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Assassins suck


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For those who were wondering, I use the build http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200bZhGMRkMR0zZf0cRrMz.1


I use surging charge as a filler since I sometimes do flashpoints, other than that I stay in Dark Charge for pvp, keep a shield in my offhand, and go half tank gear/dps gear.


This build has decent survivability with Dark Charge active, and tons of control on the battlefield. Instant whirlwind with a stun, a 4 second incapacitate, 30% aoe damage reduction, burst from maul, shock, and death field.


I will prob switch discharge 2/2 over to avoidance 2/2.

Edited by Shoraki
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well I think I just found a killer spec, its extremely unorthodox , but I just walked into a huttball game with 4 minutes to go, and did 140k damage (34-1), really loving this spec so far, going to test a full game


edit: just registered 300k in second game of huttball, with not much action in terms of combat, this spec is just completely annihilating my targets one on one, this is great

Edited by StrifedRevan
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They need to decide if Assassin is a big DPS'er (burst as well) or a utility class.


Right now its stuck in between and it's mediocre at best.


On the plus side, the Darkness spec works not bad, but strictly sticking to dps trees, they're failing hard.


Personally i think this says it all.


Fun class, however the DPS trees really do lack quite a bit. Any assassin rolling a Warzone without dark charge will be swatted like fly's by anything out there.. aka glass mini cannon (since i cant fully consider them a cannon)

Edited by xJeTsTaRx
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I used to feel that way, really liking assassin now however. rank 53 topped out at 510k as deception. and i've seen vids of bm assassins critting for 6k+, you can get some pretty nice burst with this spec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601bZhGbRkhrbtzZf0c.1, although you need fairly high crit to make it really worth dropping the cd reduction on shroud/speed.


Maybe it's not the class for you, to me it plays like a rogue made a baby with a ret paladin and i'm really lovin it.


Edit: http://www.swtormovies.com/movieview.php?id=855 Tell me that isn't nice burst lol, over 10k in 2 gcds at times.

Edited by Diceington
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I lol'd at this. I really did.


I'm playing assasin though only at 50 valor, 361 expertise. And no1 can beat me in a 1v1, maybe the occasional OP/Scoundrel with stun 3k 3k 3k 3k 3k. But thats it, if I play it smart I outplay everyone I see in warzones and Ilum.


I'm also on Starstorm one, republic side. Like another poster > Ihadurca.


I'm using 26 keybindings btw, and im still short of them for some moves. So if you dont have << that problem you're probably doing it wrong.


Assasins aren't rogues. Learn to play the class, the burst damage you get is *********** insane.


Example: 1v1 versus someone with equal expertise: opener with stealth stun, Force Potency, PvP 360 power trinket, CV strike (1500-2k) CV strike again, Project (3k+1k), Force Breach(2.5-3k), Backstab (2-2.5k), Execute (4.2k+)


No burst? I kill every target I focus on in 1v1 with cooldowns, and It's mostly a 2-4k dmg overkill too.

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I think the problem is that Assassin is supposed to be a creative tank, but everyone is trying to play it like a rogue. If you want the 'rogue' class, you have to play IA. Assassin is a tank.


The diffrence in playing darkness vs deception or madness is barely noticable since over 50% pvp attacks ignore armor and 80% ignore shield. Its minor utility vs subpar damage.

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I lol'd at this. I really did.


I'm playing assasin though only at 50 valor, 361 expertise. And no1 can beat me in a 1v1, maybe the occasional OP/Scoundrel with stun 3k 3k 3k 3k 3k. But thats it, if I play it smart I outplay everyone I see in warzones and Ilum.


I'm also on Starstorm one, republic side. Like another poster > Ihadurca.


I'm using 26 keybindings btw, and im still short of them for some moves. So if you dont have << that problem you're probably doing it wrong.


Assasins aren't rogues. Learn to play the class, the burst damage you get is *********** insane.


Example: 1v1 versus someone with equal expertise: opener with stealth stun, Force Potency, PvP 360 power trinket, CV strike (1500-2k) CV strike again, Project (3k+1k), Force Breach(2.5-3k), Backstab (2-2.5k), Execute (4.2k+)


No burst? I kill every target I focus on in 1v1 with cooldowns, and It's mostly a 2-4k dmg overkill too.


Ah the Russian server, tell me, can you beat a good tank 1v1, or perhaps, can you beat Papoz the Operative 1v1?


Also, I find it quite funny that everyone say Assas are supposed to be played as tanks. Wow really fits our name. If we're supposed to play tanks as you say, then 2 of our talent trees are ******** and our description is ********, yet you do not complain.

Edited by sptsnz
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The Assassin in Sith culture has nothing to do with the rogue style of killing. It's a status. It was a poor choice of names on Bioware's part. Truly, it was.


I've been reading the forums for only about a month now, but more than half of the people complaining about Assassin have boiled down to basically - "this doesn't feel like an Assassin, it's not what I thought it was."


That's the fault of their naming the class Assassin.


Honestly? They should have called the basic class "Sith Scholar", and then branched out with "Sith Sorcerer" and "Sith Inquisitor".


The class feels more like an Inquisitor than an Assassin game-style wise...and it would have been less confusing for people who didn't read up on the classes before picking one.


Then they could have called the middle DPS tree "Assassination" rather than Deception if they really wanted people to be able to call themselves Assassins. Personally, I've wrapped my mind around "Assassin" being a title in Sith society, and my class is more of an Inquisitor.


But besides the "naming problem" screwing people up and giving false impressions, the class itself really is fine. It's just not for nearly the amount of people currently playing it.


Darkness hybrids are stellar in pvp, and good Deception players are destroying endgame pve. The cream of the crop Deception pvpers are obliterating their opposition as well. This is a class that you have to be very good at to succeed, because there is more to think about than any other class.

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I lol'd at this. I really did.


I'm playing assasin though only at 50 valor, 361 expertise. And no1 can beat me in a 1v1, maybe the occasional OP/Scoundrel with stun 3k 3k 3k 3k 3k. But thats it, if I play it smart I outplay everyone I see in warzones and Ilum.


I'm also on Starstorm one, republic side. Like another poster > Ihadurca.


I'm using 26 keybindings btw, and im still short of them for some moves. So if you dont have << that problem you're probably doing it wrong.


Assasins aren't rogues. Learn to play the class, the burst damage you get is *********** insane.


Example: 1v1 versus someone with equal expertise: opener with stealth stun, Force Potency, PvP 360 power trinket, CV strike (1500-2k) CV strike again, Project (3k+1k), Force Breach(2.5-3k), Backstab (2-2.5k), Execute (4.2k+)


No burst? I kill every target I focus on in 1v1 with cooldowns, and It's mostly a 2-4k dmg overkill too.


Maybe everyone you fight is just bad and you think you're good.

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The Assassin in Sith culture has nothing to do with the rogue style of killing. It's a status. It was a poor choice of names on Bioware's part. Truly, it was.


I've been reading the forums for only about a month now, but more than half of the people complaining about Assassin have boiled down to basically - "this doesn't feel like an Assassin, it's not what I thought it was."


That's the fault of their naming the class Assassin.


Honestly? They should have called the basic class "Sith Scholar", and then branched out with "Sith Sorcerer" and "Sith Inquisitor".


The class feels more like an Inquisitor than an Assassin game-style wise...and it would have been less confusing for people who didn't read up on the classes before picking one.


Then they could have called the middle DPS tree "Assassination" rather than Deception if they really wanted people to be able to call themselves Assassins. Personally, I've wrapped my mind around "Assassin" being a title in Sith society, and my class is more of an Inquisitor.


But besides the "naming problem" screwing people up and giving false impressions, the class itself really is fine. It's just not for nearly the amount of people currently playing it.


Darkness hybrids are stellar in pvp, and good Deception players are destroying endgame pve. The cream of the crop Deception pvpers are obliterating their opposition as well. This is a class that you have to be very good at to succeed, because there is more to think about than any other class.



Sniper is called a sniper, yet my range is only 5 meters higher than sorcs or bhs, what's so sniperish about it?

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L2P really has nothing to do with the issues of this class. I see people making valid points about the serious issues with this class. What's clearly interesting is the only excuses trolls have to have say is "You should try another class." "Just L2P" "The class is fine" Or they link some footage beta etc. These are the best Rebuttals that people can come up with. However they can't actually disprove the more than obvious issues with the assassin class.


What is it that some of you fear when trying to argue how alright the assassin class is, when we all know the assassin class clearly isn't living up to it's name? I am not talking armor here, so lets exclude that. Half the time I don't even know where my damage goes. Over 2 and 3k in pvp means just about nothing in pvp. Especially when the player I attack has fallen victim to their cool downs and debufs. I have to ask where does my damage go? 2 impels a stun to further prevent them from capitalize on what cool downs have wore off and an Assassinate, to a person who is below their midway point in health simply does not always get the job done no matter how good of a pvper you are. The fact alone that it CAN takes that much at times, on top of being attacked by others in the process is ridiculous. Already used up most of my force from impelling twice.


I don't want to read excuses from people saying that this class is fine. The point I am making here is that in those fine moments where we should have the upper hand we doesn't seem to always count. The assassin class works against the player no matter how good you are.


I have never played wow. I have however played assassin types over the years in several mmos. Catching people at weak moments is part of what makes an assassin. Again this isn't the case. If we must compare to other classes. Every moment in pvp for an assassin when he or she faces another person is a weak moment for them. Not a weak moment for the other class. No matter what excuses both sides make here we all know this is a fact. Having the title of assassin vs the class living up to it's given name is a real problem here. They might as well change the name of this class to Sith Agitator, or Agitator of the Sith variety. At best we do more annoyance half the time regardless of spec then not.


Lastly. Yes I have and use pvp gear.

Edited by Aizen
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I would have no problems playing this class if bioware would fix the damn animation problems. It's frustrating as hell when I have to button mash my assassinate and maul because neither fires 3 times in a row, this is major in pvp and means life or death. Bottom line is I think most people would find this class more enjoyable And more deadly to play if it was actually playable the way it should be. Edited by Thoth-Amon
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I would have no problems playing this class if bioware would fix the damn animation problems. It's frustrating as hell when I have to button mash my assassinate and maul because neither fires 3 times in a row, this is major in pvp and means life or death. Bottom line is I think most people would find this class more enjoyable And more deadly to play if it was actually playable the way it should be.


Exactly that m8, Ive got no problems with the class at all, but when you are fighting against the game being broken, it does become a problem.


Maul is a nightmare atm and needs sorting asap. It really does hinder game play, not so much in pve but pvp its terrible.

Nothing worse than mashing a button and it not working.


Another one is Force Cloak, its just useless at times, no dots on me or the companion straight out of combat and the mobs re target you and again attack.



These are probably 2 of the biggest most fundamental aspects of the assassin and they are not working as intended.

It is very annoying

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Well I can't add too terribly much to the conversation but I do have an opinion.


I just got my Assassin to 31 and while I've enjoyed playing the class I do think there is room for improvement. I don't want to be flamed with "You don't know how to play your class!" because lets be logical - the game went live at the end of December and it didn't come with a How To manual so we all have to learn to "play your class" by trial and error. And to me there seems to be a LOT of error.


I think firstly some of our abilities should be simplified. I mean, hold your cursor over some of them and read the description. If an ability requires an entire paragraph to explain what it does, it could lead to confusion. "Does 50% critical rating on foes that are incapacitated but only if from the back and facing west, standing on one foot and with your companion to your right..." yeah no. "Does 230-400 kinetic damage over time" is more like it.


One of my biggest problems is dealing with ranged opponents. We have almost no defense against a mob with a blaster, by the time we're close enough to start swinging our health is down by a third. Force Lightning? I can spit on a cat and do more damage. Frankly I'm a bit weary of having to "seethe" after literally every fight I get into.


I personally have no compunction admitting that many of the Assassin's abilities are unclear to me (and a lot of what ARE clear seem to be pointless - seriously, kicking an incapacitated opponent?? Screw that, give me a saber throw!!!). I have read about the Maul's "proc" and to be honest, I didn't know it HAD a proc. I've always considered it to be like the backstab that the Rogue on EverQuest had...like the backstab, the Maul ONLY works from the back- and since we are supposed to be a "tank" class, being behind the opponent isn't common.


But all that being said, I enjoy the challenge. I enjoy playing the Assassin, even if I see a BH clear an entire dungeon area without having to stop and heal while I "seeth" after every fight.


I mean at least we LOOK cool!

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You see BH's clearing an entire dungeon area while you Seethe for a very good reason. They're probably running with Mako.


We have to either wait until 40 for Talos or use our ship droid.


For ranged mobs ... well, there you just have to grin and bear it unless you're Madness specced and have Death Field to cast on closing in. Deception and Darkness have to make do with closing under stealth/using the companion as bullet-shield, at least until the latter gets Force Pull.

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Reached 50 too and gathered a few epic gear, pve the class was a pain in the *** to play except with darkness spec, in pvp deception does mediocre burst damage plus you become extremely squishy. So why take deception, i dont see the point of a whole tree of the assassin class. Its an ok class at tanking thats about all and probably far to be the best at that.

Oh ton of people will be telling you the class is "fine", but honestly if you are doing fine with it, you wll do godly with other classes.

In overall a big disapointment, i am conisdering rerolling something else rater than grind pvp or flashpoints with it, the endgame gear look is awful anyway.

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You see BH's clearing an entire dungeon area while you Seethe for a very good reason. They're probably running with Mako.


We have to either wait until 40 for Talos or use our ship droid.


For ranged mobs ... well, there you just have to grin and bear it unless you're Madness specced and have Death Field to cast on closing in. Deception and Darkness have to make do with closing under stealth/using the companion as bullet-shield, at least until the latter gets Force Pull.


Is the ship droid worth it? I am on Alderaan and trying to kill the Jedi Commander dude and I'm almost 2 levels above him & he's wiping the floor with me in less than 90 seconds (I know this because I can only use one stim) even with the companion buff up.

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People have to get out of this tank, healer, ranged dps, melee dps mentality that Wow have created. This is star wars. You are in star wars. Those roles are not what defines you anymore. You can do everything. So you have to play smarter.


Yes, if you think Assassin is a rogue and you just sit behind someone and maul you are gonna get face rolled. Two shots and your whole force bar is gone. But why do that when you do have range? You do have heal, and you can tank.


Eg. Hit once with maul, step back, dot with discharge and crushing darkness, couple saber hits to proc shock, electricute, run away, whirlwind, recover force, maul, force lightning... Etc.


So what I'm getting at is you need to attack in and out of melee and ranged. Force lightning for us is to keep your prey from getting away. (even if they do interrupt it, it gives me a couple ticks extra force recovery. I'm darkness specced lvl 22 and I still find it useful even when recklessness is down.


You just have to find the combination that work for how you view the assassin. Personally, I see it as someone who can hunt down and kill the foe and be able to survive the counter attack and get away.

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Assassin is fine. Deception is fine. The tank tree is fine. Madness is trash. Once 50 only warzones come out I might actually be able to get decent deception footage and not me 3 shotting lvl 30s.


If deception gets buffed the class will be out of control hahaha. If you guys keep this constant whining up it might happen though.

Edited by Nocorras
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my new spec is beasting, I've done this before, but not in a way where I can do both huge damage output and one on one success, before it was either one, but with my new build, I can do both at the same time




why wont you share what the hell ur spec is then instead of multiple posts raving about how good it is, idiot.

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