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huttball camping


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When you realise winning or losing dosnt matter and medals are more important the game changes. Thank you Bioware, I can lose and get more rewards then the winning team.


When theres a farm going on, Huttball is notorius for this just work on your medals or crafting. Theres several spots you can where they cant touch you and you wont be kicked outta the game.


Ive seen serius hate from these "farming" setups when people stop feeding them kills/medals/points and they ahve to sit there doing nothing.


I still have 6 months on two accounts going, so I don't want to quit or get banned yet. But, I am wondering if were to do this would I be the one in violation of the eula.


It also makes me wonder what the counter to farming is.


1. Not pick up the ball.

2. If you get the ball, ground it or throw to an opponent.

3. Move to their endzone, even without ball and try to get their newly incoming players.

4. Lastly, if you can not make it to their endzone, do as you suggest.


I guess the standing rule applies. Stun healer and try to get him separated from his tank and defensive buff. Ignore ball carrier until healer is gone.

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Solution: If the ball isn't on it's spawn point or past the goal line in x minutes, it gets dropped automatically and reset.


Easy as hell solution.

What exactly does that fix? If you are dominant enough to be farming the other team, then picking the ball up in mid after it resets isn't particularly difficult.


In fact a good few times I've purposely let myself explode for the fun of it and let my team pick it up again in mid.


Ultimately there is no easy fix. If you bump up the rewards for winning quickly, then the most efficient way of getting Valour in Huttball would be to turn it into a mini Ilum with people trading quick 3 minute victories rather than actually playing.

Edited by Khabarach
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Well, it took some time to find this info. But here is why I think what they are doing is wrong:


17. Exploit any bug in the Service to gain unfair advantage in the game and/or communicate the existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public posting) to any other user of the Service.


20. Do anything that interferes with the ability of other Service users to enjoy playing Star Wars: The Old Republic and using the Service in accordance with its rules, or that materially increases the expense or difficulty of EA in maintaining the Service for the enjoyment of all its users.





I filed numerous reports to in game customer service about it. All I recieved was form letters. They also said, we can not inform you of the results. I think after filing numerous requests someone would at least send me an email which says, "its ok they can do this and talk trash.", or "its not ok. No need to file any more tickets. It should not be a problem in X number of days/weeks."

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All of you getting frustrated at this realize it's not about farming or even getting more medals. You get the most rewards from warzones by staying in them for the FULL DURATION. You get a SIGNIFICANT drop in rewards the quicker you end it. It is far more beneficial for both the winning and losing team to just wait out the entire game.


Edit- Forgot to add I think it's very stupid that we're punished for winning a match quickly.

Edited by Rawrifficus
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I am happy that you have not experience a match where it is a full set of coordinated 50s versus a lowbie pug. The result for the pug is spawn, land a hit or if you are lucky land two hits, die, wait for respawn and repeat. Its senseless really.


FWIW, I've also queued with members of this same guild against the opposite faction by chance. In those cases, we have not always won. When we are losing this wonderful guild will talk trash to members of our own faction about how bad we are and then quit. It seems they can only win when they can camp members of their own faction.


Note, I am not a great player, but I consider myself respectable. I've routinely been at top or in top 3 or 4 in the category I am working. Last night, I was playing a lvl 17 IA and was number 1 in damage a few times with a 4 to 1 kill:death ratio.

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Ahhhhhh, this thread explains what I've been seeing during Huttball matches.




Zzzzzzzz ....


And it's also no wonder that I've been finding myself PvPing less -- it's been happening more often that my high-30s trooper gets RoFL-stomped so fast on some maps it's almost impossible to rack up more than 1 or 2 badges.

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I think OP is being overly dramatic. I have been on the receiving end of the farm sessions as well as on the giving end. Yeah, it's not fun when it happens to you, but you will always get your time do the same same.


Sometimes people just want to PvP and will prolong the match to do just that. However, I agree that trash talking lowbies who you vastly outgear is lame. And I can see your point about not doing it to your own faction.

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I agree in part with the op. As repub I haven't even seen a huttball win in over 20 games now and half the time it's a full team of 50's that want to hold the ball forever after the 5 score. They tend to seem like pre mades, you know with healers and all. Perhaps they could make it so after 5 minutes of a team having the ball it would poof back to the start or something, I don't know.
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I've never understood this....


Wouldn't it be quicker to take the quick 5-6 medals and end the warzone, getting the warzone win valor + commendations etc and getting into another warfront quicker rather than dragging one out over 15 minutes?

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The imp group I was in had a lot of 50's. I'm a lowbie. We were against another Imp group, but we scored 5 points in huttball in no time. Then instead of scoring the 6th point when we had the ball my team held onto to it farming players. I have pvped for a long while now. All this was new to me.
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Rather than quit or hide, I believe the only way to counter this exploit is to try and make it to the enemy teams end zone. If you hide beneath their initial jump down, you can pull a Sgt. York move. Wait for an enemy to spawn and jump him as he goes up the ramp. If possible try to knock him in the fire or off the ramp into the pit below. It will take a long time for him to either return to the farming front or come back to fight you. You also get the advantage of a 1 on 1 fight if you attack the last one in line if there are too, ala Sgt. York.


Lastly, its not easy though. My toons are routinely targeted since I've talked in /ops about farming. I have guys get the jump on me even though I am in stealth. I've also seen this team mark opponents with the cross hair or saber icon when I have been on their team. I don't know how they can target me when I am in stealth, but they do.



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What kills me is that the folks who've been getting agrarian on lowbies are eventually going to start whining about how hard it is to start matches ... after they've turned off the casual players with their actions.


For sure. I logged to a toon which did not have dooku on ignore and he was in /1 saying queue for pvp lamers. I told him, you reap what you sow. He then continued to talk junk to me and thought I was some other player's alt. After about 3 or 4 insults and explicatives, I told him, I am sorry you can not communicate reasonably and put him on /ignore.

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