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Loading Times A Comparison between Rift and SWToR


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he isn't. I just timed mine as well. From the time I select my character to when I am actually in game is 16 seconds.


Now travel to a big planet like Belsavis and tell me what your load time is. It will be about 5x what it takes to load in to the fleet from char select.

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Just tested a few..

From char select to fleet: 14 sec

From Char creation (new toon): 18 sec

From ship to Alderaan: 52 sec


Sabertooth x58


Corsair Dominator DHX 1600Mhz 24Gb

Corsair SSD Force GT 240Gb


Not too impressive load times imo, atleast not when you have to do like 50 an hour hehe :)

I'm sure I'll survive though.


I guarantee you will never use this much memory for anything. I have 6gb and I see about 10-15 sec load screens for almost everything. More memory past a certain amount is pointless.

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fleet loads in about 8 seconds for me as well, i timed it. alderaan takes 39 seconds the first time i travel there and 15 the next ones. im running the game on a vertex 3.


pretty much in line with all the SDD users around here. MMOs really shine running off an SSD and with the prices droping at a steady pace theres no reason not to grab a 60GB SSD for your favourite MMOs at least. unless you cant, in which case you'll just have to be patient and face longer load times. Rift also loads faster because all the objects and players pop in after the basic map loads, SWTOR from what i noticed loads up with everything in place instead of ppl and objects fading in over the next minute or 2, but i could be wrong about SWTOR.

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Yeah, the problem I've been having is that the loading screen will hang at about 20-30% on every screen, adding up to 2 minutes to loading times. Besides that, the loading is "Acceptable", but slow compared to any other game I've played on my rig.


The argument to just stop QQing and upgrade your hardware doesn't hold water. My computer is not brand new, but does far exceed the min-requirements. If ANY game's design makes it only accessible to the highest end and/or SSD systems, that is potentially an enormous problem.


Again, if SWTOR is the only program out of 2, 5, 10, whatever that have long loading screens on a given computer rig, it's time to acknowledge that it may be an issue with SWTOR.


Personally, I have no problem with it so long as they are working to fix it. I'm patient, but I just hope it's at least on their radar.


EDIT: Also, just because someone isn't having a problem doesn't mean that others aren't. These loading problems could be caused by anything from GPU, CPU, to memory brands and/or architectures. If you're not having any issues, it's very possible that your computer just happens to have a similar configuration to one of the computers they've debugged the game on , and has zero to do with component quality.

Edited by Vincethejedi
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i think the only way to reduce load times is to do what the majority of MMOs and open world games do, load up the basic map information and stream all the objects and player models over the next minute. you'll probably see a few stutters here and there depending on how fast your drive is if they do that.


i dont see whats all the complaining about the load times, i mean, BF3 takes 3min20sec average to load a 64 player map on a regular 7200RPM HDD. it gets reduced to under 20 seconds on an SSD. mmos have a lot of stuff to load compared to other game genres.


now im not excusing the slow load times, or rather, the amount of load screens every 5 minutes when you want to move from A to B. i rather have a 5 minute load screen instead of 50 load screens everytime i travel between planets... but thats another matter.


im pretty sure this kind of "issue" will be ironed ou with further optimization, theres probably a lot of clutter left in the code and bottlenecks to be cleared out. very common in new mmos if you look back at the ones that came out in the past 2-3 years.

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I guarantee you will never use this much memory for anything. I have 6gb and I see about 10-15 sec load screens for almost everything. More memory past a certain amount is pointless.


Hehe, who said this computer is only for playing swtor or gaming at all..?

I get good use of my memory thank you very much ;)

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Getting from the character select screen to the world and space station to my ship usually takes anywhere from 1-3 minutes.


I've timed myself from clicking 'Leave Warzone' to getting back into the world to be anywhere from 5-7 minutes.


It's only bad if you actually sit and stare at the little frozen blue bar or the sometimes moving, sometimes not wheel in the bottom right corner the whole time. I just get up and do whatever while I'm waiting.

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fleet loads in about 8 seconds for me as well, i timed it. alderaan takes 39 seconds the first time i travel there and 15 the next ones. im running the game on a vertex 3.


pretty much in line with all the SDD users around here. MMOs really shine running off an SSD and with the prices droping at a steady pace theres no reason not to grab a 60GB SSD for your favourite MMOs at least. unless you cant, in which case you'll just have to be patient and face longer load times. Rift also loads faster because all the objects and players pop in after the basic map loads, SWTOR from what i noticed loads up with everything in place instead of ppl and objects fading in over the next minute or 2, but i could be wrong about SWTOR.


SSD are actually cheaper ATM then Normal HD due to the floods in Taiwan

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doesnt matter the OS its the bit


32 bit only goes up to like 3.375

64 bit is unlocked.



also rift took me 17 seconds for iron pine peak.



32 bit has a smaller amount of addresses (memory is assigned addresses) and in the 2-3 GB range are allocated for motherboard resources. If you slap 4 GB into a Windows 32 bit system, it will see the first two GB plus whatever is left after the addresses from 2-3 GB are used up by system resources such as video, sound, etc... It's the shortage of addresses that causes this.


Windows 64 bit (and 64 bit processor) has more addresses AND the reserved addresses are not a limiting factor (for most).


Either way, 64 bit Windows can see up to 9 TB.

Edited by Quijibotu
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Most annoying this is the load "ladder".


When ever I have to go help a guildie or whatever, I have to zone too many times, most of which is totally unessesary.


Thus I can easily spend 5 min just loading different space dock areas. It seems it's the ME 1 dev team that founded this "elevator fetish", and it was a new team who made ME2.


BW always knew how to tell a good story, but blatantly ignorent when it comes to game mechanics!

...9 min ME2 intro?

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I did a comparison of the loading times for Rift and SWToR.


Computer specs i7 Quad Core 940 @ 2.93ghz, 6gig of Ram on a Win7 64 Bit with Dx11 and a GTX 460, with a 10mb connection.


I blew up my 295, I loved that card :(


Both on the same machine, literally one after another.


Started recording at the moment I hit the splash screen ended the moment I entered the game.


I think the video shows a marked difference.






Rift Load time 25 secs

SWTOR Load time: 1m 28 secs


Can this not be improved, drastically, because this isn't just the loading from the patcher, this is on every zone. The load times just seem really long all the time.

1. Never seen a load time in excess of 25 seconds, and they are rare.

2. I never played Rift, so WWIGAF about load times in a game I never intend to play?

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1. Never seen a load time in excess of 25 seconds, and they are rare.

2. I never played Rift, so WWIGAF about load times in a game I never intend to play?


Oh I am sorry, I will make sure that everyone knows on the entire SWToR forum that their threads must address you personally. lol


The comparison was to show that a pretty high end MMORPG doesn't require these types of load times and that I, and the several other people posting similar load times, are all wondering why our load times are so long on SWToR and whether anything could be done about it.


Perhaps one day you will realise you are not the center of attention and no-one cares whether this thread is relevant to you personally.

Edited by Dravinian
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Alderaan took me upwards of 6 minutes to load. I have an old machine and really dread having to leave any given planet due to the load times involved. Why cant we just travel between planets without having to load up our ship, travel the ship. load up the space station, run, finally reach spaceport.
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Why do people still think saying they have an i7 makes anyone believe they actually have one?


Well Considering my post was about SSD and I did not even mention a processors or an I7, shows me you cant read or have no clue about computer hardware.


Here is the comment you replied to


Originally Posted by Kanharn

SSD are actually cheaper ATM then Normal HD due to the floods in Taiwan

Please tell me how you got an I7 from this lol, I suggest reading a comment before you post, So next time you wont :o yourself ROFL.


This is the problem with forums, people comment on subjects they know nothing about, Also I have the new Bulldozer AMD FX-8150 8-Core, So I would never even mention the I7.

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I fast forwarded thru SWTOR load screen :eek:


U know the only place to log out of is your ship right... When I pvp I just stand on my ship less I miss the queue 3 times cause of epic extreme load screen :confused:


I have an i7 and yes the loading in a non instances zones are painfully long

Edited by Irishbrewed
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Here's a comment - your computer blows, my loadtimes aren't anwhere near that bad.


So let me get this right, a game with better graphics and more features loads up a minute faster than SWTOR and it's his pc's fault?



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Just logged into the game. Happen to be at Alderan so timed the load from my ship.


32 secs and that is one of the longer load times I've experienced so far. At least compared to other planets.


I do have an SSD


Also have an I7 but not really sure how that fits into this disscussion. I missed something somewhere. :confused:

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