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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR and the future of MMORPGs


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SWTOR has nothing to do with the future of MMORPGs, the game will be dead before future arrives




It may be in the background like WAR or something but it will not be mainstream nor has it created any original MMO content.

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I just want to point out that even thou League of Legends has 32 million accounts it does not equal 32 million players. I have 4 different accounts and all together I have played maybe 20 games (always forgot my account details). I bet the most (if not all) LoL players have multiple accounts cutting that 32 million accounts to 5-10 million players. Which is still very good, but out of that 5-10 million players only around 10% (according to statistics of other F2P games) use real money on the game. And out of that 500k-1000k how many actually uses money regularly? Another 10%? Cutting it down to 50k-100k which is way less that the 8 million subscribers WoW has.


Edit: Also what do you think how many accounts WoW would have if they added trial accounts to their subs.


yep its very apparent that you didn't play LoL much. almost everyone has skinned characters which is only available with real money.

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All I know about SWTOR is that I am never going to touch another two faction MMORPG again. SWTOR and all these other WoW clones like Warhammer and Rifts can just go die in a fire. I'm tired of seeing every major release in the last five years copy the exact same formula.
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And while I have no hard data for this, I been around a long time and it seems to me the people that are willing to pay to play, they mostly will not play F2P/B2P games for any amount of time because of the low grade communities (yes they even worse them the under level 25 communities here) drawn to F2P games.



What about hybrids? Say for example Dungeons and Dragons online; it is free to play with micro transactions and also has a subscriber option too. It has one of the best communities I have seen in any MMO I have been involved with.

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All I know about SWTOR is that I am never going to touch another two faction MMORPG again. SWTOR and all these other WoW clones like Warhammer and Rifts can just go die in a fire. I'm tired of seeing every major release in the last five years copy the exact same formula.


Agreed, although I am still enjoying TOR right now; the WoW/Rift/TOR etc. formula has passed it's sell by date and I am sure I am not alone in wishing for a new paradigm for MMOs

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All I know about SWTOR is that I am never going to touch another two faction MMORPG again. SWTOR and all these other WoW clones like Warhammer and Rifts can just go die in a fire. I'm tired of seeing every major release in the last five years copy the exact same formula.


Yeah! let future games be like SWG, oh wait. We see how bad that game was.

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Yeah! let future games be like SWG, oh wait. We see how bad that game was.


Game design isn't Option A or Option B.


Raph Koster was the designer behind SWG. His forte is community building. In that regard, SWG was a huge success. SWG had some of the best community tools ever designed for an MMO. People didn't want UO in space though, they wanted an adventure game. But there is a reason why SWG had as many loyal fans as it did.

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