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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Premade 50s? Really?


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premades should be grouped with other premades...

should not be hard, if you do group queue you get paired with others that did group queue.


unless they don't care about making it pointless for casual players to play their game.




BTW you learn nothing if you are lvl 10-49 vs prmade in PVP set apart from they are unkillable by your puny character, it gets old pretty fast.

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I couldnt agree more with this...


On my server the republic loses most of the time except in alderaan. We spank the **** out imperials on this map. And no, its not cause they never play this map lol.. its actual PVP!! Amazing when a map actually requires someone to go toe to toe.


Wrong the most gear independent is Void Star, if your team works fine you only need to interrupt enemies. Alderan better gear wins.

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BTW you learn nothing if you are lvl 10-49 vs prmade in PVP set apart from they are unkillable by your puny character, it gets old pretty fast.


Ok ppl, I understand your frustration with this.. I really do. The fix is coming..


But do you actually think that your level is going to truly matter? Seriously?


I roll into warzones with 3 other ppl ALWAYS, because its


1) more fun

2) more organized

3) more fun


But guess what??? This funny thing happens all the time.


We look into the distance and see another group of 4 ppl coming from the same guild and wtfomgholyszzzzstomp us into the ground. And the same can be said about us doing it as well. You guys are going to find out that being 50 and not being 50 is not going to make much of a difference in PVP. In fact, you might end up finding yourselfs losing even more cause the other group could of been shafted with a bunch of low lvl ppl and your team is full of all 50's and 2 lvl 20's.

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If the goal is to maximize valor/commendation gain, solo queueing is far more reliable assuming your side didn't get completely stomped (i.e. blockaded from your spawn point) since team queues take much longer (team queues cannot get the quitter spots, ever).


I group queue because I want to win. When I was grinding valor to 60, I did it solo because with the +200 valor buff from Ilum, you want to play as many short games as possible and that's just not going to happen with group queues since they have a long waiting time.

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I can solo a 50 and get assassin medal on my lvl39 Powertech you do know that you can only group with 4 others, so four 50s in a pre-made and the rest might be solo 50s.. so what! you do know at around mid level 30s you get most of all your skills and warzone has the Bolstered buff?


If your entering warzones below lvl25 or so.. have fun getting 3 shotted by a 50.


but by Tuesday.. this will be no issue for badies

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We look into the distance and see another group of 4 ppl coming from the same guild and wtfomgholyszzzzstomp us into the ground. And the same can be said about us doing it as well. You guys are going to find out that being 50 and not being 50 is not going to make much of a difference in PVP. In fact, you might end up finding yourselfs losing even more cause the other group could of been shafted with a bunch of low lvl ppl and your team is full of all 50's and 2 lvl 20's.


Don't BS please. I have both 50lvl in some expertise armor and non 50 lvl which I play most now. I can assure you my first character can at least hold against geared in PVP set character another one has no chance. So please don't patronize others - "being 50 and not being 50 is not going to make much of a difference in PVP" my ***.

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Wrong the most gear independent is Void Star, if your team works fine you only need to interrupt enemies. Alderan better gear wins.


Oh yeah? That is why 1 person in our faction on our ENTIRE SERVER just hit battlemaster yesterday and the imperials have 28 people geared out in battlemaster. I know this because I talk to them everyday when we kill each other and have coffee lol..



Dont believe me? Come on over to tarro blood and have a look for yourself lol.. Alderaan dont have **** to with gear. Its about straight up pvp and we lov it.


Im going to bed now so goodnight everyone lol

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You know what is really not fun?


Getting stuck in a group with 8 people who don't know each other, don't like each other, won't talk with each other, and NERDRAGE every two seconds when something dosn't go their way.


Also not fun.


Getting a group that has everything BUT healers, or has no deeps, or no tanks... why? Because of **** luck of when you Q'd.


Did I mention telling your buddies who you got the game to play WITH that you will have to sit in a Q 50x longer than anyone else if you want to pvp together.



You can take your seperate brackets for premade BS and shove it right up your ***.... just sayin.

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Total sense there Suriken ... but sadly, us premade's will offer all kinds of retorts against this.


I know I would rather fight other premades, mopping up pugs got old many games ago.


Yet another oversight by the great Bioware, oops Mythic, gods.


I think he means no skilled biochem hogging addicts that use 50 pre mades and nail the hell out of biochem adrens/stims/health... now THEY are the noobs.

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You can take your seperate brackets for premade BS and shove it right up your ***.... just sayin.


I recently had luck to fight same premade 6 times in a row with them stomping that said team without minimal effort, yeah really you need to wait loong time, absolutely the same time as a solo player.


I was paried with another premade many times in a row... I understand it's fun to stomp those who can't do anything for someone but it actually strongly discourages others from participating.

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I would be all for a priority system that attempts to pair premades against other premades and dumping them into pug land if they couldn't match them in a reasonable time. However just tossing premades into their own little bracket after seperating the 50's into their own little bracket would make for stupidly long Q times.
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Welcome to Star Warhammer.


Now remember that some of the devs that worked on this game also worked on that disaster that was Warhammer Age of Reckoning.


Now you will see a lot of the same features (bolster, although Warhammer was bracketed there was still a bolster within those brackets that bumped people up a few levels in power). CC fest, Warhammer was also a CC fest. The debate on Operatives being OP, Witch Hunters and Witch Elves worked more or less the same way and were also deemed OP. Sorcs being called OP, we remember the Sorc/BW bomb groups of Warhammer.


Aaaaand finally ye olde pug V's premade debate that raged rampant on the Warhammer forums.


It seems no lessons were learned.


More or less the same problems Warhammer PvP faced are rearing their little heads here also.


Come on Mythic .. oops .. BioWare.


Although all will be forgiven if you slap in a huge Warzone that could take more than 8 people. I like my big battles (and no, Illum doesn't count. I said battles not following people around capping behind them).


But if no one else wants the big battles i'll make lots of clones of myself and kick the living snot out of me.

Edited by Gomla
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This isn't really a problem. The one advantage they have is voice chat and previous experience with each other


I imagine they might put a algorithm in place later that will try to pair up people queuing with a team against the same. Heck, it might even be in place now, but with the few amount of ppl queuing up, you can't really tell

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Do you also kick puppy and throw rocks at cats.


See a shrink about your ego then come back and fight remotely fairly.


How badly must you win in order to bring premade 50s before the 50 environment is locked.


I know the devs didnt prepare for this, so you take advantage of it?


Sad and pathetic.


It isn't even cross server so we can get away from you...

Aww, does someone need a hug? :(
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Welcome to Star Warhammer.


Now remember that some of the devs that worked on this game also worked on that disaster that was Warhammer Age of Reckoning.


Now you will see a lot of the same features (bolster, although Warhammer was bracketed there was still a bolster within those brackets that bumped people up a few levels in power). CC fest, Warhammer was also a CC fest. The debate on Operatives being OP, Witch Hunters and Witch Elves worked more or less the same way and were also deemed OP. Sorcs being called OP, we remember the Sorc/BW bomb groups of Warhammer.


Indeed, I am very surprised to see them make the same misstakes as WAR (Stealth classes (they are never balanced), reliance on CC (CC is simply put, not fun. The less CC in the game, the better), and again the "problem" with premades.)


And while they make the same misstakes, they fail to take the one thing that WAR was actually good at, the open world PvP. Illum is a joke compared to the "pvp-lakes" in WAR, wich actually saw some action and where quite fun. But, let's focus on the premades here.



I am a bit torn by this, actually. On the one hand, I dont want to hinder in anyway people from playing together. On the other hand, a premade has such an advantage over the headless-chicken-bunch that a PUG usually is. And sometimes I want to group up with people, know that they will actually follow a strategy, and try our best to win. Other times, I just want to hit solo-queue and have some fun, and I belive a MMO needs to work well for both occasions.

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nothing wrong with playing with friends, but i think premades should have there own bracket, because premades have a HUUUUUUGE advantage over pubs. Oh ya sure it takes real skill to beat a pub, lawl. Anyone knows a well organized premade is gona stomp any pub. Thats why hey lets put the premades vs premades, and pubs vs pubs then everyones happy and the premades can hone there skill against other organized groups. just a thought, but im sure all the people who are comfy racking up there commendations by taking advantage of the pubs wont like that no sir, they must have it ez or else it wont be fun because having a real pvp challenge is not the way to go, amirite premades?


Wow a valid response, that isn't full of obvious ********.


A bunch of ******e kids responded to this who aren't playing against a 50 premade over and over since crosserver isnt implemented.


You try enjoying playing pvp every mathc when your team never even kills anyone. Every single match.

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