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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Swtor future best mmo.


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Apology accepted :)


I'm not a complete git about things usually.. but I've had more than my fair share of problems with this game, and it's starting to grate somewhat.. :(


if that wasn't obvious ;)


Me too actually. Since early access I've been experiencing major problems, i.e. constant 9000 errors, low FPS and severe lag in warzones. I've changed some configs and it has been... better.


As WoW and LotRO have been my only other mmo experiences, I don't have much to compare to, but for the money, SWToR should be on a different level.


A bit of linear story lines, a bit of companion customizations, and your own spaceship... sometimes i wonder if it's worth the headaches.

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The problem with companies nowadays is that they're trying to do what's already been done, and done ad nauseum. Why has no other MMO achieved the popularity that WOW has since it's release when they've practically made copies of WOW? Because there's only 1 wow. Yet there's 5 copies. Hmm...


People making MMOs should realize that people want something new and different in new and different games. They don't want the same old crap, rehashed in a meh way with a new box. Let wow be wow. Make your own game ffs.


No game since the release of WOW has even come close, yet they've tried their damndest to be spitting images of WOW. Take a hint from the previous failures BW. Do something new, fresh, and god forbid revolutionary and maybe more people will stay.


Just a thought.


I agree other car companies other than ford need to stop making trucks because ford makes the best trucks and anyone else who makes trucks are just copying ford

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Me too actually. Since early access I've been experiencing major problems, i.e. constant 9000 errors, low FPS and severe lag in warzones. I've changed some configs and it has been... better.


As WoW and LotRO have been my only other mmo experiences, I don't have much to compare to, but for the money, SWToR should be on a different level.


A bit of linear story lines, a bit of companion customizations, and your own spaceship... sometimes i wonder if it's worth the headaches.



Dont get me wrong, I hope they do just find that magic bullet... I love Star Wars, and I do love the storytelling in this game.. and despite the flakey engine the gfx have grown on me, sometimes they are oustanding.. the problem is the inconsistency; I just dont get it!


But considering the hype, and considering the game cost (the most expensive MMO I've bought yet - aside from boxed collectors editions i've treated myself to).., I do think people have legitimate reasons to complain. The problem is I've given too many games the benefit of the doubt in the past, and ended up feeling I'd wasted my time, energy and money supporting them. I was hoping that wasn't going to be the case with SWTOR... time will tell.

Edited by Swampson
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This is my first MMO, I play it because it's fun, I enjoy it a lot. You guys sit here and bicker over a game, and keep comparing it to other games. Do you like the game? do you think it's fun? No? Yes? Either way, a lot of find it fun, some don't, that's the case for any game. I play Call Of Duty because it's fun, I also play Battlefield, both great games, but I don't bash each game, I know each game is simply fun.


As long as a game is fun, why else play it?

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This is my first MMO, I play it because it's fun, I enjoy it a lot. You guys sit here and bicker over a game, and keep comparing it to other games. Do you like the game? do you think it's fun? No? Yes? Either way, a lot of find it fun, some don't, that's the case for any game. I play Call Of Duty because it's fun, I also play Battlefield, both great games, but I don't bash each game, I know each game is simply fun.


As long as a game is fun, why else play it?


you lost me at "this is my first mmo".

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Its not the end of the world. I'm no fanboy rather optimistic when i say that this game needs time and bug corrections prior to new content. If they manage to do both at same time heck even better.But if they keep introducing buggy content then they gonna lose me for sure.
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The fanboys for this game.. I was watching a twitch tv stream of SWTOR and boy are the fanboys delusional... They swear SWToR is the best game ever created and best MMORPG ever made.. The game is flawless and no bugs.. Someone then brought up Diablo 3 and Guildwars 2 and they bashed those games like they played them... You cant even have a honest conversation with these people..
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The fanboys for this game.. I was watching a twitch tv stream of SWTOR and boy are the fanboys delusional... They swear SWToR is the best game ever created and best MMORPG ever made.. The game is flawless and no bugs.. Someone then brought up Diablo 3 and Guildwars 2 and they bashed those games like they played them... You cant even have a honest conversation with these people..


Biodrones my friend, biodrones is what we call them.

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because i enjoy open and expansive worlds with several options i can pursue at any given moment.


this game completely lacks that choice and only presents a thinly veiled illusion of choice. in the end... you'll still see the game the way the developer wants you to see it (and damnit, you'll LIKE IT because we spent our entire budget on it).


Unbelievable how EVE still sets a bar that people with AAA budgets can't even attempt to reach for.


Only very few have sand box if i may name 2 mmos that dont have sandbox worlds WoW and rift if oyu want open world go play elder scrolls or fallout you would enjoy those more i think also EVE is a different beast

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How's so? The only thing it isn't is as packed as it once was.. they've developed it nicely since launch. It's biggst fault being the lack of depth in the world imo..


That's what I mean, that no where near as many people as used to play it.


Whatever fella, story and endgame HAVE been different things in other games.. but you're telling me it's not possible to mix the 2? LoTRO has done it for years and Rift is attempting it (with what little story it has).. it perfectly IS possible to have the 2 intertwined.


Story can be in endgame, but once you've played endgame you've really heard all the story. So they're two separate issues.


In your opinion they are.. you are not privvy to what Bioware's plans were any more than anybody else on this forum. My opinion is that if you think they launched this game to be just about the story (and endgame in your terms doesn't form part of that story) that they're not going to concentrate on endgame, then in MY opinion you're somewhate deluded. If what you say is true the game will fail simple as, people will not hang around without stuff to do..



Well, they said multiple times that they're focused on bringing story to the game. Now we see that they did, and now we see that they lack in other areas. so I'd say it's fair to say that I KNOW they intended to focus on story and not on endgame.


Well, answer this: Have they focused on endgame or on story? If you say endgame, then you're saying that the endgame is the best part of this game, that they did the endgame better than they did the story. Answer story, and you're just as deluded as me :). Also, I never said they wouldn't at all concentrate on endgame, just that it wasn't on the top of their priorities, which is pretty clear in the state it's in.


I also disagree that it will fail, it may not kill WoW, but this game will (in my opinion) still succeed. People who look beyond what it has now, will quickly realize that they're spitting endgame out fast. A new 50 flashpoint one month after launch. A new planet, a new 50 flashpoint, a new 50 operation, the legacy system and a new warzone 3 months after launch. I'm not saying the game as it is NOW would be a success, but I see that in it's future it has the potential to succeed (and in my opinion, they're realizing that potential well).


In your opinion again they're lightning fast, in mine they're not.. again going back to Rift, the pace here is a crawl in comparison to those guys pumping out fixes and content.


Perhaps that's the case, but look at all other MMOs and it is not the case. It's like saying Oprah is poor because she's not as rich as Bill Gates. Okay, so Bill Gates being super rich somehow makes Oprah super poor? How about we judge how rich Oprah is compared to everyone, the rich AND the poor. You'll quickly find that she's extremely wealthy, although not as much as Bill gates, she is still very wealthy.


Firstly you have no idea how many MMO's I have played, am I supposed to be in awe at your MMO prowess? Or the fact that is appears you dont hang around any of them all that long?


You're right I don't know, but I can guess that it's not much judging by your responses. I'd say you've played 3 or so for a long term (LOTRO and Rift would be two of my guesses, maybe WoW too), and maybe dabbled in others? Whereas I've got max levels in 12sky2, STO, Vindictus, LOA (closed T.T), Cabal (or did, it's changed since I left, increased cap), 12sky, close in Rappelz but not quite and that's off the top of my head.


I'm not going to say my experience makes me right (that would be to AFA), but I will say that makes me qualified to comment on how well OVERALL this is doing. Add to that, I'm deceptively impartial with my observations. They may seem 'fanboy' but in reality this game has more going for it than most people are willing to admit. It has it's faults, and only time will tell if it can overcome them, but I think it will.

Edited by BobTheTeepo
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To be very honest with all of you, I'm more excited about Guild Wars 2. ArenaNet is well known company that has lots of experience with MMO and I've seen some things around Guild Wars 2 which makes it most anticipated game for me. And for many other people I personally know. FPS problems is something that will surely not happen to ArenaNet.


My personal thoughts on SWTOR and GW2 were almost like totalhalibut's. I can definitely support and play both games at once. But it will depend only on how BW will polish this game in next months.


Let's be honest with something else. SWTOR is not best or most innovative game in genre. There is so much things that Bioware simply put aside while creating this game. They concentrated on story. Cannot say this is bad. It's actually good and will definitely make SWTOR as first fully story driven MMO and leading game in this particular genre substream.

Edited by Mugo
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The fanboys for this game.. I was watching a twitch tv stream of SWTOR and boy are the fanboys delusional... They swear SWToR is the best game ever created and best MMORPG ever made.. The game is flawless and no bugs.. Someone then brought up Diablo 3 and Guildwars 2 and they bashed those games like they played them... You cant even have a honest conversation with these people..


I agree with you about this.

I for example love this game. I know it is not flawless, but i still like it alot.


But you have to agree that the people who bring up GW2, and hail it like if its a god, are the same kind of annoying people. Since that game isnt even out yet.

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Unbelievable how EVE still sets a bar that people with AAA budgets can't even attempt to reach for.


Averaging 30k accounts online, where a good quarter to a third of them are second accounts, is truely setting the bar...

Edited by Bossalinie
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Lets get some facts straight now.


Its only been a month since release,

Their are a few flaws and bugs.

Bioware is fully aware of most if not all impurities in the game.

They are working on these it takes time to rewrite code, if you haven't tried then ****

Its true not a lot of end game content is out, but comon on guys its only been a MONTH.

Wow has sent their evil little trolls to sabotage the swtor forums.


So why can't we all quit qq'ing, trolling, yelling, fighting, and give Bioware atleast a 4 month grace period.


I want to let Bioware know that there are some of us out here that truly recognize the hard work and the dedication you guys have put into making SWTOR and you guys have my vote for game of the year and a least a year worth of subscription.


May the Force be with you Bioware.


Why do so many people think game devs are such tender flowers. Dude, they are making tens of millions of dollars. If they can't handle the (justified) criticism, they should not be in this business.

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Lets get some facts straight now.


Its only been a month since release,

Their are a few flaws and bugs.

Bioware is fully aware of most if not all impurities in the game.

They are working on these it takes time to rewrite code, if you haven't tried then ****

Its true not a lot of end game content is out, but comon on guys its only been a MONTH.

Wow has sent their evil little trolls to sabotage the swtor forums.


So why can't we all quit qq'ing, trolling, yelling, fighting, and give Bioware atleast a 4 month grace period.


I want to let Bioware know that there are some of us out here that truly recognize the hard work and the dedication you guys have put into making SWTOR and you guys have my vote for game of the year and a least a year worth of subscription.


May the Force be with you Bioware.


awww.. sounds like a love letter, but I don't think i'd pay a year sub since I don't believe there will be much left in a year from now seeing how things are in the forums, its nice to see your support, i'm sure they will take notice..

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It's pretty safe to say that the majority of the people complaining about bugs were not playing wow when it first released. You want to talk about "game breaking" bugs? You should have seen that game. For a good amount of time, nobody could raid Molten Core (the only high end raid in the game). The other end-game content was extremely lackluster, professions were a pain in the ***, there was really no PvP... I can go on. But you have Star Wars, a game that has twice, possibly triple the amount of content WoW had, and you are all complaining. Unsubscribe, move on with life, and come back if the game one day fits your standard (the one that nobody could ever achieve).
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