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British accents = Empire


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Okay the stuff I'm about to outline could be considered future spoilers for this game, even they Daniel Erikson talked about them years ago as stuff that would eventually happen in the future.



So Eventually the Republic wins the war, and all the people who currently live under the Empire, which I'll remind you controls half the galaxy at this point, eventually come together was one people.


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Yep, I have noticed this. Now I myself have a very strong english accent. (basically if you listen to me speak I sounds as though I almost did the voiceover for the Imperial Agent.


When I was RPing on Teamspeak (my character actually happens to be an imperial agent turned smuggler) everyone asked me to please speak instead of type, because the accent is so realistic.


I don't complain the the Englsih are always the bad guys, cause we are the ones that have class!!


Empire is the better system in my opinion, much more organized and get more done through that. However they are as you say authoritarian and slightly speciesist.

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Yep, I have noticed this. Now I myself have a very strong english accent. (basically if you listen to me speak I sounds as though I almost did the voiceover for the Imperial Agent.


When I was RPing on Teamspeak (my character actually happens to be an imperial agent turned smuggler) everyone asked me to please speak instead of type, because the accent is so realistic.


I don't complain the the Englsih are always the bad guys, cause we are the ones that have class!!


Empire is the better system in my opinion, much more organized and get more done through that. However they are as you say authoritarian and slightly speciesist.


heh.. I know what I'm guess are your guildmates mean. I had a friend who I used to run instances with in WoW, who would literally just keep up a running dialogue while we were grouped. *sigh* He was funny too but the accent helped make things more fun. I believe I told him to just keep talking and the friends who I had over thought for some reason I was listening to the radio. :D


The accents are probably why I love playing the Imps, that and I just like them more anyways.

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The British had the largest empire of all time, surpassing even the Mongol and Roman Empires. It was said "The sun never sets on the British Empire" which was true in a literal sense because the British had colonies in every time zone.


Naturally the Sith Empire has British accents to reflect this historical fact. I guess in the movies the rebels had American accents because the Americans rebelled against the British. Hope this helped!



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the empire are xenoist


meaning there prejudiced against other species


I always thought they used the English accesnt for the imperials because of the imperial army is very formal and strict just like the british army is,


what what what stiff upper lip and all that, suck that gut in man legs straight arms back your not drinking tea with mother now boy

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It's because all us Brits are hideously sophisticated Imperialist bastards with a colonial attitude towards the rest of the world. Now replace world with Galaxy and hey-presto! You have your Empire. What what! <Puffs pipe>
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I pretty sure there were several British Accents during the movies, at least the OT. Because, you know, British People are evil.


Actually, in the prequels, you couldn't go by accents - Ewan MacGregor for one. I can't remember if Liam Neeson dropped his accent or not - it's been a while since I've seen episode 1.

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Actually, in the prequels, you couldn't go by accents - Ewan MacGregor for one.


Obi-Wan can't go from scottish accent to english accent just because of different actors.


I can't remember if Liam Neeson dropped his accent or not - it's been a while since I've seen episode 1.


Sort of... He didn't put on an american accent, just more of a neutral british with a slight tough of irish.

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This is another reason why I find the game, & Star Wars its self mind you, to be quite racist.

In most games you need to be a British person to be evil, if you want to be a good guy with a posh accent.. well tough luck.


British is a nationality, not a race.

I'm from Scotland and caucasian, my nationality is British. My neighbour two doors down is an Indian immigrant, his nationailty is British.

Two different races, one nationality.


BW has not implemented ANY African American voice actors. (at least not for the playable cast.) & along with that there aren't many coloured NPCs in the game anyway, with the exception of aliens. :eek:


Have you played Mass Effect?

The actress who does Ashley Williams voice is black. Ashley Williams does not sound black. At all.

Which raises the question - What does a black person sound like?


Also, open your eyes.

There are plenty of non-white human NPCs in the game, including companion appearances for human companions that change their ethnicity.


I thought that having a selectable voice would've been the first thing they let you do. Seems like a no brainer. I mean I'm an Aussie, & tbh I'd prefer a British or Scottish accent over an American one.


I agree that it would be nice to choose our ingame voices, but this would have run the budget for voiced characters waaaaay over.


Just the same as a yank would probably prefer an American accent over a Brit. & in this timeline I'd much prefer to have my main as a Jedi > Consular (for the more posh accent).


A "posh" accent isn't a british accent.

A "posh" accent is just one that's clear spoken and annunciates. Consular voices are "posh" enough.


Especially given the only other options are sith or a child Imperial Officer wannabe. Everything else has the full blown yankathon accent.


To be honest, only about half of the scottish accents I've heard ingame don't sound like a horrible stereotype.

The same goes for some regional english ones on Imperial NPCs.

They'd have been better employing actual english/scottish/irish voice actors, or those at least capable of not doing horrible stereotypes of accents.

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But the Imperial Operative is meant to be a True Imperial, and he doesn't sound British.


Negative,sir. All the Imperial classes have that accent, the Imperial Agent drops their Imperial accent throughout the story at certain times as to not blow their cover.


The female voice actor for the IA(Jo Wyatt) does a fantastic job and her accent is true to form as she is British; the male IA voice actor(Bertie Carvel) does a great job and is British as well so I don't see how he can not sound Imperial except in the scenes were he has to drop the Imperial accent.

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Negative,sir. All the Imperial classes have that accent, the Imperial Agent drops their Imperial accent throughout the story at certain times as to not blow their cover.


The female voice actor for the IA(Jo Wyatt) does a fantastic job and her accent is true to form as she is British; the male IA voice actor(Bertie Carvel) does a great job and is British as well so I don't see how he can not sound Imperial except in the scenes were he has to drop the Imperial accent.


They might be british but the voices they put on don't sound like british accents if you ask me.

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They might be british but the voices they put on don't sound like british accents if you ask me.


You are aware that there are a variety of British accents dependent on things like what part of England you are from, a part of a British city you are from, heritage,social "class" and more, right? I'm not even counting the Scottish,Welsh,Northern Irish and other accents from countries that comprise the UK.


I was born and raised in Ireland and have lived in the US for a while now, and have no problems identifying British accents and the IA voice actors sure sound British to me.


England is just like the US, and any other country for that matter, in that it has numerous accents to their overall language. Think of all the accents Americans have: Southern,Cajun,Great Lakes,Midwest, California Valley,New England, and on and on;they all speak the same language overall but they each sound different. Same type of thing goes for the British.

Edited by Temeluchus
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BW has not implemented ANY African American voice actors. (at least not for the playable cast.) & along with that there aren't many coloured NPCs in the game anyway, with the exception of aliens


Yes, BW has used Black voice actors. At the very least, Kevin Michael Richardson and Phil Lamarr voice more than a handful of characters.


California Valley


Hopefully, all Sith will have Valley accents in future Star Wars works.

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Yes, BW has used Black voice actors. At the very least, Kevin Michael Richardson and Phil Lamarr voice more than a handful of characters.




Hopefully, all Sith will have Valley accents in future Star Wars works.


Like Oh My God, Peace is like a lie brah,there is only like passion...

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BW has not implemented ANY African American voice actors. (at least not for the playable cast.) & along with that there aren't many coloured NPCs in the game anyway, with the exception of aliens. :eek:


There are more than a few colored NPCs. Iresso, Agent Fowler, Ensign Temple, Overseer Tremel, Tremel's daughter, the female Imp. newscaster during Rakghoul event, and many more questgivers etc I can't remember.


I know Khary Payton is one of the African American voice actors in the game. Tony Armatrading did Xalek/Yudrass but he's a Brit of African descent.

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BW has not implemented ANY African American voice actors. (at least not for the playable cast.) & along with that there aren't many coloured NPCs in the game anyway, with the exception of aliens



ask anyone who watched the original films who the black guy was and they will allsay lando, why? because he was the only black guy


its the same with females there was four of them i think, the two twileks the old woman on the ship who talks about the bothans and leia


its not BW doing it its just the way the SW universe is

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In the star was film ep 4

There were tons of uk people as empire side 1 of them I know his name well peter crushing, plus sir Alec Guinness


In later years, he achieved fame with younger audiences for his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in George Lucas’s original Star Wars trilogy.


And Frank Oz as Yoda

Anthony Daniels as C-3PO

Kenny Baker as R2-D2

Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca


think there maybe more uk people playing both sides in the film.( thank you wiki) ;)

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In the star was film ep 4

There were tons of uk people as empire side 1 of them I know his name well peter crushing, plus sir Alec Guinness


In later years, he achieved fame with younger audiences for his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in George Lucas’s original Star Wars trilogy.


And Frank Oz as Yoda

Anthony Daniels as C-3PO

Kenny Baker as R2-D2

Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca


think there maybe more uk people playing both sides in the film.( thank you wiki) ;)


Denis Lawson as Wedge Antilles

David Prowse as Darth Vader (physical actor, James Earl Jones was the voice of course)

Shelagh Fraser as Beru Lars


Honestly I'd say almost 99% of Star Wars was UK actors due to its filming location. Uncle Owen (Phil Brown), Luke (Mark Hamill), Han (Harrison Ford), and Leia (Carrie Fisher) are Americans and the big stand outs most people remember. They are the minority in that film though as almost everyone else is UK.

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An astounding number of actors in Star Wars from Great Britain, where filming was done.

Folks like Obi Wan Kenobi (both editions of him), Anthony Daniels (C3PO), Denis Lawson (Wedge Anillies, Scottish), Kenny Baker (R2D2's beeps are British....), Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca...them accented rawrs).


Oh, you said Imperial...right. Well, they're not the stars of the show; lots of extras and what not, so the whole "drawing from the local acting pool" thing is doubley-so for them. Not any sort of cannon explanation, it's just that in the canonical star wars...everyone had those accents.


Edit: Bahhh, failed to notice the last page of posts, which clearly and thoroughly explain all of this...

Edited by Journeyer
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