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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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They didn't put a guild bank in because people whined about it. They were always planning on having guild banks.



However, you are right that they will make changes. But they'll only make changes that the majority want. And I can guarantee that the majority do NOT want AC respecing.


I think you're missing the main point to my post.


Main point was this, they know this issue, they had alot of time to chew it over. They know that making it possible to do advanced class respec will bring in a larger player base, then that is what they do, cause the bottem line is money, and a soild happy player base.


Yes bioWare, makes good games, and won't ruin this baby, but this is a gray area.


I can tell you that more people want it, then don't want it, you can cry and try to say other wise, but i know people from each pre launch server, and they did their homework. Most people on each pre launch server would like it in the game.


The time line is this, if they don't put in advanced class respec in the game within a year after the launch date of SWTOR, then advanced class spec will never be released on this game. Do i think it won't be released? no, i think swtor is smart, and they are waiting for the patch after this up comming one. Imo, its going to happen so smell the roses and enjoy the ride, of a changing living mmo, that will take you places you have never dreamed of.

Edited by BluelabelD
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What often gets obscured in these debates about "reclassing", for lack of a better term, is the context of the reclassing. I suspect you would get divergent answers if you asked a sample group of TOR players whether they supported reclassing at L50 and whether they supported reclassing from when you get your AC until the first time you leave Coruscant/Dromund Kaas in your own ship.


My only comment on the subject is that the way AC selection is implemented at the moment is terrible in practice: Players are asked to make a determination as to how they'll spend the next hundred or hundred and fifty hours after having already logged anywhere between two and ten based on flavor text and a look at talent trees whose workings cannot be divined due to the fact that the player hasn't gotten the abilities which make the tree work. Some form of limited reclassing while still on Coruscant/Dromund Kaas seems a prudent idea, if only to avoid bitterness over the loss of sunken temporal costs. As would redesigning the L1-20 skill progression to provide more of a front-loading of core rotational abilities. (To flog my own hobby-horse, it's not like tanking Guardians/Juggernauts could possibly want any tanking tools when they step into their first flashpoint aboard the Esseles/Black Talon.... Baseline Taunt for JKs and SWs. At L10. Please?)

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resetting AC is silly if you want to do the other play it on other faction eg sith juggernaut and jedi sentinel or sith sorceror and jedi shadow, that gives you both with different stories along the way maybe they have 4 classes on each side for a reason. I have done this very thing and it is vastly better than rerolling. and with switching ac you have new abilities and new gear to buy. if it took you until lv 50 to decide you made a bad ac choice you didn't. if you figured it out by 20 no big reroll and put another 12 hours into game should go faster now that you know the dialogue and what you should be doing. those solutions aside give me the scenario where you can only be happy by switching a character you already leveled to the other ac and I can probably tell you a good fix for that too.
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3) ACs share the other 80% of the quest content with every other AC on their faction


Not sure where the 80% comes from, so I will not opine on this one.


The 80/20 is a guesstimate on the amount of questing between class quests and planetary quests. The class quests are unique, but the planetary ones are the same per faction no matter what the class.

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And the people who are at level 30? Do you think they want to have to go through the same exact story and do the same exact thing to change their spec (it's not a class, ask Bioware)?


leveled 20 levels before deciding the class was wrong for you?


Bioware cannot be held responsible for your inability to work it out sooner. re-roll

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i think respecing AC's isn't a bad idea with limitations...like...it'd probably be a paid service. so that way if you REALLY want to...then you gotta pay...

but i only have 1 problem when it comes to changing AC's is the gear....if you're a sent and go guardian, then you have to buy all new gear...or vise versa guard going sent...you have NO gear...so unless they do like a refund of gear...then it'd make sense...doubtful to see that...but in my particular case...i rolled sent and kinda wish i went guardian =P sents are just a lil too squishy

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and p.s.

for those of you making WoW comparisons to SWTOR...you fail...different game...you can't say "it's like changing a rogue into a dk"...well a dk could never choose to be a rogue, but a jedi knight can choose to be a sent or a guardian...the advance classes is to give personalization to the user...and if the user feels that the AC they chose isn't for them then BW should give them the ability to change their character.

Edited by bankaix
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I think you're missing the main point to my post.


I didn't miss anything. I understand exactly what you're trying to say... you're just wrong.



Main point was this, they know this issue, they had alot of time to chew it over. They know that making it possible to do advanced class respec will bring in a larger player base, then that is what they do, cause the bottem line is money, and a soild happy player base.


Yes bioWare, makes good games, and won't ruin this baby, but this is a gray area.


I can tell you that more people want it, then don't want it, you can cry and try to say other wise, but i know people from each pre launch server, and they did their homework. Most people on each pre launch server would like it in the game.



The quotes highlighted in red are false, or at least have no factual evidence to back them up. The only evidence we do have is the forums, and the forums have responded with a resounding NO to the the idea.


Sorry, but making baseless assumptions is pretty useless.

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Again, if you are going to compare to other games then also take into consideration that other games you get to play your class from level 1, even if you have limited set of abilities after an hour or so you have a basic feel for the class and see if it's a playstyle you like or not. In SWTOR you make the choice around level 10 after having invested hours into your character and story, this is the main difference and what makes it a tough and sometime regreting choice.


Don't exaggerate. People know if they want to be tanks/dpses or healer/dpses. And couple of hours is nothing compared to the rest of your playtime with the character.

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i think respecing AC's isn't a bad idea with limitations...like...it'd probably be a paid service. so that way if you REALLY want to...then you gotta pay...

but i only have 1 problem when it comes to changing AC's is the gear....if you're a sent and go guardian, then you have to buy all new gear...or vise versa guard going sent...you have NO gear...so unless they do like a refund of gear...then it'd make sense...doubtful to see that...but in my particular case...i rolled sent and kinda wish i went guardian =P sents are just a lil too squishy


You are right, BioWare is a good company, and lets look at the facts.


They can easily put in Advanced Class Respec, either put in a money fee charge for changing your advanced class like a 5 or even 10 dolar charge.




They can put in a large credit fee charge in game, making it very hard to change your advanced class ( Like a hard credit farm for 1-2 maybe more months to get about credits just to change your mains advanced class ), and maybe a quest line or other things, but that would involve more work, not sure if BioWare would want to spend more vital time, on somethine so trival.


They both make BioWare alot more money. The first would give them stright up money in their pockets. The second would keep people playing alot more, for their mains, making sure they keep playing their main. Alot more playing time in game, which is what i would think they would rather do, more people online = better community in game.


Both choices would increase the fun factor in the game, make more freedom, without causing any real problems, while increasing the player population, which would then make this game's population that much larger and happyer. Thus the retention of SWTOR population would be better then what it is now, if that is the case, then that means SWTOR will only get better faster, make more money for BioWare, thus BioWare putting more content, better ideas in game, and more enjoyment for all. We all want that, that i mean, a great game, with great content every month or so.

Edited by BluelabelD
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You are right, BioWare is a good company, and lets look at the facts.


They can easily put in Advanced Class Respec, either put in a money fee charge for changing your advanced class like a 5 or even 10 dolar charge.


That's a micro-transaction. BW will lose players the moment they start adding MTs to the game.





They can put in a large credit fee charge in game, making it very hard to change your advanced class ( Like a hard credit farm for 1-2 maybe more months to get about credits just to change your mains advanced class ), and maybe a quest line or other things, but that would involve more work, not sure if BioWare would want to spend more vital time, on somethine so trival.


Doesn't solve the problem that they would be a new class, so their storyline quest would change completely.


Furthermore, it would decrease the overall time players spend playing the game. The time it would normally take to level up a different character... which is the real money in BW's pocket. They WANT you to roll alt characters. They don't want you to save time by being able to switch.


Furthermore still, I doubt they want players being able to participate in group activities with absolutely no knowledge of how to play their class... which would happen if this was allowed.

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I can tell you that more people want it, then don't want it, you can cry and try to say other wise, but i know people from each pre launch server, and they did their homework. Most people on each pre launch server would like it in the game.




Yes, and you can tell me clouds are evil sentient marshmallows. That does not make it true.


The evidence does not support your statement. For example, in this post, 79% are against an advance class respec. (Yes, I actually went through and counted).




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I can tell you that more people want it, then don't want it, you can cry and try to say other wise, but i know people from each pre launch server, and they did their homework. Most people on each pre launch server would like it in the game.


I can say the same thing and say people DON'T want it.

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The fact is that there wouldn't even be a discussion about this if the ACs didn't share some common story line. People think because two ACs are arbitrarily grouped together through one story line that this somehow means they should be allowed access to both ACs at any time of their choosing.


All pro-AC switchers, remove the story commonality of the ACs from the equation...what basis do you have now to argue that ACs should be allowed to be switched? How is that any different from a midgame class switch in any other MMO?

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The fact is that there wouldn't even be a discussion about this if the ACs didn't share some common story line. People think because two ACs are arbitrarily grouped together through one story line that this somehow means they should be allowed access to both ACs at any time of their choosing.


All pro-AC switchers, remove the story commonality of the ACs from the equation...what basis do you have now to argue that ACs should be allowed to be switched? How is that any different from a midgame class switch in any other MMO?

Common theory, but I'd still consider it asinine to tell players "Okay, these two classes are Imperial Agents and share 50% of the same abillities and, for the most part, where the same armor and use the same stats, but you have to choose one to play permanently"


Taking that approach does nothing for the counter-AC switch argument as it only displays how arbitrary the separations are.

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Common theory, but I'd still consider it asinine to tell players "Okay, these two classes are Imperial Agents and share 50% of the same abillities and, for the most part, where the same armor and use the same stats, but you have to choose one to play permanently"


Taking that approach does nothing for the counter-AC switch argument as it only displays how arbitrary the separations are.


Share 50% of the same abilities between classes? Hardly...my main is an Assassin and my alt is a Sorcerer. The only ability they "share" is the fact that I use Shock in both of their rotations. I never use Force Lightning as an Assassin, but I use it all the time as a Sorcerer. Crushing Darkness? Useful for the Sorc...absolute waste of Force for the Assassin.


But of course, 85% of all statistics are made up on the spot...


The armor excuse doesn't work either...just because a Mercenary and a Powertech use the same armor just like a Warrior and Paladin use the same armor. The stats (secondary mostly) are different...like you wouldn't stack Endurance if you were DPS.


There is no difference between a midgame class switch and what the pro-AC switchers are asking for. End of story.

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Share 50% of the same abilities between classes? Hardly...my main is an Assassin and my alt is a Sorcerer. The only ability they "share" is the fact that I use Shock in both of their rotations. I never use Force Lightning as an Assassin, but I use it all the time as a Sorcerer. Crushing Darkness? Useful for the Sorc...absolute waste of Force for the Assassin.

I rarely use Starfire on my feral druid in WoW, and why would I ever go into cat and use Claw when I'm resto?

But of course, 85% of all statistics are made up on the spot...

It was made up after an "extensive" look at Torhead's listing of class abilities that are shared or exclusive to certain AC's.

The armor excuse doesn't work either...just because a Mercenary and a Powertech use the same armor just like a Warrior and Paladin use the same armor. The stats (secondary mostly) are different...like you wouldn't stack Endurance if you were DPS.

Just as I wouldn't stack intelligence on my Prot Paladin but would have it on troves as Holy


There is no difference between a midgame class switch and what the pro-AC switchers are asking for. End of story.

There's a pretty clear and present difference, you are just willfully ignorant to it.

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they should not allow people to change there AC . People had ways to know what each class had to offer and are told thire choice is final. But what TOR could do eo prevent this from happening is maybe allowing people to try each AC at lvl 5-10 with a few of there powers and be able to change between them but at lvl 11 they have to make a choice and pick one to keep. this would allow people to play each one and have some time to get a feel to what AC they like the most. And if they stll want to change at lvl 50 cuz they done like the AC then im sorry you had a choice you had time to think it over b4 getting that far, if you dont like re-make a new char and skip the cut sceans to redues time to get the other AC, if you dont want to re-play it again then thats your own falt no hard feeling.;)
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