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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Lotto Bags killed the game


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First I would like to start by saying that I realize none of you care, and none of you will ever care, and the devs will never care; however, I am still going to say what I want to say because I'm a little mad right now and this seems like a safe outlet for the anger.


I got level 50 on December 22nd, I started playing pretty early in the Early access, and for the exception of a couple days mainly Christmas eve, and New Years eve, I have done the pvp dailies in Ilum and the warzones every day, I am valor ranking 58.


These Champion lotto bags have been driving me crazy for awhile now, and today was finally the day that made me decide I'm done. I can't count how many champion lotto bags I have opened, but it is probably near at least 100, and I'm still missing 4 peices of gear, chest, implant, weapon, ear peice. Now don't get me wrong, this WOULD be more than okay if everybody was obtaining gear this slowly, but that is not the case. One of my guildmates just got level 50 today, and already has full champion set, because since level 40 he has been buying champion bags with all of his commendations, he said he had about 25 bags saved in his bank. Wow great for him that truly is awesome. However this DOES NOT make a balanced, competitive, or enjoyable pvp experience. I truly don't understand why you would make the decision to make one of the main factors of pvp, gearing out your character with the correct gear, such a luck based occurance.




Champion Lotto Bags, DO NOT make for a competitive, or balanced, or fun pvp experience.

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It's baffling, it really is. To me and to everyone in my guild (mostly competitive/hardcore pvpers) it just makes no sense. I can't even fathom or begin to think about how whoever was in charge of designing pvp gearing came to the conclusion that a system based entirely on RNG was A. good for the game, or B. what the players want... Then to think that the design team checked off on that as a good idea... It's just baffling, I don't know what to say.


Luckily they realized their mistake and are changing battlemaster bags... Yes, champ will still be RNG, but in reality battlemaster is all that truly matters because everyone will reach valor 60 at some point.

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First I would like to start by saying that I realize none of you care, and none of you will ever care, and the devs will never care; however, I am still going to say what I want to say because I'm a little mad right now and this seems like a safe outlet for the anger.


I got level 50 on December 22nd, I started playing pretty early in the Early access, and for the exception of a couple days mainly Christmas eve, and New Years eve, I have done the pvp dailies in Ilum and the warzones every day, I am valor ranking 58.


These Champion lotto bags have been driving me crazy for awhile now, and today was finally the day that made me decide I'm done. I can't count how many champion lotto bags I have opened, but it is probably near at least 100, and I'm still missing 4 peices of gear, chest, implant, weapon, ear peice. Now don't get me wrong, this WOULD be more than okay if everybody was obtaining gear this slowly, but that is not the case. One of my guildmates just got level 50 today, and already has full champion set, because since level 40 he has been buying champion bags with all of his commendations, he said he had about 25 bags saved in his bank. Wow great for him that truly is awesome. However this DOES NOT make a balanced, competitive, or enjoyable pvp experience. I truly don't understand why you would make the decision to make one of the main factors of pvp, gearing out your character with the correct gear, such a luck based occurance.




Champion Lotto Bags, DO NOT make for a competitive, or balanced, or fun pvp experience.




"I want the fact I can sink countless hours into the same to maske me have a statistical edge over my opponent. Anything else is unfair"


If you've played that much your experience should be a counter. Timesink should not equal skill. You have a legit ***** about the random nature of the loot, but don't pretend its because you seek fair and balanced matches, you seek to be rewarded with an edge over others because you can sink insane hours into the game. Pick your poison.

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I get it, and for what it's worth I agree.


But you have to realize, this is PADDING, a TIME SINK for the masses. Without it, with the kind of hours you play, you would have been fully decked out weeks ago. And then what? Probably quit out of boredom. Or worse, take it out on some poor lowbies who can't even scratch you.


They INTENTIONALLY did it this way. Just like they intentionally drag out many quests, especially class ones. It made me chuckle when as an Inquisitor I had to go to Kaas, then the cave, the temple, back to the cave, back to to Kaas, then to the fleet, then back to Kaas and then back to the cave. NONE of it was really necessary. It was just time-killing travel to pad 15 mins worth of content so that it takes an hour instead.


I doubt it'll change any time soon. And if it does, then commendation/valor gains will be severely nerfed. It's just the way it crumbles, cookie-wise.

Edited by Sabbathius
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"I want the fact I can sink countless hours into the same to maske me have a statistical edge over my opponent. Anything else is unfair"


If you've played that much your experience should be a counter. Timesink should not equal skill. You have a legit ***** about the random nature of the loot, but don't pretend its because you seek fair and balanced matches, you seek to be rewarded with an edge over others because you can sink insane hours into the game. Pick your poison.


Yes but should other people have an advantage over me that have played 1/10th the hours?

Skill is a big factor, but it's not the only factor, imagine at your job, little jimmy the 16 year old stoner that goes to your local high school, you know the one that everybody at your job hates because hes so slow and lazy? Ya imagine he gets paid 10 times what you do, but he works half the hours. Seems fair to me, and fun.

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Yes but should other people have an advantage over me that have played 1/10th the hours?


That's what "random" means. Some people get lucky. Some get unlucky.


If you were told that you were guaranteed, beyond all doubt, that it would take you a minimum of 50 bags to get the full kit, would it make it better than knowing it could take under 10 or over 100?


Yeah, it's not a nice system. But consider the alternative - hordes of no lifers max level and fully geared who quit for lack of things to do. Instead, with current system you get hordes of no lifers at max level still grinding gear like good little hamsters instead of quitting. Guess which one you pick if you are running a business in which you are supplying a product (content) at a MUUUUCH slower pace than your consumers will go through it?

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the lies, you can have a max of 1 bag in your inventory before 50( no daily rewards a champion bag until 50) and you can have a max of 1k wz comms and 1k merc comms which is enough to purchase 5 bags.


So no, your guild member did not have 25 when he just hit 50 unless you mean to say he did the weekly/daily's for a full week in 1 day(gives you 20 bags per week) which is impossible, and if it were possible he'd still be able to have had 26 bags not 25, so you'd still be wrong.

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One of my guildmates just got level 50 today, and already has full champion set, because since level 40 he has been buying champion bags with all of his commendations, he said he had about 25 bags saved in his bank.


Nice try ... next time you buy a Champion Bag .. check the tooltip, they are UNIQUE, can't have more than ONE.

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At valor rank 46 missing gloves, Belt, boots, and weapon.


Guildmate hit 50 last Sunday and is now at valor rank 13 has done dailies, weeklies, and bought a few bags and has the same plus the weapon.


Unreal, they should convert the items to tokens to get what you want.

Edited by Kohsar
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"One of my guildmates just got level 50 today, and already has full champion set, because since level 40 he has been buying champion bags with all of his commendations, he said he had about 25 bags saved in his bank."


If you're trying to prove something, not lying would be a good start. This alone discredits your entire post, bye.

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But you have to realize, this is PADDING, a TIME SINK for the masses. Without it, with the kind of hours you play, you would have been fully decked out weeks ago. And then what? Probably quit out of boredom. Or worse, take it out on some poor lowbies who can't even scratch you.


Except when random chance works in favor of someone... a friend of mine, literally just got legs and his offhand in 2/3 bags, as well as several pieces before that (5-6 in total), and he's at valor 21... while im at 29, have done the dailies 3x more, and the weeklies twice as much, and have one piece to show for it.


I understand time sinks and not getting easy gear, thats fine with me, but make that **** even across the board.


**** RNG.

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Except when random chance works in favor of someone... a friend of mine, literally just got legs and his offhand in 2/3 bags, as well as several pieces before that (5-6 in total), and he's at valor 21... while im at 29, have done the dailies 3x more, and the weeklies twice as much, and have one piece to show for it.


I understand time sinks and not getting easy gear, thats fine with me, but make that **** even across the board.


**** RNG.




I dont like playing MMOS i just want my gear so i can complain and move on to Guild Wars 2.

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What can I say, buddy... It's just like PVE. You kill a boss there's a good chance you won't see ****.


Sadly unlike PVE you are not required to make a miminal effort since it's ALL based on luck. In my guild, we have a scrub who likes to tag along and do nothing but scream for healing. She got all her champ set including the weapon in a week. One of my friends who quit the game barely saw a piece at rank 52. So yeah, whoever came up with this system should actually try it before saying it works.

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I dont like playing MMOS i just want my gear so i can complain and move on to Guild Wars 2.


Did you read that at all?


I have no problem with gear grinds, and spending hours working on getting a single piece of gear.


I DO have a problem when that gear grind is nowhere near equal and with the only difference being luck someone can get the same gear I have in less then 1/3rd the time.


Edit: Actually, let me reword that to "Better" gear than I have in less then 1/3rd of the time*

Edited by Guaritorr
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I guess I never understood the problem with trying to be fair, obviously the world is not fair, but video games are man made, and are not the real world, and could in theory be fair. One of you complains that the problem is "no lifers" would be max gear and would destroy everybody else. So your complaint is that people that work harder are better... hmm bad complaint in my opinion, but I guess some people like the chance that they can be better for 1/2 the work. I don't want to super outgear anybody, I don't want to have welfare epics handed to me, I just want it to be the same amount of effort for everyone.
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I guess Bioware cannot remake this stupid system. Quick improvment could be to raise the drop rate. Actrually, it must be 10%, it should be 50% or 30% whit 5 commendation if no drop.

More acceptable than that crappy system.

I can t believe they was thinking it was fun for players.


Simple rule im MMO developement : if it s unfun, DONT make IT!

Anyway... Pvp has be made by dev coming from Mythic... what did you expect? »»»» crap.

Edited by Tyrrex
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I guess Bioware cannot remake this stupid system. Quick improvment could be to raise the drop rate. Actrually, it must be 10%, it should be 50% or 30% whit 5 commendation if no drop.

More acceptable than that crappy system.

I can t believe they was thinking it was fun for players.


Simple rule im MMO developement : if it s unfun, DONT make IT!


Ya I still can't believe that the bags with no item don't give you extra commendations.

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I have opened, but it is probably near at least 100

300 commendations is enough to buy 7 pieces.

I've just hit 60 valor and have full pvp set, a companion with half the set and 50 commendations left over.


My guess is you've opened about 15 and only got 3 pieces.

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Anyway... Pvp has be made by dev coming from Mythic... what did you expect? »»»» crap.


Can't argue with that.



Anyway, I'm trying to get a guy to give a screenshot of his champ gear - 5 belts and 2 boots, from a pile of bags. But at least he actually found something in those bags.

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I dont like playing MMOS i just want my gear so i can complain and move on to Guild Wars 2.


At least in GW2 PvP chars will have max gear at time of character creation so that there's no gear imbalance =P

Edited by Goldenstar
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These Champion lotto bags have been driving me crazy for awhile now, and today was finally the day that made me decide I'm done. I can't count how many champion lotto bags I have opened, but it is probably near at least 100, and I'm still missing 4 peices of gear, chest, implant, weapon, ear peice. Now don't get me wrong, this WOULD be more than okay if everybody was obtaining gear this slowly, but that is not the case. One of my guildmates just got level 50 today, and already has full champion set, because since level 40 he has been buying champion bags with all of his commendations, he said he had about 25 bags saved in his bank. Wow great for him that truly is awesome. However this DOES NOT make a balanced, competitive, or enjoyable pvp experience. I truly don't understand why you would make the decision to make one of the main factors of pvp, gearing out your character with the correct gear, such a luck based occurance.




Champion Lotto Bags, DO NOT make for a competitive, or balanced, or fun pvp experience.



You are lying or flat out wrong. You can only have 1 bag in your inventory at a time they are Unique. Nice try though.

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F One of my guildmates just got level 50 today, and already has full champion set, because since level 40 he has been buying champion bags with all of his commendations, he said he had about 25 bags saved in his bank.




This statement is an out right LIE.


You can only have 1 bag at a time.

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