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Swtor future best mmo.


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The problem with companies nowadays is that they're trying to do what's already been done, and done ad nauseum.
Well it would be superb if we got something like that.

We didn't get even close.

Tbh we got something new, so far never seen in MMO world.

A MMO wannabe.

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You missed the context.

I am saying that I will never give my money to the company that gets the job 50%

An of course

If i pay you to make me a car i expect to get it.

Not a chasis with for wheels and a seat.


or even better.

you sold me a 300HP car and what i get?

150-175 the most?

get real dude.


Bad, bad analogy (except the hi-res graphics issues, that I can understand fitting your analogy), horrible... just... horrible.


You payed for a game with good story (which is subjective, so even if you do complain about it that doesn't mean you got less than what you payed for). It was stated from the start that their focus was on story, that means that OBVIOUSLY they're going to have weaker end game content than a normal MMO. Also, MMOs are buggy, that is a universal fact that no MMO has ever escaped.

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Bad, bad analogy (except the hi-res graphics issues, that I can understand fitting your analogy), horrible... just... horrible.


You payed for a game with good story (which is subjective, so even if you do complain about it that doesn't mean you got less than what you payed for). It was stated from the start that their focus was on story, that means that OBVIOUSLY they're going to have weaker end game content than a normal MMO. Also, MMOs are buggy, that is a universal fact that no MMO has ever escaped.

If I wanted a story i'd read a book.

Not waste my money on something that has been advertized as an MMO and came out nothing but a single with ability to chat.

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I love when people try to argue that it's only been a month to explain lack of end game content, or how they're working on fixing ****. That's like going to mcdonalds, paying for a combo meal and only receiving fries and a drink. Then saying, "it's ok, they're working on my cheeseburger, I should have it by next week."


This is a BUSINESS that provided a product that was either unfinished or ****** quality. This isn't a boy scout group providing service to the community.


An mmo is a highly more complex item than a combo-meal from Mcdonald's. Have some patience ;)

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we expect nuclear science?

them to open a WORMHOLE for us?



Nice response that -- despite being fairly clever -- has in no way at all furthered your cause. I don't want to be mean here, I understand we all have different opinions. But you should understand, their job is NOT easy. It is very hard, and it REQUIRES (yes, it REQUIRES or it cannot be done without, it's unavoidable, it is necessary etc.) time. If you don't like this fact, MMOs are not for you, and I wish you luck in whatever you may do in the future.

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that has been advertized as an MMO and came out nothing but a single with ability to chat.


This is the most tired, overused, flawed argument on this forum. The game gives you every opportunity and incentive to group from 1-cap and beyond, it just doesn't force it upon you. There's guild support with more features on the way. There's an auction house with more features on the way. There's PvP with more features on the way. If anything, it's an MMO with single player features sprinkled in, not the other way around.

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Bad, bad analogy (except the hi-res graphics issues, that I can understand fitting your analogy), horrible... just... horrible.


You payed for a game with good story (which is subjective, so even if you do complain about it that doesn't mean you got less than what you payed for). It was stated from the start that their focus was on story, that means that OBVIOUSLY they're going to have weaker end game content than a normal MMO. Also, MMOs are buggy, that is a universal fact that no MMO has ever escaped.


While I agree with you, I think most people who bought this game expected something along the same lines as what they're used to (WOW, WAR, RIFT etc) with exciting additions that they've never seen in any other game. Those additions aren't there. Maybe they will be in the future, but as of right now, this game is fundamentally the same at its core as WOW and every clone since.


I realize that classes/levels/instanced pvp/raids is the norm for MMO's for the last 8 years. I get that. But was there some contract that all MMO companies signed that said they wouldn't branch off of the coveted set of MMO rules and make nothing but clones?


Why won't anyone do anything new? Warhammer tried with the RVR which was cool for a minute until you realized that the rewards weren't enough for the effort of riding across the countryside for an hour just to get to a castle, take the castle, rinse repeat. And how many times can you really take a castle, sit there, get your bag, and leave and really feel like it's a good use of your time?


I'm personally just waiting for a game that will break from the norm, give me new "objectives" that I haven't done 6 MILLION times before, and I'll play it.


With the whole space theme of SWTOR they could do SOOOOO much with new planets. Speeder races on tattooine. Warzones with walkers and speeders and troops all fighting for the same land. Rewards that give you something to fight for. Not more points to amass just to get another piece of gear, just to get more points for more gear.





Edited by GOCOLTS
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This is the most tired, overused, flawed argument on this forum. The game gives you every opportunity and incentive to group from 1-cap and beyond, it just doesn't force it upon you. There's guild support with more features on the way. There's an auction house with more features on the way. There's PvP with more features on the way. If anything, it's an MMO with single player features sprinkled in, not the other way around.


While it wasn't your intent, I'm sure, you just pointed out a -lot- of basic MMO components that BioWare delivered in an unfinished or subpar state, highlighting why so many are disappointed with the game.


This while trying to defend it. Food for thought.

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If I wanted a story i'd read a book.

Not waste my money on something that has been advertized as an MMO and came out nothing but a single with ability to chat.


Well no... It is an MMO, though I realize I'm doing the whole semantics thing, it is an MMO.


It may feel to you like a single player game, but that is purely subjective and in fact I do not feel that way at all.

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While it wasn't your intent, I'm sure, you just pointed out a -lot- of basic MMO components that BioWare delivered in an unfinished or subpar state, highlighting why so many are disappointed with the game.


This while trying to defend it. Food for thought.


What is sub par about the grouping functionality in this game?

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And you think the people who jump in and start complaining about the same things in every single thread isn't getting old?


Trust me, there's a fair amount of annoying on both sides of this, and frankly, I don't think the "fanboys" are the worst offenders. Yes, they're annoying, but there's a whole class of people around here who will take any excuse they can find to slam the game, and that gets old really fast, too.


Bioware doesnt need a legion of fanboys to defend them.

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The biggest problems I have with the MMO industry and MMO fanboy community is that the companies always roll off incomplete products and the fanboys always excuse this behavior.

When I go to buy a vehicle with convertible top, gps, mp3, cd player, a/c, heater, and etc. I don't expect to roll off the dealership with no convertible top, no gps, no mp3, no cd player, a/c, heater and etc with a promise to add one every month until I get what I bought. That would be ridiculous and asinine just like the MMO industries and MMO fanboy communities currently are. The MMO industry only gets awy with this because of the fanboys and others making excuses for them. In other words you all allow them to treat their customers like dirt. The same behavior can be seen in cell phone providers, internet providers, and cable providers.

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While it wasn't your intent, I'm sure, you just pointed out a -lot- of basic MMO components that BioWare delivered in an unfinished or subpar state, highlighting why so many are disappointed with the game.


This while trying to defend it. Food for thought.


Those disappointed expected too much from a game right at launch. My expectations are tempered with experience. I've been in MMOs at launch before. The fact that the systems are there, they work, and the devs have said that they are working to improve them is enough for me.


Sure they could have held the release back while they improved those things, and we'd all be waiting until 2013 for the game to come out. By then, the "basic MMO components" would have evolved, and we'd have the same issue. The game is playable, and enjoyable IMO, in it's current state. There's nothing in it that suggests it's not an MMO.

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Those disappointed expected too much from a game right at launch. My expectations are tempered with experience. I've been in MMOs at launch before. The fact that the systems are there, they work, and the devs have said that they are working to improve them is enough for me.


Launches 5, 10, 15 years ago are different than launches today and those tommorow.

If you don't improve, evolve, learn from mistakes of others..you will fail!

This is not about bugs, about fixes, content and everything that is "normal" for a MMO game.

It's about the whole missed concept.


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You may pay them to work, but that does not mean that work gets done on YOUR time table.


Yes but they haven't anywhere near met their own timetable.. i,e launch date!


It was stated from the start that their focus was on story, that means that OBVIOUSLY they're going to have weaker end game content than a normal MMO.


Because end game stuff can't be part of the story.. oh yeah, now why didn't I see that; it was that OBVIOUS! :rolleyes:


Also, MMOs are buggy, that is a universal fact that no MMO has ever escaped.


There's bugs, and then there's bugs on top of an unoptimised game engine, in a game that has scant little in terms of game systems (other than a good story arc).. and it makes a difference if it appears the Devs are fixing stuff and listening. There's stuff still bugged in this game that were bugged way back in beta, and reported by countless testers..


Aside from it's lack of 'lore' and deep story Bioware's devs could do worse than take a sneaky look at Rift, and their Dev team..

Edited by Swampson
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Lets get some facts straight now.


Its only been a month since release,

Their are a few flaws and bugs.

Bioware is fully aware of most if not all impurities in the game.

They are working on these it takes time to rewrite code, if you haven't tried then ****

Its true not a lot of end game content is out, but comon on guys its only been a MONTH.

Wow has sent their evil little trolls to sabotage the swtor forums.


So why can't we all quit qq'ing, trolling, yelling, fighting, and give Bioware atleast a 4 month grace period.


I want to let Bioware know that there are some of us out here that truly recognize the hard work and the dedication you guys have put into making SWTOR and you guys have my vote for game of the year and a least a year worth of subscription.


May the Force be with you Bioware.


This game is amazing fun! The complainers will always be here. They are on every forum for every game. Some of these people will eventually leave to other communities and do the same garbage there but we will always have them.

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I think a lot of people fail to realize mmo is just a sub category for games.


Star wars is an MMORPG


and we all know rpg games are STORY DRIVEN.


So if you never intended to play a game based on story. then why in the hell would you of picked star wars much less paid for it.


sry im done for now.

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This game is amazing fun! The complainers will always be here. They are on every forum for every game. Some of these people will eventually leave to other communities and do the same garbage there but we will always have them.


True, but mostly, they are minority. Which is not the case here.

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