sex would find conversation with you intellectually stimulating.

Edited by Gestahlt
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