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Assassins suck


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Compared to all the other classes, I'm a level 59 valor assassin, and I've been through all 3 trees in PVP. In madness I've topped 450k dmg , most coming from AOE, in deception I've topped 330k dmg, with that said I'm not satisfied with this class since I've encountered every other class and their capabilities compared to ours.


First off we have probably the lowest burst damage in the game, when I was deception, I would pop all buffs (pvp stim, biochem stims, etc) and could only crit 4k every blue moon (surging charge maxes for around 3k with all buffs popped) we have no real cc, opening rotation out of stealth is pretty pointless besides the barely noticeable force regeneration (spike, 2 second stun and costs 30 force? complete ****)


This class just isn't fun to play with because of the lack of utility compared to all other classes, they can't heal themselves, they have no shield/bubble, they have no gap closer, they wear light armor, their coveted main ability (maul) does crap damage and cost half of your force bar without EW proc.


Overall I'm just pretty disappointed with this class, its titled assassin, but comes no where near it when you look at the Operative, now people fear that class, people can swiftly escape an assassin's onslaught as long as they don't panic, the same can't be said for the Operative.


Like I said I'm level 59 valor, closing in on battlemaster, but have really lost all motivation to continue playing the class, some because of the hideous gear I have to look forward to (pigeon suit reskins) but mostly because of our lack of ability.


I've rolled an Operative and a BH, and theyre a BLAST to play, simply because of the utility / burst damage theyre capable of, at level 20, my BH effortlessly pulls 250k damage a warzone while if I wanted to I earn every tick of damage on the 300k scale from my assassin. On my lvl 25 Operative, I can seriously kill level 50s by myself, even without hidden strike unlocked yet, that told me alot about the assassin class, when I see cute female oblivious toons walking around in their low level assassins, I feel bad for them, because they might one day realize how much of a **** class they chose as their main.

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I couldn't agree more. I am only level 49 valor but I've played enough to realize that I need to reroll until we get a buff. Sadly it looks like this game is on track to be a battle between only ranged classes with biochem.
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Spamming tracer missiles from a safe distance gets the job done, whereas being an assassin you have to carefully prioritize your rotation to get any significant results (while being shot at by rangers) but ya, I know its cheap, but we all know in these games its fun to kill, its sad knowing all you have to do as a BH is spam tracer missiles to deal more damage than an assassin's 5 skill rotation.
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Just because you rolled a class that was wrong for you, does not mean the class is actually bad, and half the things in your post is just pure BS (Lets just take the DC for 3k max with things popped, Record for me is 6.4k and I regualer hit numbers like 5.8-6k when I pop cd's.)


Just because your bad at playing Assassin or do not enjoy them, does not mean its like that for all of us.


To be frank, I enjoy the class and for me and alot others it work quite well. This just comes to show that valor rank to some extend means nothing, its nothing but the amount of time put into wz's, high rank clearly does not = understanding of the class and how its supposed to function.


Its good that you enjoy other class's grind them up and enjoy the game, but leave the emo QQ threads alone, we got plenty of them on these fora without having to add yours aswell.

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Just because you rolled a class that was wrong for you, does not mean the class is actually bad, and half the things in your post is just pure BS (Lets just take the DC for 3k max with things popped, Record for me is 6.4k and I regualer hit numbers like 5.8-6k when I pop cd's.)


Just because your bad at playing Assassin or do not enjoy them, does not mean its like that for all of us.


To be frank, I enjoy the class and for me and alot others it work quite well. This just comes to show that valor rank to some extend means nothing, its nothing but the amount of time put into wz's, high rank clearly does not = understanding of the class and how its supposed to function.


Its good that you enjoy other class's grind them up and enjoy the game, but leave the emo QQ threads alone, we got plenty of them on these fora without having to add yours aswell.


Like I said I know this class alot and have registered almost 500k damage in warzones, is that good enough for you? and I don't usually get facerolled when I play smart, I usually go 50-1 on average in warzones, but I'm baffled at the results because it sure never feels like I go 50-1.


My damage as madness spreads like a disease, but it was no good 1 on 1, same can be said for deception minus the aoe damage output, assassins are just to exposed when trying to kill their targets and have little to repel against being ganked and little to offer when trying to burst a single target compared to other dps classes.

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Like I said I know this class alot and have registered almost 500k damage in warzones, is that good enough for you? and I don't usually get facerolled when I play smart, I usually go 50-1 on average in warzones, but I'm baffled at the results because it sure never feels like I go 50-1.


My damage as madness spreads like a disease, but it was no good 1 on 1, same can be said for deception minus the aoe damage output, assassins are just to exposed when trying to kill their targets and have little to repel against being ganked and little to offer when trying to burst a single target compared to other dps classes.


So basicly what your saying is that your whole post is just QQ, because you dont like the class, I can understand the frustration about having played a class op to 50, grinded it to r59 valor etc. just to realize that your class choice was a choice you do not enjoy.


But you cant really blame the class for that, as I said there are alot of us out here who really do enjoy the class, and as you should know your self (wich you actually say in this post) the class perform very well if played smart and with care.


For the record I am rank 54 and I feel I do just aswell in Premade vs Premade as vs random pugs.


As for the whole, we dont have tools thing, I am baffled that you think so, any way its to late, and I really cba to continue this discussion, as allways I wonder why I just dont mind my own buisness and let ppl QQ about things there are no reason to QQ about.


Long story short, I hope you enjoy what ever you decide to reroll to, but dont blame the class cause your frustrated about it not beeing what you expected.

Edited by upzie
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Perhaps I am QQing, but I've tried to like the class, what I'm saying is this class doesn't really live up to its name. When you've got classes with much more utility than ours, they have advantages in almost every aspect of PVP.


As assassin you have to be skilled to be a decent PVPer, but even when youre skilled, you results show for just as much as those who play as BH and just spam tracer missiles and Ops who crit for 6k and can bury lvl 50's at lvl 40.

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I totally agree with you, and coincidentally I'm a 59 valor assa too, no troll, 100% serious (Rngesus @ Starstorm One). Although damage wise it ain't too bad, can still do some burst with CDs + trinkets, however survivability compared to other classes is low even with 50% dmg reduction ability. 1v1 certain classes can just rip through you and it's basically the casters/ranged that assassins really beat.


Stealth is useless apart from ninjain objectives, 2 sec spike when there's 1.5 sec GCD, I'd rather open with reckoning + Force lightning from 20y or something for trolls or just open with discharge.


Also, Operatives should be titles Assassins since they are the "stealth" class that heavily relies on their opener, but when successfull can truly assassinate a target quickly and efficiently.

Edited by sptsnz
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I think the problem is that Assassin is supposed to be a creative tank, but everyone is trying to play it like a rogue. If you want the 'rogue' class, you have to play IA. Assassin is a tank.


That totally counteracts it's name. I went for Assassin because I thought it would include a playstyle where I Assassinate people (which is true in some cases, but if enemy has same gear as me and is anything other than a caster, it's just a 40-120 sec 1v1). Sure it's not a Rogue, but it's not an Assassin either. Also there are other more efficient tanks for PvP such as Powertechs (they totally dominate Hutt Ball for example).

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Assassin is fine. I mean really fine. Go Tanky/dps hybrid, keep dark Charge on, go 2/21/18, and guard an ally. I'm constantly top damage and top protection in warzones with 10 medals a WZ on average.




13 medals 2 games in a row.


Just learn to play your class.


That really seems to be the only viable assassin spec atm. And you know what's funny, that'll probably get nerfed way before we get a buff in our other specs because bioware doesn't want hybrids.

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Assassin is fine. I mean really fine. Go Tanky/dps hybrid, keep dark Charge on, go 2/21/18, and guard an ally. I'm constantly top damage and top protection in warzones with 10 medals a WZ on average.




13 medals 2 games in a row.


Just learn to play your class.


Can you post your actual spec on torhead or some other skill stimulator please? I would like to try yr spec out:)

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Spamming tracer missiles from a safe distance gets the job done, whereas being an assassin you have to carefully prioritize your rotation to get any significant results (while being shot at by rangers)


And here is another reason why I prefer playing the Assassin over anything else. If you can't hack it then play another class.


As an aside I find it hilarious the people who whinge and whine that the Assassin is in light armor, even though you can equal the AR of Heavy wearers. It really just shows the lack of understanding people have of the class.

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And here is another reason why I prefer playing the Assassin over anything else. If you can't hack it then play another class.


As an aside I find it hilarious the people who whinge and whine that the Assassin is in light armor, even though you can equal the AR of Heavy wearers. It really just shows the lack of understanding people have of the class.


lol, "can't hack it"


I'm trying to help the class out, our class has glaring disadvantages to other pvp classes, but I understand that there always has to be that 1 dbag who has to come in and flame

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lol, "can't hack it"


I'm trying to help the class out, our class has glaring disadvantages to other pvp classes, but I understand that there always has to be that 1 dbag who has to come in and flame


I realized the double entandra after I typed it


And for the record I'm an *** not a dbag

Edited by Hyfy
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As an aside I find it hilarious the people who whinge and whine that the Assassin is in light armor, even though you can equal the AR of Heavy wearers. It really just shows the lack of understanding people have of the class.


Shields stats are lower than focuses stat (dps wise)

Dark charge reduces output damage by 5%

Discharge while using dark charge hits like a wet noodle

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Shields stats are lower than focuses stat (dps wise)

Dark charge reduces output damage by 5%

Discharge while using dark charge hits like a wet noodle


Shield stats has NOTHING to do with your actual Armor Rating.


Woohoo 5%, let me go cry in the corner now. Especially when I can still use the tank spec stance without having to put a single point into the tanking tree. You can easily take the DPS skills and still use the 150% boost to your AR to increase your survivability exponentially!


My dark charge discharge without any cool downs will hit multiple targets in the mid 400 range at level 30 right now. No it's not going to one shot most mobs but considering how many targets at one time you can hit with it (up to 5) you are looking at it doing 2k worth of damage total. Not to bad if you ask me.





If you can't/don't want to play the class then don't. But don't come here and act like it is completely broken when people are using it and doing jus fine with the class. Sure it could use some tweaks but some of the suggestions I've seen today alone makes it sound like they want an automatic "I Win!!!" button. Either accept the challenge and become a better player for it or dont, but don't whine. That's what my 5 yr old does.

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I'm of two minds on this.


I do think that DPS-specced assassins kind of have a raw deal at the moment. They're running around in bathrobes with little enough survivability that they are really right to think that they ought to have the cannons to go with their glass; in that regard, the grass is most certainly greener on the Operative/Scoundrel side of the fence, with higher armor, dramatically higher burst, better CC, and heals to boot.


However, Darkness 'sins and our Kinetic Combat mirrors are in great shape. We take forever to kill, we have absurd amounts of control over the battlefield (knockback, pull, stun, trap, whirlwind), and we still retain enough burst to be a credible threat. Moreover, because we're visually indistinguishable from our maul rat brethren, we're considerably more likely to receive preferential treatment (read: get attacked) than other tank ACs.


So, if you rolled a 'sin with the idea of being a rogue-style burst DPS and murdering people out of nowhere, well, you have my sympathies... but before you throw the baby out with the bathwater, I highly recommend coming over to the dark(ness) side for a while.


Rumor is, we have cookies.

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My level 11 assassin's maul (without the armour penetration buff) hits noticeably harder than my level 50 operative's backstab/shiv/laceration with acid blade on (his gear isn't very good) against cloth targets. This leads me to belive that at level 50 an assassin's maul will still hit noticeably harder than an operative's backstab/shiv/laceration.


Level 25 operativs are still bad in pvp from what i remember, they have no burst from stealth since they dont have hidden strike and the talent that goes with it. Since maul > backstab/shiv/laceration they have inferior burst out of stealth compared to assassins. I would rather pvp on my level 11 assassin than as a lv25 operative


The bit where you said you think assassin burst is bad then say 25 operatives can kill 50s solo confuses me. if you think an assassin's burst is bad when a lv25 operatives burst is even worse (remember they dont have burst from stealth at lv25 so we're comparing out of stealth burst) what would you say you can solo lv50s at lv25 O.o


From my limited experiene with my lv11 assassin, lv50 operative and getting pounded on by lv50 assassins in pvp:


Operative: burst from stealth mediorce burst out of stealth with healing to compensate.

Assassin: no burst from stealth with burst out of stealth

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They need to decide if Assassin is a big DPS'er (burst as well) or a utility class.


Right now its stuck in between and it's mediocre at best.


On the plus side, the Darkness spec works not bad, but strictly sticking to dps trees, they're failing hard.

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Level 50 Tank Assassin with 45 Valor here, specced to 30/0/10.


Yesterday, while I was guarding a turret console in an Alderaan PVP match, I was ganked by 3 people coming out of Stealth, and managed to destroy them all. I defended the turret single-handedly for the entirety of the game while my teammates proceeded to capture and defend all the rest.


And that is why I love my Assassin. It sure isn't an easy class to play, there is no WIN skill like spamming Tracer Missiles or Death from Above, you can't open with a 9k critical, but once you learn the mechanics, strategies and proper skill rotation, the results are fantastic as far as I'm concerned.


If this doesn't sound like something you'd enjoy, it's completely understandable. Go and reroll as something else you might enjoy more. Personally I'm enjoying the hell out of my class, despite its flaws.

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My assassin is valor rank 49 in nearly full champions and I have good burst damage as deception, but it is so dependent on crits/procs it can be very frustrating. A good example is shock, with VSx2 and cool downs popped including stim/adrenal I crit for 4.7k +proc surging charge(1k) + proc chain lightning (2.4k) for 8.1k damage attack, pretty bursty there. That happens very rarely though and normally just get a single 4-4.7k crit
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