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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thank you BW for quick action on exploiters


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Surely they have had their credits deleted. It stands to reason.


Do you have any proof/links?





Go to reddit. Plenty of people haven't even been banned yet and are posting with character names all over reddit. I can't provide a link or the forum mods will give me an infraction.

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Your thinking is flawed, Bioware should FIX THE ISSUES, instead of having to ban players for abusing them, why put a cookie in front of an infant and tell him not to eat it?


Where in what I said did I even imply the issues shouldn't be fixed? Here's a hint: I didn't. I'd say something about your reading comprehension being flawed, but that would just be vindictive.

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I'm getting a good laugh out of this. logic is really lacking in this forum post.


Exploiters who get caught don't make a big deal of it, they accept punishment and move on. People with 100 million credits don't make a forum post on it they accept it and move on.


This is because if you do make a big deal of it, you are more likely to move from a temp ban to a permanent ban, or have their 100 million credits removed.


Logic dictates that these players are not "lying" but rather they have legitimately been unjustly banned. More then less likely Bioware is deleting these posts to hide the enormous amounts of unjust bans that have been handed out.


Use your brain, put the pieces together, get smart.


uhh no that doesn't hold true ... especially on video games... on other games where they allow "naming and shaming" players will get banned QQ on the forum and then even after MODS come on and specifically state they were caught and other users post multiple videos demonstrating them cheating they will still deny it and claim innocents... the same as people who rob banks or are in the mob brag about it to people they hardly know... Don't ask me why they do it but they almost always do... go to a prison or jail and ask ANYONE and EVERYONE will tell you again and again they are innocent, it was a mistake, they were unjustly sentenced and the system is at fault




Bringin it up again, Me and others have been banned, which open checking a log would PROVE that we have not performed a exploit do NOT HAVE millions of credits.


go sing it on the mountain brother... everyone here in lock-up is innocent :rolleyes:

Edited by Liquidacid
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Where in what I said did I even imply the issues shouldn't be fixed? Here's a hint: I didn't. I'd say something about your reading comprehension being flawed, but that would just be vindictive.


It's okay, you're still not thinking, let me explain to you in the simplest terms. You suggested that people should get a temp-ban for exploiting, and then get a perma-ban after exploiting again, my point was Bioware would be stupid to take your suggestion and keep banning people, instead they should FIX THE ISSUES WITH THEIR GAME so they don't have to ban people.

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It's okay, you're still not thinking, let me explain to you in the simplest terms. You suggested that people should get a temp-ban for exploiting, and then get a perma-ban after exploiting again, my point was Bioware would be stupid to take your suggestion and keep banning people, instead they should FIX THE ISSUES WITH THEIR GAME so they don't have to ban people.


I think you're the one who isn't thinking. They are never going to be able to patch every bug or exploit. Players will almost certainly discover many of them before Bioware does. That is why they put a warning in their terms of service (which all players agree to in order to play this game) explaining that action will be taken against any account that is involved in abusing bugs and exploits.

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It's okay, you're still not thinking, let me explain to you in the simplest terms. You suggested that people should get a temp-ban for exploiting, and then get a perma-ban after exploiting again, my point was Bioware would be stupid to take your suggestion and keep banning people, instead they should FIX THE ISSUES WITH THEIR GAME so they don't have to ban people.


OR trying to "net ban" anyone related or in-directly related to anything of this matter, because I know for a fact I didnt perform this exploit, and logs would prove it, yet to this time I cannot reach someone of a appropriate level to get me ban lifted.

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The problem is No matter what Bioware does, People are still going to look for ways to exploit the game in there favor, Personally in my opinion instead of 7 day bans the punishment for Exploiting should be much much higher, Something that will make people pause and think.. " Hmm.. Maybe i shouldnt exploit this and just report it." Edited by Raiden-loire
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It's okay, you're still not thinking, let me explain to you in the simplest terms. You suggested that people should get a temp-ban for exploiting, and then get a perma-ban after exploiting again, my point was Bioware would be stupid to take your suggestion and keep banning people, instead they should FIX THE ISSUES WITH THEIR GAME so they don't have to ban people.


they can fix everything they want it won't matter... someone will ALWAYS find a way to take advantage, cheat or abuse any system... it's been proven through history again and again since the dawn of civilization ...


What they should do is ban people who use and exploit AND fix it.. then keep an eye out for the next one because there will always be a next one

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Hey one of the suspended exploiters here, thought i might shed a different point of view on this.


I exploited just over 250k credits and received a week long suspension just like those who exploited for a million, 50 million and probably more. While I do admit I knew what i was doing was an exploit, I immediately regretted it and tried to find a way to report what i had done to avoid punishment, or at least a punishment to this extent. While I do think it is unfair that I received the same punishment as people who abused the exploit to generate millions of credits, I do thank BioWare for being strict and protecting this games developing economy. I can safely say I will not be exploiting again.

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I think you're the one who isn't thinking. They are never going to be able to patch every bug or exploit. Players will almost certainly discover many of them before Bioware does. That is why they put a warning in their terms of service (which all players agree to in order to play this game) explaining that action will be taken against any account that is involved in abusing bugs and exploits.


If I remember correctly there is a part of the ToS that states you may not be banned for doing something on accident, so what about players who discover an exploit and had been involved in the previous one? You want to just perma-ban them because this is their second exploit and they technically abused another, which isn't fair. But then again you probably aren't too keen on fairness until you get a raw deal.

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You are innocent until proven guilty, not one of the posts from players showed any direct proof of them being guilty, just a generic email. Until Bioware starts providing case by case info clearly showing beyond reasonable doubt that these people are guilty they should not be banned.


As in our culture, you are always innocent until proven guilty id please ask anyone claiming these posters are lier's to provide some proof of there guilt.


I guarantee that all of these bans were not done by a GM but rather an automated system. Judging by the posts from people, and biowares history in coding this system probably has some bugs of its own, which are causing these unjust bans.

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You are innocent until proven guilty, not one of the posts from players showed any direct proof of them being guilty, just a generic email. Until Bioware starts providing case by case info clearly showing beyond reasonable doubt that these people are guilty they should not be banned.


As in our culture, you are always innocent until proven guilty id please ask anyone claiming these posters are lier's to provide some proof of there guilt.


I guarantee that all of these bans were not done by a GM but rather an automated system. Judging by the posts from people, and biowares history in coding this system probably has some bugs of its own, which are causing these unjust bans.


sorry but that is not how it works... read what you agreed to when you signed up for the game... BW owns your account and all your characters and is judge, jury and executioner at their discretion... You are not "innocent until proven guilty" on this or ANY online game nor do they need to show you any proof or even tell you why you were banned unless they choose to... you are guilty and banned if they say so and that is the end of it

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You are innocent until proven guilty, not one of the posts from players showed any direct proof of them being guilty, just a generic email. Until Bioware starts providing case by case info clearly showing beyond reasonable doubt that these people are guilty they should not be banned.


As in our culture, you are always innocent until proven guilty id please ask anyone claiming these posters are lier's to provide some proof of there guilt.


I guarantee that all of these bans were not done by a GM but rather an automated system. Judging by the posts from people, and biowares history in coding this system probably has some bugs of its own, which are causing these unjust bans.


Uh, no.


Innocent until proven guilty doesn't apply in an MMO, and Bioware is under no obligation to provide evidence of anything, and in fact, most sane MMO players would rather not see that evidence provided to exploiters as it only makes it easier for them to avoid detection in the future.


As for the posters, anyone who has played MMOs in the past knows that the vast majority of people claiming they were unjustly banned are full of rakghoul dung. And we also know that posting on the forums is useless. The ban email gives you the correct means to appeal. Coming to the forums is just trolling.

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Your thinking is flawed, Bioware should FIX THE ISSUES, instead of having to ban players for abusing them, why put a cookie in front of an infant and tell him not to eat it?


its not my fault officer, she shouldnt have dressed like that at night!

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If I remember correctly there is a part of the ToS that states you may not be banned for doing something on accident, so what about players who discover an exploit and had been involved in the previous one? You want to just perma-ban them because this is their second exploit and they technically abused another, which isn't fair. But then again you probably aren't too keen on fairness until you get a raw deal.


I'm afraid you remember incorrectly. But, don't take my word for it, go through the agreements and see for yourself.


People don't accidentally exploit. If you stumble upon a bug and report it, you're not exploiting that bug. Exploiting happens when you continue to abuse that bug for personal gain. Nobody "accidentally" made a lot of money off this bug. And, yes, those types of players deserve a ban. We all agree to play by the rules in these games. If I can do it, they can do it too. If they can't, they don't deserve to be here. It's that simple.

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Well I never heard of any exploit going on, didn't even know there was one until I read about it in a patch. Then all of the sudden 2 days ago I was banned for a week. I didn't make anymore money than I should have, I'm a level 50 with 90k.. I mean seriously how am I making more money than anyone? I didn't do this on purpose, and I deff didn't mean to. But it doesn't matter, I guess SWTOR lost another customer by bending me over, so thanks very much to all you QQers out there who complained or figured they would get people banned over very little money.
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